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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-厦门大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the_of fine china attracted much attention of easterners from all over the world.问题1选项A.successionB.arrayC.stringD.cluster【答案】C【解析】succession继承权; array排列, 布局; string系列, 一串; cluster群, 簇。句意:在春季出口商品交易会上, 一系列精美的瓷器吸引了来自世界各地的东方人的目光。选项C符合句意。2.翻译题Despite the web,we watch more television than ever.In the chaos of today's media and technology brawliPod vs. Zune, Google vs. Yahoo, windows vs. Linux, Intel vs. AMDwe can declare one unlikely winner. Standing tall in a field of new tech wonders, it's a geezer technology that are invented in the 1920s and commercialized in the 1940s, and it's still more powerful than any thing created since.(1) As you try to figure out where consumer infotech is going, and what it means for society, remember this big, central reality: People just want more television.If you doubt it, look at today's biggest news in tech. It continually centers on new ways to bring consumers the thing they crave above all else. (2) Sony flooded the recent Consumer Electronics Show with products that put internet video on your TV set, as did almost every other consumer electronics company. At the simultaneous Macworld Expo, Apple chief Steve Jobs introduced Apple TV, which does the same thing. Verizon said it will soon offer live TV on cellphone screens. It will also sell full -length programs for viewing whenever you want. Put it all together,and we have achieved a nirvana that didn't exist even a year ago:unlimited television available 24/7 on every screen you own.It's no surprise,of course. (3) Ever since the basic facts of steadily multiplying processor power and bandwidth became apparent, seers have confidently predicted this day. They just as confidently predicted what it would mean: traditional television's demise. Once the World Wide Web appeared in the mid- 1990s, the future looked very clear. Boring old TV, the scheduled programs that come to you through a coaxial cable or satellite dish or antenna,would fade away.(4)Which is exactly the opposite of what has happened. Despite many Net Age alternatives,we Americans today watch more boring old TV than ever, which is saying something. How can that be? My theory is the Two-Liter Coke Principle. The Coca-Cola company discovered long ago that if it could get people to bring home bigger bottles of Coke,those people would drink more than they used to. Just getting more Coke in front of them increased their consumption. It seems to be the same with TV. Put more of it in front of peopleover 100 channels in many homesand people will watch more.Seen from this perspective, the latest announcements of new TV-related technology look simply like additional ways to put more TV in front of American consumers. The supposed threat from the Internet was that we'd cut back on TV as we spent more time on MySpace or in Second Life. We may well spend more time on such new Net attractions,but we're unlikely to take that time away from video viewing. Were more likely to cut back on things we consider less important, like sleep.(5)No one has evaluated TV better than the great New Yorker essayist E. B. White, who in 1938 wrote, "We shall stand or fall by television, of that I am sure." We still don't know which it will be, but his assessment looks truer than ever. Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese【答案】(1)当你设法弄清消费信息技术将向何处发展以及这对社会意味着什么时,要记住这个重要的核心事实:人们只是想看更多的电视节目。(2)就像其他每个消费电子产品公司做的那样,索尼公司在最近的消费类电子产品展会上推出大量产品,这些产品是用来把网络视频放到电视上。在同时举行的麦客世界展会上,苹果公司总栽史蒂夫乔布斯推出具有同样功能的苹果电视。(3)从那时到现在,基本而明显的事实是处理器的功能不断提高和带宽的不断增大,而预言家们已经自信地预测了这一天。正如他们自信地预言它的含义:传统的电视节目会被替代。(4)实际情况却正好相反。尽管网络时代有其他多种选择,我们美国人如今看的无聊电视却比以往任何时候都多,这就说明了问题。(5)关于电视,没有人比著名的纽约人杂志评论家E. B.怀特的评价更恰当。他在1938年写道:“我们的好坏将取决于电视, 这一点我敢肯定。”3.