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2022年考博英语-华中科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题In the eighteenth century, Japans feudal overlords, from the shogun to the humblest samurai, found themselves under financial stress. In part, this stress can be attributed to the overlords failure to adjust to a rapidly expanding economy, but the stress was also due to factors beyond the overlords control. Concentration of the samurai in castle-towns had acted as a stimulus to trade. Commercial efficiency, in turn, had put temptations in the way of buyers. Since most samurai had been reduced to idleness by years of peace, encouraged to engage in scholarship and martial exercises or to perform administrative tasks that took little time, it is not surprising that their tastes and habits grew expensive. Overlords income, despite the increase in rice production among their tenant farmers, failed to keep pace with their expenses. Although shortfalls in overlords income resulted almost as much from laxity among their tax collectors (the nearly inevitable outcome of hereditary office-holding) as from their higher standards of living, a misfortune like a fire or flood, bringing an increase in expenses or a drop in revenue, could put a domain in debt to the city rice-brokers who handled its finances. Once in debt, neither the individual samurai nor the shogun himself found it easy to recover.It was difficult for individual samurai over lords to increase their income because the amount of rice that farmers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited, and since the income of Japans central government consisted in part of taxes collected by the shogun from his huge domain, the government too was constrained. Therefore, the Tokugawa shoguns began to look to other sources for revenue. Cash profits from government-owned mines were already on the decline because the most easily worked deposits of silver and gold had been exhausted, although debasement of the coinage had compensated for the loss. Opening up new farmland was a possibility, but most of what was suitable had already been exploited and further reclamation was technically unfeasible. Direct taxation of the samurai themselves would be politically dangerous. This left the shoguns only commerce as a potential source of government income.Most of the countrys wealth, or so it seemed, was finding its way into the hands of city merchants. It appeared reasonable that they should contribute part of that revenue to ease the shoguns burden of financing the state. A means of obtaining such revenue was soon found by levying forced loans, known as goyo-kin; although these were not taxes in the strict sense, since they were irregular in timing and arbitrary in amount, they were high in yield. Unfortunately, they pushed up prices. Thus, regrettably, the Tokugawa shoguns,search for solvency for the government made it increasingly difficult for individual Japanese who lived on fixed stipends to make ends meet.31.The passage is most probably an excerpt from( ).32.Which of the following financial situations is most analogous to the financial situation in which Japans Tokugawa shoguns found themselves in the eighteenth century?33.Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author toward the samurai discussed in Sentence 5, Paragraph 1?34.The passage suggests that, in eighteenth-century Japan, the office of tax collector( ).35.The passage implies that which of the following was the primary reason why the Tokugawa shoguns turned to city merchants for help in financing the state?问题1选项A.an economic history of JapanB.the memoirs of a samurai warriorC.a modern novel about eighteenth-century JapanD.an essay contrasting Japanese feudalism with its Western counterpart问题2选项A.A small business borrows heavily to invest in new equipment, but is able to pay off its debt early when it is awarded a lucrative government contract.B.Fire destroys a small business, but insurance covers the cost of rebuilding.C.A small business is turned down for a loan at a local bank because the owners have no credit history.D.A small business has to struggle to meet operating expenses when its profits decrease.