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2022年高三英语一轮复习题组层级快练32Unit2Robots新人教版选修. 阅读理解Many high school football programs have been cut recently due to concerns about player safety. Safety is one factor families may consider as their high schoolers decide what extracurricular(课外的) activities to participate in this year. Decreased football programs may also mean students are looking for new activities. For teens planning to apply to college, the activities they join in could hold weight during the admissions process.“We are not looking at just the student's academic records, although that's obviously important,” says Drew Riley, Associate Dean of Admission at Colgate University in New York. “Generally, we're looking for students who will contribute to university life beyond the classroom.”Potential college students may have many activities to choose from, but they and their families should consider the following questions before selecting extracurricular activities.1. Is the student interested in the activity? Students should look for activities they are passionate about and can participate in fully. These activities don't need to be tied to a particular academic interest either. Students shouldn't limit themselves to only one activity, but there should be some depth and breadth to the activities. Longevity (持久) is important too. When writing applications, students should focus on the activities that will help them stand out.2. Does the activity help the munity? Sometimes admissions officers at college want to see that applicants are motivated not just by improving themselvesbut their munities toothrough activities. Students don't necessarily have to participate in a service trip abroad to show this, Riley says. It could be something small that shows students attempt to make a positive impact on the world.3. What is the student's motivation for the activity? Admissions officers read hundredsif not thousandsof applications a year and can tell if students aren't being authentic and are just participating in activities because they think it will build their resume(个人简历) for college, says Riley. Students should have an authentic interest in the activities they join.1. Why are high school football programs mentioned in the first paragraph?A. To show the benefits of extracurricular activities.B. To stress the importance of safety in activities.C. To describe some mon kinds of activities.D. To introduce the topic for discussion.2. What does the author say about students' extracurricular involvement?A. It should be helpful in showing their personality.B. It can make a difference to their college application.C. It should be centered on students' selfimprovement.D. It should be beneficial to their academic improvement.3. Which can replace the underlined word “passionate” in Paragraph 4?A. Crazy.B. Curious.C. Cautious. D. Happy.4. What is the passage mainly about?A. High school students are looking for new activities.B. Whether high school football programs should be cut.C. Why extracurricular activities pay off with college admission.D. Potential college students should attach importance to afterschool activities.答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。如今,高中生选择课外活动时应考虑大学招生录取方面的因素。同时,作者也提供了一些选择课外活动的建议。1. 答案D解析考查推理判断。根据文章第一段的内容,尤其是“Decreased football programs may . the activities they join in could hold weight during the admissions process”可知,作者提及高中足球活动是为了引出下文要讨论的主题。故选D项。2. 答案B解析考查推理判断。