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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题She was keen to _ a cause, and has become an advocate against child obesity.问题1选项A.pick upB.give upC.raise upD.take up【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. pick up 捡起,拾起 B. give up 放弃,让出C. raise up 举起,抬起 D. take up 从事,开始工作【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处和下文的“a cause(事业)”构成动宾逻辑,be keen to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“热衷于做某事”,表示她热衷于怎么样这项事业。后半句说到“已经成为反对儿童肥胖的倡导者(become an advocate)”,由此可知,这项事业指的是反对儿童肥胖,她应该是从事着反对儿童肥胖的工作并热衷于此。take up指从事某项工作,因此D选项take up“从事,开始工作”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项pick up“捡起,拾起”指将某物从平面上举起,不能和“cause(事业)”进行搭配;B选项give up“放弃,让出”指停止尝试做某事或拥有某物,与题干语义相矛盾,应该是“从事工作”而不是“放弃工作”;C选项raise up“举起,抬起”指把某物举起或移动到更高的水平,侧重于物理意义上的抬高,不能和“cause(事业)”进行搭配。【句意】她热衷于从事这项事业,并且已经成为反对儿童肥胖的倡导者。2. 单选题Love does not _ gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.问题1选项A.phase inB.fade inC.give inD.consist in【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. phase in 逐步采用,逐步到位 B. fade in 渐显,渐强C. give in 让步,投降 D. consist in 在于,存在于【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】由but可知,前后两个分句之间存在转折的逻辑关系,后半句说到“而在于注视着同一个方向(in the same direction)”,与其相对的是“注视彼此(each other)”,本句表达的是爱情的意义和特点,即爱情是什么,在于什么。consist in指作为基本或主要部分和特征,因此D选项consist in“在于,存在于”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项phase in“逐步采用,逐步到位”指在一段时间内逐渐开始使用某物或做某事,通常使用被动语态,且不符合题干的语义逻辑;B选项fade in“渐显,渐强”指变得更清楚或更大声,后面不接动词,且不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项give in“让步,投降”指接受一直在抵制或反对的事情,后面不接动词,且不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】爱情不在于彼此凝视,而在于注视着同一个方向。3. 单选题Dr. Howard Martin gave fatal doses of painkillers to terminally ill patients out of(  ) and acted in their best interests.问题1选项A.suspicionB.curiosityC.compassionD.prejudice【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。suspicion “怀疑,猜疑”;curiosity “好奇”;compassion “同情,怜悯”;prejudice “偏见,损害”。句意:霍华德马丁医生给绝症晚期的病人服用致命剂量的止痛剂是出于同情,是为病人最佳利益考虑而采取的行动。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题We need someone who has an _ view as the nations chief law enforcement officer.问题1选项A.imaginativeB.impartialC.inquisitiveD.instinctive【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. imaginative 富于想象力的,创新的 B. impartial 公平的,公正的C. inquisitive 好奇的,爱打听的 D. instinctive 本能的,直觉的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处做定语修饰下文的“view(观点)”,表示我们需要一个有着什么样观点态度的人。由“as the nations chief law enforcement officer(担任国家首席执法官)”可知,空格处应该说的是首席执法官的特点,既然是执法官,就需要是公平、公正的。impartial指平等对待所有人和群体,没有偏见,因此B选项“公平的,公正的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项imaginative“富于想象力的,创新的”指拥有新想法和有趣想法的能力;C选项inquisitive“好奇的,爱打听的”指喜欢问问题,有想知道更多的欲望;D选项instinctive“本能的,直觉的”指与本能有关的或基于本能的,而不是基于思考或训练的;均不能和“law enforcement officer(执法官)”相对应。【句意】我们需要一个有公正态度的人来担任国家首席执法官。5. 单选题In Second Nature,Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Gerald Edelman argues that the brain and mind are unified, but he has little patience with the claim that the brain is a computer. Fortunately for the general reader, his explanations of brain function are accessible, reinforced by concrete examples and metaphors.Edelman suggests that thanks to the recent development of instruments capable of measuring brain structure within millimeters and brain activity within milliseconds, perceptions, thoughts, memories, willed acts, and other mind matters traditionally considered private and impenetrable to scientific scrutiny now can be correlated with brain activity. Our consciousness ( a “ first-person affair ” displaying intentionality, reflecting beliefs and desires, etc. ),our creativity, even our value systems, have a basis in brain function.The author describes three unifying insights that correlate mind matters with brain activity. First, even distant neurons will establish meaningful connections ( circuits) if their firing patterns are synchronized. Second, experience can either strengthen or weaken synapses (neuronal