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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修五:unit 3《life in the future

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修五:unit 3《life in the future

Unit 3,Life in the future,1previous adj.在前的;早先的 previous toprior to 在之前;先于(后接名词或动 名词),运用 完成句子,来此之前,我在北京工作。,_ coming here, I worked in Beijing.,Previous to,2surroundings n周围的事物;环境 surround v包围;环绕 surrounding adj.周围的,辨析 surroundings/environment,(1)surroundings 指人或物周围较小范围内的事物或情况,侧,重客观事物。,(2)environment 指外界一个较大的范围,可指“生活环境; 社会(道德)环境;生态或自然环境”,以及“(计算机的)物理环 境/条件”。,运用 用上面所提供的辨析词填空,The girl grew up in beautiful _ but not in a,happy family _.,surroundings,environment,3lack vi.&vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺的东西 for lack of 因缺少 no lack of 充足的,be lacking in 缺少 运用 完成句子 (1)蔬菜不缺。,There is _ vegetables.,(2)由于缺乏技术,他不能做这项工作。,He cannot do the work _ skills.,no lack of,for lack of,4switch n开关;转换;改变 vt.& vi.打开(或关掉)开关;,改变;转换,switch off 关掉;关上 switch on 打开;接通 switch out 切断,switch from.to.由转变为;从转移到 a switch in 在方面的转变,运用 完成句子,(1)你离开办公室时务必把灯关掉。,Be sure to _ the light when you leave the office.,(2)首先,你必须先接通你的计算机。,First, you have to _ your computer.,(3)这位商人将把他的钱从伦敦转移到世界其他地方。,The businessman will _ his money _,London _ other parts of the world.,switch off,switch on,switch,from,to,5Settlement n定居;解决;殖民地 settle v安家;定居;解决 settler n定居者,settle down 定居下来;安定下来 settle down to 专心于,settle in/into 适应新环境;在新居安顿下来,运用 完成句子,(1)他在新屋居住下来。,He took up his _ in a new house.,(2)你最好安定下来并开始复习功课。,You had better _ and study the lesson.,(3)动物们很快适应了动物园的生活。,The animals quickly _ the zoo.,settlement,settle down,settle into,用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子 1解决问题的时机已经成熟。,The time is ripe for _.,2他说的话给我留下深刻的印象。,His words _,_my memory.,3我记得你在以前某个时候提及过同一件事。,I remember you mentioned the same thing on a _,occasion.,a settlement,are strongly impressed on/make a strong,impression on,previous,4他没有过多注意周围的环境。,He didn't pay much attention to his _.,5由于时间不够,我们只能做到这样。,Owing to _ time, we cannot do more than what,we have done.,6他胸部有点疼。,He _ his chest.,7他不断地转换话题。,He _ the conversation _ one subject _ another.,surroundings,lack of,has an ache in,switched,from,to,1lose sight of.看不见;失去联系;忽视 out of sight 看不见;在视野之外 catch sight of 瞥见;突然看见 at first sight 初见;乍看之下,运用 完成句子,(1)我和他完全失去了联系。,I _ him entirely.,(2)飞机向上飞去,随即看不见了。,The plane flew upwards and then it was _.,(3)她对他一见钟情。,She fell in love with him _.,have lost sight of,out of sight,at first sight,2speed up 加速,at a speed of.以的速度,at the speed of light/sound 以光速/音速 with speed 快速地 运用 完成句子,(1)那辆汽车以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。,The car runs _ sixty miles per hour.,(2)他在飞快地打字,工作效率很高。,He was typing _ and efficiency.,at a speed of,with speed,用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子,1你能不能尽量加快速度?否则我们就会错过航班。,Could you try to _ a bit? Or we'll miss the flight.,2钢琴占地方太多。,The piano _ too much space.,3在她等了两个小时之后,她高兴地看见远处有一辆小车。,She _ a car in the distance and felt happy,after two hours' long wait.,speed up,takes up,caught sight of,4聚会结束后她被留下来做打扫工作。,She was left to _ after the party.,5她常常头痛。,She often _ headaches.,sweep up,suffers from,原句,Which problems do you think people will have,overcome in one thousand years?你认为有哪些问题在一千年以 后人们可以克服? 这是一个含有插入语成份的特殊疑问句。其构成为:特殊 疑问词插入语(do you think/suppose/expect/believe 等)陈 述语序。