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山西省忻州实验中学2018-2019学年高一英语下学期期中试题(无答案)温馨提示:1.答题前,考生务必用0.5mm黑色中性笔和2B铅笔,将自己的班级、姓名和考号写在试卷和答题卡上。2.请把答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡,不交试题,答案写在试题上无效。3. 满分150分,考试时间120分钟。4. 认真细心地去解答每一道题。同学们,加油吧!第I卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分60分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) AMeganI'm based in Bahrain, and I have a small apartment there. The thing I like most about my job is the chance to meet people from different cultures. I spend a lot of my time handing out food and drinks and clearing up people's rubbish. I certainly don't feel very excited about going home at two in the morning!FrankI enjoy playing around with word puzzles(字谜). So I sent a couple in to a local newspaper and was really surprised when they asked me for more. I suppose it is a strange way to spend your day surrounded by dictionaries and books, but it's great because I'm just doing what I like. GemmaI love music and listen to it all the time, even when I go jogging. As for my job -you really can't be shy in this kind of work, and you have to be very patient because sometimes we practise for hours before we get it right. When we're on tour, we work for several weeks with no breaks and you can get really tired. For relaxation, whenever I get a holiday, I go straight to a sunny beach.RaoulMost people think I spend my day chopping(切) vegetables and washing dishes, but it's not that simple. I have to be really careful with the food and keep everything very clean. The biggest problem is my boss-he shouts at me all the time-even, for example, if I forget to wash up one plate. Actually, I'm hoping to find a new job soon because I don't get much time off. 1.What's the biggest attraction of Megan's job? A. The long holidays. B. Handing out food to people.C. Getting to know different people. D. The pleasant working environment.2.Who loves working with words? A. Megan. B. Frank. C. Gemma. D. Raoul.3.What problem does Raoul face? A. His strict boss. B. He is careless.C. His terrible cooking. D. He fails to get enough sleep. BGeorge Grey was born in Lisbon in Portugal on 14 April 1812. After completing his education at the Royal Military College at Sandhurst in England in 1826, Grey went to Ireland with the army. He felt sorry for the Irish people and thought it would improve their lives if they moved to Australia. In 1836 he planned to lead an expedition(远征队)to look for land for a settlement(定居点)in northwest Australia. He left England on the Beagle in July 1837. In Cape Town he took another ship, the Lynher, and sailed to the north coast of Western Australia. After landing near Collier Bay his group walked inland. Grey and his men were totally inexperienced and lacked survival skills. The local people were hostile and Grey was injured. It took two weeks before he was well enough to travel. They discovered and named the Glenelg River, Stephen Range and Mount Lyell. The land was not suitable for settlement, so in April they sailed to the island country Mauritius to get some rest. Grey returned to Australia, and in February1839 he sailed from Perth to Shark Bay, Western Australia. His team landed with three whale boats to go northwards. They lost their food when one whaleboat was damaged in a strong storm. They finally reached Shark Bay. They set sail back to Perth but both boats were damaged. After making it to shore with very little food, they began walking to Perth, 483 kilometres away. It was hard going in the heat with very little food and water. His men were badly weakened and one died. Grey pushed on ahead and arrived in Perth on 21 April. His men arrived later. He noted the fertile(富饶的)areas south of the Murchison River and people began to settle there in 1850. 4.Why did George Grey lead an expedition to Australia?A. To do research on Australia.B. To find a better place to live.C. To show their strong fighting spirit.D. To break away from the Irish army.5.What happened when George Grey's men first arrived in Australia?A. They lost their ship the Lynher. B. They settled on the north coast.C. They found it hard to survive. D. They lost their way inland.6.What does the underlined word “hostile” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Unfriendly.B. Foolish.C. Strong.D. Upset.7.What can be learned about the whaleboats?A. Not all of them carried food.B. They were all damaged by storms.C. Not all of them reached the final stop.D. They all went north first and then south.CPrincess Cruise Lines has agreed to pay a record $40 million fine for discharging(排放) waste off the coast of England and trying to cover up its "deliberate(故意的) pollution of the seas”. According to the U.S. Department of Justice the company's Caribbean Princess ship had been making illegal discharges through a piece of equipment known as a "magic pipe(管子)” since2005, one year after it was placed in service.The agreement announced Thursday relates to an event off the coast of England on Aug.23, 2013, when the Caribbean Princess discharged “oily waste” from shop machinery into the ocean. A newly employed engineer reported the event and stopped his work when the ship reached Southampton, England.The fine is the largest one ever paid for a deliberate discharge by a cruise ship. “The pollution in this case was the result of more than just bad actors on one ship," Assistant Attorney General John C. Cruden said. “It is not in line with Princess's culture and management. This is a company that knew better and should have done better. Hopefully other companies can learn a lesson from the result of this case."Princess Cruise Lines said it was very disappointed about the inexcusable actions of the employees who broke the policies when they discharged untreated waste water into the ocean. The Caribbean Princess used the "magic pipe" to avoid buying required pollution prevention equipment and the ship's first senior engineer directed other employees to lie about the August 2013 discharge. 