connections). Finally, there is reentry, the continued signaling from one brain region to another and back again along massively parallel nerve fibers.Edelman concedes that neurological explanations for consciousness and other aspects of mind are not currently available, but he is confident that they will be soon. Meanwhile, he is comfortable hazarding a guess: “All of our mental life. is based on the structure and dynamics of our brain. ” Despite this optimism about the explanatory powers of neuroscience, Edelman acknowledges the pitfalls in attempting to explain all aspects of mind in neurological terms. Indeed, culturenot biologyis the primary determinant of the brains evolution, and has been since the emergence of language, he notes.However, I was surprised to learn that he considers Sigmund Freud “ the key expositor of the effects of unconscious processes on behavior. ” Such a comment ignores how slightly Freuds conception of the unconscious, with its emphasis on sexuality and aggression, resembles the cognitive unconscious studied by neuroscientists.Still, Second Nature is well worth reading. It serves as a bridge between the traditionally separate camps of “hard” science and the humanities. Readers without at least some familiarity with brain science will likely find the going difficult at certain points. Nonetheless, Edelman has achieved his goal of producing a provocative exploration of “how we come to know the world and ourselves”.1.Gerald Edelman would most probably support the idea that the brain(  ) .2.It was previously felt that perceptions and other mind matters could hardly be (  ) .  3.Edelman firmly believes that(  ) .  4.According to Edelman, to provide a thorough explanation of human mind, neuroscience will be(  ) .  5.The author disagrees with the idea that the neuroscience-based cognitive unconscious can be(  ) .  6.According to the author,Second Nature is a good book because (  ) .问题1选项A.co-functions with the mindB.works like a computerC.has an accessible functionD.sends signals to the mind问题2选项A.treated as a significant issueB.studied with scientific methodsC.separated from brain activityD.handled with surgical instruments问题3选项A.brain signals will repeatedly go from one brain region to another.B.experience will have an ill effect on neuronal connectionsC.distant neurons will help synchronize their firing patternsD.mind matters will be explained from a neurological perspective问题4选项A.responsibleB.insufficientC.impracticalD.reliable问题5选项A.clearly explained by Freuds theoryB.affected by language acquisitionC.studied relevantly to sexual behaviorD.examined concerning cultural backgrounds问题6选项A.it interests the reader in spiritual activitiesB.it appeals to the reader to study bioscienceC.it sets the reader probing into human cognitionD.it presents the advancement of natural science【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C【解析】1.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段第一句。根据 “In Second Nature,Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Gerald Edelman argues that the brain and mind are unified, but he has little patience with the claim that the brain is a computer.( 诺贝尔奖获得者神经学家杰拉尔德埃德尔曼认为,大脑和思维是统一的,但他对大脑是一台电脑这一观点毫无耐心。)”即可得出本题答案。2.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段第一句。根据 “mind matters traditionally considered private and impenetrable to scientific scrutiny now can be correlated with brain activity.(传统上被认为是私人的、无法通过科学检查的精神问题,现在可能与大脑活动有关)” 即可得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第四段第一句。根据 “Edelman concedes that neurological explanations for consciousness and other aspects of mind are not currently available, but he is confident that they will be soon.(埃德尔曼承认,目前还没有对意识和思维其他方面的神经学解释,但他相信很快就会有。)”,即可得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第四段第三句。根据 “Edelman acknowledges the pitfalls in attempting to explain all aspects of mind in neurological terms.(埃德尔曼承认,试图用神经学术语解释思维的所有方面存在缺陷)”即可得出本题答案。5.细节推理题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第五段。