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校本教材英语课本剧Yuanwei SongcontentsLesson 1 Little Red Riding Hood 1Lesson 2 The three little pigs3Lesson 3 Snow White5Lesson4 The Three Bears 7Lesson 5 The little match girl9Lesson 6 The little lion looking for food 11 Lesson7 Preasent Goat and Big Big Wolf()13Lesson8 Preasent Goat and Big Big Wolf()15Lesson 9 A proud peacock 18Lesson10 Monkey King vs The pig20Lesson11 The Ugly Duckling 23Lesson 12 Borrowing power to do evil 26Lesson13 Rabbit king sell ear28Lesson14 Be there just make up the number 30Lesson15 Hare and tortoise32Lesson16 Staying by a Stump Waiting for More 34Lesson17Reporting and performance(汇报和表演)3540 / 4040 / 40Lesson1 Little Red Riding Hood人物:小红帽 姥姥 妈妈 灰狼 猎人 鸭子6只第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家妈妈:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)小红帽:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?妈妈:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.小红帽:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!妈妈:(亲切地看着小红帽). Be careful.小红帽: Yes ,mummyGoodbye, mummy.妈妈: Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,小红帽挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)小红帽: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.灰狼:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)1I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾样子和小红帽打招呼)小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真答)To GrandmasGrandma is ill.灰狼:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But(对小红帽说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.小红帽:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)灰狼:(悄悄地藏到大树后)小红帽:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?鸭子6只:We re fineThank you Where are you going?小红帽:To GrandmasOh, I must go, bye.鸭子6只:Goodbye第三场:Grandma家姥姥:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)灰狼:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , its here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang姥姥:Who is it?灰狼:(装出小红帽的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)Its me. Little Red Riding Hood.姥姥:(边说边起床) Come in, come in.灰狼:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , Ill eat you.姥姥:(惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,从床上滚到地上)灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。灰狼:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!Ill sleep.小红帽:(高兴地敲门)GrandmaGrandma灰狼:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?小红帽:Its me. Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise!灰狼:Come in, Come in.小红帽:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!灰狼:I can listen to your sweet voice.小红帽:Wow! What a big eyes!灰狼:I can see you pretty face.小红帽:Oh! What a big hand.灰狼:I can hug you.小红帽:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?灰狼:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!小红帽:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!灰狼:(追到小红帽,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)Its delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.猎人:(一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Wheres the wolf? Look! A door(推门)The wolf is sleeping.灰狼:(发出呼呼的响声)猎人:(端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.