,精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子 (1)你觉得我们什么时候见面方便?,_ for us to have a meeting?,(2)你为什么认为他们不会按时到呢?,_ they will arrive on time?,When do you think is convenient,Why don't you think,运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之 His whole morning (1)_ (被占据) with the,meeting and his head ached when it was finally over.Just at that,time, the assistant came in and (2)_ (提醒) him that,it was time for him to meet the customer at the airport.Looking at,his watch, he (3)_ ( 突然站起来) and rushed out,of his office into his car.Worried about (4)_,_(留下不好的印象) the customer, he (5)_ ( 加速),was taken up,reminded,jumped to his feet,making a poor impression,on,speeded up,his car on the way but got there some minutes late.Among all the,people (6)_ (在四面八方), he (7)_ (看见) the customer who was waiting for him, (8)_ ( 没 有) patience.He hurried to the man, thinking of the coming holiday.,in all directions,caught sight of,lacking,“故事复述”备考指导(六),(3)使用定语从句连接句子,丰富内容。在复述时,常常可 以使用定语从句丰富时间状语、地点状语,补充说明事情。,例1:,(原文) The couple gladly invited him to dinner and shared the,scarce food with him.At night, the couple invited him to sleep on their bed while they used the shed.The next morning the merchant said good bye to the couple.When he arrived home, he had a lovely house built for the couple in return for their kindness and hospitality.,本段文字可发挥定语从句的作用。 参考答案:,a The couple gladly shared the scarce food with him and,invited him to sleep on their bed, which greatly impressed him.,bTheir kindness and hospitality left a deep impression on the,merchant, because of which he had a beautiful house built for them after he reached home.,(4)多种方法概括人物心情。故事的发展情节经常伴随着人,物心情的变化。考生可用以下方法描述人物心情。,例2:,( 原文) Several days later, the parents received news from the,police that their son had committed suicide by falling from a building.In great pain, the parents went to identify the body of their son and discovered that their son had only one arm and one leg.,a.使用形容词直接描述。如:the grief-stricken parents b.使用非谓语。如:,Grief-stricken, the parents went to identify the body of their,son.,c. 使 用 介 词 词 组 。 如 : in great pain, to one's surprise/amazement/disappointment, with a smile on one's face。,d.使用常用句型 “so/such.that”。如:,The parents were so sad that they went to identify the body of,their son.,以上复述故事的方法与读写任务的概括技巧,考生可融会 贯通,通过口语促进写作技巧的提高,通过写作锻炼口语复述 能力。,提出建议,【谋篇布局】,引出建议列举建议和理由(希望) 【实用套语】,1.引出建议可用:,(1)Here are my suggestions on how to.,这是我的关于如何的建议。,(2)Suggestions on.can be listed as follows.,关于的建议可列举如下。,(3)The ways for you to.can be suggested as follows. 你,做的方法可参照下面的建议。,2.列举建议可用:,(1)first of all/first/to begin with; second(ly)/then/besides/in,addition/what's more; finally/lastly/last but not least 首先/其次/最 后,(2)for one thing.and for another (thing) 一方面另一方面,3.在列举的建议后常常会用起补充说明作用的分词短语、,定语从句等说明提出此建议的理由或原因。,假如你是李明,你跟你的朋友 Paul 聊天,他表示学习压力,很大,请你给他写封信,给他提一些建议。,写作内容,1将自己的问题告诉老师和同学,请求得到他们的帮助; 2不要总想着考试成绩,要多想想自己在哪些方面进步了,,这样就会给自己自信;,3多做运动,运动可以帮助自己缓解压力,并且有助于睡,眠;,4你对他的祝福。,写作要求,1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;,2信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。 Dear Paul,,I quite sympathize with you and understand the great trouble,you are suffering from.,.,Yours sincerely,,Li Ming,范文诵读: Dear Paul,,I quite sympathize with you and understand the great tro uble you are suffering from.I suggest you communicate your trouble to your teachers and classmates so as to get help from them.You are not supposed to think about your exams all the time, which only makes you more stressed out.Instead, you should think about the progress you have made in your study, which will surely increase your own confidence.In addition, I advise you to do more exercise in your spare time to relieve your stress, because sports will also help you sleep better at night.,I hope you will get out of your trouble sooner and live happily.,Yours sincerely,,Li Ming,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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