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  • 资源ID:11629645       资源大小:427KB        全文页数:94页
  • 资源格式: DOC        下载积分:9.9积分
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验证码:   换一换

验证码:   换一换


荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇蒈蚄羁膃蒇螆膆聿蒆袈罿莈蒅薈螂芄蒄蚀羇膀薄螃螀肆薃蒂羆羂薂薄蝿莀薁螇肄芆薀衿袇膂蕿蕿肂肈薈蚁袅莇薈螃肁芃蚇袆袃腿蚆薅聿肅节蚈袂肁节袀膇莀芁薀羀芆芀蚂膅膁艿螄羈肇芈袇螁莆莇薆羇节莆蚈蝿膈莆袁羅膄莅薀螈肀莄蚃肃荿莃螅袆芅莂袇肁膁莁薇袄肇蒀虿肀羃蒀螂袃芁葿蒁肈芇 高一综合训练(广东)(语法,完形,阅读,信息匹配,写作) 高一(M3/M4)英语复习训练 第一部分 语法填空 必修3 语法填空 Unit 1 (1)The seventh daughter of the Goddess of Heaven visited the earth. Her name was Zhinu , the weaving girl, and she was the most of the daughters. she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they in love. They got married , and they were very happy. When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her daughter was married to a human, she became very angry and made the weaving girl return to Heaven. Niulang tried to follow her, the river of stars, the Milky Way, stopped him. that Zhinu was heart-broken, her mother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet a year. This happens when the stars Vega and Altair meet in the Heaven. Magpies make a bridge of their so the couple can cross the river to meet on the seventh day of the seventh month. People in China hope that the weather will be fine on that day, because if it is raining, it means that Zhinu is weeping and the couple wont be able to meet. This is the story of Qiqiaojie. When foreigners hear about the story, they call it Chinese Valentines story.Unit 1 (2)The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat, and may give children money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families the lunar New Year together. In some Western countries there are very exciting carnivals, in February. They include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colorful clothing all kinds. Easter is important religious and social festival in Christian countries. It celebrates the return of Jesus for Christians and it also celebrates the coming of spring. In Japan, the Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little . The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks though it might be covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while. Unit 2 (1)Pengwei followed Li Maochang into a newly-opened small restaurant at the end of the street. forward. Welcome! She said, My name is Yong Hui. I will take all that fat _ you eat here every day. The she gave a menu to Wan Pengwei. There were only two kinds of food and one drink on it: raw vegetables, fruit and water. Wang Pengwei he should go to the library to find out. He couldnt have Yong Hui _ 1with telling people lies! Unit 2 (2)The next day Wang Pengweis restaurant was nearly full and he felt happier. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. He did not look forward to round the customers. May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant yesterday? I thought you Please excuse me, he _ained, I wanted to know _ and found them in your restaurant. I dont want to upset _ dont you sit down and try a meal?Unit 3 (1)Henry was used to sailing a boat on Saturdays. One day, he risked too far and was carried to sea. When hope was about gone, he (pick )up by a small brig(方帆双桅船) which was bound for London. He earned his passage working without pay. When he stopped ashore in London, he had only one dollar in his pocket. He was dragging along the street two old brothers gave him an envelope in which there was a million pound bank-note and a letter. The letter believe you to be poor and a stranger. You will find a sum of money to you for thirty days without interest. Report at this house at the end of that time. I have a bet you. If I win you shall be able to prove yourself familiar with and competent(能胜任的) to fill. Henry ate well, dressed well, and lived in an private hotel from then on. Later he reached the highest altitude possible. Meanwhile, Henry made a large sum of money and with an English girl of twenty-two, Portia, one of the two old brothers daughter, within two minutes. Eventually(最后) they gotUnit 3 (2)I am going to tell you unbelievable thing that happened in my restaurant today.This afternoon a (poor