本段大意为:作者并不同意Edelman的观点,因为作者认为Sigmund Freud关于无意识的概念与神经科学家们提出的认知无意识的观点并无相似之处。(Such a comment ignores how slightly Freuds conception of the unconscious, with its emphasis on sexuality and aggression, resembles the cognitive unconscious studied by neuroscientists.)从而得出本题答案。6.细节推理题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。 “It serves as a bridge between the traditionally separate camps of “hard” science and the humanities.( 它是连接传统上“硬”科学和人文学科两大阵营的桥梁。)”通过归纳推理即可得出本题答案。6. 单选题Plagiarism is widely recognized as a high crime against the project of science, but the explanations for why its harmful generally (1) it look like a different kind of crime than fabrication and falsification. (2) , Kenneth D. Pimple claims that plagiarism is not an(3)   that undermines the knowledge-building project of science. Rather, the crime is in depriving other scientists of the reward they are(4)  for participating in this knowledge-building project. (5)     , Pimple says that plagiarism is problematic not because it is dishonest, but rather because it is unfair.While I think Pimple is right to identify an additional component of responsible conduct of science (6)   honesty, namely, a certain kind of fairness to ones(7)   scientists. I also think this analysis of plagiarism misses an important (8)   in which misrepresenting the source of words, ideas, methods, or results can (9) the knowledge-building project of science.On the surface, plagiarism, while (10)   nasty to the person whose report is being stolen, might seem not to undermine the scientific communitys (11)   of the phenomena. We are still, after all, bringing together and (12)   a number of different observation reports to determine the stable features of our experience of the phenomenon. (13)   this comparison often involves a dialogue as well. As part of the knowledge -building project, from the earliest planning of their experiments to well after results are published, scientists are (14)   in asking and answering questions about the details of the experience and of the conditions (15)  which the phenomenon was observed. Misrepresenting someone elses honest observation report as ones own strips the report of accurate information for such a dialogue.问题1选项A.makeB.getC.haveD.help问题2选项A.ThereforeB.So farC.HoweverD.For example问题3选项A.excuseB.ideologyC.objectD.offense问题4选项A.competingB.attractedC.dueD.craving问题5选项A.On the other handB.In other wordsC.By and byD.In the meanwhile问题6选项A.besidesB.towardsC.exceptD.for问题7选项A.fellowB.rivalC.teamD.peer问题8选项A.chanceB.wayC.reasonD.base问题9选项A.stimulateB.constructC.undermineD.assess问题10选项A.surprisinglyB.accordinglyC.potentiallyD.necessarily问题11选项A.knowledgeB.discoveryC.creationD.evaluation问题12选项A.presentingB.comparingC.submittingD.producing问题13选项A.SoB.WhileC.ButD.And问题14选项A.devotedB.scheduledC.committedD.engaged问题15选项A.withB.underC.forD.around【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B第6题:A第7题:A第8题:B第9题:C第10题:C第11题:D第12题:B第13题:C第14题:D第15题:B【解析】(1)考察动词辨析。make使;get到达,获得;have 拥有; help帮助。句意:剽窃被广泛认定为是对科研项目的犯罪,但对其为何有害的解释使它看上去不同于伪造和篡改这两种行为。选项A符合句意。(2)考察逻辑连接词。Therefore于是(表示结果);So far到目前为止(表示时间);However然而(表示转折);For example例如,比如(举例说明)。句意:例如,Kenneth D. Pimple声称 选项D符合句意。(3)考察名词辨析。excuse借口;ideology思想意识;object物体,目标;offense冒犯行为。句意:Kenneth D. Pimple声称剽窃不是破坏科学知识建构的一种冒犯行为。选项D符合句意。(4)考察形容词辨析。competing竞争的,抵触的;attracted被吸引的;due应得的,预期的;craving渴望的。句意:剽窃这种行为剥夺了其他科学家从事知识构建应得的奖励。选项C符合句意。(5)考察逻辑连接词。On the other hand另一方面;In other words换一句话说;By and by迟早;In the meanwhile与此同时。句意:换句话说,Pimple以为剽窃的问题不在于该行为不诚实,而是不公平。选项B符合句意。(6)考察介词辨析。besides 除之外还有;towards朝向;except除了以外(不包括后面所提到的内容或事物);for为了。句意:除了诚实这一组成要素外,我认为Pimple指出了负责任的科研行为的其他额外组成部分。选项A符合句意。(7)考察名词辨析。fellow同伴;rival对手;team团队;peer同龄人。句意:负责任的科研行为的另一方面就是对科研同伴的公平。选项A符合句意。(8)考察名词辨析。chance机会;way方式,方法;reason原因;base基础。句意:我还认为Pimple对剽窃的分析遗漏了很重要的一个方面。选项B符合句意。(9)考察动词辨析。stimulate激发;construct建造;undermine损害;assess评估。句意:对某些词语、观点、方法和结果的歪曲会损害科学知识的建构。选项C符合句意。(10)考察副词辨析。surprisingly令人惊奇地;accordingly相应地;potentially可能地,潜在地;necessarily有必要地。