根据第一段中的最后一句话及第二段中的“We are not looking at just the student's academic records, although that's obviously important”和“Generally, we're looking for students who will contribute to university life beyond the classroom”可知,高中生所参加的课外活动在其申请大学时有一定的影响。大学在录取学生时不仅看他们的学习成绩,还关注他们在教室之外能给大学作出什么样的贡献。由此可知,学生参与课外活动会对其大学申请产生影响。故选B项。3. 答案A解析考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的“Is the student interested in the activity?”可知,本段主要强调的是高中生在选择课外活动时要考虑自己是否对要选择的活动感兴趣。由此可推知,画线词所在句指的是学生应该选择他们很感兴趣且会完全参与其中的活动。passionate的意思应是“狂热的”,与crazy的意思相近。故选A项。4. 答案D解析考查主旨大意。纵观全文可知,大学在招生的时候,对学生参与课外活动的情况很看重,因此未来的大学生(高中生)应重视课外活动。故D项最能概括本文的主要内容。. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Hunter Kittle, 24 years old, was driving through California's Mount Baldy, when his night took an unexpected turn.As he was going down the road, his car turned upside down suddenly and _1_ directly 70 feet into a valley. The young man amazingly _2_ the fall, but he passed out and wasn't fully in the clear. Shortly after, he _3_ in his broken car with an injured lung, a fractured(骨折的) skull and a broken leg. His pain must have been beyond _4_. Due to the shape of his then destroyed vehicle and his _5_ injuries, Hunter was unable to make his _6_ out of the vehicle. He had to deal with his pain alone _7_ someone found him.The Kittles were also _8_ about where their son could be but as each day passed without any _9_, the situation became worse.After three nights, a motorist _10_ and noticed the car wreck (残骸) _11_ in the valley. The ambulance was called _12_. Soon, Hunter was airlifted to the _13_Now Hunter is in his hospital bed and says, “I was so happy, you know, that I was finally being _14_, and that I still had a(n) _15_ left to live on.” He goes on to _16_,“In fact, it mainly was _17_ over matter. My desire to live long enough made it, one way or another. I didn't want that to be my final _18_ in my life book.”_19_ his determination to live and a kind stranger, Hunter escaped this tragedy and now _20_ a new perspective on life.1. A. slipped downB. climbed upC. pulled over D. wandered around2. A. avoided B. survivedC. handled D. experienced3. A. looked up B. broke upC. turned up D. woke up4. A. prehension B. beliefC. description D. repair5. A. gradual B. seriousC. slight D. temporary6. A. way B. dayC. promise D. decision7. A. since B. onceC. after D. until8. A. crazy B. guiltyC. anxious D. doubtful9. A. suspicion B. informationC. instruction D. prediction10. A. passed by B. passed awayC. passed off D. passed out11. A. deserted B. lyingC. settling D. thrown12. A. suddenly B. casuallyC. immediately D. deliberately13. A. valley B. homeC. hospital D. shelter14. A. inspired B. supportedC. cured D. saved15. A. chance B. demandC. plan D. aim16. A. advise B. explainC. warn D. plain17. A. mind B. healthC. fortune D. bravery18. A. cover B. priceC. sentence D. chapter19. A. In parison with B. On behalf ofC. Thanks to D. Except for20. A. acknowledges B. remembersC. donates D. holds答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了24岁的Hunter Kittle跌落山谷,身受重伤,最终凭借求生的坚定决心和好心的陌生人的帮助幸免于难的故事。1. 答案A解析根据上文的“his car turned upside down suddenly”和下文的“directly 70 feet into a valley”可知,Hunter Kittle的车突然完全颠倒,滑了70英尺直接滑进了山谷中。slip down“滑下”符合语境。climb up“爬上;攀登”;pull over“驶向路边;向路边停靠”;wander around“徘徊;闲逛”。2. 答案B解析根据下文的内容,尤其是最后一段中的“Hunter escaped this tragedy”可知,这个年轻人惊人地在这次跌落中活了下来。survive“生存;存活;幸免于难”符合语境。avoid“避免”;handle“处理”;experience“经历”。3. 答案D解析根据上文的“but he passed out and wasn't fully in the clear”可知,不久之后,他在损坏的车里醒了过来。wake up“醒来;唤醒”符合语境。look up“好转;改善”;break up“变得虚弱;解散”;turn up“出现”。4. 