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How do you usually spend holidays?,Travel?Visit friends? Volunteer?.,1,Where do you want to go on holidays?,2,3,Princess Pip's Holiday p3,princess prn'ses n. 公主 castle 'ks()l n. 城堡; polish 'pl vt. 磨光,使发亮; sun hats 太阳帽 maid med n. 女仆 pile pal n. 堆;大量; vest vest n.马甲 run around with piles of vests 拿着一堆马甲跑来跑去,4,p4 pony 'pn n. 矮种马;小型马 coach kt n.四轮大马车;长途公车; p5 scowl skal vi. 皱眉;怒视 P6 gold gld n. 金,黄金 adj. 金的,金制的; wavewev vi. 挥手;wave to sb fold fldvt. 折叠;抱住; fold her arms firmly fmli adv. 坚定地,坚决地; P7 seaside 'sisad n. 海边;海滨 Here we are! 到了!,5,6,7,1.Everyone in princess Pips castle was very busy, Why?,Because they would go for a holiday.,King: . queen: .,2.Was Pip happy? 3.What did she say?,Was polishing his money,Was choosing sun hats,No, she wasnt.,This holiday is going to be boring.(imitate),8,9,Princess Pip's Holiday p9,a four-poster bed 四根柱子的床 straw str n.稻草 adj. 稻草的;无价值的 mattress 'mætrs n. 床垫;褥子; have the bed 睡床 P10 banquet 'bækwt n. 宴会,盛宴; sprout sprat n. 芽;萌芽;苗芽; More sprouts? 还要甘蓝小包菜? nonsense 'nns()ns nt. 胡说!,10,Princess Pip's Holiday p11,had been walking 一直在走 P12 look at the way my money shines in the sun 看看我的钱在太阳下闪闪发光的样子 suggest s'dest vt. 提议,建议 stomp stmp vt. 跺脚,重踩 stomp off 跺脚离开 That does it. 得了,算了吧,11,12,1. Was Princess Pip happy, when they got to the seaside? (found nothing to do) 2. What did Pip say?,She wasnt happy. Because she didn't find anything to do.,Its just like home! Its boring! I want to go home! (imitate),13,14,Princess Pip's Holiday p13,the road home a bit longer suitcase 'sutkes n. P14 backpack 'bækpæk n. 双肩背包,背包; found them both backpacks set out drawbridge 'drbrd 吊桥 snack snæk n. 小吃 stick stk n. 棍;手杖 stall stl,15,Princess Pip's Holiday p15,admit d'mt vt. 承认 taste test vi. 尝起来 P16 go down some stone steps stone stn n. 石头 step step n. 脚步;步骤;阶梯 swish sw vi. 嗖地挥动 P17 take your stockings off use them for nets net crown kran n. 王冠 take off her coat and crown,16,Princess Pip's Holiday p18,look cross at be caught kt catch-caught build a sandcastle P19 moat mt a huge house with a moat all around P20-21 make it stop coming in keep on coming in wash their house FLAT flæt n. 平地;公寓 stupid 'stjupd adj. 愚蠢的 n. 傻瓜,17,BORING,WHY?,18,19,Princess Pip's Holiday p22,merry-go-round 旋转木马 P23-26 dragon 'dræg()n n.龙 at least Fun-fair 游乐场 sniff snf vi. 嗤之以鼻 roller 'rl 滚转机coaster 'kst 小托盘 roller coaster yell jel vi. 大叫,叫喊,20,Princess Pip's Holiday p27,pale pel adj. 苍白的; P28-31 stare ste vi. 凝视,盯着看; gaspe gsp vi. 喘气;喘息 dirty 'dt 肮脏的; have no stockings 'stk n. 长袜 P29 prove pruv vt. 证明 heaven 'hev()n n. 天堂; Good heavens 老天爷 race res 比赛,21,1.What did Pip and Daisy do in chapter4? 2. Did Pip want to go home?,rode the dragon,Went down the roller coaster,No, she didnt. I dont want to go home. (imitate),22,What happened in the middle?,23,Show,Time,pronunciation and intonation fluency acting teamwork,24,The summary of the story,Princess Pip had a _. She went for a holiday with her _. But she felt very _ when they got to the _. Daisy worked for her. Daisy showed Pip her _, and tried her best to make Pip enjoy the _. Daisy took Pip out of the castle. Pip and Daisy ate cool _, some fish _. They went to the beach, Pip caught _, and built a _. It was hard to build a _,holiday,parents,bored,seaside,room,seaside,snack,sticks,fish,sandcastle,huge,25,house. But the sea washed their house _. Then Pip and Daisy rode dragon on _. They were very _. After that, they went down the _ _. They had a _ time in the beach. From then on, Princess Pip thought her holiday was very _. And she didnt _ to go _.,flat,merry-go-round,happy,roller,coaster,good,interesting,want,home,26,Classical sentences,1.It did take a long time to get to the seaside. 2.There was a girl waiting by the castle door. 3.If you stayed here a bit longer, you might start liking the seaside. 4. I will show you where the fish come from. 5. The fish were hard to catch. 6. Why dont you ride one of the horses.,27,Discussion,What is Pip like? What about Daisy?,Which of the two would you rather have as a friend? Why?,?,?,28,Writing,Write a summary of the story in no less than 100 words.,Writing tips: Make a list of the main events. Use connective language such as at first, soon, late that day, next morning, etc. to put the detailed events in order.,29,


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