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2022年考博英语-郑州大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 不定项选择题Every day 25 million U.S. children ride school buses. The safety record for these buses is much better than for passenger cars; but nevertheless, about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones. By and large, however, the nations school children are transported to and from school safe.Even though the number of school bus accidents is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done - particularly whether seat belts should be compulsory.People in favour of seat belts on school buses - many of them parents and medical organizations - argue that seat belts are necessary not only to reduce fatality and injury, but also to teach children lessons about the importance of using them routinely in any moving vehicle. A side benefit, they point out, is that seat belts help keep children in their seats, away from the bus driver.People who object to seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that follow the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. They also believe that many children wont wear seat belts anyway, and that may damage the belts or use them as weapons to hurt other children.A new Research council report on school bus safety suggest that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive. For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts. The report sponsored by the Department of transportation at the request of Congress, reviews seat belts extensively while taking a broader look at safety in and around school buses. 1. Each year, children killed outside buses in the loading zones are about ( ).2. Which of these words is nearest in meaning to the words “are divided” in Paragraph 2?3. According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control of the school buses “safety”?4. It may be inferred from this passage that ( ).5. The best title which expresses the idea of the passage is ( ).问题1选项A.10B.40C.30D.50问题2选项A.disagreeB.separateC.arrangeD.concern问题3选项A.A New Research CouncilB.The Department of TransportationC.The Medical OrganizationsD.National Highway Traffic Safety Administration问题4选项A.many of the opponents of seat belt installation are parents and officials of the Department of TransportationB.proposal of seat belts on school buses would be seriously consideredC.an alternate safety device (raising seat backs four inches) may be taken into considerationD.The Department of Transportation may either take the idea of seat belts or other measures when it reviews the whole situation问题5选项A.Making School Buses Even Safer for ChildrenB.Seat Belts Needed on School BusesC.Alternate Safety Devices and ProceduresD.Safety in and around School Buses【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】第1题:事实细节题。根据第一段.about 10 children are killed each year riding on large school buses, and nearly four times that number are killed outside buses in the loading zones.(每年约有10名儿童在乘坐大型校车时死亡,而在校车外装载区的死亡人数几乎是这个数字的4倍。),可知B选项“40”正确;A, C, D选项不符合题意。因此B选项符合题意。第2题:语义推测题。根据关键字are divide可以定位到第二段people are divided about what needs to be done - particularly whether seat belts should be compulsory(人们存在分歧尤其是安全带是否应该被强制使用)由安全带是否应该被强制使用人们存在两种意见,则A选项“不同意;不一致;争执”正确;B选项“分开的;单独的;分离,分开;隔开;分手;可搭配穿着的单件衣服;抽印本;独立音响设备;土壤划分”,C选项“安排;排列;整理”以及D选项“担心,忧虑;关爱,关心;关心的事,负责的事;涉及;使担心”错误。因此A选项符合题意。第3题:推理判断题。根据倒数第三段第一句People who object to seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that follow the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations (NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977(反对系安全带的人建议说,按照1977年国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)的安全要求,校车已经很好地保护了孩子们)可以判断出D选项“国家公路交通安全管理局”符合题意,最大程度上的校车安全控制在于国家公路交通安全管理局所提出的安全要求;根据倒数第二段第一句A new Research council report on school bus safety suggest that there are alternate safety devices and procedures that may be more effective and less expensive(一份新的研究委员会关于校车安全的报告建议,有替代的安全装置和程序可能更有效和更便宜)可以得知A选项“一个新的研究委员会”只是提出建议,不符合题目;B选项“运输部”错误,原文并没有提及;根据第三段第一句People in favour of seat belts on school buses - many of them parents and medical organizations(赞成在校车上系安全带的人们其中许多是家长和医疗机构)可以得知C选项“医疗机构”只是赞成在校车上系上安全带,不符合题意;因此D选项正确。第4题:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第二句For example, the study committee suggested that raising seat backs four inches may have the same safety effectiveness as seat belts(例如,研究委员会建议,把座椅靠背抬高4英寸可能和安全带一样安全)可以得知C选项“可以考虑使用替代安全装置(将座椅靠背抬高4英寸)”符合题意;据第三段第一句People in favour of seat belts on school buses - many of them parents and medical organizations(赞成在校车上系安全带的人们其中许多是家长和医疗机构)可以得知A选项“许多反对安装安全带的人是家长和交通部的官员”不符合题意;全文只是描述人们对于校车安全提出的两个不同的建议,并不能看出哪个建议会被认真考虑,故B选项“校车系安全带的建议会被认真考虑”不符合题意;D选项“当运输部审查整个情况,它可能采取安全带的想法或其他措施”在文章中未提及;因此C选项正确。