问题3选项A.Warmly approving.B.Mildly sympathetic.C.Bitterly disappointed.D.Harshly disdainful.问题4选项A.was a source of personal profit to the officeholderB.was regarded with derision by many JapaneseC.remained within familiesD.existed only in castle-towns问题5选项A.A series of costly wars had depleted the national treasury.B.Most of the countrys wealth appeared to be in city merchants hands.C.Japan had suffered a series of economic reversals due to natural disasters such as floods.D.The merchants were already heavily indebted to the shoguns.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】31.推理题。题干中的excerpt一词的意思为“摘录”。浏览全文后发现本文主题句为第一段第一句。In the eighteenth century, Japans feudal overlords, from the shogun to the humblest samurai, found themselves under financial stress.(在18世纪,日本的封建领主,从幕府将军到最卑微的武士,都发现自己处于财政压力之下。)从而得出本题答案。32. 细节类比题。文章第一段第5-7句。Since most samurai had been reduced to idleness by years of peace, encouraged to engage in scholarship and martial exercises or to perform administrative tasks that took little time, it is not surprising that their tastes and habits grew expensive. Overlords income, despite the increase in rice production among their tenant farmers, failed to keep pace with their expenses. Although shortfalls in overlords income resulted almost as much from laxity among their tax collectors (the nearly inevitable outcome of hereditary office-holding) as from their higher standards of living, a misfortune like a fire or flood, bringing an increase in expenses or a drop in revenue, could put a domain in debt to the city rice-brokers who handled its finances.给出了18世纪的financial situations有三方面的原因:samurai(武士)问题,收入增加跟不上支出的增加和灾难。根据题干中关键词Tokugawa定位到文章第二、第三段。从而得出本题答案。33. 观点态度题。根据题干,将信息点定位到第一段第五句。Since most samurai had been reduced to idleness by years of peace, encouraged to engage in scholarship and martial exercises or to perform administrative tasks that took little time, it is not surprising that their tastes and habits grew expensive.(由于多年的和平生活使大多数武士变得懒惰,他们被鼓励从事学术和军事训练,或从事不需要多少时间的行政工作,因此他们的品味和习惯变得昂贵也就不足为奇了。)根据第五句句子后半部分的“it is not surprising. ”表明作者的态度是略带同情的正向评价。从而得出本题答案。34. 细节事实题。根据题干关键词tax collector,将信息点定位到文章第一段第七句。“Although shortfalls in overlords income resulted almost as much from laxity among their tax collectors (the nearly inevitable outcome of hereditary office-holding) as from their higher standards of living, a misfortune like a fire or flood, bringing an increase in expenses or a drop in revenue, could put a domain in debt to the city rice-brokers who handled its finances.(尽管领主收入的减少几乎和他们生活水平的提高一样多的是由于他们的税务人员的疏忽(世袭官职的几乎不可避免的结果),但一场火灾或洪水这样的灾难,带来的开支的增加或收入的下降,可能会使处理财政的城市大米经纪人欠下一笔债务)”从而得出本题答案。35. 事实推理题。根据题干中的关键词city merchants,将信息点定位到文章最后一段第一句。Most of the countrys wealth, or so it seemed, was finding its way into the hands of city merchants.(这个国家的大部分财富,或者说看起来,正在流入城市商人的手中。)从而得出本题答案。2. 单选题With few exceptions, the last words of historys great players have been about as interesting and uplifting as a phone book. We may expect pearls of profundity from our expiring artists, philosophers, and world leaders, but more often we are left with dry-as-dust cliche.Admittedly, its not exactly fair to expect deep insights into lifes mysteries when the dying clearly have other things on their minds hell, for instance, or unspeakable pain. Bullet-riddled Francisco “Pancho” Villa was probably preoccupied when he told a comrade, “Dont let it end this way. Tell them I said something.” But dont we have the right to expect eloquence in the final stanzas of legendary wordsmiths like Lord Byron and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe? Byron couldnt be bothered to work up a decent rhyme: “Now I shall go to sleep. Good night.” Goethes last word were so dull biographers have been obliged to edit creatively; “Open the second shutter so that more light may come in” became the more sublime “More light!”