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2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 不定项选择题Is life today more dangerous than it used to be? It certainly seems that way. Last week the entire Metro system in Washington had to close down because someone might be blown onto the tracks during a hurricane. This week children in Washington were not allowed to go to school for a whole day because streets were blocked by fallen trees and power lines, and traffic lights at some intersections werent working. A previous generation might have walked around the fallen trees and looked both ways before crossing the street, but the children of this generation clearly live in a much more dangerous world, and we need to protect them.After some serious air crashes, thousands of people in this country swore off airplanes and began driving cars. In fact, the number of deaths on U.S. highways in a typical year is more than double the number of people who have died in all commercial airplane accidents in the past 40 years. By taking the precaution of not flying, many people died.There are some clear psychological explanations for some of this. It is a fact, for example, that people fear man-made disasters (terrorism) far more than they fear natural disasters (hurricanes, snowstorms), even when the latter are more dangerous. Equally illogical, people are also more afraid of things they do not control, which is why driving a car does feel safer than flying in an airplane. Finallyalthough I have no proofpeople are disproportionately frightened by things they read about in the newspaper. By contrast, they are disproportionately willing to discount the evidence of their own experience. If you look around your neighborhood, youll notice that the water is cleanwhich it wouldnt necessarily have been 100 years agoand that the food isnt rotten or stale. Most children arent dying young. Most adults arent dying in middle age.Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history. But now that weve eliminated most of the things that the human race once feared, weve just invented new ones to replace them.1. Children in Washington are not allowed to go to school for the following reasons EXCEPT _.2. It can be learned from the passage that the previous generation _.3. It is indicated in the passage that in the past _.4. The author believes that _.5. The tone of the author in writing the passage is _.问题1选项A.fallen treesB.fallen power linesC.a coming hurricaneD.broken traffic lights问题2选项A.knew better how to avoid dangerB.lived in a less dangerous worldC.was better at protecting themselvesD.was less fussy about dangers问题3选项A.life was more enjoyableB.water was less clean and freshC.foods were of better taste and qualityD.streets were safer for children to cross问题4选项A.people are overreacting to dangers nowadaysB.people have good reasons to fear the dangers todayC.flying is more dangerous after some serious air crashesD.children should be better protected against dangers问题5选项A.complainingB.depressingC.factualD.ironic【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:事实细节题。根据题干关键词“Children in Washington”定位到原文第一段第三句This week children in Washington were not allowed to go to school for a whole day because streets were blocked by fallen trees and power lines, and traffic lights at some intersections werent working.(这周居住在华盛顿地区的孩子一整天都不准去学校,因为道路被吹倒的的树还有电线杆封住了,而且一些十字路口的交通信号灯坏了),从这里可以看出孩子不准去学校的原因是因为吹倒的树和电线杆以及坏掉的灯,这里选择的是不属于停学的原因,所以A选项“倒在路边的大树”,B“倒在路边的电线杆”,D“坏掉的交通信号灯”排除;而且第一段第二句话Last week the entire Metro system in Washington had to close down because someone might be blown onto the tracks during a hurricane.(上周华盛顿整个地铁系统都不得不被关闭,因为某些人在台风来袭时可能会被吹到轨道里),从这里可以看出台风在上周就来了,不可能到了这周还是一个将要来(coming)的状态,所以答案是C选项“即将到来的龙卷风”。第2题:推理判断题。