小红帽/姥姥:Thank you猎人:Grandma ,give me some needles and threadLittle Riding Hood ,Give me some stones姥姥:(从桌子上拿来针线)小红帽:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.猎人:(把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)姥姥:I'll thread it.猎人:(拿起枪)Woke up!灰狼:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.猎人:You big bad wolf, raise your arms!灰狼:(边跑边说) Help! Dont shot me!猎人:(开枪)Bang, bang!灰狼:(应声倒下)猎人:The bad wolf is dead小红帽和姥姥:Yeah! Thank you小红帽、姥姥、猎人(一起鞠躬): Thank you-2Lesson 2 The three little pigs3人物:猪妈妈 小猪1 小猪2 小猪3 大灰狼旁白:Long long ago, there were three little pigs living with their mother. They were very happy and they were very kind to their friends. Look! They are coming! 情景一:猪妈妈和三只小猪在森林里快乐的玩耍 。(加快乐的音乐 ) 猪妈妈: babies, Come on!小猪们:Here we come! 猪妈妈:Lets do some exercises. Lift your arms. Bend your knees. Touch your toes.小猪1:Mom, look! Were so strong! (伸出胳膊,亮出肌肉)三个小猪比健美 小猪2: Yes, I am strong! 小猪3:Yes, I am strong! 猪妈妈:Yes! My babies! You should have your own house! 小猪们:Ok! Id love to. 猪妈妈:You can do it! 小猪们:Yes! We can! Yeah! (做成功的动作) 情景二旁白:The three little pigs make three houses. They all think their own house is the best! But the wolf is coming! He is very hungry! (音乐) 灰狼:Gu,gu,gugugu. Im very hungry. Oh, I sniff the pigs smell. Aha! I have a good idea! (来到第一只小猪的门前敲门) Little pig, little pig, let me come in! 小猪1: No! You are bad wolf! 灰狼:Then I ll huff and blow your house down . (吹一下,房子倒了,小猪吓了一下,逃跑) 小猪1:Oh! Help! Help! My brother! Please help me! (迅速进入第二只小猪家,然后马上关门) 小猪2: Dont be afraid! 灰狼:Little pig, little pig, let me come in! 小猪1和2:No! No! 灰狼:Then I ll huff , blow your house down! (狼鼓足气吹一下,房子有点摇晃,又吹一下,两只小猪堵着门,挣扎之后,房子倒了) 小猪1和2:Oh, my god! Lets run away, run away! (跑到第三个小猪家的床底下哆嗦) 小猪1:The wolf is very strong! 小猪2:He wants to eat us! 小猪3:My god, help me! ( 三只小猪都在床底下) 灰狼:Little pig, little pig, let me come in! 小猪们:No! 灰狼:Open the door! I can get the house down! (吹一下,没动,鼓足又吹一下,) Why? (最后吹三下,开始喘气了,然后倒地) 小猪们:Yeah! We are safe now! 情景三旁白:The wolf is very angry! He has a good idea! He climbs up the chimney! 小猪们:Oh! Look! The wolf!小猪1:How to do? (开始转着跑) 小猪2:MOM !Where are you? (哭着说) 小猪3:Dont worry! Lets put the wood into the fire! 小猪们:Ok, 123 灰狼 :(掉进火里挣扎) oh ! No! 小猪们:The wolf is dying! We succeed! yeah ! 结尾曲 (完)4Lesson3 Snow White 白雪公主 皇后 魔镜 猎人 白马王子 小矮人 小动物 第一场:音乐起,白雪出场 。白雪: I miss my mother, Where is my mother? Where is my mother? (下台,找妈妈)mother第二场:音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 。皇后: Im beautiful. Mirror, Mirror, whos the most beautiful? (魔镜)魔镜: Snow White is much more beautiful than you! 皇后:No,no.I am beautiful.NoHunter, go,kill S.w. (猎人出场 )猎人:Yes, my queen (猎人出场 )5第三场:音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃。白雪:Help me ,help me, please, please 小动物:whats the matter with you? 白雪:The hunterhunter 小动物:Bite you bite you (小动物追赶猎人下场 )白雪: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down. (音乐起,7个小矮人出场), 小矮人: 1Look, somebody ate my food- 2somebody drank my water- 3someone is sleeping now- 4What a beautiful girl!- (小矮人睡觉-音乐起公主先醒了-小矮人醒了-对话 )5How do you do? 白雪:How do you do? My name is S.w Nice to meet you! 小矮人:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too- 6 welcome to our house!- 7Would you like to live here? 白雪:My pleasure, thank you very much! 小矮人:Lets go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W 第四场:皇后、魔镜出场 。