(There is, by the way, some debate whether Goethes last words were not, in fact, “Come my little one, and give me your paw.)And one is loath to mention Whitmans last barbaric yawp: “Hold me up; I want to shit.” Legendary wag Oscar Wildes last words were nothing more than shop talk. Commenting on a novel he had recently read, Wilde said, “This is a fine study of the American politician and possesses the quality of truth in characterization. What else has the lady written?”Queens have left little more for the living to chew on. Elizabeth I was whiny (“All my possessions for a moment of time”), while Marie Antoinette was clumsy but polite: “Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur, ” she said, after treading upon her executioners toe.Ironically, it may have been the relatively obscure who delivered historys best exit lines. Has anyone departed the scene better than minor English playwright Henry Arthur Jones, who, asked whom he would prefer to sit with him during the evening, his nurse or his niece, replied, “The prettier. Now fight for it.” Actor Edmund Gwenn was terse: “Dying is easy. Comedy is difficult.” And you have to admire the singleness of purpose in the last words of French grammarian Dominique Bouhours: “I am about to or I am going to die; either expression is used.” For sheer entertainment value, you cant beat the last words of condemned prisoners, particularly if you have a fondness for graveyard humor. Asked by the firing squad commander if he had a last request, James Roges said, “Why yes. A bullet-proof vest!” and youve got to love a condemned murderer who can continue to cut up from the electric chair. “How about this for a headline in tomorrows paper,” James French said. “French Fries!”Some last words will forever remain an enigma, their meaning gone to the grave along with their speakers. Henry David Thoreaus “Moose, Indian, ” for instance, and the eerie last words of John Wilkes Booth as he emerged from a burning barn, fatally wounded, looked at his hands and muttered, “Useless, useless.” In a similar vein, what to make of conductor Leonard Bernstains last words “Whats this?” or novelist Victor Hugos “I see black light”?To me, the most genuine last words are those that arise naturally from the moment, such as Voltaires response to a request that he forswear Satan: “This is no time to make new enemies.” Compare that to the stagy, obviously rehearsed “Now comes the mystery” (Henry Ward Beecher) or Ludwig van Beethovens “Friends, applaud. The comedy is over.”It may well be that planning your last words is no more profitable a pursuit than preparing our Novel Prize acceptance speech. Who can say when the Grim Reaper will tap a bony finger on your shoulder? It is unlikely that poet Dylan Thomas thought “Ive had 18 straight whiskeys. I think thats the record” was going to be swan song.Could it be that “great last words” are a myth of the hale and hearty, and that the expiring understand that the deathbed is no place for 11th-hou philosophizing? Didnt Christ himself sign off with the unpretentious “It is finished”? Besides, why should the mundane act of dying bring one any closer to the truth? Karl Marx may have had it right, for once, when he answered his housekeepers request for last words with: “Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who havent said enough!”26.The authors attitude towards famous last words is ( ) .27.According to the author, when Francisco "Pancho" Villa gave his last words, he ( ).28.The author takes Byron, Goethe and Wilde as examples to show that ( ).29.According to the author, the last words of ( )were comparatively good.30.The author thinks the real last words should be those ( ).