8.What do we know about the Caribbean Princess?A. It started discharging waste when it came into service.B. It was the newest ship of Princess Cruise Lines.C. It carried passengers for the first time in 2004.D. It didn't send waste into the ocean on purpose.9.The employee who reported the event _. A. knew the ship quite wellB. gave up his job in 2013C. was an inexperienced engineerD. was responsible for the event10.What can be inferred from John C. Cruden's words?A. He didn't think the pollution was so serious.B. He had high expectations of Princess Cruise Lines. C. He was worried other companies would use a “magic pipe”.D. He always knew Princess Cruise Lines had poor management.11.What's Princess Cruise Lines' attitude towards its employees?A. Dissatisfied.B. Uncaring.C. Thankful.D. Doubtful.DThe skies are raining big blocks of ice, and experts are trying to learn what's going on. For the second time in six days, California was attacked (袭击)by ice balls. The latest happened on early Thursday. A large block of ice dropped into Loma Linda, California. The ice crashed through the metal roof of a fitness center, leaving a hole up to 2 feet wide. No one was hurt.Two tennis players were playing outside the Drayson Center on Thursday morning. Suddenly they heard a strange sound, said Crawford, an official of the Loma Linda Fire Department.A similar event happened last Saturday in Oakland, California. Early in the morning an ice ball dropped into a field at Bushrod Park and made a hole up to 2 feet wide. Luckily, no one in the park was injured.One theory (理论) is the ice was dropped from planes. But there's little direct support for that. A few experts have suggested there may be other causes of similar ice falls, perhaps even global(全球的) warming. Stories about dropping ice go back for centuries. They didn't begin to receive serious scientific attention until a few years ago, however, when Spain was attacked by a dozen large ice balls in 2000.Scientist Jesus Martinez-Frias in Madrid and his team have collected reports of forty cases around the world since 1999 of puzzling falling ice. He thinks the ice forms in the air by a process similar to the formation of hail(冰雹) inside storms but without a storm.Martinez-Frias believes global warming is causing the troposphere(对流层)to rise. This means the roof of the troposphere is forced to a greater height, where it cools more than normal. Thus, the temperature difference between warm and cold air in the troposphere produces strong up-and-down winds that repeat the hail-formation process, without a storm. 12.What took place on Thursday morning? A. A fitness center caught fire.B. A big ice ball fell in Loma Linda.C. There was heavy rain in Loma Linda.D. Two tennis players were hit by an ice ball.13.What is the similarity between the two events in California?A. No one was injured.B. No building was destroyed.C. Both were seen by Crawford.D.Both caused a large number of holes.14.What do we learn about dropping ice? A. It is very common around the world. B. It often happens in Spain in recent years.C. It has been carefully studied since 2000.D. It is most likely to be produced by planes.15.What is the cause of ice falls according to Martinez-Frias? A. Strong winds above the troposphere.B. The formation of hail.C. Global warming.D. Big storms.第二节:七选五 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Citizen journalismArpita has just put an article on the Internet. _16_ On the website of a local newspaper, Liat has recently posted a story and a set of photos of wildlife protection. And hundreds of people in the Dominican Republic are describing a terrible storm on their cell phones. What do these stories have in common? _17_ More than ever before, technology is allowing everyone to share opinions, ideas, stories, photos, and videos from anywhere in the world. If there is breaking news, you can be sure that someone is reporting it. Wikinews, iNewsit, and CNN's iReport are just a few of the websites where “citizen journalists(公民记者)” can write their news reports. More and more people are blogging texts, photos, and videos. _18_ And the increased popularity of cell phones and cameras has made it even easier for people to share news. News editors (编辑) used to decide what was news. _19_ There has been some criticism (批评) of citizen journalism, however. _20_ These stories may include incorrect facts, spelling, and grammar. Besides, when people put stories and pictures on the Internet, they cannot know how other peoplewill use them later. But it seems that news by the people and for the people is here to stay.A. Now you decide.B. For example, there are often mistakes in these stories. C. She has listed the winners of a competition in Mumbai. D. These stories are as funny as news organizations' stories. E. Technology is giving people the chance to be news reporters. F. Many newspapers encouraged people to write their own stories. G. They're sharing their personal thoughts and news reports on these websites. 