单选题But like many, Turner is growing a little tired as Florida's busy hurricane season continues to_nerves and extend hardships.问题1选项A.sprainB.frayC.distortD.scuffle【答案】B【解析】sprain扭伤; fray(使关系、神经等)紧张;distort扭曲,曲解; scuffle混战。句意:和许多人一样,特纳也越来越累了,因为佛罗里达多飓风的季节不断地使人们神经紧张,造成更多的苦难。选项B符合句意。  4.单选题The following qualifications are essential for the post: an honors degree in English,_in shorthand and typewriting and some experience in journalism.问题1选项A.proficiencyB.expertiseC.knowledgeD.familiarity【答案】A【解析】proficiency精通, 熟练; expertise专门技术; familiarity熟悉。句意:应聘该职位必须具备以下条件:英语荣誉学位, 速记和打字熟练, 有一定的新闻工作经验。选项A符合句意。5.单选题Everyday there are reports of_that have been committed against innocent people.问题1选项A.behaviorsB.fixturesC.subordinatesD.atrocities【答案】D【解析】behavior举止, 行为;fixture设备, 固定装置; subordinate下属; atrocity暴行,残暴。句意:每天都有关于对无辜人民实施暴行的报道。选项D符合句意。6.单选题He acknowledged that the_of financial support in the election took long hours of persuasion.问题1选项A.gestationB.enlistmentC.establishmentD.temperance【答案】B【解析】gestation怀孕, 酝酿;enlistment征募, 获得; establishment确立, 制定; temperance节欲, 戒酒。句意:他承认在选举中获得财政支持需要长时间的劝说。选项B符合句意。7.单选题As welfare reform has_millions of single mothers like Patino into the workforce since 1996, questions about its effects on families have loomed large.问题1选项A.nudgedB.propelledC.divestedD.bumped【答案】B【解析】nudge轻推, 唠叨; propel推进, 驱使; divest剥夺; bump碰撞。句意:自1996年以来, 福利改革推动了数以百万计的像帕蒂诺这样的单身母亲加入到劳动力大军中, 福利改革对家庭影响的问题日益突出。选项B符合句意。8.案例题Most of us tell one two lies a day,according to scientists who study these things. And we rarely get caught,because the lies we tell are usually little ones: "I got stuck in traffic." "That color looks good on you." "I was just about to call. "But even the smallest fib may soon be systematically exposed,at least in the virtual World. Researchers at several universities are developing software that can detect lies in online communications such as instant messages e-mails and chatrooms. The ability to spot "digital deception", as researchers call it,has never been more crucial. Today,much of our business and social life is conducted online, making us increasingly vulnerable. White collar criminals,sexual predators, scammers, identity thieves and even terrorists surf the same Web as the rest of us.Conventional lie detectors look for physiological signs of anxietya bead of sweat or a racing pulse but online systems examine only the liar's words. "When we're looking at language, we're looking at the tool of the lie," says Jeff Hancock,an assistant professor of communication and a member of the faculty of computing and information science at Cornell University.Hancock,who recently received a $680,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study digital deception, says there is a growing body of evidence that the language of dishonest messages is different than that of honest ones. For example,one study led by Hancock and due to be published this spring in Discourse Processes found that deceptive e-mail messages contained 28 percent more words on average and used a higher percentage of words associated with negative emotions than did truthful messages. Liars also tend to use fewer first-person references (such as the pronoun "I") and more third- person references (such as "he" and "they"). This may be the liar's subconscious way of distancing himself from his lie.More surprising,Hancock and his colleagues have observed that the targets of liars also exhibit distinctive language patterns. For instance,people who are being deceived often use shorter sentences and ask more questions. Even though they may not be aware that they are being lied to,people seem to exhibit subconscious suspicions.To identify the patterns of deceit,Hancock has developed an instant-messaging system at Cornell that asks users to rate the deceptiveness of each message they send. The system has already collected 