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鲁教版实验中学2019-2020学年八年级竞赛英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) (2016九上钦州港月考) If you dont know how to spell a new word, youd better _ in a dictionary. A . look it overB . look it upC . look at itD . look for2. (2分) (2018八上广州月考) Without saying_, he left in a hurry. A . anythingB . somethingC . nothingD . some3. (2分) (2017八上江都期中) What is the small girl with a ponytail like?_.A . She likes sandwichesB . She is like her motherC . She is shy and quietD . Shed like some juice4. (2分) (2017八下重庆月考) Its interesting to watch the baby _her book. A . to seeB . readC . watchD . looks at5. (2分) (2019七下洛宁期末) Judy can speak English, but only . A . fewB . a fewC . littleD . a little6. (2分) (2019九上兴化月考) The doctors devote as much time as they can the sick child. A . to saveB . to savingC . for savingD . save7. (2分) (2016咸宁) I dont know if it _ tomorrow.Well, if it _, the school sports meet will be canceled.A . will rain; will rainB . rains; will rainC . will rain; rainsD . rains; rains8. (2分) Jane can speak English _. She wants to work for the Olympic Games. A . correctB . niceC . sweetD . well9. (2分) -Do you have_ books on Chinese food?-Yes, I have_.A . some, anyB . any, someC . some, someD . any, any10. (2分) (2018临沂) The TV news reports that there _ a storm the day after tomorrow. A . isB . wasC . will beD . has been11. (2分) (2019邯郸模拟) She was happy to get a gift from her friend, _it was only a card. A . ifB . unlessC . thoughD . because12. (2分) (2018八上蒙阴期末) Linda likes traveling. She _ stays at home during holidays. A . seldomB . usuallyC . alwaysD . often13. (2分) (2016惠安模拟) I missed the basketball match yesterday afternoon. _ It was worth watching.A . Hurry up!B . Sounds great!C . What a pity!14. (2分) (2017九上澄海期末) I think its necessary to learn how to work in groups. I quite agree. Sometimes its even_ than grades.A . importantB . more importantC . less importantD . much important15. (2分) (2017七下泗阳竞赛) Suddenly, I heard someone _ for help. A . shoutedB . shoutingC . shoutsD . shout16. (2分) (2017济南模拟) Look! The traffic lights turn _.We should stop.A . blueB . yellowC . redD . green17. (2分) 一What do you think about Maria?Oh, shes as as her sisterA . friendlyB . more friendlyC . most friendlyD . the most friendly18. (2分) (2019贵州) Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning, ? No. Because he had a fever. A . hadnt heB . had heC . didnt heD . did he19. (2分) (2017七上台州月考) Whats this in English? a dog.A . This isB . ImC . ThatsD . Its20. (2分) (2015七上邕宁期中) Is that girl Kate Green? Yes, _.A . youre rightB . thats OKC . he isD . she isnt二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共22分)21. (10分) (2017广东) 请读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Jacks love for birds started when he made his first birdfeeder about six years ago. He filled the feeder with seeds (种子), put it in his backyard and then 1 started coming. He got really 2 in birds as more came. Then he joined a local society. As he realized that more and more birds were dying very 3, he wanted to try his best to help them.Besides what he has done, he has his own group called Protecting Out Birds. He does 4about birds, run a website to teach people about birds and how to help them, and 5 boxes for birds. Not long ago, he found that the bluebirds were nesting(做窝)in the dead trees which were often cut down, 6 he began to make bluebird boxes for the birds in order to save them. Now he wants to use these boxes to 7 the dead trees. He hangs these boxes up in trees and takes 8 down every week to see if the birds are nesting in them. He also writes articles, hoping that more people will 9 protecting natural ecosystems(生态系统). “Researching birds is10 to protecting birds,”jack says, “In order to protect birds, we have to learn and really know about the birds. ”(1)A . bees B . birds C . people D . scientists (2)A . nervous B . weak C . bored D . interested (3)A . peacefully B . safely C . quickly D . sadly (4)A . practice B . business C . instruction D . research (5)A . builds B . breaks C . lifts D . pushes (6)A . so B . but C . though D . because (7)A . take good care of B . take the place of C . catch up with D . come up with (8)A . it B . this C . these D . them (9)A . wait for B . send for C . join in D . hand in (10)A . simple B . crazy C . important D . fresh 22. (12分) 完形填空 Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a 1of about eighty miles. It was late and I was in a hurry. However, if anyone asked me how fast I was driving, Id say I was not over-speeding (超速). Several times I got2behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road, and I was holding my fists tightly with impatience.At one point along an open highway, I 3a crossroad with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I got near to the light, it turned red and I braked to a stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, waiting for the light to4, the only human being for at least a mile in any5.I started6why I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of being fined, because there was obviously no policeman around, and there certainly would have been no7in going through it.Much later that night, after I8a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near midnight, the question of why Id stopped for that light came back to me. I think I stopped because its part of a contract (合同) we all have with each other. Its not only the 9, but its an arrangement we have, and we trust each other to10it: we dont go through red lights. Like most of us, Im more likely to be11from doing something bad by the social conventions (社会习俗) that stand by it than by any law against it.Its amazing that we ever trust each other to do the right thing, isnt it? I was so12of myself for stopping for the red light that night.