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非谓语动词公开课教学设计一、 教学设计(一) 背景1. 主题语境:非谓语动词是高中英语的重点语法项目,也是高考语法填空和短文改错的必考点。本课在使学生理解非谓语动词的语法知识后,设计一系列的练习,从单句语法填空到单句改错,图片描述,到语篇运用填空,再到书面体现中的扩写句子,层层进一步,为最后写作的应用做好铺垫。且在写作操练中设定了环保这一种主题语境,不仅贴近目前社会生活实际,更重要的是可以让学生在练习使用非谓语动词的多种形式时,理解跟环境有关的知识,为学生提供运用知识的平台,从而把语言的语法形式、意义和运用有机地结合起来。2. 语篇类型:本课设计以学生为中心出发,引导学生从词汇和句法上分析非谓语动词的语法形式,创设学习非谓语动词的形式的篇章语境。然后通过口头陈述、观测例句、单句描述等活动为后续的篇章练习服务,深化对语篇语境的解读,努力使语言教学从碎片化走向整合化、情境化和构造化。3. 授学时长:40分钟(二) 文本分析本课所选句子及篇章一方面遵循从学生实际水平出发的原则,力求使学生在理解词汇掌握句子的状况下感知非谓语动词的语法知识。在此基本上,设计多样有趣的句子提高学生爱好,调动课堂氛围,同步兼顾所选文本对社会主题知识的辅助作用。(三) 学情分析学生为高二文科一般班学生,虽学英语近年,但整体基本较为单薄,且英语单词量严重缺少,对高中语法知识没有进一步理解。因此,应特别注意导学案的难度深浅设计以及课堂教学措施的趣味性和多变性,尽量使学生能有爱好积极参与到课堂中来。(四) 教学目的基于新课标的规定,本节课的教学目的重要分为如下几点:1. 语言知识:通过本节课的学习,使学生可以初步理解什么是非谓语动词,会判断何时使用非谓语动词,并且可以在运用中选择使用对的的非谓语动词形式。2. 文化知识:在学习非谓语动词形式的过程中,接触多种话题,在最后一种读写任务中深化对环保的知识。3. 语言技能:可以运用非谓语这一语法知识完毕多种练习题型,提高解题能力;通过小组讨论合伙,锻炼学生与人交际的能力。4. 学习方略:积极参与,乐于探究,积极合伙。5. 情感态度:激发学生学习英语语法项目的爱好,提高她们用英语进行实际运用的热情。(五) 教学重点:使学生学会使用对的的非谓语动词。(六) 教学难点:运用非谓语动词的多种形式来完毕有关话题任务。(七) 教学资源:多媒体,ppt课件,小组卡片,导学案(八) 教学过程:Step 1 Lead-in Enjoy the pictures and read the sentences, line out the predicate and non-predicate verbs.(画出下列句子中的谓语动词和非谓语动词)(1)The boy drawing there is in Class 3.(2)We enjoyed the show given by students.(3)He covered his head to have a better sleep. 总结: 谓语动词:在句子中充当谓语的动词; 非谓语动词:在句子中不充当谓语的动词;Step 2 Self-study Task 1 学会判断何时使用非谓语动词(1) The girl_(dance) in the classroom now. 分析:该句中_(有/没有)谓语动词,因此该空格应使用_(谓语/非谓语动词),时态为_。(2) The girl_(dance) in the classroom now and she looks very confident.分析:该句中_(有/没有)谓语动词,但是有并列连词_连接了两个动词,因此空格应使用_(谓语/非谓语动词),并且前后两个动词时态_(一致/不一致)。(3) The girl_(dance) in the classroom now looks very confident.分析:该句中_(有/没有)谓语动词,并且_(有/没有)连词,因此空格应使用_(谓语/非谓语动词)。(4)The girl who_(dance) in the classroom now looks very confident.分析:该句中_(有/没有)谓语动词,但是有附属连词_,因此空格应使用_(谓语/非谓语动词),时态为_。 总结:一种句子中已经存在一种_, 又没有_的状况下,另一种动词需要用_。Exercise 1 判断下列句子应使用谓语还是非谓语动词。(选A或B)A. 谓语动词 B. 非谓语动词(1)The book _(write) by San Mao. ( )(2)I like reading the novels _ (write) by San Mao. ( )(3)He_(go) into the classroom, opened his book and wrote on the blackboard. ( )(4)Although it is winter now, the tree in the school yard _(look) beautiful. ( )(5)The girl that lives in the city _(make) a phone call to the farmer yesterday. ( )(6)She got off the bus, but _(leave) her book in the bus. ( )(7)She got off the bus, _(hold) her book. ( )Task 2 选择恰当的非谓语动词形式非谓语动词三种基本形式动词不定式目前分词过去分词to dodoingdone(1) He often works hard to earn more money. 为了赚更多的钱,她努力工作。(2) The meeting is to be held next week. 会议将于下周召开。 动词不定式to do 在句中一般表_和_。(3) Hearing the news, he couldnt help laughing. 听到消息时,她忍不住笑了。(4) We see them dancing “Sea Grass” in the TV now. 我们看见她们正在电视上跳海草舞。 目前分词(doing) 一般在句中表_和_。(5) Pointed at by others, he was told “No zuo no die why you try.”她被别人指着说:“不作死就不会死。” (6)You can drink boiled water. 你可以喝开水。 过去分词(done) 一般在句中表_和_。Exercise 2 Describe the pictures with non-finite verbs. (用非谓语构造描述图片内容)(1) _(catch) the early bus, she got up at 6:00.(2) I saw four girls _(wear) different clothes.(3) Two women _(interview) about the product said they liked it.(4) The stadium _(build) by the company last year can hold 1 million people.