问题1选项A.sympatheticB.satiricalC.callousD.incensed问题2选项A.might be thinking of something elseB.tried to make them more eloquentC.wanted to tell a secret to a comradeD.was unwilling to die at an early age问题3选项A.biographers usually revise the last words of the great writersB.just like average people, the dying wordsmiths have a confused mindC.it is disappointing that they failed to leave some memorable wordsD.it poses a great contrast between their works and last words问题4选项A.Edmund GwennB.Walt WhitmanC.Henry David ThoreauD.Marie Antoinette问题5选项A.illuminating and high-soundingB.prepared in advanceC.concise and vividD.given improvisationally【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】26.观点态度题。根据“but more often we are left with dry-as-dust cliche.(但更常见的情况是,我们只剩下枯燥无味的陈词滥调)” “Last words are for fools who havent said enough(遗言是留给那些话还不够多的傻瓜们的)”即可得出本题答案。27. 事实细节题。根据题干关键词“Francisco Pancho Villa”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段,根据“Admittedly, its not exactly fair to expect deep insights into lifes mysteries when the dying clearly have other things on their minds hell, for instance, or unspeakable pain.(诚然,将死亡的人心里显然还有其他事情比如地狱,或者难以言喻的痛苦时,期望对生命的奥秘有深刻的洞见是不公平的。)”即可得出本题答案。28. 细节推断题。根据题干关键字“Byron, Goethe and Wilde”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段第五到第六句。根据“Byron couldnt be bothered to work up a decent rhyme: “Now I shall go to sleep. Good night.”(拜伦不厌其烦地写了一首优美的诗:“现在我要睡觉了。晚安。”)” “Goethes last word were so dull biographers have been obliged to edit creatively(歌德的临终遗言如此乏味,传记作家不得不创造性地编辑)” ,即可推断得出本题答案。29. 细节推断题。根据题干关键字,将信息点定位至原文第五段,“Ironically, it may have been the relatively obscure who delivered historys best exit lines.(具有讽刺意味的是,可能是相对不太知名的人说出了历史上最好的遗言。)” “Actor Edmund Gwenn was terse: “Dying is easy. Comedy is difficult.”(演员埃德蒙格温(Edmund Gwenn)简洁地说:“死亡很容易。喜剧是很困难的。”)即可得出本题答案。30. 细节事实题。根据题干关键字“real last words”可将信息点定位至原文第七段,根据“To me, the most genuine last words are those that arise naturally from the moment, such as Voltaires response to a request that he forswear Satan: This is no time to make new enemies.(在我看来,最真实的临终遗言是那些从那一刻起就自然出现的遗言,比如伏尔泰(Voltaire)对请求他放弃撒旦的回应:现在不是制造新敌人的时候。)”,即可得出本题答案。3. 单选题Early in the sixteenth century, Francis Bacon proposed that science consisted in the elevation of the authority of experiment and observation over that of reason, intuition, and convention. Bacon thought that as more and more reliable and precise particular facts, accumulate, they can be classified and generalized, resulting in an ever-expanding hierarchy of useful “axioms”. This is what he meant by “induction”.Although many people today continue to regard the collection of facts and their arrangement by induction into theories as the heart of scientific method, Bacons conception of what facts and theories are and of the relationship between them was hopelessly unrealistic even in his own time. The most important early scientific discoveries such as those made by Galileo about the movement of the earth, by Keppler about the elliptical shape, of planetary orbits, and later by Newton about the “force” of gravitycould never have been made if Bacons rules had prevailed.Determined to avoid all premature speculations, Bacon proposed that data gathering be carried out by illiterate assistants with no interest in whether an experiment turned out one way or another. Plain facts, properly arranged, would automatically lead to certain knowledge of the universe. Nothing could be more misrepresentative of the actual problem-solving techniques of the scientific method. That plain facts do not speak for themselves is evident from Bacons own acceptance of the errors contained in what appeared to be the most “obvious” of facts. For Bacon, that the earth did not move was a fact because it could be seen not to move; and for Bacon it was a fact that life was being spontaneously generated because maggots always developed in putrid flesh and frogs appeared after every rain.What is clear is that the great breakthroughs of Newton, Darwin, or Marx could never have been achieved solely on the basis of Baconian fact gathering. Facts are always unreliable without theories which guide their collection and which distinguish between superficial and significant appearances.21.According to Bacon, facts ( ).22.Data collection should be performed by illiterate assistants, ( ) .23.According to Bacon, knowledge can be obtained ( ).24.Spontaneous generation of life ( ) .