(1)A . flight B . distance C . road D . length (2)A . stopped B . changed C . stuck D . lost (3)A . ran off B . left behind C . passed by D . came to (4)A . stop B . change C . turn D . die (5)A . way B . side C . city D . direction (6)A . wondering B . asking C . confusing D . regretting (7)A . time B . sign C . danger D . record (8)A . met with B . got over C . got rid of D . called back (9)A . behavior B . law C . suggestion D . order (10)A . break B . solve C . honor D . judge (11)A . stopped B . protected C . refused D . frightened (12)A . sorry B . doubtful C . sure D . proud 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)23. (8分) (2018济宁) 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。CIn America, boys and girls often join clubs. The members of a club work together. They also learn certain skills and share good times.Many boys belong to Boy Scouts. Boy scouts enjoy hiking and camping out together, and they learn many things. Scouts learn safety rules, first aid, and what to do when in danger. Members have a chance to learn outdoor living. They learn to build fires and cook out in the open.Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls are clubs for girls. These two clubs give their members a chance to have fun and learn. The girls in a group take trips, have parties and go hiking and camping together. The Camp Fire Girls earn honor beads( 荣誉珠) for learning such skills as swimming and cooking. The Girl Scouts earn badges(徽章).Both boys and girls can be members of 4-h clubs, Children who live in either the city or the country may belong to 4-h. A project such as raising a pig or a calf can be carried on only by farm children, while city children can take part in gardening and cooking projects.In all these clubs the boys and girls learn to be good and useful citizens.(1) Why do boys and girls join clubs according to the passage? A . To make their parents happy.B . To earn honor beads and badges.C . To learn skills and share good times.D . To enjoy hiking and camping out.(2) What does Para. 2 mainly talk about? A . What to do when in danger.B . Some activities of Boy Scouts.C . What Boy Scouts really enjoy.D . Some skills about outdoor living.(3) What can we know from Para. 3? A . In America there are many clubs for girls.B . Camp Fire Girls is quite popular in America.C . Girls can go hiking and camping with the boys.D . Girls are encouraged to learn swimming and cooking.(4) What is the passage mainly about? A . Members of 4-h clubs in America.B . Clubs for boys and girls in America.C . Different kinds of clubs in America.D . Children who are interested in clubs.24. (8分) (2019温州模拟) 阅读理解 New App Helps People Remember FacesLarge gatherings such as weddings and meetings can be socially Q flooded with people. Learning peoples names only adds to the stress. A new facial-recognition app could come to the rescue, but experts suggest people should be careful while using it. The app, called SocialRecall, connects names with faces through smartphone cameras and facial recognition, avoiding the need for formal introductions. "It breaks down these social barriers we all have when meeting somebody, "says Barry Sandrew, who created the app and tested it at an event attended by about 1, 000 people. After receiving an invitation to download SocialRecall from an event organizer, the user is asked to take two selfies and sign in through social media. At the event, the app is active within a previously set geographical area. When a user points his or her phone camera at an attendees face, the app identifies the person, displays the persons name, and links to his or her social media information. To protect Privacy, it recognizes only those who have agreed to use. And the apps creators say it automatically removes users data after an event. Ann Cavoukian, a expert who runs the Privacy by Design Center of Excellence praises the apps creators for these protective measures. She added, however, that when people choose to share their personal information with the app, they should know that "there may be unexpected results down the road with that information being used in another situation that might come back to bite you."The start-up project has developed the app for people who suffer from prosopagnosia, or "face blindness, "a condition that prevents people from recognizing people they have met. To use this app, a person first receives an image of someones face, from either the smartphones camera or a photograph, and then tags it with a name. When the camera spots or recognizes that same face in real life, the previously entered information is displayed. The collected data are stored only on a users phone, according to the team behind the app. (1) Social Recall is used to _. A . take photosB . identify peopleC . organize eventsD . make friends(2) Paragraph 3 is mainly about _. A . how the app worksB . how the app was createdC . what makes the app popularD . what people can do with the app(3) SocialRecall helps people with prosopagnosia by _. A . giving names to the photos kept in their smartphonesB . collecting information previously entered in the phoneC . providing the information of a person when they first meetD . showing the persons information when it spots a stored face(4) What can we learn about SocialRecall from the passage? A . It may put peoples personal information at risk.B . It has caused many unexpected results.C . It can stop people recognizing people they have met.D . It is praised by users for its protective measures.25. (10分) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其字母代号填入相应空格内。