皇后: Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the most beautiful? 魔镜: S.w is much more beautiful than you! 皇后: What? S.w is not dead? Hahaha, I got a good idea! (音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 ) 皇后: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, 白雪: Hello, Good morning grandma! 皇后: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? 白雪: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma! (白雪公主咬一口后倒地 )皇后: The girl is dead! Hahaha (小矮人出场、围着公主哭) Snow White wake up, wake up (音乐起,动物引着王子出场 )王子: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! (王子吻公主,公主醒了) 白雪: Thank you for your help! 王子: My pleasure 6Lesson4 The Three Bears剧中角色:熊爸爸, 熊妈妈, 熊宝宝, 小女孩l旁白:Once upon a time, there lived a bear family in Spring Forest. The bears loved singing songs. They often played and sang songs together. One day, a little girl was lost in the forest. She entered the bears house. The bears were very kind to the girl. They helped her find her way home. 场景一:In the bears home熊爸爸:I am Father Bear. I like reading. (熊爸爸拿张报纸坐在沙发上说。)熊妈妈 :I am Mother Bear. I like cooking. (熊妈妈在做饭。)熊宝宝::I am Baby Bear. I like singing. (熊宝宝唱着歌快乐地跑到妈妈身边。) Mummy, mummy, the soup is hot. Lets go to the forest and play for a while, ok?熊妈妈::Its a good idea.熊爸爸::Its a sunny day, isnt it? Let's go.“Sing, sing, together, merrily, merrily sing.”(一家人幸福地唱着歌朝森林走去。)场景二:A place which is not far from the bears house女孩:I am a naughty little girl. I like playing by myself. But now I am lost in the forest. I feel thirsty and tired. (小女孩迷茫地望望四周,然后惊喜地大喊。) A house, a house! I see a house over there! (她高兴地跑向小熊的房子。)女孩::May I come in? (小女孩轻轻地敲了敲门,把耳朵贴在门上仔细地听了听。)7May I come in? Maybe there is nobody in it. (她推门而入。)Mmm, mmm, what a nice smell! A-ha, some soup.I dont like Father Bears soup.I dont like Mother Bears soup.Yummy, yummy! I like Baby Bears soup.Now Im full. Ill have a rest. (小姑娘找到卧室发现了小熊的床。) I like Baby Bears bed. (她躺在小熊的床上睡着了。)场景三:熊爸爸:Baby, its time to have lunch. Lets go home.熊宝宝::No, no, no. We havent played “hide and seek”.熊妈妈:We can play it another day.熊宝宝:OK.“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.”(三只小熊唱着歌回家了。)场景四:熊宝宝:Daddy, daddy. Look! The door is open.熊爸爸: Maybe the wind blew it open.熊妈妈:Dont worry.熊宝宝:Mummy, mummy. Look! My soup is empty.熊妈妈:Maybe a cat ate it.熊爸爸:Dont worry.熊宝宝:Look! A pretty girl is in my bed.熊妈妈:Hush, she must be very tired.女孩:(小姑娘被小熊的喊叫吵醒了,她揉揉眼睛说。)“Mr Bear, Im very sorry. But I lost my way. Could you help me find my parents? I miss them very much. I will play with them and not go away by myself.” (小女孩哭了起来。)熊宝宝:Dont cry, please. My father is a great father. We can help you.女孩:Really? Thank you very much.(小女孩破涕为笑,她仿佛看到了等她的爸爸妈妈,于是高兴地和三只熊跳起舞来。) 8Lesson5 The little match girl角色:六个孩子 卖火柴的小女孩 奶奶场景一:Its snowing. Six children are singing song: Edelweiss. 场景二: The little match girl shows. She is cold and very dirty. (穿着破烂的衣服,脚上穿着一只拖鞋,怀里装着许多火柴. )女孩:oh, its snowing. The snow is so nice Listen! People are singing. Oh yes, its Christmas Eve. People are celebrating. And Santa is sending gifts to the kids in the city. But but I am alone. And there is no food and no new dress for me.I Im hungry and Im feeling so cold Will some one come to buy a match? I still have so many!" 