句意:对那些被剽窃者来说,剽窃行为可能会令其厌烦。选项C符合句意。(11)考察名词辨析。knowledge知识;discovery发现;creation创造;evaluation评价。句意:但从表面看,剽窃行为似乎并没有伤害到整个科研群体对这一现象的评价。选项D符合句意。(12)考察动名词辨析。presenting展示,显示;comparing比较;submitting提交;producing生成。句意:我们仍然会把几个不同的观察报告放到一起比较来判断我们所观察到的一些现象的稳定特征。选项B符合句意。(13)考察逻辑连接词。so因此;while然而;but但是;and并且。句意:但是这种比较也涉及(研究者之间的)对话。选项C符合句意。(14)考察动词辨析。devoted“致力于”,常用于be devoted to doing结构;scheduled安排,计划;committed承诺;engaged从事。句意:从最初的实验计划到后来实验结果的颁布,科学家们一直都在针对实验的细节和观察到现象时的条件状况进行问答。选项D符合句意。(15)考察介词辨析。with 和;under 在之下;for 为了;around 在周围。under conditions为固定搭配; 句意:观察到某种现象时的条件状况。选项B符合句意。7. 单选题Trading in private shares is growing rapidly, though its hard to _ exact numbers.问题1选项A.boil downB.pin downC.turn downD.count down【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. boil down 归结,浓缩 B. pin down 确定,明确C. turn down 调低,调小 D. count down 倒数,倒计时【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处与下文的“exact numbers(确切的数额)”构成动宾逻辑,its hard to do sth.句式意为“很难做某事”,表示很难怎么样确切的数额。though引导了一个让步状语从句,根据从句内容所得出的某种预期应与主句“内部股票的交易正在迅速增长(growing rapidly)”之间存在相反的逻辑关系,说明该预期应为“不清楚交易的增长情况”。通常来说只有确定了增长的数额,才能清楚交易的增长情况,由此可知从句部分所表达的应该是“很难确定确切的数额”。同时,由“exact(确切的)”也可推出应该是“确定”一个具体的数额。pin down指准确地表述或解释某事物,因此B选项pin down“确定,明确”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项boil down“归结,浓缩”指通过删去不重要的部分使事物或信息变得更简短精炼,不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项turn down“调低,调小”指通过操作按钮或开关等控制装置来降低某物的音量、温度等,不能和“确切的数额(exact numbers)”进行搭配;D选项count down“倒数,倒计时”指按从大到小的倒序数,可引申为密切注意在某一特定时刻或事件发生前还剩多少时间,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】尽管很难确定确切的数字,但内部股票的交易正在迅速增长。8. 单选题Ariella Rosengard of the University of Pennsylvania didnt set out to scare anyone. She just wanted to investigate a little-understood part of the immune system by studying how viral proteins interact with it. At first, Rosengard worked with a common virus called vaccinia. But vaccinia rarely makes people sick, and she began to worry that it wouldnt tell her much about the human immune system. So she turned to a closely related, far more fearsome virus: smallpox.Smallpox virus isnt easy to come by. Officially, it resides in only two placessecure labs in the United States and Russia. But Rosengard didnt need the virus itself. Scientists have made its genetic code freely available on the Internet, giving her the data she needed to synthesize a key smallpox protein in the lab. Test-tube studies showed that it works far better than the corresponding vaccinia protein at blocking a key step in the human immune response. The discovery may help explain why smallpox kills, and it could lead to new treatments.But when Rosengard published her report last month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a slightly defensive commentary appeared with it. The article said it would be unlikely to use the work as a blueprint for making vaccinia more like smallpox. It acknowledged, however, that “the idea that bioterrorists might be tempted to attempt such an experiment has been suggested as a reason for considering it unwise to publish observations of this nature. ”Rosengard rejects the idea that basic science like hers should be put under wraps. “Think how many brilliant minds would not be able to participate in finding a cure,” she says. “You cant predict the mind of a madman. The best defense against any virus is understanding how it functions. ”Most biologists would agree. But these days, they find themselves grappling with a dilemma, as their tradition of openness clashes with the fear that well-intentioned research could be misused to develop bioweapons. As much as scientists fear aiding their enemies, they get unnerved when government officials talk about restricting their freedom to publish. One things for surethe problem wont just go away. The government has proposed a dramatic increase in funding for basic research on potential biowarfare agents. This means that many more scientists will study deadly germs, and theyll inevitably want to publish what they find.1.Why did Ariella Rosengard decide to study smallpox?2.How did she obtain the smallpox protein?3.Smallpox isdeadly probably because(  ).4.According to the commentary mentioned in Paragraph 3, Rosengards report (  ). 