第二部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分) 第一节 完形填空(每小题2分,共20小题,满分40分) Six-year-old Mia Rabii is from California. She didn't expect to become a(n) _21_ when she went for a walk with her mom recently. But when some strangers called out for _22_, Mia and her mom ran to their side.It turns out that some ducklings(小鸭子)had gotten stuck and the people who found them were unable to _23_ them. But luckily for the ducklings, Mia had just what it took to bring them to _24_. Now the six-year-old's _25_ act is being talked about around the world.It all _26_ when a family found a mother duck _27_ with only one duckling. The father duck was nearby, but _28_, there were no other ducklings following them. _29_ the family knew that ducks often travel in flocks(群), they realized that something was probably _30_.Then suddenly, there were strange _31_ coming from a drainage pipe(排水管). They were the cries of ducklings. It turned out that the other ducklings had _32_ into the pipe and gotten stuck. Unluckily, no one in the family had slim(纤细的)enough _33_ to reach down and pull out the ducklings-but _34_, there was a hero nearby. The family _35_ Mia and her mom, who immediately rushed to them. The family filled Mia and her mom in on what had _36_, and Mia decided to take action _37_ and try to bring the ducklings to safety. Mia put her arm down into the darkness and carefully _38_ the first duckling. Mia then rushed back to save the _39_ duckling. And the next.until she had brought all eight ducklings to safety. After Mia saved the little creatures from _40_, the overjoyed mother duck went off with her beloved ducklings.21. A. actorB. interviewerC. heroD. doctor22. A. adviceB. helpC. treatmentD. encouragement23. A. lose B. feed C. protect D. save24. A. safetyB. healthC. joyD. strength25. A. smartB. creativeC. kindD. fair26. A. succeededB. failedC. stoppedD. started27. A. workingB. walkingC. waitingD. playing28. A. strangelyB. suddenlyC. usuallyD. undoubtedly29. A. ThoughB. IfC. BeforeD. Because30. A. wrongB. differentC. commonD. familiar31. A. warningsB. feelingsC. soundsD. smells32. A. brokenB. fallenC. lookedD: flown33. A. ropes B. arms C. sticksD. fingers34. A. surprisinglyB. clearlyC. naturallyD. luckily35. A. nodded toB. listened toC. laughed atD. shouted at36. A. happenedB. changedC. remainedD. finished37. A. patientlyB. secretlyC. immediatelyD. finally38. A. guidedB. examinedC. coveredD. lifted39. A. same B. other C. nextD. last40. A. fearB. doubtC. dangerD. anger第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。An earthquake can often cause damage. Do you know _41_ to prepare for such _42_ event? Your level of preparation can directly affect your chance of survival.If you are outdoors, find an open area free of trees and tall buildings. If you are driving when an earthquake hits, stop your car as _43_(quick) as possible and stay in your car until the earthquake stops. Avoid _44_(drive) on streets or bridges that may not be safe after an earthquake. If you are indoors when the shaking starts, remember to cover your head with a pillow(枕头) if you are in bed. A good way _45_(protect)yourself from possible falling _46_(object)is to hide under something, such as a heavy table or desk.If you live in a place where earthquakes occur, make sure you have methods to tell your family members and friends your _47_(locate). This will stop _48_(they) worrying about you. Make sure you have all necessary items (物品)_49_(prepare), such as water, food, medicine, a flashlight and so on._50_ is also important to decide a meeting place for your family to go to after the earthquake. 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10处;每处l分,满分10分) 文中共有10处语言错误,每处错误仅涉及到一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。In Europe, in second half of the eighteenth century, there was an important change in society, that was called the “Industrial Revolution". With the Industrial Revolution, factories were appeared and mass production became possible for the first time. The factories were built in towns and as a result, the population of towns and cities great increased. During the Industrial Revolution, factory owners became much powerful than land owners. Thousand of people leave the countryside to work in the city. Often, factory workers lived in poorly and crowded condition. From 1830 to the early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution spread through Europe and the US and then in other countries such as Japan. 第二节:书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Jennifer报名参加了当地举办的“汉语桥竞赛(Chinese Bridge Competition)”,她给你发来电子邮件,希望得到你的建议。请你给她回一封邮件,内容主要包括:(1)鼓励她;(2)提建议(至少两条)。注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。- 7 -


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