第5题:推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要就如何让校车更安全进行探讨,再根据第二段中心句Even though the number of school bus accidents is not large, the safety of children is always of intense public concern. While everyone wants to see children transported safely, people are divided about what needs to be done - particularly whether seat belts should be compulsory(虽然校车事故的数量并不多,但儿童的安全一直是公众高度关注的问题。虽然每个人都希望看到儿童安全运输,但对于需要做些什么,人们存在分歧尤其是安全带是否应该被强制使用)可以得知A选项“让校车对孩子们更安全”符合题意。B选项“校车上需要安全带”以及C选项“备用安全装置和程序”都是文章中对于如何让校车对孩子更安全的观点提出来的方法;D选项“校车内外的安全”虽然在文章第一段中提到,但并不是文章主要描写的内容,下文并没有提及,排除;因此A选项正确。        2. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following part into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.我们要树立必胜信念、继续埋头苦干,贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,着力推进结构性改革,着力推进改革开放,着力促进社会公平正义,着力营造政治上的绿水青山,为全面建成小康社会决胜阶段开好局、起好步。  【答案】We should remain firm in our conviction to succeed, continue to work hard and implement the vision of achieving innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We will endeavor to carry out structural reform, accelerate reform and opening-up, promote social equity and justice, and create a sound political environment. Doing so will enable us to get off to a good start in our efforts to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in this decisive stage.3. 单选题Changing from solid to liquid water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this( )produces artificial cold surrounding it.问题1选项A.absorptionB.consumptionC.transitionD.interaction【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。absorption “吸收”; consumption “消费,消耗”;transition “过渡;转变”; interaction “相互作用”。前半句提到“从固态变成液态,水需要吸收它周围所有物质的热量”,因此空格处表示的就是“吸收(热量)”这个过程,选项A符合题意。4. 单选题The gap between those at the lowest level and those at the highest level of income had increased ( ), and is continuing to increase.问题1选项A.sufficientlyB.substantiallyC.succinctlyD.successfully【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。sufficiently “充分地”; substantially “实质上;大体上”; succinctly “简洁地”;successfully “成功地”。该句主要是讲贫富差距,不能用褒义的副词,因此选项B符合题意。5. 翻译题Translate the following part into English. 建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关于民族未来的长远大计。面对生态系统退化的严峻形势,我们必须树立尊重自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、文化建设、社会建设各个方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国, 实现中华民族的永续发展。【答案】Promoting ecological progress is a long-term task of vital importance to the peoples wellbeing and Chinas future. Faced with a deteriorating ecosystem, we must raise our ecological awareness of the need to respect and protect nature. We must give high priority to making ecological progress and incorporate it into all aspects and the whole process of advancing economic, cultural, and social progress, work hard to build a beautiful country, and achieve lasting and sustainable development of the Chinese nation.6. 单选题The depth of the novel and the value of its artistic and ideological feature do not depend on the theme either( )or significant.问题1选项A.preliminaryB.versatileC.trivialD.alternate【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。preliminary “初步的”; versatile “多才多艺的”;trivial “不重要的”; alternate “交替的”。根据or significant可知空格处词语的意思应该与significant相反,因此选项C符合题意。7. 单选题There's a buzz in the air at the El Diablo Coffee Co. in Seattle, and it's not just coming from the aroma of the shop's Cuban-style coffee drinks. On a recent Wednesday evening, as most customers sat quietly reading books or tapping away on their laptop computers, about 15 people gathered in a circle discussing philosophy. “What is a well-lived life?” asked one, as the group enjoyed an intellectual high.Known as a Socrates Cafe, the group at El Diablo is just one of 150 or so that meet in coffee shops, bookstores, libraries, churches and community centers across the country. Founded by Christopher Phillips, a former journalist and teacher, the cafes are designed to get people talking about philosophical issues. Using a kind of Socratic method, they encourage people to develop their views by posing questions, being open to challenges and considering alternative answers. Adhering to Socrates belief that the unexamined life is not worth living, the cafes focus on exchanging ideas, not using them to pummel other participants.“Instead of just yelling back and forth, we take a few steps back and examine people's underlying values. People can ask why to their heart's content says Philips, whose most recent book Six Questions of Socrates, came out earlier this year.While a modern-day discussion group based on the teachings of a thinker from the 5th century B.C. may seem weirdly outdated, Socrates Cafes have found a surprisingly large and diverse following. “People who get off on ideas come to this,” says Fred Korn, 65, a retired philosophy professor, who attends the Wednesday-night meetings at El Diablo. “Outside of college, there're not a lot of opportunities to get together with people who want to talk about ideas.”For Philips, the dialogue groups are about