场景三:Jackie, Larry, Steve, Alyssa, Jenny and Vicky show on the stage with presents and flowers. Jackie is running happily (Jackie, Larry, Steve, Alyssa, Jenny and Vicky 手拿着礼物和鲜花很快乐,Jackie飞行器快地跑出来 )六个孩子:C1, please wait for us!C1:“Come on! You guys! All of them show on the stage, laughing and dancing hands with hands C2 (astonished很惊奇地说):“Oh, look! Whos that?” C3:“ she is so poor Look! She is wearing a slipper Andand she is so dirty!” C4 and C5: “Oh, she smells. She looks like a little beggar(乞丐)!” C6: "Oh, poor girl!” C2:" Larry! There is a Christmas tree. Its so big. Lets go to have a look! ” C3:"Good idea! Lets go! ” They all go over there to decorate(装饰) the tree. 9场景四:The match girl goes towards the corner(墙角) and sits in the corner, feeling really cold. 女孩:“Matches! Matches! ” (The voice becomes weaker and weaker声音越来越小 )女孩:“Oh, my god. Its a big stove(火炉). The fire is so warm." (The poor girl tries to get the stove, but it goes to the kids around the Christmas tree. The girl rubs a match again(小姑娘又擦了一根火柴): “Oh, a big chicken. Its golden. It must be very delicious.”) The chicken goes towards the Christmas tree (The girl rubs another match and grandma shows)(小姑娘又擦了一根火柴,奶奶出现了):“Oh, my poor girl!” 女孩: “Grandma! Grandma! Is that you? My dear grandma!” Grandma goes towards the match girl and hugs her 奶奶:“My poor girl. Its me! They are hugging together 女孩:“ Its Christmas Eve.” Grandma points to the Christmas tree奶奶: Look, the Christmas tree over there is so nice. And the kids are singing and dancing happily.” 女孩: "Grandma, look at the sky! There are so many stars. They are shining. Oh, look! A shooting star!” 奶奶:" Yes, someone is dying. 场景五: the poor girl died, hugging grandma A group of angels show and sing. - Holly Night. (唱着平安夜) 10Lesson6 The little lion looking for food角色:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、三只小熊、小松鼠、小女孩Act 1雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar! I am the lion, the king of the forest.No one is stronger than me. Roar, roar!小狮:Daddy! Im hungry.雄狮:You are big now. Be brave! Go and find your own food.小狮:But, I dont know how.雄狮:Do it like me. Roar, roar! (怒吼)小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar!雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth.(露出尖利的牙齿)Go and do it now.小狮:Yes, daddy.Act 2小白兔:(唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”)Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater.He says there is nothing sweeter,Than a carrot everyday,Munch and crunch and run away.小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry.Roar, roar!(小声地)小白兔:Do you want some carrots?小狮:Yes, please. (小白兔递给小狮一根红萝卜)小狮:Thank you.小白兔:Carrots are the best food.小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I dont like it.Anyway, thank you, rabbit.(还红萝卜给小白兔) 小白兔:You are welcome.(边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater” 离开)Act 3三只小熊:(各拿着一碗粥,并唱着”Pease Porridge Hot”) Pease porridge hot,Pease porridge cold,Pease porridge in the pot,Nine days old.Some like it hot,Some like it cold,Some like it in the pot,11Nine days old.小狮:Hi, bears! I am hungry. Roar, roar! (小声地)小熊们:Do you want some porridge?小狮:Yes, please.(小熊递给小狮一碗粥)12小狮:Thank you.小熊们:Porridge is the best food.小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! Its too hot. I dont like it.Anyway, thank you, bears.