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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修五:unit 4《making the news

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修五:unit 4《making the news

Unit 4,Making the news,1assist vt.帮助;协助;援助 assistant n助手;助理;售货员 assistance n援助;帮助 assist sb.with 在给予某人帮助 assist sb.to do/in doing sth.协助某人做某事,运用 完成句子,(1)我们都来帮王奶奶修屋顶。,We all came to _ Grandma Wang _ mending,the roof.,(2)我可以帮你拿这些包吗?,Can I _ those parcels?,assist,in,assist you with,2concentrate vi.&vt.集中;聚集,concentrate one's attention on sth.把注意力集中在某事上 concentrate on(doing)sth.全神贯注于( 做) 某事 concentrate one's mind on sth.专注于某事 运用 完成句子,(1)请集中精力学习。,Please _ your studies.,(2)我累了就无法全神贯注于工作。,I can't _ my work when I'm tired.,concentrate your attention on,concentrate on,3case n情况;病例;案例;箱子 in case 以防;可能;倘若 in no case 决不,in that case 如果那样的话 in case of 如果;万一,运用 完成句子,(1)带上雨衣,以防下雨。,Take the raincoat _ it rains.,(2)如果失火,请按警铃。,_ fire, ring the alarm bell.,(3)我们为晚会订购了三箱啤酒。,We ordered _ beer for the party.,(4)这个案子涉及对警方腐败的控诉。,_ involved charges of police corruption.,in case,In case of,three cases of,The case,4accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告,accuse sb.of (doing) sth.指责或控告某人(做)某事 运用 完成句子,她指控他偷她的手表。,She _ him _ her watch.,accused,of stealing,5appointment n约会;任命,委派;职位 appoint v任命,委派;确定;约定,have/make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 appoint sb.as 任命某人为 运用 完成句子,(1)我约好今天下午去看牙医。,I _ my dentist this afternoon.,(2)报纸上报道了任命一位新法官的消息。,The _ a new judge was reported in the,newspaper.,have/make an appointment with,appointment of,用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子 1警方指控他谋杀。,The police _ murder.,2在这篇演讲中我会集中讲到中国目前的情况。,In this lecture I will _ China's present si-tuation.,3倘若有困难,给我打电话。,_ difficulty, call me.,4显而易见,他是有罪的。,It was apparent to all that he was _.,accused him of,concentrate on,In case of,guilty,5我相信你在拳击方面是相当有天赋的。,I believe you are quite _ for boxing.,6请帮助她搬家具。,Please _ her _ the furniture.,7我和他四点钟有个约会。,I _ him at four o'clock.,8人们认为监禁解决不了犯罪问题。,It is believed that prison isn't a cure for _.,gifted,assist,in moving,have/make an appointment with,crime,1so as to (do sth.) 为了(做) 注意 so.as to 如此以至于,He is so kind as to open the window for me. 他这么好,帮我把窗户打开了。 辨析 so as to/in order to,(1)so as to 的“目的性”没有 in order to 强。,(2)so as to 只放在句末;in order to 可以放在句首表示“强,调目的”,也可以放在句末。,运用 完成句子,(1)为了找一份更好的工作,他从英国移居到澳大利亚。,_ find a better job, he moved from Britain to,Australia.,(2)我留下了一张便条以便与她取得联系。,I left a message _ be sure of contacting,her.,(3)他是如此生气以至于不能说出话来。,He is _ be unable to speak.,In order to,so as to/in order to,so angry as to,2be supposed to (do sth.) 应该;被期望;理应(做) suppose sb./sth.to be.认为某人/某物是 It is supposed that-clause 人们认为 I suppose so.我认为是这/那样。 I suppose not.我认为不是这/那样。,What do you suppose陈述句语序?你认为?,运用 完成句子,(1)这个消息很重要,因此应该尽快发送出去。,The message is very important, so it _,as soon as possible.,(2)你认为那是什么舞?,_ that dance is?,(3)邻居们都以为她是一个演员。,All her neighbors _ an actress.,is supposed to be sent,What do you suppose,suppose her to be,用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子 1我已将你到来的消息告知了他们。,I've already _ them _ your arrival.,2你一个小时前应该在这里的。,You _ be here an hour ago.,3请仔细核对名单以免发生错误。,Please check the list carefully _ avoid mistakes.,4实话告诉你,我不喜欢这幅画的设计。,_, I don't like the design of the picture.,informed,of,were supposed to,so as to,To tell you the truth,5万物生长靠太阳。,All living things _ the sun for their growth.,6作为一名画家,简对色彩有敏感性。,As a painter, Jane _ colors.,7他在英语方面将超过别人。,He will be _ others in English.,8很多年轻人渴望在中国西部工作,在那里他们能充分利,用他们所学的知识。,Many of the young people _ work in the western part of China, where they can make full use of their knowledge.,depend on,has a nose for,ahead of,are eager to,原句1,Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at,the office of a popular English newspaper.