much more than good conversation. “It's grass-roots democracy.” he says. “It's only in a group setting that people can hash out their ideas about how we should act not just as an individual but as a society.” To avoid divisive dead-end arguments, the cafes frequently turn current events into broader philosophical questions. For example, instead of arguing about whether gay couples should marry, a group asked, “what is an excellent marriage?”While Phillips believes the cafes can benefit anyone, one of his favorite groups is children. Philosophy is important for kids of all ages, Philip says, because “it gives them this great chance to shape their moral code, to figure out clearly who they are and who they want to be.The whole idea is not that we have to find a final answer; its that we keep thinking about these things.” One question at a time.1. By describing the scene of the El Diablo Coffee, the author implies that( ).2. According to the passage, the discussion group holds that( ).3. According to the passage, Socrates Cafes are( ).4. The discussion group usually avoids talking about current events in order to( ).5. By mentioning “One question at a time” in the last sentence, the author means that children should( ).问题1选项A.the El Diablo Coffee is the first Cafe where people meet to discuss philosophyB.discussion groups based on the teachings of Socrates are reviving at cafesC.when thinking about the meaning of life, people often enjoy high spiritsD.many people enjoy discussing philosophy, especially the teachings of Socrates问题2选项A.people should attack others viewsB.people should challenge the authorityC.people should help othersD.people should meditate on their life问题3选项A.welcomed by a large number of overseas visitorsB.considered good places to talk about philosophyC.places where people are free to ask all kinds of questionsD.places where people are free to criticize others views问题4选项A.prevent unsolvable disputeB.ward off tender subjectsC.study philosophical questionsD.focus on general topics问题5选项A.ask one question at a timeB.think about one question at a timeC.discuss one question at a timeD.answer one question at a time【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“通过描绘咖啡店的场面,作者暗示了什么?”文章第四段第一句话提到“虽然一个以公元前5世纪思想家教义为基础的现代讨论组织可能古怪过时,但是苏格拉底咖啡馆却意外地吸引了一大群形形色色的追随者”(While a modern-day discussion group based on the teachings of a thinker from the 5th century B.C. may seem weirdly outdated, Socrates Cafes have found a surprisingly large and diverse following),由此可知选项D“很多人喜欢讨论哲学,尤其是苏格拉底的教义”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章可知,讨论组织持有什么观点?”文章第二段最后一句话提到“秉承苏格拉底的信念,未经审视的生活不值得过下去,咖啡馆专注于交换想法,而不是用它们来打击其他参与者”(Adhering to Socrates belief that the unexamined life is not worth living, the cafes focus on exchanging ideas, not using them to pummel other participants),由此可知选项D“人们应该沉思他们的生活”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章可知,苏格拉底咖啡是”。文章第二段第二句话提到“咖啡馆是由前记者兼教师Christopher创办,旨在让人们谈论哲学问题”(Founded by Christopher Phillips, a former journalist and teacher, the cafes are designed to get people talking about philosophical issues),因此选项B“被认为是一个谈论哲学的好去处”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“讨论组时常避免谈论时事是为了”。文章第五段提到“为了避免陷入无休止的争论,咖啡馆经常将时事转变成更广的哲学问题”(To avoid divisive dead-end arguments, the cafes frequently turn current events into broader philosophical questions),因此选项A符合题意。5.推理判断题。题目问的是“文章最后一行提到一次一个问题,作者认为孩子们应该”。文章最后一段提到这给他们(孩子们)一个很好的机会来塑造他们的道德准则,弄清楚他们是谁,他们想成为谁。整个想法并不是说我们必须找到一个最终的答案,而是我们一直在想这些事情(The whole idea is not that we have to find a final answer; it's that we keep thinking about these things),随后提出one question at a time,因此可知是“一次思考一个问题”,选项B符合题意。8. 不定项选择题Mobility of individual members and family groups tends to split up family relationships.Occasionally the movement of a family away from a situation which has been the source of friction results in greater family organization, but on the whole mobility is disorganizing.Individuals and families are involved in three types of mobility: movement in space, movement up or down in social status, and the movement of ideas. These are termed respectively spatial, vertical, and ideational mobility.A great increase in spatial mobility has gone along with improvements in rail and water transportation, the invention and use of the automobile, and the availability of airplane passenger service. Spatial mobility results in a decline in the importance of the traditional home with its emphasis on family continuity and stability. It also means that when individual family members or the family as a whole move away from a community, the person or the family is removed from the pressures of relatives, friends, and community institutions and stability. Even more important is the fact that spatial mobility permits some members of a family to come in contact with and possibly adopt attitudes, values, and ways of thinking different from those