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湖北省宜昌市高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature Part I Words学案(无答案)新人教版选修6

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湖北省宜昌市高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature Part I Words学案(无答案)新人教版选修6

Unit 5 The power of naturePart I : Words 一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit5的所有单词和词组;2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组。二、【自主预习】: Word-formation1. erupt (vi.) _(n.) 火山爆发,(战争等)爆发2. equipment (n.) _(v.) 装备,配备3. appoint (vt.) _(n. ) 任命,约定4. absolute (adj.) _ (adv.) 绝对地,完全地5. suit (vt, n. ) _ (adj.) 合适的 6. actual (adj.) _ (adv.) 事实上,实际上7. novelist (n.) _(n, adj.) 小说,新颖的8. uncomfortable (adj.) _ (反义词adj.) 舒适的_ (n, v.) 舒适,安慰9. unconscious (adj. ) _(反义词adj. ) 有意识的,神志清醒的10. shoot (vt.) _(n. ) 射击11. anxious (adj.) _(n. ) 担心,焦虑,渴望12. diverse (adj. ) _(n. ) 多样性13. bathe (v.) _(n.) 洗澡14. appreciation (n.) _(v. ) 欣赏,感激 三、【基础知识】Key words and expressions 1. appoint vt._ 【研读思考】(1) She has been appointed as sales director .(2) The directorate decided to appoint John to be the general manager.(3) They appointed him Minister of Education.(4) We are considering appointing him to investigate this case. (5) Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager.(6) We appointed the place and time for the next meeting. (7) I have an appointment with them in the evening. (8) She made/fixed an appointment with the doctor for her son.(9) I can't keep the appointment because I am sick. (10) How dare you break an appointment? I will never talk with you! 【结构归纳】1.任命某人为_ 2.委派某人做某事_3.委派某人到某处(任职)_ 4. (为某事)确定(日期、场所)_ 5.与某人约会_6.与某人有个约会_7.守约_ 8.违约_【实战演练】(1) She was the first woman _ ambassador to Russia.她是第一个被任命为出使俄国的女性大使。(2) Mr. Smith has fallen ill, so we must _ the mountain school to take his place. 史密斯先生生病了,我们必须委派一位新老师到那所山村学校顶替他。(3) The time _ was 10:30 规定的会议时间是十点半。(4) It is important that _.你要守约,这很重要。2. suit n._ vt. _【研读思考】(1) He looks so smart in that suit!(2) We had white protective suits that covered our whole body, helmets, big boots and special gloves. _ (3) Three hundred tailors began to make him a suit of clothes. _(4) Do you think this style suits me? _(5) It is almost impossible to find a time that suits everyone. _(6) A good teacher knows how to suit his lesson to the age of his students. _ (7) This program is not suitable for children. _(8) This wine is not suitable to my taste. _(9) This is a suitable place for a picnic. _(10) Have you found anyone suitable to tend your baby this evening? _【结构归纳】1.一组,一套_ 2.适合某人(v.)_3.使某物适合某物_ 4.适合某人/某物(adj.)_ 5.适合做某事_【实战演练】(1) The dishes he made were delicious and _. (suit) 他做的菜很美味,适合我的口味。(2) _, this book sells very well. (suitable) 由于这本书适合找工作的人,所以卖得很好。【延伸拓展】fit 指大小、尺寸合适或合身,不能用于进行时,做及物动词时,其宾语通常是“人”。match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配、匹配或相称。suit指某事物对某人方便或中某人的意,合适某人的口味、性格或需要。如果用表示衣服的名词做主语,suit表示衣服“使人显得很漂亮或很精神”或衣服的颜色、款式、花样等合适某人。【实战演练】(1) Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together.A. suit B. fit C. compare D. match(2) -How about eight oclock outside the cinema? -That _ me fine.A. fits B. satisfies C. meets D. suits3. guarantee vt. _ n. _【研读思考】(1) Buying a train ticket doesnt guarantee you a seat.(2) The new system will guarantee fairness to all patients.(3) They guarantee that they can complete the project in a month.(4) We guarantee to be here tomorrow.(5) This insurance guarantees you against loss in case of fire.(6) The television comes with a years guarantee.(7) Can you give me a guarantee that the work will be finished on time?(8) Dont worry! The watch is still under guarantee.【结构归纳】1.向某人担保或保证某事(v)_2.保证做某事_3.保证某人免受损害、危险等_ 4.向某人保证(n.)_ _ 5.在保修期内_【实战演练】(1) We will do our best, but I cant _. 我们会尽力,但我不能保证我们会赢。(2) Can you _ when I get there?你确保我到了那里会有工作吗?4. anxious adj. _ 【研读思考】(1) Tony seems to be anxious about test coming up.(2) She is very anxious about her dear old mother.(3) The common man in every country is anxious for world peace. (4) We are anxious that he shall be given a chance to try it out.(5) Mrs. Brown was anxious to marry off her five daughters.(6) Watching him climb up the cliff, everybody was breathless with anxiety. (7) The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge. 【结构归纳】1.对某事感到忧虑、担心_2.担心某人_3.渴望_4.渴望做某事_5.焦虑地_6.求知欲_【实战演练】(1) She is _her dog. She has refused to eat for two days. 她很担心她的狗。她都绝食两天了。 (2) Jenny is _ she has won. 詹妮急于想让妈妈知道她赢了。 (3) The police _ everyone concerned in last night's accident. 警察急于会见与昨晚事故有关的每个人. 5. vary v. _ 【研读思考】(1) Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.(2) The doses of the medicine used for operation vary between 2 to 10 grams.(3) Everyones usual temperature varies with the time of the day.(4) This pile of apples vary in size. (5) For various reasons, he didnt attend the meeting.(6)The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.【结构归纳】1.由到不等_2.随变化,改变_3.在方面不同_4. 由于种种原因_5.各种各样的_【实战演练】(1) The prices of some vegetables _. 一些蔬菜价格随季节而变化。(2) Cherries _. 樱桃的颜色由黑到黄各不相同。6. make ones way _【研读思考】(1) The man hesitated, but made his way to the woods. (2) We made our way along the river towards that mountain village.(3) The small firm made its way against the large enterprise.【结构归纳】1.前往某处_2.(在某方面)有出息,成功_【延伸拓展】1.迷路_ 2.feel ones way _3.找到出路,设法到达_ 4.fight ones way_5.推挤着前进_ 6.wind ones way_四、【当堂检测】1.装备有、配备有_2. 任命某人为_3.与某人有个约会_4. 守约/违约_5.适合某人(v.)_6.适合某人/某物(adj.) _7.向某人担保或保证某事(v) _8.在保修期内_9.由到不等_10.随变化,改变_11.各种各样的_ 12.对某事感到忧虑、担心_13.担心某人_ 14.渴望做某事_15.前往某处_ 16.推挤着前进_17.估价为_ 18.全部焚毁_19.有的潜在可能/潜力_20.对未察觉;未意识到_21.朝射击_ 22.冷得发抖_23.惊慌失措_ 24.陷入恐慌_25.匆匆看一遍_ 26.对察觉到;有意识_8


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