由题干关键词“previous generation”定位到文章第一段最后一句话A previous generation might have walked around the fallen trees and looked both ways before crossing the street, but the children of this generation clearly live in a much more dangerous world, and we need to protect them.(前面一代人可能会走过大树倒地的街道,然后在穿过马路的时候看看两边会不会有车,但是这一代年轻人显然生活在一个更危险的世界,我们需要提供保护)以及最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。),这两句话相对应我们就可以知道并不是B选项“以前人们生活的时代更加惬意”,也不是C选项“他们更懂得保护自己或更懂得避险”,而是以前的人们不那么在意风险的存在。所以答案是D选项“街道更加安全,行人可以更加放心地通过”。A选项“我们的前一代人更知道怎么避险”文章没有提及。第3题:主旨大意题。由题干关键词“in the past”定位到文章第三段最后两句话“If you look around your neighborhood, youll notice that the water is cleanwhich it wouldnt necessarily have been 100 years agoand that the food isnt rotten or stale. Most children arent dying young. Most adults arent dying in middle age.(环顾四周,你会注意到水是清澈的这在一百年前是不可能的,食物是新鲜的。大部分孩子不会夭折。很多成年人也不会在壮年的时候去世)”在过去食物可能不新鲜,水也不会比现在清澈,所以B选项“水不那么清澈新鲜”正确,C“食物更加可口”错误;A选项“生活更加惬意”文中并没有提及所以排除;根据最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。),D选项“过去的街道会比现在的要安全”这种说法文章中没有提及。第4题:推理判断题。由题干,我们定位到文章第二段第二,三,四句话It is a fact, for example, that people fear man-made disasters (terrorism) far more than they fear natural disasters (hurricanes, snowstorms), even when the latter are more dangerous. Equally illogical, people are also more afraid of things they do not control, which is why driving a car does feel safer than flying in an airplane. Finallyalthough I have no proofpeople are disproportionately frightened by things they read about in the newspaper.(这是事实,例如,人们对人为灾害(恐怖主义)的恐惧远远超过对自然灾害(飓风、暴风雪)的恐惧,即使后者更为危险。同样不合逻辑的是,人们也更害怕他们无法控制的东西,这就是为什么开车确实感觉比坐飞机更安全。最后尽管我没有证据人们会被报纸上读到的东西吓坏。)从文章中的illogical(不符合逻辑的),disproportionately(不成比例的)两个词可知,作者认为人们对危险的反应有点过激,其实没有充足的理由来害怕这些,所以A选项“现在人们对危险的反应过激”正确,B选项“人们有充足的理由害怕这些”错误;C选项“在飞机失事后乘飞机出行变得更加危险”,飞机失事的风险并不会因为出现了事故而增加或者降低,出现事故后增加的只是人们的忧虑;根据最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。),作者是认为世界更加安全的,所以孩子不需要额外增加保护的,D选项“孩子们应该更好的保护起来从而对抗风险”错误。第5题:观点态度题。A选项“抱怨”;B选项“压抑”;C选项“真实”;D选项“讽刺”。根据题意我们定位到文章第一段最后第一句话but the children of this generation clearly live in a much more dangerous world, and we need to protect them.(但这一代的孩子显然生活在一个更加危险的世界里,我们需要保护他们)和最后一段第一句话Life is far safer and lasts much longer for the average American than it ever has for just about anybody at any other time in human history.(我们生活在更加安全的世界并且对于普通美国人来说,我们会比人类历史上任何时代里的任何人都要活的更久。)这里对比,如果按照正常的逻辑考虑,作者的话是前后矛盾的,所以作者的语气是讽刺的,答案选D。        2. 单选题He arrived home(  ) tea in the garden.问题1选项A.finding them all to haveB.finding them all havingC.to find them all to haveD.to find them all having【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语动词用法。句意:他回到家(发现)他们都在花园里喝茶。这里后面意思表示结果,不定式to do作状语表出人意料,令人失望的结果;现在分词doing作结果状语表自然而然的结果。这里只是喝茶没有令人失望,所以排除C、D选项。doing表现在,to do表将来,他回家的时候一定是他们正在喝茶,所以答案选B。3. 单选题(  ), they would be happy.问题1选项A.If they will get marriedB.Have they got marriedC.Were they to get marriedD.They get married【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气的倒装。句意:(),他们将会开心。选D选项会导致两个句子中间没有连词连接造成语法错误。选A选项就是看作if引导的真实条件句,但是两边句子的时态不一致,所以也不选。虚拟条件句中含有 were,had,would等动词时,可以将if省略,然后将were,had,would等词移至句首。根据后面主句的时态,这是对现在或者将来的假设,所以B选项不选,这是对过去的假设;所以答案选C。4. 不定项选择题I intend to deal with the problems of formulating practical and realistic plans for the application of science and technology by the government of a newly emerging country. I will specifically have in mind the new African nations, for various historical reasons, they are particularly short of trained manpower.The first thing which must strike, say, the Prime Minster or Minister of finance of such a young nation, is that science and scientists are expensive and that financial demands clash with the innumerable other demands on a countrys very limited financial resources, and still more limited foreign currency.In considering the formulation of national policy in relation to the application of science and technology and to the increase in material wealth, it is useful to distinguish three main