10,000 messages,of which about 6 percent qualify as patently deceptive. Eventually the results will be incorporated into software that analyzes incoming messages.For now,the Cornell researchers are working only with the kinds of lies told by students and faculty. It remains to be seen whether such a system can be scaled up to handle "big" lies, such as messages sent by conartists and terrorists.Fortunately, the research so far suggests that people lie less often in e-mail than face-to-face or on the phone. Perhaps this is because people are reluctant to put their lies in writing. Hancock speculates. "An e-mail generates multiple copies," he says."It will last longer than something carved in rock." So choose your words carefully. The internet may soon be rid not only deceit but also of lame excuses.1.The digital polygraph conducts testing based on ( ).2.List one of the differences between false pretences and unfeigned messages,according to Hancock's study.3.The language patterns of those harboring suspicious perspectives would be characteristics of .4.Why does Hancock need the rating results of the message deceptiveness?5.Why do people lie less in e-mail messages than confronting with each other according to Hancock'sspeculation?  【答案】1.the liar's words.2.According to Hancock's study,deceptive e-mail messages contained 28 percent more words on average and used a higher percentage of words associated with negative emotions than did truthful messages.3.the targets of liars.4.To identify the patterns of deceit.5.Perhaps this is because people are reluctant to put their lies in writing.【解析】1.根据第三段的第一句“Conventional lie detectors look for physiological signs of anxietya bead of sweat or a racing pulsebut online systems examine only the liar's words.”传统的测谎仪寻找焦虑的生理信号, 而电子测谎仪只检测说谎者的话语。所以这里应填入“the liar's words.”2.根据第四段的第二句“Processes found that deceptive e-mail messages contained 28 percent more words on average and used a higher percentage of words associated with negative emotions than did truthful messages.”研究发现, 欺骗性的电子邮件比真实的邮件平均多包含28%的词汇, 使用的与负面情绪有关的词汇比例也更高。3.根据第五段的第一句“More surprising,Hancock and his colleagues have observed that the targets of liars also exhibit distinctive language patterns.”更令人惊讶的是, Hancock和他的同事们发现, 说谎者的目标也表现出独特的语言模式。结合第五段的内容可知这里应填入“the targets of liars.”.4根据第六段的第一句“To identify the patterns of deceit,Hancock has developed an instant- messaging system at Cornell that asks users to rate the deceptiveness of each message they send.”Hancock需要欺骗性信息的评级结果是为了识别欺骗的模式。5.根据最后一段的一二句“the research so far suggests that people lie less often in e-mail than face-to-face or on the phone. Perhaps this is because people are reluctant to put their lies in writing.”迄今为止的研究表明, 人们通过电子邮件说谎的频率低于面对面或电话。汉考克推测, 也许这是因为人们不愿意把谎言写下来。9.案例题Tourists are guilty, so we are frequently told, of a number of crimes: upsetting the ecological balance of Mount Himalayas,parking wads of chewing gum under the benches of museums and art galleries, wearing unsuitable T-shirts in Notre Dame, debauching the local peasantry and generally lowering the tone of everywhere they choose to set their benighted feet. Rarely has a group of people been so widely reviled,and I am one of them. So are you. I've been a tourist in Provence for about 15 years now often on the receiving end of criticism or mild abuse from people who accuse me of having "ruined" the region by writing about it. Curiously,these complaints,which are sometimes offensive and invariably very shrill,do not come from the Provence themselves,who seem to regard me as a fairly benevolent oddity,but from my fellow tourists.From their vantage points in London or Brussels or Boston,they deplore what they say has happened to Provence. They know,from investigations carried out during their brief annual vacations,that Provence has changed. The markets are more crowded,the