问题1选项A.are determined by observationsB.can only be understood through logical reasoningC.have a hierarchyD.are gathered by illiterate assistants问题2选项A.according to Bacon, as it led to speculationB.according to Bacon, to prevent theories from being formulated on insufficient dataC.was a notion Bacon strongly opposedD.was a notion rejected on the grounds that it led to premature speculations问题3选项A.by subjecting theories to rigorous logical analysisB.not through political or religious dogmas, but through reasonC.by observation aloneD.through the inductive method问题4选项A.was a known fact in Bacon's timeB.is verified by maggots in putrid fleshC.is more apparent than realD.is a speculation which has no basis in observation【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C【解析】21.细节推断题。根据“Francis Bacon proposed that science consisted in the elevation of the authority of experiment and observation over that of reason, intuition, and convention.(培根(Francis Bacon)提出,科学在于提高实验和观察的权威,而不是理性、直觉和惯例的权威。)”即可合理推断得出本题答案。22. 细节事实题。根据题干关键词“illiterate assistants” “data collection”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段第一句,“Although many people today continue to regard the collection of facts and their arrangement by induction into theories as the heart of scientific method, Bacons conception of what facts and theories are and of the relationship between them was hopelessly unrealistic even in his own time.(尽管今天许多人仍然把收集事实并把它们归纳成理论作为科学方法的核心,但是培根关于事实和理论是什么以及它们之间的关系的概念,即使在他那个时代也是完全不切实际的。)”从而得出本题答案。23. 细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段第二句和第三句。 “Bacon thought that as more and more reliable and precise particular facts, accumulate, they can be classified and generalized, resulting in an ever-expanding hierarchy of useful axioms. This is what he meant by induction.(培根认为,随着越来越可靠和精确的特定事实的积累,它们可以被分类和概括,从而形成一个不断扩大的有用的公理层次结构。这就是他所说的归纳法。)”从而得出本题答案。24. 细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段最后一句,“Facts are always unreliable without theories which guide their collection and which distinguish between superficial and significant appearances.(若没有理论指导事实的收集,没有理论区分表面现象和重要现象,那么事实总是不可靠的。)”从而可进行合理推断得出本题答案。4. 翻译题Nick Young创立了该刊物,并编辑英文版本,他说,上周多位北京警方和地方统计局的官员告知他该刊物进行了“未经批准的调查”,因此被认为违反了有关收集统计数据的1983年法律。杨先生说,在该刊物发行的十几年中,当局并未提供颁布此法令的明确原因。1.他说该刊物并未进行任何投票或调查,该法令非常含糊,因此可以禁止几乎任何需要与当地民众接触的信息收集。关闭该刊物的决定可能反映了中国对近几年增加的地方和国外资助民间团体的关注持续增加。2.某些民间团体已经降低了中国百姓维护合法权利的门槛,某些中国官员认为这些团体会导致社会的不安定。如果这些团体受政府资助而且不从事公开的政治活动,那么中国中央政府通常能够忍受。一些官员表示那些团体能够极大地帮助监测和抵制虐工等违法的行为。3. 中国发展简报无权在中国出版,雇员也未注册为新闻记者,这就意味着该刊物未在更大出版社的允许下已经存在较长时间。但杨先生说,当局已经监视他的事务多年,他相信他们理解向国外扶助机构提供客观信息符合中国利益。【答案】1. He said that the newsletter did not conduct polls or surveys and that the order was vague enough to prohibit almost any kind of information gathering that required interaction with local citizens. 2. Some civic groups have helped people on the lower rungs of Chinese society defend their legal rights, and some Chinese officials contend that the groups have contributed to a surge in social unrest. 3. China Development Brief had no license to publish in China, and its employees were not registered as news correspondents, meaning the newsletter had long operated without the permits required of larger publications.    5. 翻译题一位专家近日称,漱口水(Mouthwashes)可能会导致口腔癌,并呼吁超市停售这类产品。1. 澳大利亚一名科学家对近期的一些相关研究进行调研后做出评论:目前有“足够的证据”可证明含有酒精的漱口水会增加患口腔癌的风险。麦克尔迈克洛夫教授称,一些漱口水比葡萄酒或啤酒还要危险,因为它们所含的酒精浓度较高,达到26%。该研究结果在澳大利亚口腔健康期刊上发表。迈克洛夫教授指出,漱口水应需处方才能购买,而且建议只能短期使用。他说:“我们发现口腔癌患者正是使用了含有酒精的漱口水,而并未涉及其他风险因素,所以在这项研究中,我们深入分析了现有的全部病例。”2. 吸烟和饮酒已被认定为口腔癌的主要发病因素,每年英


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