5.Rosengard thinks that basic science (  ).  6.According to the final paragraph, biologists are worried about(  ).问题1选项A.Because smallpox is becoming more important and complicated.B.Because smallpox is more familiar to scientists today.C.Because the smallpox virus can be obtained more easily.D.Because smallpox can reveal more about the immune system.问题2选项A.She made it from information available online.B.She relied on secure labs for a sample.C.She developed it by using vaccinia virus.D.She received help from government.问题3选项A.it kills vaccinia in the human immune systemB.it stops the reaction of the human immune systemC.it causes the human immune system to attack proteinsD.it reproduces quickly in the human immune system问题4选项A.would be criticizedB.would help control smallpoxC.would mislead researchersD.would lead to more publications about smallpox问题5选项A.should have a long-term perspectiveB.should receive more financial supportC.should focus on academic researchD.should develop in an open manner问题6选项A.a loss of motivation among researchersB.funding from the governmentC.their freedom to publishD.the prospects of their research【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D第6题:C【解析】1.细节推断题。根据题干信息,将信息点定位至原文第一段。根据 “she began to worry that it wouldnt tell her much about the human immune system. So she turned to a closely related, far more fearsome virus: smallpox.(她开始担心这并不能告诉她很多关于人类免疫系统的信息。因此,她转向了一种与之密切相关、可怕得多的病毒:天花。)”即可得出本题答案。2.细节事实题。根据题干关键词 “smallpox protein”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。根据 “Scientists have made its genetic code freely available on the Internet, giving her the data she needed to synthesize a key smallpox protein in the lab.(科学家们在互联网上免费提供了它的遗传密码,为她提供了在实验室合成一种关键天花蛋白所需的数据。)”即可得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干关键词 “deadly”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。根据 “it works far better than the corresponding vaccinia protein at blocking a key step in the human immune response(它比相应的牛痘蛋白在阻断人体免疫反应中的一个关键步骤方面效果要好得多)” 即可得出本题答案。4.细节推断题。根据题干信息,将信息点定位至原文第三段。根据 “a slightly defensive commentary appeared with it(与此同时出现了一篇略带辩护意味的评论)” “unlikely(不太可能的)” “unwise(不明智的)”即可得出本题答案。5.细节事实题。根据题干关键词 “Rosengard”,可将信息点定位至原文第四段第一句。根据 “Rosengard rejects the idea that basic science like hers should be put under wraps.(罗辛格反对像她这样的基础科学应该保密的观点。)”,即可得出本题答案。6.细节事实题。根据题干信息,将信息点定位至原文最后一段。根据 “they get unnerved when government officials talk about restricting their freedom to publish(当政府官员谈论限制他们的出版自由时,他们会感到不安)”即可得出本题答案。9. 单选题Mist steals silently in, turns familiar landscapes strange, dampens sounds, _ visionthen clears suddenly and without warning.问题1选项A.spoilsB.blowsC.tearsD.blurs【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. spoils 破坏,糟蹋 B. blows 吹,刮C. tears 撕裂,撕开 D. blurs 视线模糊,看不清【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】本句主语是“Mist(薄雾)”,空格处和下文的“vision(视野)”构成动宾逻辑,并且和“steals(潜入)、turns(转变)、dampens(减弱)”构成并列谓语,表示薄雾对感官产生的作用。由“turns familiar landscapes strange, dampens sounds(把熟悉的风景变得陌生,减弱了声音)”可知,薄雾应该是减弱了人们的感知,所以视野也应该是变模糊的。blur指看不清楚东西,因此D选项blurs“视线模糊,看不清”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项spoils“破坏,糟蹋”指把好的东西变成坏的、不愉快的、无用的东西,不符合题干的语义逻辑;B选项blows“吹,刮”指从口中吹气或刮风,不能和“vision(视野)”进行搭配;C选项tears“撕裂,撕开”指将某物撕成碎片或用锋利的东西切割而损坏某物,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】薄雾悄悄地潜入,把熟悉的风景变得陌生,减弱了声音,模糊了视野然后突然消失,没有任何预兆。10. 单选题(  ) lack of evidence, the prisoner had to be released after staying in jail for six months.问题1选项A.InB.ForC.OnD.With【答案】B【解析】考察逻辑连接词。分析句子可知,从句表示原因,主句为对应的结果。For 因为;句意:由于缺少证据。选项B符合句意。11. 单选题The drill ship was able to maintain a steady position on the oceans surface and drill in very deep waters, ( ) samples of sediments and rock from the ocean floor.问题1选项A.suspendingB.lo


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