prices have gone up,the restaurants are full, the sunniest cafe tables are taken,bakers run out of bread,waiters run out of patience,there is nowhere to park and nobodybut nobodycan be found to fix a leaking pool.Mass tourism in Provence started more than 2,600 years ago with the arrival of Greeks from Phocea, who founded Marseille. They were a civilizing influence and provided jobs for the locals, and could therefore be described as acceptable tourists. So were the Romans, who built the monuments and viaducts and amphitheaters that we still enjoy. Then came a bad patch,with the arrival of Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Franks. They amused themselves by terrifying the inhabitants and ravaging the countryside. Here, perhaps, is where it had its start: the reputation of tourists as slobs.After many years of on-the-spot observation, I would like to put in a good word for this much-maligned species. The overwhelming majority of these visitors are amiable and considerate people who want nothing more than quiet enjoyment. They have come to Provence for sunshine and spectacular scenery, for the food and the wine,for a pleasant break from real life. Of course there are crowds,particularly in July and August,but these tend to be confined to the towns and postcard villages. For those who want solitude,beautiful and empty countryside is only a short drive away.Personally, I have never found the tourist season intolerable; indeed,there is reason to be grateful for some of its effects. If it weren't for the money that tourism brings,many of the chateaux and gardens open to the public would become derelict; monuments would be left to crumble; many restaurants could never survive on local custom alone; it wouldn't be worth putting on concerts or village fetes. Rural life would be the poorer.Obviously,this is not true everywhere. Some parts of the world have been so thoroughly overexploited that they have lost whatever charm they once possessed. This is usually the result of local greed; but the tourist,not the rapacious developer,gets most of the blame.The passage below summarizes the main points of the passage. Read the summary and then select the best word or phrase from the box blow according to the passage. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Tourists are frequently criticized (1) the ecological balance of Mount Himalayas and (2) chewing gum under the benches of museum and art galleries. They are also blamed for their (3) while visiting Notre Dame. My fellow tourists have reviled me for having destroyed Provence (4) . They have made a lot of complains (5) . For instance,there have been the busier markets,higher prices, (6) restaurants, cafe tables and parking lots, (7) empty bakeries and impatient waiters. Yet,Provence began (8) over 2,600 years ago. The locals welcomed Greeks (9) , and Romans (10) , viaducts and amphitheaters. But those of Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Franks brought the tourists into (11) by terrifying the inhabitants and (12) . According my observation,I would like to say a few words (13) those much blamed tourists. Most of them are amiable and considerate,and they came mostly to the towns and postcard villages in Provence in July and August just for sunshine, (14) , the food, the wine, a pleasant break from real life. I believe Provence has been (15) to tourism (16) the chateaux, gardens and monuments, and (17) concerts and village fetes in the districts. But usually the tourist is (18) the blame (19) and (20) in some parts of the world.A.spectacular scenery                           B.for the holding of                                C.not to mentionD.grateful            E.the smearing of                F.based on their own perspectives      G.its massive tourism H.by writing about it                             I.ravaging the countryside                      J.for their spoilage of          K.shouldered                                          L.for the overexploitation                     M.amiable and considerate N.high occupancy of                            O.for the survival of                                P.the lost charm  Q.poor behavior               R.for the monuments        S.disrepute                   T.for their civilizing influence【答案】1.J2.E3.Q4.H5.F6.N7.C8.G9.T10.R11.S12.I13.M14.A15.D16.O17.B18.K19.L20.P【解析】1.