(将粥还给小熊)小熊:You are welcome.(小熊们边走边唱”Pease Porridge Hot”离开)Act 4小松鼠:(唱着”Found a Peanut”)Found a peanut.Found a peanut.Found a peanut just now.Just now I found a peanut.Found a peanut just now.小狮:Hi, squirrel! I am hungry. Roar, roar! (小声地)小松鼠:Do you want some peanuts?小狮:Yes, please.(小松鼠递给小狮一些花生)小狮:Thank you.小松鼠:Peanut is the best food.小狮:(吃了一颗)Yuck! Its too hard. I dont like it. Anyway, thank you, squirrel.(将花生还给小松鼠)小松鼠:You are welcome.(边走边唱”Found a Peanut”离开)Act 5(小女孩边走边唱”Apple Round”)小女孩:Apple round.Apple red.Apple juicy.Apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.小狮:Hi, little girl! I am hungry. Roar, roar!小女孩:Oh, a lion! Help! Help!(苹果掉地上)小狮:What is it? Mmm, delicious! I like it.(小狮很高兴地边走边唱”Apple Round”回家Lesson7 Preasent Goat and Big Big Wolf()角色:全体羊羊 校长 老师情景一: 灰太狼的主题曲,几只小羊跳着欢快的舞蹈入场。喜羊羊:Oh! My dear friends.It is time to go to school!Lets go!(校长出场迎接小羊)校长:Good morning!My children.Welcome to school!小羊们:Good morning,Master!校长:Hurry,Its time for class.(一起走进教室)老师:Class begin!暖羊羊:Stand up,please!老师:Good morning,boys and girls.全体羊羊:Good morning,Miss Yang.老师:Sit down,please! I say you do.Sheep,I say you do.Touch your head. (羊们双手摸头)Ware your arms (羊羊们挥动双手) Hand in hand (羊羊们手拉手)Arm in arm (羊羊们互相拥抱)(老师出示一张图片“蛋糕”)Whats this?全体羊羊:Its a cake.懒羊羊:Its a very nice cake.I want to eat it.老师:What am I doing? (老师做出做蛋糕的动作)暖羊羊:You are making a cake.全体羊羊:Yes!老师:Im making a cake. Lets sing the song“Make a cake”.(放音乐,羊羊们一起唱歌并跳舞。此时两狼躲在不远处偷看。)灰太狼:Oh,they like watching performace.We can红太狼:Yes(下课铃响,羊羊们在外面玩。)情景二(灰太狼和红太郎扮演成演员上场,歌舞表演)沸羊羊:“Look!There is a show.”懒羊羊: “Its free.美羊羊: “Lets have a look.”全体羊羊:Lets go!灰太狼:Hello!Little sheep.Welcome!You are lovely!红太郎:Honey,How are you?13全体羊羊(很兴奋)Fine.Thank you!灰太狼:Im a handsome boy and she is a lovely girl. (灰太狼和红太郎摆出很多的姿势)懒洋洋:How beauterful!沸羊羊:How cool!乐羊羊:They are super star!灰太狼:(拿出一个苹果)Whats this?全体羊羊:Its a apple.喜羊羊: Wow!Its a red apple!I like it.(红太郎拿出一条裙子,灰太狼指着问)Whats that? 全体羊羊:Its a dress.美羊羊:Great!How beautingful!I want a dress.May Ihave it(拿出很多的糖和娃娃)红太郎灰太狼:There are many sweet and dolls.Do you want them?喜羊羊,暖羊羊,懒羊羊,沸羊羊:Yes.I want,please give it to me!灰太狼红太郎:Come on,follow me.We will give many presents to you.Come on.!(羊羊们犹豫着,然后经不住诱惑向着灰太狼和红太郎走)校长:Stop!Stop!my children.Come back.They are bad.Dont follow them.胖羊羊:Please!Master.暖羊羊:These things are beauterful!乐羊羊:I like them very much!校长:Look carfully!They are not handsome boy and lovely girl.They are wolves. Don't be deceived.沸羊羊:Really?They are friendly.暖羊羊:Oh!No!They are wolves.I see the sharp point's ear.美羊羊:Yes.I see the long tail.乐羊羊:Wow.I see the sharp teeth.The teeth is white.美羊羊:row,row,row,sharp row.欢羊羊:run,run,run,please!喜羊羊:Sheep,come on.They are wolves.校长:Wolf,get out.Dont want to eat us!懒羊羊:We like studying.Dont like playing.全体羊羊:“Get out,Get out!(羊羊们一起打狼,把狼打走)灰太狼红太郎:Wait us!sheep.We will back!情景三校长:Congratulation.Sheep.We are win!喜羊羊:We are great!Im very happy!沸羊羊:Me too!乐羊羊:Me too(羊羊们一起唱歌 “If you happy”)14 In the endLesson8 Preasent Goat and Big Big Wolf()角色:美羊羊 喜羊羊 懒羊羊 灰太狼 红太狼 天使第一场:小天使和五位演员上台亮相,小天使介绍角色,介绍到谁谁就做动作展示一下自己(播放背景乐:喜羊羊和灰太狼)。 天使:On the beautiful green meadow, lives Pleasant Goat(招牌动作), Fat Goat(睡觉状), Beauty Goat(I am pretty, right?), Grey Wolf(阴笑), Red wolf(嘻笑). (五个角色迅速下场,拿上棍子对峙状,上场)天使:The wolves use their brains every day, and try to catch these goats. So a long battle between the goats and the wolves begins.