答案C解析根据上文的“with an injured lung, a fractured(骨折的)skull and a broken leg”可知,Hunter Kittle承受着难以言表的疼痛。beyond description“难以言表”符合语境。beyond prehension“令人费解”;beyond belief“令人难以置信”;beyond repair“无法修复”。5. 答案B解析根据上文的“with an injured lung, a fractured(骨折的)skull and a broken leg”可知,Hunter Kittle受伤严重。serious“严重的”符合语境。gradual“逐渐的”;slight“轻微的”;temporary“暂时的;临时的”。6. 答案A解析根据语境可知,由于车已损坏,车的外形也被毁坏,以及他本身所受的严重的伤,Hunter Kirtle不能成功地从车里出来。make one's way“行走”符合语境。7. 答案D解析根据语境可知,Hunter Kittle不得不独自处理自己的伤痛直到有人发现他。until“直到为止”符合语境。since“自以来”;once“一旦”。8. 答案C解析Kittle夫妇对于他们的儿子可能会在哪儿也非常焦虑。anxious“担心的;焦虑的”符合语境。crazy“疯狂的”;guilty“内疚的”;doubtful“感到怀疑的”。9. 答案B解析根据下文的“the situation became worse”可知,一天天过去了,Hunter Kittle仍旧杳无音信。information“信息;消息”符合语境。suspicion“怀疑;嫌疑”;instruction“指导;教导”;prediction“预测”。10. 答案A解析根据下文的“noticed the car wreck(残骸)”可知,一位驾车者经过并看到了山谷中的汽车残骸。pass by“经过”符合语境。pass away“去世”;pass off“(以某方式)发生并完成”;pass out“昏迷”。11. 答案B解析参见上题解析。lie“平放;位于”符合语境。desert“废弃”;settle“降落;停留”;throw“扔”。12. 答案C解析根据语境可知,这位驾车者立即叫了救护车。immediately“立即;马上”符合语境。suddenly“突然地”;casually“不在意地”;deliberately“故意地”。13. 答案C解析根据上文的“The ambulance was called”和下文的“Hunter is in his hospital bed”可知,Hunter Kittle被空运到了医院。hospital“医院”符合语境。14. 答案D解析根据语境可知,Hunter Kittle很开心自己被救了下来。save“救;拯救”符合语境。15. 答案A解析根据语境可知,Hunter Kittle对于自己仍有机会继续活下去而感到开心。chance“机会”符合语境。16. 答案B解析根据语境可知,Hunter Kittle对自己仍有机会继续活下去而感到开心,他继续解释道,实际上是精神胜过了物质。explain“解释;说明;阐明”符合语境。17. 答案A解析参见上题解析。mind over matter意为“精神胜过物质(用精神力量处理物质问题)”。18. 答案D解析根据上文的“My desire to live long enough made it, one way or another. I didn't want that to be my final”和下文的“in my life book”可知,Hunter Kittle不想让自己的生命止于这次事故,即他不想让这次事故成为自己人生之书的最后一章。chapter“章;回”符合语境。19. 答案C解析根据语境可知,由于Hunter Kirtle想要活下去的决心和好心的陌生人,他最终幸免于难且他现在对生命持有一种新的观点。thanks to“幸亏;由于”符合语境。in parison with .“与相比”;on behalf of“代表”;except for .“除了之外”。20. 答案D解析参见上题解析。hold“怀有;持有(信念;意见)”符合语境。acknowledge“承认”;remember“想起”;donate“捐献”。. 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you're a firsttime language learner, you know that emotional(情感的) ups and downs is a normal situation. When you understand a concept or begin to prehend the language, you may experience feelings of excitement. However, those are often followed by moments of disappointment and discouragement, during which you might feet as if you will never master the concepts and attain the ability to understand and municate effectively. _1_Learn vocabulary effectivelyVocabulary is the most important part of munication. The more words you know, the more you can say and understand. The absolute best way to learn vocabulary is through the use of flash cards that you make yourself. Purchase a set of 3×5 index cards (索引卡片) and cut them in half. _2_ As you learn more information about each word, eg. plural forms of nouns and principle parts of verbs, you can add these to the cards._3_Research shows that language students learn more effectively and acquire more when they study frequently and for shorter periods of time than if they study infrequently for extended periods of time. _4_ This means, doing a few homework exercises each day rather than doing all homework the night before they are due.Practice language actively_5_ Say vocabulary words out aloud, read passages in the text aloud, do pronunciation activities orally and not just mentally. Write out the answers to activities rather than gliding through them in your mind. Read aloud entire sentences in an activity rather than just reading a fillin response. Transferring language from your mind to your mouth is a skill that requires a great deal of practice.A. Break study time into smaller periods.B. Then use flash cards as a learning tool.C. Try to study each day, and several times a day.D. The timetested approaches are effective in your learning.E. Write a word on the front and its English definition on the back.F. Whenever possible, speak the language aloud rather than reciting silently to yourself.G. Below are some approaches that will relieve your potential frustration and help you succeed in language learning.