held by other family members. The presence of different attitudes, values, and ways of thinking within a family may, and often does, result in conflict and family disorganization. Potential disorganization is present in those families in which the husband, wife, and children are spatially separated over a long period, or are living together but see each other only briefly because of different work schedules.One index of the increase in vertical mobility is the great increase in the proportion of sons, and to some extent daughters, who engage in occupations other than those of the parents.Another index of vertical mobility is the degree of intermarriage between racial classes. This occurs almost exclusively between classes which are adjacent to each other. Engaging in a different occupation, or intermarriage, like spatial mobility, allows one to come in contact with ways of behavior different from those of the parental home, and tends to separate parents and their children.The increase in ideational mobility is measured by the increase in publications, such as newspapers, periodicals, and books, the increase in the percentage of the population owning radios, and the increase in television sets. All these tend to introduce new ideas into the home.When individual family members are exposed to and adopt the new ideas, the tendency is for conflict to arise and for those in conflict to become psychologically separated from each other.1. Intermarriage and different occupations play an important role in family disorganization because( ).2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about people living in a traditional family according to the passage?3. Which of the following statements can summarize the passage?4. Potential disorganization exists in those families in which( ).5. This passage suggests that a well-organized family is a family whose members( ).问题1选项A.they permit one to come into contact with different ways of behavior and thinkingB.they enable the children to travel around without their parents permissionC.they allow one to find a good job and improve ones social statusD.they enable the children to better understand the ways of behavior of their parents问题2选项A.They are less likely to quarrel with others because of conventionality and stability.B.They have to depend on their relatives and friends if they do not move away from it.C.They will have more freedom of action and thought if they move away from it.D.They can get more help from their family members if they are in trouble.问题3选项A.Social development results in a decline in the importance of traditional families.B.The movement of a family is one of the factors in raising its social status.C.Potential disorganization is present in the American family.D.Family disorganization is more or less the result of mobility.问题4选项A.both parents have to work full timeB.the husband, wife, and children work too hardC.the husband, wife, and children seldom get togetherD.the family members are subject to social pressures问题5选项A.never quarrel with each other even when they disagreeB.are not psychologically withdrawn from one anotherC.often help each other with true love and affectionD.are exposed to the same new ideas introduced by books, radios, and TV sets【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】第1题:客观细节题。由题干关键词“Intermarriage and different occupations”可以定位到文章第六段最后一句Engaging in a different occupation, or intermarriage, like spatial mobility, allows one to come in contact with ways of behavior different from those of the parental home, and tends to separate parents and their children.(从事不同的职业或通婚,就像空间流动一样,会让人接触到不同于父母家的行为方式,并有可能让父母和孩子分开。),说明从事不同的职业或通婚会让人接触到不同的行为方式。因此A选项“它们使人能够接触到不同的行为方式和思维方式”正确。B选项“使孩子们能够在未经父母允许的情况下四处旅行”,C选项“能让人找到一份好工作,提高自己的社会地位”,D选项“能让孩子更好地理解父母的行为方式”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C,D错误。第2题:推理判断题。由题干关键词“traditional family”可以定位到文章第四段第二句Spatial mobility results in a decline in the importance of the traditional home with its emphasis on family continuity and stability.(空间的流动性导致了传统家庭的重要性下降,传统家庭强调家庭的连续性和稳定性。),说明传统家庭十分注重家庭连续性和稳定性,接着第四、五句说到Even more important is the fact that spatial mobility permits some members of a family to come in contact with and possibly adopt attitudes, values, and ways of thinking different from those held by other family members. The presence of different attitudes, values, and ways of thinking within a family may, and often does, result in conflict and family disorganization.(更重要的是,空间的流动性使一些家庭成员能够接触到并可能采取不同于其他家庭成员的态度、价值观和思维方式。在一个家庭中存在不同的态度、价值观和思维方式可能,而且经常会导致冲突和家庭混乱。),说明空间的流动性让部分家庭成员接触并采纳了其他家庭不同的态度、价值观和思考方式,这会导致家庭的冲突和混乱,而传统家庭是反对空间流动性的,那么也就不容易出现冲突、争吵的现象。因此A选项“因为传统和稳定性,他们不太可能与他人争吵”正确。C选项“如果他们离开传统家庭,会有更多的行动和思想自由”,文中提到的态度、价值观和思维方式只涉及了思想方面可能产生的变化,而没有提到行动上的,所以C错误。B选项“他们如果不搬离传统家庭,就必须依靠亲戚朋友”,D选项“如果他们遇到困难,可以从家人那里得到更多的帮助”在文中均没有提及,所以B,D错误。


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