dress) gentleman came into my restaurant. Nobody knew he was. After sitting down, he ordered a lot of food. He ate like a wolf. We wondered why he was so limited time. We doubted the man was able to pay for food. When he was asked to pay the bill, the gentleman asked if we would mind just a few minutes. Then we were shocked to see that he took out of a letter a million pound bank-note.I asked Mr. Clemens whether it was genuine. Mr. Clemens said it was true two notes of this amount had been issued by the Bank of England this year. He thought what the gentleman showed them couldnt be a fake.Why a gentleman a million pound note was in rags and ate in our small restaurant was a big puzzle to all the people there. I really couldnt describe how 2Unit 4 (1)When we got there, I wanted to Come on, I said. If you are move more freely. I might even grow taller I stay here long enough. I shall certainly _. Oh dear, I cried, W gravity has changed. After a while I _动词短语) it and we began to enjoy ourselves.Unit 4 (2) they covered the earth and have become the most important animals on the planet. But they are not 动词短语) the earth very well. They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the Unit 5 (1) sat down with them. Hello, my name is Henri, and Im a student at the university here, he said, and I was wondering where you are from. The girls told_they had only one day in Montreal. Thats too bad, he said. Montreal is a city has a French culture. We love good coffee, good bread and good music.That night the train was speeding St Lawrence and to the East Coast, the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves. Unit 5 (2)That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in (1) _ seats. They crossed (2)_Rocky Mountains earlier that day and looked (3) _ the windows at the wild scenery. They saw mountain goats and (4) _ a grizzly bear. Their next stop would be Calgary. The Calgary Stampede is a famous (5) _(west) festival. Cowboys come from all over North America (6) _ (competition) in riding wild horses. Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars (7) _ prizes.That night, (8)_ slept as the train rushed (9) _ the night across the top of the Lake Superior, through the great forests and (10) _ (south) towards Toronto. Unit 1 (1)1 lovely 2 While 3 fell 4 secretly 5 but 6 Finding 7 once 8 wings 9 lunar 10 a(2)1lucky 2 celebrate 3 which 4 usually 5 might 6 of 7 an 8 later 9 as 10 beUnit2(1) 1.Curiosity2.full3.off4.if5.was amazed 6 especially7.than8.his9.wondered, 10.getting 3(2)1.Being2.but3.on4.calmly5.where6.them7.so8.worrying9.benefits10WhyUnit3(1)1.going2.was picked3.by4.when5. said6. enclosed 7.on8.expensive 9.love10.married(2)1.an2.poorly-dressed3.who4.hungry5.orders6.if/whether7.waiting8.tha9.with10.excited Unit 4(1) 1. immediately 2. mass 3. on 4. if 5. weigh 6. when 7. as far as 8. over 9. now that 10.got the hang of(2)1. with 2. all over 3. methods 4. As 5. taking care of 6. which7. from 8. Whether 9. to10. onUnit 5 (1) 1 visiting 2.a3.him 4.across5. that6. with 7. speak 8. as 9.along10down(2) 1.their2.the3.outof4.even5.Western6.to compete7. in 8.they9.through, 10.southward必修4语法填空Unit1 (1)Jane Goodall, a famous woman has studied chimps for many people understand they behave like humans. Nobody before has fully understood (observe) and recording their daily activities. She did months was she allowed to begin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps, and she has been helping the rest of the world understand and of these animals. She has achieved everything she wanted to do: woman can live in the forest as men can. She inspires who want to cheer the achievements of women.Unit 1 (2)Lin Qiaozhi lived in the early 20thwomens diseases and for a woman to get a medical training so long womens education was always (place) second to mens. Was she so much clever than anyone else? No, it was her hard work and as her good nature that had got her to enter a medical school. But it was not her. Unit 2 (1)Yuan Longping is the father of super hybrid rice. Dr. Yuan 1._ (born) in Beijing in 1930.2._ he graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953, he has devoted his life to3._ (find) ways to grow more and