答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要为语言初学者提供了学习语言的三条建议。1. 答案G解析根据上文提到的语言初学者会在学习语言的过程中遇到挫折,认为自己不可能掌握那些概念,也不能有效地进行交流的内容及下文给出的三条学习语言的建议可知,此处应填一个起承上启下作用的句子,故G项“下面是一些将缓解你潜在的挫折感,帮助你成功进行语言学习的方法”符合语境。2. 答案E解析根据空后的“As you learn more information about each word . you can add these to the cards”可知,当你学到更多有关每个单词的信息时,你可以把它们添加到卡片上,因此空处内容应涉及在卡片记上某些东西,故E项“把单词写在卡片的正面,并把它的英语释义写在背面”符合语境。3. 答案A解析根据本段内容可知,语言学习者把学习时间分成各个小段来频繁地学习比一次学习很长时间取得的效果要好,因此本段提供的学习方法应是“把学习时间分成小段来进行学习”,故A项符合语境。4. 答案C解析根据下文中的“This means, doing a few homework exercises each day rather than doing all homework the night before they are due”可知,此处是在说每天应该做一些家庭作业而不是拖到最后一刻完成,故C项“试着每天都学习,并且一天学习多次”符合语境。5. 答案F解析根据本段的小标题“Practice language actively”可知,本段主要讲的是要积极地练习语言,故F项“只要有可能,大声地说出这门语言,而不是默默地背给自己听”符合语境。. 语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Henry Bond was about ten years old when his father died. His mother found it difficult to support a large family, but still everything _1_(leave) in her care. By good management, she managed _2_(send) Henry to school and supply him, for the most part, _3_ books he needed.At one time, however, Henry wanted a grammar book, and his mother couldn't afford it. He became very _4_ (worry), and went to bed with a heavy heart. On waking in the morning, he found that a deep snow had fallen, and the cold wind was blowing _5_(fierce). Then an idea struck him.He rose and ran to the house of _6_ neighbor, offering his service to clear a path around his house. The offer was accepted. _7_(plete) this work and received his pay, he went to another place for the same purpose, and then to another, _8_ he earned enough to buy a grammar book.When school began, Henry was ready to begin the lesson in his new book. From that time on, Henry was always the first in all his _9_(class). He knew no such word as “fail”, and always _10_(succeed) in all he had tried. Having the will, he always found the way.答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。Henry Bond家境贫寒,一次,在母亲没钱为他买语法书的情况下,他通过自己的劳动赚钱买语法书来继续自己的学业。1. 答案was left解析考查时态和语态。根据语境可知,此处指一切都留给她打理。此处描述发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时;everything与leave之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填was left。2. 答案to send解析考查非谓语动词。manage to do sth.是固定用法,意为“努力完成某事;成功做某事”。故填to send。3. 答案with解析考查介词。此处指Henry的母亲给他提供大部分他需要的书。supply sb. with sth.supply sth. to sb.“给某人提供某物”,是固定搭配。4. 答案worried解析考查形容词。他变得很发愁,心情沉重地去睡觉了。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作表语,应用形容词,故填worried“担忧的;发愁的”。5. 答案fiercely解析考查副词。应用副词修饰动词。fiercely“猛烈地”。6. 答案a解析考查冠词。他起床,然后跑到一户邻居家,提出要帮他在房子周围清理出一条路。neighbor在文中第一次提到,此处表示泛指,且因neighbour的发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a。7. 答案Having pleted解析考查非谓语动词。完成这项工作并得到应有的报酬后,Henry为同样的目的去了另一个地方。he与plete之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,且plete的动作发生在went之前,故用现在分词的完成式在句中作状语。8. 答案until解析考查状语从句。此处指直到他赚到足够的钱来买语法书。until“直到”,在此引导时间状语从句。9. 答案classes解析考查名词复数。从那时起,Henry在他所有的课程里都是第一名。根据句中的“all”可知此处应用名词复数形式。10. 答案succeeded解析考查时态。根据句中的“knew”“had tried”可知,此处应用一般过去时。故填succeeded。


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