aspects of this question.The first is that of known and available technology. The majority of the most urgent needs of the emerging countries in the early stages of development come into this category. To set up a motor-bus service,it is necessary to have the foreign exchange to buy the vehicles and fuel, and the technical schools to train the drivers and repair personnel, but no research or development at all is needed. Nor is new research and development required to set up an airline, or a television system or an electricity supply, or a sewage system and piped water supply or the majority of normal manufacture plants. Though such projects do not involve any appreciable research and development, they do require a large supply of technically and scientifically trained personnel to run them.The second most important aspect of the application of science and technology to a less-developed country is that concerned with problems which are related to the special conditions of the country, and which can only be solved on the spot. Prominent among these, of course, are problems in agriculture and medicine which have specific local significance and so cannot be studied elsewhere. Then there are many problems in meteorology, geology, geophysical surveying, road building and housing, where original research and development related to local conditions are required. In addition, many new technological problems arise in the setting up of local industries, because of the special properties of the local fuels, raw materials, textiles, foodstuffs, etc. In relation to the problems, the importance of a first-rate information service is vital. It must be made as easy as possible for the research and development personnel to be kept aware of the state of general world knowledge on a particular subject, so as not to be led by ignorance into expensive researches to find out what is already well known. The opposite danger is to assume too easily that some process, technique or method, which has long been in successful use in some other country, can be transferred without modification to a new situation.The third aspect is concerned with the group of new technologies which are not yet in general use, but are still under development mainly in the technologically advanced countries. I refer, for instance, to such things as solar heats, fuel cells, desalination of water, and a great many improved processes and manufactured goods. Though a close watch must be kept on these developments, I am convinced that the national economic and technological planning of a new countrys development, over the next decade or so, should be based on what is now known.1. The main object of Professor Blacketts address is(  ).2. The greatest difficulty the leaders of a young nation have to get over is that(  ) .3. The author suggests that(  ).4. What is the best way to avoid being misled into expensive researches to find out what is already well known?5. To solve problems in agriculture, geology, geophysical surveying scientists and technologists first of all should(  ) .问题1选项A.the scientists and technologists all over the worldB.the Ministers of finance of young countriesC.the national authorities of less-developed countriesD.persons in charge of formulating plans for the development of national economy in the emerging countries问题2选项A.they are short of trained manpowerB.science and scientists are expensive in their countryC.they have very limited financial resourceD.all of the above问题3选项A.all the known and available technologies should be applied to developing a young nationB.the national economic and technological planning of a new countrys development should be based on new technologies which are still under developmentC.the research and development personnel should be kept aware of the state of general world knowledge on all the subjectsD.some process, technique or method which has long been in successful use not be transferred to a new situation without modification问题4选项A.To keep close watch on the development of most advanced branches of science.B.To have a first-rate information service.C.To take up original researches related to local conditions.D.To meet the innumerable financial demands of researches.