根据第一段的第一句“.upsetting the ecological balance of Mount Himalayas.”游客经常被批评, 因为破坏了喜马拉雅山的生态平衡。所以,填空处为“for their spoilage of”,指损坏,糟蹋。2.根据第一段的第一句“.parking wads of chewing gum under the benches of museums and art galleries.”在博物馆和艺术画廊的长椅下放口香糖。所以,空格处应填"the smearing of”,指弄脏。3.根据“wearing unsuitable T-shirts in Notre Dame.”可知,空格处应填“poor behavior”,指不雅的行为。4.根据第一段的倒数第二句“I've been a tourist in Provence.having "ruined" the region by writing about it.”我在普罗旺斯做了大约15年的游客, 现在经常受到一些人的批评或轻微的辱骂,他们指责我通过写有关普罗旺斯的文章“毁了”这个地区。所以, 空格处应填“by writing about if”。5.根据第一段的最后一句可知, 他们的抱怨不是来自于普罗旺斯人, 而是基于游客自己的观点。所以, 空格处应填 ”based on their own perspectives”。6.根据第二段的第三句“The markets are more crowded,the prices have gone up,the restaurants are full, the sunniest cafe tables are taken,.”市场更加拥挤,物价上涨,餐馆客满,阳光最充足的咖啡馆也挤满了人。所以, 空格处应填“high occupancy of "。7.根据第二段的内容可知, 市场更加拥挤, 物价上涨, 餐馆客满, 阳光最充足的咖啡馆也挤满了人, 更不用说卖空了的面包店和不耐烦的服务员。not to mention指更不用说。8.根据第三段的第一句“Mass tourism in Provence started more than 2,600 years ago.”可知,填空处应填“its massive tourism”。9.根据第三段的第二句“They were a civilizing influence and provided jobs for the locals, and could therefore be described as acceptable tourists.”希腊人受到当地人的欢迎是因为他们对文明产生了影嘛并为当地人提供了工 作。所以,空格处应填“for their civilizing influence”。10.根据第三段的第二句“So were the Romans,who built the monuments and viaducts and amphitheaters that we still enjoy.”罗马人受到当地人的欢迎是因为他们建造了纪念碑、高架桥和圆形剧场。所以,空格处应填“for the monuments”。11.根据第三段的最后两句可知,西哥特人、东哥特人和法兰克人以恐吓居民和破坏乡村为乐。也许游客声誉受损就是从这里开始的。所以,空格处应填“disrepute”,bring sb. into disrepute意为“使某人声誉扫地, 使某人声名狼籍"。12.据第三段的倒数第二句“They amused themselves by terrifying the inhabitants and ravaging the countryside.”可知, 他们以恐吓居民和破坏乡村为乐。所以,空格处应填“ravaging the countryside”。13.根据第四段的一二句可知,绝大多数的旅游者都是友好的, 而且是考虑周到的。所以,空格处应填“amiable and considerate”。14.根据第四段的第三句“They have come to Provence for sunshine and spectacular scenery, for the food and the wine,for a pleasant break from real life.”他们来到普罗旺斯是为了享受阳光和壮丽的景色,享受美食和美酒,享受与现实生活的愉快休憩。所以应填“spectacular scenery"。15.根据第五段的第一句“there is reason to be grateful for some of its effects.”普罗旺斯应该对旅游业表示感谢。所以,空格处应填“grateful”。16.根据第五段的内容可知,如果不是旅游业为普罗旺斯带来的经济效益,这里就会百业凋零。所以,空格处应填“for the survival of"。17.根据第五段的倒数第二句“.it wouldn't be worth putting on concerts or village fetes.”如果没有旅游业也就没必要举办音乐会或者乡村宴会了。所以应填“for the holding of ”。18.根据最后一段的最后一句“but the tourist,not the rapacious developer,gets most of the blame.”通常都是游客承担责任而不是开发商。所以, 空格处应填“shouldered”。19.根据最后一段内容可知,世界的某些地区被过度开采, 造成这些地区丧失了曾经拥有的吸引力。而这个责任也被推到了游客身上。所以,空格处应填"for the overexploitation”。20.根据最后一段内容可知,世界的某些地区被过度开采, 造成这些地区丧失了曾经拥有的吸引力。而这个责任也被推到了游客身上。所以, 空格处应填“the lost charm”。10.翻译题Many advocates of a universal healthcare system in the United States look to Canada for their model. While the Canadian healthcare system has much to recommend it, there's another model that has been too long neglected. That is the healthcare system in France.(1) Although the French system faces many challenges,the World Health Organization rated it the best in the world in 2001 because of its universal coverage, responsive healthcare providers, patient and provider freedoms,and the health and longevity of the country's population. The United States ranked 37.The French system is also not inexpensive. At $3,500 per capita it is one of the most costly in Europe, yet that is still far less than the $6,100 per pe


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