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2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Section Ⅰ Introduction Reading & Vocabulary课后篇巩固提升 外研版必修4

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2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Section Ⅰ Introduction Reading & Vocabulary课后篇巩固提升 外研版必修4

SectionIntroduction Reading & Vocabulary课后篇巩固提升一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。1.attack(1)He was in the newspaper. (2)当动物遭到攻击时,它要么逃走要么反击。  答案(1)attacked(2)When an animal is under attack,it can run away or fight back.2.exist(1)Do you know when this kind of robots came into ? (2)物质以固、液、气的状态存在。  答案(1)existence(2)Matter can exist as solid,liquid or gas.3.calm(1)Faced with an emergency,she should stand there . (2)紧张时,深深吸几口气使你自己平静下来。  答案(1)calmly(2)When nervous,take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down.用所学短语造句。4.(1)stick out (2)claim to do sth. (3)cover an area of  答案略二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的含义。1.The scientist observed the creature carefully.含义 答案生物2.John has beendivinginto the history of ancient Rome.含义 答案全身心投入3.She didnt admit taking the money but we were sceptical.含义 答案怀疑的4.Theyre making efforts to solve the mystery.含义 答案神秘的事情三、用本部分出现的短语完成句子1.Refugees had come (遭受了袭击) from federal troops. 答案under attack2.The problem of food security is (又出现在新闻中) this week. 答案back in the news3.The houses (靠近学校) are on fire. 答案close to the school4.Fishermen and sailors sometimes (声称见过怪物)in the sea. 答案claimed to have seen monsters5.Mr Smith (不大可能) attend the meeting because he is too busy. 答案is unlikely to四、根据括号内所给的提示翻译句子1.他声称没有做这件事,可是我不相信他。(claim)  答案He claimed that he hadnt done it,but I didnt believe him.2.我们学校占地100英亩。(cover)  答案Our school covers an area of 100 acres.3.当我告诉他这个坏消息时,他很平静。(calm)  答案He was calm when I told him the bad news.4.他们不大可能来了,因为天气这么糟糕。(unlikely)  答案They are unlikely to come since the weather is so bad.5.看到这么恐怖的场景,我几乎快吓死了。(frighten)  答案I was almost frightened to death at the sight of the frightening scene.6.玛丽对这个解决办法表示怀疑。(sceptical)  答案Mary was sceptical about the solution.7.不要靠近着火的房子。(close to)  答案Dont go/get close to the house on fire.8.不要把头伸出车窗外。(stick)  答案Dont stick your head out of the car window.五、阅读理解导学号12194044One night in March 1999,a man was driving from California to Oregon,the US,to visit some friends.He had stopped his car to have some food when he started to hear strange noises.Turning on the headlights,he saw an 8-foot-tall creature covered in thick,dark hair.The creature stared at him for a minute,turned in the road and walked off slowly into the woods.In the past 50 years alone,there have been thousands of reported sightings of similar creatures in the US,Canada,the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山地区) and even Hubei province in China.The creature is known as Bigfoot.Bigfoot is said to be a very tall(between 2 and 4.5 metres),ape-like(类人猿似的) creature that is covered in hair and walks upright on two legs.It is very wary(警惕的) of human beings.Believers think Bigfoot is a direct descendent(后代) of ancient gigantopithecus(巨猿).But it remains one of the planets undiscovered secrets.There is a little evidence(证据) to support the believers theory:traces of hair,footprints and body prints as well as the reported sightings.Some people have even shown what they say with photos or films of Bigfoot.But so far,no one has found bones or any other definite proof that the giant creature exists.As a result many people believe the evidence is just part of a big trick.The footprints are easy to make and they say:all you need to do is to make two large feet out of plaster(石膏),attach them to the bottom of your shoes and walk with big steps.As for the photos and films,they are just people dressed in ape suits.They also say the sightings are not real,just people making mistakes.For example,Bigfoot could be a bear living in the wild that sometimes stands up on its back legs.(一)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。1.So far what we can be sure about is that . A.there exist savages(野人) in several places in the worldB.there are some traces of hair,footprints and body prints of the BigfootC.Bigfoot is a direct descendent of ancient gigantopithecusD.all the Bigfeet discovered have the same look答案B解析细节理解题。文中的确是有Bigfoot留下的痕迹,到底是谁留下的,谁也没有把握,A项属于将猜测的东西当成事实;C项是一些人的“观点”;D项与文章描述不符。2.The article infers but doesnt say so that some people Bigfoots existence. A.may fool the world into believingB.have definite evidence to proveC.refuse to believeD.will soon offer proofs of答案A解析推理判断题。由文章中的“Asaresultmanypeoplebelievetheevidenceisjustpartofabigtrick.”可知,作者在暗示有人有意捏造证据,骗人相信。3.If Bigfoot is just a misunderstanding,what they saw might NOT be . A.apesB.bearsC.gigantopithecusD.people dressed in animal skins答案C解析推理判断题。如果真的是巨猿留下的脚印,那就证明的确有这样的动物,而整篇文章都是用的推测的语气,由此可知答案为C项。(二)文章二次开发。结合语篇内容复习巩固本模块的词汇、句型、语法等方面的内容。根据上文改写,用本模块的单词、短语、语法(情态动词)填空。One night in March 1999,a man from the US 4. to have seen a strange 5. which 6. in thick,dark hair.Luckily,it didnt 7. the man but left for the woods nearby. Although there have been thousands of similar reported 8. home and abroad,there is little evidence that Bigfoot really 9.Many people are 10. about its existence,thinking they 11. make mistakes. 答案4.claimed5.creature6.was covered7.attack8.sightings9.exists10.sceptical11.may/might/are likely to六、七选五阅读理解Secret codes (密码)keep messages private.Banks,companies,and government agencies use secret codes in doing business,especially when information is sent by computer.People have used secret codes for thousands of years.1 Code breaking never lags (落后) far behind code making.The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography. There are three main types of cryptography.2 For example,the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message “Meet me”. 3 You might represent each letter with a number,for example.Lets number the letters of the alphabet,in order,from 1 to 26.If we substitute a number for each letter,the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 5 20 13 5”. A code uses symbols to replace words,phrases,or sentences.To read the message of a real code,you must have a code book.4 For example,“bridge” might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me”.The message “Bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me”.5 However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.So codes must be changed frequently. A.It is very hard to break a code without the code book.B.In any language,some letters are used more than others.C.Only people who know the keyword can read the message.D.As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.E.You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.F.With a code book,you might write down words that would stand for other words.G.Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.答案15 DEGFA七、语篇填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Lets face itwe all have some form of stress.Whether its because of work,school reports 1. family,we could all use a break now and then.Yet in the rush of modern life,lots of us cant find time to just drop everything and take it easy. Well,what if someone told you that by just 2.(play) music from classical composers like Mozart,Strauss,or Vivaldi,you might find your job a lot 3.(easy)?This has actually been found 4.(be) true:Listening to classical music 5.(prove) to be helpful to learning and mind relaxation. Various 6.(study) of children have shown that those who receive music education often have improved their grades.Don Campbell,the author of the Mozart effect,has devoted 7.(he) to studying the effects of music 8. the mind and body.He tells students that classical music playing in the background can help them concentrate for longer periods of time and memorize material more easily.He feels that Mozarts music has a balance that makes it 9.(especial) useful. So next time you feel yourself tired with work,or if youre just finding it difficult to concentrate,remember the power 10. music.答案1.or2.playing3.easier4.to be5.has proven6.studies7.himself8.on9.especially10.of9


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