问题5选项A.carry out researches related to local conditionsB.study them in advanced countriesC.consider the historical reasonsD.develop a sound sense of the economic realities【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。第一步,寻找上下文线索,定位到主旨句,文章第一段第一句话I intend to deal with the problems of formulating practical and realistic plans for the application of science and technology by the government of a newly emerging country.(我打算处理一个新兴国家的政府为科学技术应用制定切实可行的计划的问题),第三段第二句The majority of the most urgent needs of the emerging countries in the early stages of development come into this category.(新兴国家在发展初期最迫切的需要大多属于这一类),第四段第一句The second most important aspect of the application of science and technology to a less-developed country is(在欠发达国家应用科学技术的第二个最重要的方面是),综上可以推断,这些可以知道教授演讲的主要对象是欠发达国家,答案选C选项“欠发达国家的国家当局”;A选项“全世界的科学家和技术人员”,不符合题意,属于反向干扰;B选项“年轻国家的财政部长”,不符合题意,属于反向干扰;D选项“负责制定新兴国家国民经济发展计划的人员”,不符合题意,属于反向干扰。第2题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,根据题干定位到第二段第一句The first thing which must strike, say, the Prime Minster or Minister of finance of such a young nation, is that science and scientists are expensive and that financial demands clash with the innumerable other demands on a countrys very limited financial resources, and still more limited foreign currency.(对于这样一个年轻的国家来说,首先一定会让首相或财政部长感到震惊的是,科学和科学家是昂贵的,财政需求与对一个国家非常有限的财政资源和更有限的外汇的无数其他需求相冲突)从这里可知B选项“科学和科学家在他们国家是昂贵的”、C选项“他们的财政资源非常有限”正确;A选项“他们缺少训练有素的人力”,定位到最后一段最后一句they are particularly short of trained manpower.(他们尤其缺乏训练有素的人力),所以A选项正确;综上,答案D选项“以上都是”。  第3题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第三段第二句The majority of the most urgent needs of the emerging countries in the early stages of development come into this category. (新兴国家在发展初期最迫切的需要大多属于这一类),第二步综合理解,由此可知作者觉得其实新兴国家更需要新技术,答案选A选项“所有已知和可用的技术都应该用于发展一个年轻的国家”;B选项“一个新国家发展的国民经济和技术计划应该以正在发展的新技术为基础”,定位到最后一段最后一句Though a close watch must be kept on these developments, I am convinced that the national economic and technological planning of a new countrys development, over the next decade or so, should be based on what is now known.(虽然必须密切关注这些发展,但我相信,一个新国家在今后十年左右的发展中,其国民经济和技术计划应该以现有的知识为基础),从这里可知十年内国民经济和技术计划都是以现在已经建立好的知识为基础,而不是现在正在开发的技术,这里属于反向干扰;C选项“研究和开发人员应该了解世界上所有学科的一般知识状况”,定位到第四段倒数第二句It must be made as easy as possible for the research and development personnel to be kept aware of the state of general world knowledge on a particular subject, so as not to be led by ignorance into expensive researches to find out what is already well known.(必须使研究和开发人员尽可能容易地了解某一特定领域的一般世界知识状况,以免因无知而被引导进行昂贵的研究,以找出已知的东西),这里可知不是研究开发人员都必须掌握一般的世界知识,而是让研究人员更加容易地掌握一般的世界知识,这里属于偷换概念,所以不选; D选项“某些长期成功使用的过程、技术或方法,不经修改,是不能转移到新的情况下的”,定位到第四段第二句Prominent among these, of course, are problems in agriculture and medicine which have specific local significance and so cannot be studied elsewhere.(其中突出的问题当然是农业和医药方面的问题,这些问题具有特定的地方意义,因此不能在其他地方进行研究),因为每个地方有每个地方的特点,所以很多科技是具有特殊性,即使经过修改也不能运用在其他地方,所以不选。  第4题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第四段倒数第三句In relation to the problems, the importance of a first-rate information service is vital.(关于这些问题,一流的信息服务的重要性是至关重要的),由此可知答案选B选项“有一流的信息服务”;A选项“密切关注最先进的科学分支的发展”,定位到最后一段最后一句Though a close watch must be kept on these developments, I am convinced that the national economic and technological planning of a new countrys development, over the next decade or so, should be based on what is now known.