more rice. He searched 4._ a way to increase rice 4harvests without expanding the area of fields. Thanks 5._ his research, the UN is trying to rid the world 6._ hunger. Dr Yuan regards 7_ (him) as a farmer, 8._ cares little 9._ spending the money on himself or 10._( lead) a comfortable life. Unit 2 (2) farmers use natural fertilizers, they keep the air, soil and water as as the food supply free will put the minerals back into the soil. Some organic farmers prefer plantingUnit3 (1)Charlie Chaplin was a famous actor. His charming character The Little Tramp is well knownthe world. This character was a social (2) (fail), but many people like it for was set in California in the middle of nineteenth century when gold was discovered and thousands of it. Chaplin and his friend went there too. But they were not (fortune) enough to find any. Instead they 9_ (catch) on the edge of a mountain in a snowstorm in a wooden house, (10) they have nothing to eat.Unit 3(2)1st April is a day to be careful, or you could easily get tricked by someone. Its April Fools them. There are lots of theories connected with the change in the calendar in the 16th century, which meant that 1st April was no called fools.So what kind of tricks do people play on April Fools Day? Well, there are lots of simple tricks that you can _ your friends. And theres also a tradition of large companies (attempt) to fool a lot of people. For example a burger restaurant once claimed that they were which is not true. Newspapers publish some ridiculous stories every actually true. Its 5Unit 4 (1)Last week, to meet business people from several countries, and as a result touched the nose of the Japanese accident. Different peoples have different cultures and then use different body languages to communicate. What we Chinese (be) familiar with the body language of your foreign friends seems to be very important to us now.Unit 4 (2)Body language is sometimes more important than spoken language. You might frown and _ put people at ease. It doesntthat you are happy, however, a smile can hide other fear or worry. In some you dont agree., orthat looking directly at an adult is not good some teachers in North America other as well as we do!Unit5(1) Unit 1 (1) 1.who 2.much 3.observing 4.with 5.at6.after 7.the 8. own 9.that10.those(2) 1.who2.in 3. cutting 4. must 5 when 6.placed 7.well 8.consideration 9.how 10.pay Unit 2 (1) 1.was born 2.since 3.finding 4.for 5. to 6.of 7.himself 8.who 9.about 10. leading(2) 1.to 2.rather 3.well 4.from 5.on changing 6.which 7. between 8. from carrying Unit 3(1) 1.throughout /around 2.failure 3.overcoming 4.even 5.which 6.the 7.of 8.fortunate9.were caught 10.where(2)1.when 2 at 3. surrounding 4.beginning 5. who 6.on 7. attempting 8. particular9. although 10. entertaining6Unit 4(1) 1 was sent 2 coming 3 who 4 in 5 to6 by/at 7 the 8 appearing 9 a 10 out11 by 12 usually 13 the 14 being misunderstood 15 being(2) 1 If 2 at 3 to 4 always5 like 6 nodding 7 while 8 that 9 be paid10 are taught11 However 12 who 13the 14 about 15 amazingUnit 5 (1)1.where2.In 3.them 4. on 5. involved 6.life 7.what 8.built 9. after 10.that(2) 1Among 2. known 3.but4.most 5.with 6.exciting 7.one 8. surroundings9.who10.because 模块3考试单词复习1. The dogs were trained to detect the p_ of explosives.2. Farmers have b_ a lot from the new policy.3. Miss Green looks unhappy; she isnt s_ with the results.4. A lot has been done in the recovery of the n_ economy in the past five years.5. You must a_ for not being able to meet her on time.6. Generally speaking, young people usually have more e_ than the old.7. I will never f_ him for stealing the money.8. Lets have a rest; I hve hardly enough s_ left to move my feet.9. When he got there, he found the village was s_ by the enemies.10. The little girl felt very t_ when she was left alone in the house.11. When she studied in Peking University, she was a_ a scholarsip every year.12. - Are you sure you have enough money to run a company?- Not very sure. And I will take it into a_.13. To our great d_, it rained on the day of the sports meet.14. The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous o_ in hospital.15.


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