周杨不会忘记他在一家 知名英语报社的办公室工作的第一天。 never 置于句首,句子用部分倒装。 精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子 (1)在我的一生中从来没有见过像杭州这样漂亮的地方。 Never in my life _ such a wonderful place as Hangzhou. (2)你不会知道问题的答案的。 Never _ the answer to the question.,have I seen,will you know,原句2,Not only am I interested in photography, but I took,an amateur course at university to update my skills. 我不仅对摄影 感兴趣,而且在大学我还选修过业余课程来提高自己的技术。 “not only.but also.”句型中的 not only 置于句首时,句子用 部分倒装。,精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子 (1)他不仅许下承诺,而且也信守承诺。,Not only _, but also he kept it.,(2)你不仅会遇见你最爱的卡通人物,而且还可以与他们一,起玩耍。,Not only _ your favorite cartoon characters,but also you can play with them.,did he make a promise,will you meet,运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之 Albert (1)_ (被雇请为) a reporter on China Daily last year.(2)_ (起初,开始), he didn't go out,on a story by himself, but with another reporter and (3)_,(观察) what he did.Later, he was given a chance to cover a story on,his own, in which a policeman traded information for money with,the underground world.(4)_ ( 为了不 ) get the wrong end of the stick, he (5)_ ( 集,was employed as,At the beginning,observed,In order not to,concentrated on,中精力) his work, interviewing many people and collecting lots of,evidence. When the story was written out , even the chief editor,(6)_ (赞同) his ability as a good reporter, saying he (7)_(对有敏感性) a story.Meanwhile, Albert was informed he (8)_ ( 被指控) slander.Sure of what,he reported was true, Albert decided to (9)_,(保护自己不受) the accusation.,approved of,had a nose for,was accused of,defend himself against,问题解决,【技巧点拨】,问题解决型写作要点通常是针对某一社会问题,要求考生 提出解决方案或应对措施。这类作文给出的问题通常是当今社 会的热点话题。我们可以采用“综述问题提出解决办法结 论”的结构。,【实用套语】 1综述问题,In recent days, we have to face a problem that. 近来,我们面临这样一个问题 2解决办法,With the help of., we now have many means to solve it.By,doing., we can.What's the most important is that.,在的帮助下,我们现在有很多办法来解决。通过,我们可以最重要的是,3结论,In a word, it is clear/obvious that.Only when.can we.总之,,很明显只有才能,4解决交通堵塞,To solve the problem of heavy traffic, effective measures,should be taken.( 修路拓宽) First of all, more new roads should,be constructed, and the old and narrow streets should be widened,and expanded.( 改 善 公 交 ) Moreover, our government should,increase public vehicles.More bus routes should be opened up,because buses can carry more passengers.(鼓励骑车) Lastly, riding,bicycles should be encouraged.Only when the traffic problem is solved can we lead an easy life.,5.解决年轻人沉溺于电脑游戏,Therefore, it is time we took effective measures to solve this,problem.( 年 轻 人 方 面 ) On one hand, young people should be fully aware of the danger of indugence of compu-ter games.( 游戏 室方面) On the other hand, illegal compu-ter game houses should,be banned.,假设你班墙报开设了“保护环境,节约资源,人人有责” 的栏目,请你为该专栏写一篇介绍日常生活中保护环境的方法 的短文。,写作内容,写作要求,只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。,范文诵读:,We all live on the earth;however,human activities are seriously damaging it, so we must take measures to protect it in no time.Firstly,,we can save water by trying to use the water again and save electricity,by turning lights off when we don't use them.Secondly,we should try,not to use the refrigerator especially in winter in order to reduce the,emission of carbon dioxide.Thirdly , we should try to keep the textbooks we use well and give them to the students next year.Finally, we can also do many other things such as planting trees ,and sorting,our rubbish for recycling.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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