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有关英语演讲短文欣赏英语演讲小短文有关英语演讲短文欣赏有关英语演讲短文欣赏 演讲是语言应用的一个侧面,在公关活动中占有重要的地位。WTT精 心搜集了有关英语演讲短文,供大家欣赏学习! 有关英语演讲短文篇1 We love hearing the words "Thank you".人人都爱听别人对自己表示感谢。 There is something delightful, magal and joyful in these words.They carry with the wonderful power to uplift a heart, brighten a day and fill a soul with hiness.They always connect us one to another with their beauty and strengthen the bonds between us."谢谢"这几个字眼承载了喜悦、魔力与感谢,拥有鼓舞人心、驱散阴霾 以及愉悦心灵的神奇力量。它们不但能让人心灵相通,感受到别人的美妙,还能稳 固人际关系。 We are hy to hear our friends tell us "Thank you" when we do something for them.We are glad whenever we hear the beautiful mus of these blessed words from our relatives or even strangers.These words always remind us that we are still helping others and making the world duanwenw. a better and more loving place with the thousands of little things we do every day.当我们向朋友提供帮助时,他们只要说声"谢谢"就会让我们很快乐。同 样,我们也乐于从亲属甚至陌生人那里听到这些美妙的音符。这几个字眼总会提 醒我们每天做一些微缺乏道的小事就能帮助别人,就会让世界变得更加美妙与温 馨。 Try to say "Thank you" whenever we can.Make these words around us and make all the people we meet know that we are grateful for the good things they do, the kindness they share and the help they ve.Each one of us is a wonderful soul who is capable of sharing love and joy in our lives.We all deserve a "Thank You" now and then.只要有时机,就试着去说"谢谢"。让这几个字常伴我们左右,让我们遇 见的每一个人都知道我们对他们所做的善事、分享的关爱以及给予的帮助表示感 激。我们每个人都很仁慈,都愿意与别人分享生活中的关爱与喜悦。有时候,我们值得别人对我们表示感谢。 有关英语演讲短文篇2 I had a truly unforgettable eperience while I was out walking after dark.Like most magal moments, it caught me off guard.一天天黑后,我在外漫步时,有过一次难忘的经历。正如大多数神奇时 刻的到来一样,它让我措手不及。 It seems to be the time when mag and miracles work the best.It seems to be the time that can get past all the negative thoughts and baggage I carry and fill my heart with love, joy and light.那一时刻似乎是魔幻与奇迹的完美展现,似乎带走了我所有的消极思 想与想法,并用爱、欢乐和光明填充我的内心。 This mag moment was a thousand fireflies flying in the woods.They were dancing away in their tkling lights.It was a joyful dance to celebrate the bright shining star of the night sky and the smiling face of a full moon.在那神奇的时刻,成千上万只萤火虫在树林里伴着点点微光翩翩起舞。 这欢快的舞蹈是在庆贺夜空中闪亮的繁星和满月的笑容。 The sight made me smile, my heart jump and my spirit sing in joy.It filled me with more energy, vitality and love than I had got all day long.It made me glad to be alive and reminded me that there must be a glorious heaven if earth can be so beautiful.Life is full of magal moments.这景象令我欢喜,令我的心随之跳动,令我的心灵愉悦地歌唱。这一整 天里我得到的能量、活力和爱都不及此刻。它不仅让我为自己还活着而庆幸,还 让我觉得假设连地球都如此美丽,那么一定有更加美妙的天堂。 Life is full of goodness, kindness, hiness and wonder.Life is a glorious ft, and we should never take it for granted.生活时时处处是奇迹,充满仁慈、仁慈、幸福和神奇。生活是一份美 好的礼物,值得我们珍惜。 有关英语演讲短文篇3 At the end of summer the sun changes its light, As a middle-aged man bees less sharp and bright, Gone are all those eciting days of the season past.在夏末之时,太阳改变了光线,正如一个中年男子变得不再那么犀利、 生气勃勃,所有那些令人兴奋的日子已经一去不复返。 Now the emotion is like back-to-school children, The distant hills present a touch of dark green, A few yellow leaves fall on the lawn1 like drifting canoes.The past events of either indulgence3 or laziness, Will be gradually forgotten from your diaries.Yet, September will have its wet and teary eyes, Not as clear and bright as the mid-summer ones.如今的情绪就像返校的孩子们一样,远处的山丘呈现出少许青绿,几片 枯黄的叶子如落在地上漂流的独木舟。那些可以说是放纵也可以说是懒散的往事, 将渐渐地从你的日记中被遗忘。然而,九月将会有双潮湿的泪眼,不会像仲夏那样 明晰亮堂。 After the grog and saturation4 of the last season, A thin autumn is waiting for our reciation.在夏季到达饱和后,薄秋正在等待我们的赞赏。第 3 页 共 3 页


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