People can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you dont see the person you are talking with.Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. With it , two people who are talking can see each other.Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person youre calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book. Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping through your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, youll go to the phone and call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing youre interested in right over the phone. Youll be able to shop all over the town and never even leave your room!(1) Today people can use the phone to talk with others _ A . in all the townsB . in some places in the worldC . only in big citiesD . almost anywhere on the earth(2) The underlined word "it" in the text means "_ "A . the picture phoneB . any phoneC . the useD . the change(3) We can _ through the picture phone according to the textA . write a bookB . do some shoppingC . play gamesD . have classes(4) Picture phones are very_.A . usefulB . impossibleC . badD . badly(5) Which is NOT true according to the passage?A . Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone.B . With the picture phone, two people cant see each other.C . With the picture phones, you can show something to the person youre callingD . Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth26. (10分) (2019河池模拟) 阅读短文,判断短文后句子的意思是否与短文内容相符。 Carrots (胡萝卜) are grown on farms and in small family gardens all over the world. They are easy to plant and easy to harvest (收获). They have a good taste. When people think about carrots, a picture of a long, thin, orange-colored vegetable usually comes into their minds. But carrots come in many different sizes and shapes. And not all carrots are orange. Carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time. The earth also should not be too hard. To prepare your carrot garden, dig up the earth and turn it over (翻土).Weather, soil, condition and time affect (影响) the taste of carrots. Warm days and cool nights are the best time to grow great delicious carrots. The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color. Usually, the brighter the color is, the better the taste is. Most people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as you do during the summer months. Carrots are prepared and eaten in many different ways. They ate cut into thin pieces and cooked with other vegetables or meat. They are also washed and eaten just as they come out of the ground. (1) Carrots are easy to plant but hard to harvest. (2) Carrots should be grown in a field without water for a long time. (3) The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its size. (4) Everyone knows that carrots can be grown during the winter months. (5) We can prepare and eat carrots in many different ways. 四、 选词填空 (共3题;共20分)27. (5分) 用所给词的适当形式填空 ( 5分 )begin listen be relax not likeTonnys work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves_him and he _ six hours every day. He wants _an actor. He enjoys_ to the music. At the_ of this month,she is in France.28. (8分) 根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。win; nothing, help, including; local, interest; happy, attendSempoma is a wonderful place that photographers should never miss. The photos taken in Sempoma have _many big prizes in international photo competitions. Its a favourite place for those who take great _in photography around the world. People in Sempoma are not only friendly but also_They are always glad to be your models (模特). People there are good at driving the boat _the children. Life of the children in Sempoma is very simple. They have no homework to do because they do not _school. They have _to worry about and they play _every day in the water. If you ever go to Sempoma, make sure you find an experienced _guide.He or she will lead you to all the fantastic sights.29. (7分) (2018七上济宁期中) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词填空,每空一词。方框中有两个词为多余选项。 tidy girl yellow know knows boy years China bookcaseCome here, my friends. My name is Jackson. Im American, but now I live(居住) in Wuhan, _. Im a middle school student. Im in Grade Seven. Look, this is a photo of my classroom. Do you _ the woman in the red coat? She is our English teacher. I think she is a nice teacher. Im in Row 2. The _ in the blue coat is my friend. His name is Zhao Lei. He is 12 _ old. His mother and father are teachers, too. Some new English-Chinese dictionaries are in the _. We have many flowers (花) in the classroom, too. They are _. They are very beautiful(漂亮的). Our classroom is very _. We like our classroom.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共22分)21、答案:略22、答案:略三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略四、 选词填空 (共3题;共20分)27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略


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