(5) I should do more exercise _(improve) my English.(6) _(follow) by the headmaster, Mr. Li came out of the classroom.(7) We can see Guan Xiaotong _(give) a lecture on the stage.Task 3 如何判断积极or 被动? 提示:找到非谓语动词的逻辑主语,并判断其和非谓语动词的主被动关系。(1) _(kiss) by Chen He, Li Chen was very sad. _(kiss) Li Chen, Chen He was very excited. (2) _(see) from the mountain, the sea looks beautiful. _(see) from the mountain, you will find the sea beautiful.Step 3 Summary: conclude the golden rules.动词题-如何做题? (1) 拟定谓语动词 or 非谓语动词? 何时填非谓语:句子中已有_且无_。(2) 判断非谓语动词的形式: 如果表目的和将来,就用_;找逻辑主语,判断其和非谓语动词的关系 如果表积极和进行,就用_; 如果表被动和完毕,就用_;Step 4 Group-discussion exerciseFinish the following exercise and then discuss with your group members.(1) ().A study of travelers _(conduct) by the website names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.it regularly arranges quick gateways here for people _(live) in Shanghai and Hongkong.(2) () Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, _(wear) sun glasses.(3) () While she was getting me _(settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car.(4) (广州一模) The question _(discuss) at the meeting yesterday is important.(5) 单句改错:Helping by a friend of mine, I repaired my computer.(6) 单句改错:There are still many children dislike fruit and vegetables.(7) 单句改错:To realize my dream, I will take some exercise build up my body.(8)单句改错:I like reading the novels are written by San Mao.Step 5 Consolidation exercise I was passing the house when I suddenly heard a sound of joy coming from the other side of the wall. I peered(偷看) over. There stood Jack _1_(do) nothing but smiling. When he observed my puzzled face _2_(stare) over the wall, he did not seem embarrassed(尴尬),but_ _3_(ask) me to come _4_(approach) him. “Today, I had my hair _5_(cut), do I look handsome?” he said. There he was, _6_(hold) a small mirror in his hand. _7_(know) he is a person who loves himself more than everything, I dont want to hurt him.Step 6 Writing Homework(读写任务)如果没有清洁工,环境会变得如何?There is no doubt that what a cleaner does is much harder, _(compare) with any other jobs in the society. On one hand, they must get up in the early morning every day_(clean) the street while we are still in the sweet _(sleep) dreams. On the other hand, they also suffer from less respect and lower pay, _(work) all day on the street no matter it is sun shines strongly or snow, wind heavily.用尽量多的非谓语构造完毕该篇作文造句:(1) 对我来说,清洁工意味着.To me, a cleaner means _.(2) 我常常看到清洁工正在街上.I often see cleaners _ on the street.(3) 她们常常努力工作是为了.They often work hard _.Step 7 Reflection(1) What did you learn in this class?(2) Is there any problem that you have to solve ? If any, try to figure it out by asking teachers or students.二、 教学反思:本节课基本上完毕了教学目的,准时完毕了各环节任务,学生有所产出,但仍存在某些需改善的地方:1. 导入的设立可以更加精彩,如让同窗们简介某个单元话题,展示多姿多彩的图片等引起学生的爱好。2. 最后一种写作任务要多予以指引,从而减少学生写作的难度。3. 在练习一里面,诸多学生直接填答案变化动词形式,应提示学生此题是选择填谓语还是非谓语。4. 在背面的练习解说中,学生不够积极,氛围不够活跃。5. 对于练习中波及到的某些语法点,应当多强调解释,可以点出学生困惑的核心点。这节课使我深刻体会到理解教材知识、理解学生的重要性;我们要踏踏实实地考虑好每一种环节的设立,努力提高课堂效率,充足发挥学生的积极性。教师应当具有纯熟驾驭课堂的能力,原则的语音语调,明确的教学目的和有益于学生掌握知识的教学设计。教学永远是一门无止境的艺术,我要认真的学习我校优秀教师的先进经验,及早纯熟地掌握多种课型,灵活运用荣超模式使其发挥最大的作用从而达到高效课堂,努力提高自己的教学水平和各项技能。


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