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外研版(三起)英语四年级上册Module 5-6单元测试卷

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外研版(三起)英语四年级上册Module 5-6单元测试卷

外研版(三起)英语四年级上册Module 5-6单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Is that your pencil? ( )_AYes, that is.BYes, it is.CYes, it isnt.2 . 读单词找出不同类的一项。( )AlightBHalloweenCChristmas3 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AhungryBsadCis选出不同类的一项4 . AsandwichBteaCchicken5 . AmilkBjuiceCice cream6 . AeatBdrinkCwould7 . AfoodBfishCbeef8 . AteaBwaterCdrink9 . _ the window. Its smooth. ( )ASmellBTouchCTaste10 . Were learning the months _ the year ( )AinBofCfor11 . 选出不同类的单词: ( )AbasketballBsongCfootball12 . ( )AballsBbaseballsCballoons13 . Do you want some _? ( )AmilksBmilkCjuices给下列中英文选出对应的翻译。14 . soup( )A汤B糖C面包15 . turn on( )A打开B关上C出去16 . 灯( )AcandleBhighClight17 . 进来( )Acome inBcome onCgo on18 . 饼干 ( )AbreadBnewsCbiscuit19 . I like _ best, because its hot, I can swim and eat ice cream.Afall BsummerCspring二、填空题20 . 选用恰当的词补充句子。1.I_(notlike/dontlike) grapes.2.Helen_ (likes/like)ice-cream.3.Ilikeapples._ (They/It)areverysweet.4.Whatwouldyoulike_ (on/for)lunch?5.Zoomissoheavynow.He_ (has/have)toeatvegetables.21 . -What are you _( doing, do, does )? -Im cooking vegetables.22 . Here _(is, are ) your sweets.补全句子。23 . Here _ your sweets.24 . They go to _(他们邻居家).25 . _(这真的很有趣。).26 . 单词正确形式填空1.I_(be) doing homework now. 2.Mike and John _(be) drawing pictures.3.Amy _ (be)reading a book.4.We are _(write) an e-mail.5.Zhang Peng is _ (listen) to music.27 . It _ (rain) hard. We cant go out.28 . What do_(child)do at Halloween?29 . 选词填空。to, so, in, is, on1. Its _ big!2. Its _ the first floor.3. Welcome _ our school.4. Where _ the library?5. This is the classroom _ my school.选出适当的短语完成对话。get through each other far from Stone Age on holiday30 . -Do your grandparents live with you?-No, they live_my home.31 . -Who s that boy?-He is Yaz. He lives in the_.32 . -Can the cat_the mouses hole?-No, it cant. It likes eating too much and becomes too fat.33 . -Who is the girl over there?-She is my best friend, Lily. We often help_in study.34 . -Where are the Browns now?-They are_in Xiamen. They will stay there for seven days.35 . 根据图片提示,回答问题。1.Do you like oranges?_2.Does he like milk?_3.Does she like pears?_4.Does Amy like basketball?_5.Does your father like meat?_36 . 根据汉语提示补全句子。【小题1】太暗了,打开灯。Its very dark. Turn on _ _.【小题2】妈妈,我饿了。Mum, Im _.【小题3】给我一个苹果。_ me an apple.【小题4】你可以吃一个蛋糕。You can _ _ _.【小题5】我可以吃些水果吗?Can I have _ _?【小题6】大明,生日快乐!Happy _, Daming!选词填空补全句子。37 . Let_(I, me)clean the teachers desk.38 . Its_(a, an ) orange bag.39 . Its too hot._(Open, Close )the window.40 . What would you like_(for, to)dinner?41 . My fathers brother is my_(aunt, uncle).42 . I have two Chinese books three rulers, one pencil box and five_(keys, keies ) in my schoolbag.43 . This is my sister._( She, Her)name is Lucy.44 . -Whats your fathers job?-Shes a_( cook, cooker).45 . Amy is quiet and she_(have, has)long hair.46 . Zhang Peng is very_(friendly, friend).47 . 完成句子1._(Do) Nancy usually get up at six?2. She likes _ (read) newspapers, but she _ (read) a book yesterday.3. Look! She is _ (cry).48 . There_(be) snow in winter.49 . 选灯笼: 选择合适的单词填空。1. Here _ your ticket. 2. How _ you, Zoom?Oh no! Fine, thank you.3. Hello, I _ Sarah. 4. This _ Li Ming.Hello, Sarah. Nice to meet you.5. Where _ your pen? Here it is.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)My name is Ma Xiaotiao. My favourite colour is red. My favourite animal(动物)is the cat. I have a cat. It is fat. I like it very much.50 . Ma Xiaotiaos favourite colour is yellow. (_)51 . Ma Xiaotiao has a cat. (_)52 . Ma Xiaotiao doesnt like cats. (_)53 . Ma Xiaotiaos favourite animal is the dog.(_)四、英译汉54 . 英汉互译。1. play basketball_2. 弹琵琶_3. draw cartoons_ 4. 说英语_5. do kung fu_ 6. 打乒乓球_五、汉译英55 . 我看不见。 I _see.56 . 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)我能吃些糖果吗?Can I_some_?(2)现在你可以吃些蛋糕和苹果。Now you can have some_and_.(3)-我能进来吗? -当然。-Can I_in? -Yes , of_.(4)请开灯。_on the_,please!(5)我饿了,我想吃些面包。Im_. I want to have some_.57 . 汉译英:当然。_六、句型转换句型转换58 . I wash my clothes on Sundays. (用Anna 改写句子)Anna _on Sundays.59 . We have to start the story again.(变为否定句)_60 . My grandma is going to stay there for a week. (就划线部分提问)_ long _ grandma going to stay there?61 . The boy flew kites in the park just now.(用now改写)The boy _kites in the park now.62 . I ate a cake yesterday.(变为一般疑问句)_七、匹配题63 . 读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语连线。1.Where is your ear?AGood morning.2. Good morning.BMy names John.3. Let us go to school.CHere it is.4. How are you?DI am fine,thank you.5. What is your name?EOK.八、连词成句64 . 把下列每组单词排列成正确的句子,只写序号。1.aneraserhaveI_.2.Idbreadsomelike_.3.Showmeyourbook_.4.youareHow_?5.isThisbagmy_.6.IsomeCanhavewaterplease_?Read and make the sentences. 连词成句。65 . going We music to tomorrow listen are to (.)_66 . you, park, to, when, going, are, the(?)_67 . Lingling , like , does , oranges(?)_68 . often, I, to, go, library, the (.)_69 . desk / the / they / beside / are (.)_70 . 连词成句。1. are Here you_.2. like I yellow_.3. like you Do milk_ ?4. Do like you bananas_?5. me the Pass rice_ .71 . 连词成句。1. Peters reading sister is _.2. doing are What they _?3. My kitchen cooking the mother is in_.4. The sleeping dog is _.5. The playing cat is _.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、三、任务型阅读1、四、英译汉1、五、汉译英1、2、3、六、句型转换1、七、匹配题1、八、连词成句1、2、3、4、


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