(虽然必须密切关注这些发展,但我相信,一个新国家在今后十年左右的发展中,其国民经济和技术计划应该以现有的知识为基础),从这里可知密切关注科学的发展不是最重要的,这里属于出处错误;C选项“因地制宜进行有独创性的研究”,定位到第四段第二句话Prominent among these, of course, are problems in agriculture and medicine which have specific local significance and so cannot be studied elsewhere.(其中突出的问题当然是农业和医药方面的问题,这些问题具有特定的地方意义,因此不能在其他地方进行研究),这是为什么特殊问题的解决方案,不是避免误导或者昂贵研究的方案,这里属于出处错误,所以不选;D选项“以满足无数的研究经费需求”,文章没有提及,所以不选。第5题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第四段第二句话Prominent among these, of course, are problems in agriculture and medicine which have specific local significance and so cannot be studied elsewhere.(其中突出的问题当然是农业和医药方面的问题,这些问题具有特定的地方意义,因此不能在其他地方进行研究),答案选A选项“开展因地制宜的调研”;B选项“在发达国家学习它们”,见正确解析,属于反向干扰;C选项“考虑一下历史原因”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“培养对经济现实的正确认识”文章没有提及,属于无中生有。    5. 不定项选择题For hundreds of millions of years, turtles have struggled out of the sea to lay their eggs on sandy beaches, long before there were nature documentaries to celebrate them, or GPS satellites and marine biologists to track them, or volunteers to hand-carry the hatchlings down to the waters edge lest they become disoriented by headlights and crawl towards a motel parking lot instead. A formidable wall of bureaucracy has been erected to protect their prime nesting on the Atlantic coastlines. With all that attention paid to them, youd think these creatures would at least have the gratitude not to go extinct.But Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness, and a report by the Fish and Wildlife Service showed a worrisome drop in the populations of several species of North Atlantic turtles, notably loggerheads, which can grow to as much as 400 pounds. The South Florida nesting population, the largest, has declined by 50% in the last decade, according to Elizabeth Griffin, a marine biologist with the environmental group Oceana. The figures prompted Oceana to petition the government to upgrade the level of protection for the North Atlantic loggerheads from “threatened” to “endangered”meaning they are in danger of disappearing without additional help.Which raises the obvious question: what else do these turtles want from us, anyway? It turns out, according to Griffin, that while we have done a good job of protecting the turtles for the weeks they spend land (as egg-laying females, as eggs and as hatchlings), we have neglected the years spend in ocean. “The threat is from commercial fishing,” says Griffin. Trawlers (which drag large nets through the water and along the ocean floor) and long line fishers (which can deploy thousands of hooks on lines that can stretch for miles) take a heavy toll on turtles.Of course, like every other environmental issue today, this is playing out against the background of global warming and human interference with natural ecosystems. The narrow strips of beach on which the turtles lay their eggs are being squeezed on one side by development and on the other by threat of rising levels as the oceans warm. Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well, or a creature that outlived the dinosaurs will meet its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how creature so ugly could have won so much affection.1. We can learn from the first paragraph that _.2. What does the author mean by “Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness” (Line 1, Para. 2)?3. What constitutes a major threat to the survival of turtles according to Elizabeth Griffin?4. How does global warming affect the survival of turtles?问题1选项A.government bureaucracy has contributed to turtles extinctionB.human activities have changed the way turtles survive.C.marine biologists are looking for the secret of turtles reproductionD.efforts have been made to protect turtles from dying out问题2选项A.The course of nature will not be changed by human interference.B.Nature is quite fair regarding the survival of turtles.


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