(大家定格亮相,从两边下场。)第二场:红太狼从狼堡出来,在水果树下照镜子,臭美样子。灰太狼在狼堡口抬箱子。灰太狼:Honey, can you carry the box for me? (红太狼不情愿)红太狼:What do you want to do? 灰太狼:I want to put the box under the tree. Then I can pick some fruit for our lunch. 红太狼:Oh, I can't eat the goats! I can only eat the fruit. 灰太狼:Ready? One, two .(灰太狼和红太狼抬着箱子走几步后,红太狼猛得把箱子一扔,砸到了灰太狼的手指)灰太狼:Oh, my fingers!红太狼:Why don't you catch the goats? You're busy all days. But I can't eat a bite of the goat. Now, go, get me a goat. I'm starving now. (灰太狼忙跳上树,摘了一个果子,赶紧捧着送到红太狼的嘴边)灰太狼:Honey, here's some fruit. How delicious! You have some fruit first. I go to catch the goats for you at once. Believe me! (红太狼不情愿,但又无可奈何)红太狼:I am not a goat but a wolf. I want goats. (摸摸自己的肚子,做饿状。吃了果子。结果吃完之后就晕过去。)(灰太狼大声哭泣)灰太狼:Honey, what's wrong with you? (从天上飘进来一个美丽的小天使。)天使:Grey Wolf, you know? You did lots of bad things. God must punish you. You should do some good things for the goats, or your wife can't be awake. (灰太狼立刻擦干眼泪,对她深情款款地)灰太狼:Oh, I see. Wait for me, honey, I can save you.(灰太狼把红太狼推回狼堡,并且背上往羊村跑去)第三场:几只小羊在玩球。喜羊羊:Catch! Beauty Goat.(喜羊羊传给美羊羊,美羊羊又扔给懒羊羊)15喜羊羊:Catch! Fat Goat.(球砸到了懒羊羊)懒洋洋:I'm tired. Let me have a rest. I want to sleep.(球滚走了,喜羊羊去捡球,看见灰太狼从远处跑过来。)喜羊羊:Look, Grey Wolf is coming. Run, quickly, run.小羊们大叫:“Run, go, run!”灰太狼:Don't be afraid. Don't run, dear goats, I want to be your friend. 喜羊羊:Stop! Stop, wait a moment. What? You want to be our friend? You don't want to eat us, right? (喜羊羊叫住大家)灰太狼:Yes, now I want to try my best to help you. Believe me! I beg you. (小羊们相互看看,不太相信的表情)喜羊羊:Really? 美羊羊:I don't know. 懒羊羊:Oh, I'm sleepy. You discuss it. I want to sleep.灰太狼:To express my sincerity, I bring some presents for you. (拿出丝巾)灰太狼:This is a beautiful scarf. It's for you, Beauty Goat. 美羊羊:Thanks a lot. (美羊羊高兴地戴了起来)美羊羊:Wow, how nice! It's from Grey Wolf and Red Wolf, I can't believe it. (戴好后,向前一步走)美羊羊:Look, am I pretty? I am very happy.(边唱边跳起舞来。做美丽造型!)灰太狼:This box of chocolate is for Fat Goat. But he's asleep. Maybe I can give it to . (灰太狼又拿出一盒巧克力)懒羊羊:Oh, I'm here. I'm awake. Chocolate is my favourite food. (懒羊羊夺过巧克力就跑出去吃了)(边跑边舔嘴唇)懒羊羊:I go out to eat them. Wow, chocolate! 喜羊羊:He likes eating best. He always forgets to sleep when he has something to eat. 美羊羊:Yes!喜羊羊:Grey Wolf, what do you mean? Be our friend? If you want to do something for us, you can wash clothes for us. 灰太狼:I'm very glad to do that. Where are the clothes?喜羊羊:Beauty Goat!美羊羊:I am coming. Here you are, Grey Wolf. Thank you. (灰太狼立刻把衣服整理一下,坐下来洗了。)(配上喜涮涮的音乐。)灰太狼:Pleasant Goat, Beauty Goat, Fat Goat. (三只羊跑过来)灰太狼:What else can I do for you?16美羊羊:Clean the house for us. Let's go on playing.(灰太狼又擦窗户,扫地,烧好了饭菜。) (懒羊羊寻着饭菜的味道走了过去,吃了起来。又把喜羊羊和美羊羊喊过来。)懒羊羊:Wow, delicious food. How delicious! Pleasant Goat, Beauty Goat.美羊羊:Thank you for your help.喜羊羊:We can be friends, I 'm very happy. 灰太狼:I am happy, too. I just want to help my wife.(捂着嘴巴,怕被喜羊羊听出来。)第四场:喜羊羊:Don't be happy now. I don't think Grey Wolf is good. He must have some plots.美羊羊:We must be careful. 喜羊羊:Yes, we must get ready for it. 懒羊羊:You're right. Maybe he'll come back and catch us after a while. 美羊羊:What should w


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