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2022年考博英语-华东政法大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题No one is so _ as the person who has no wish to learn.问题1选项A.sensibleB.ignorantC.uselessD.simple【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项sensible“明智的;通情达理的;合乎情理的;意识到的;能感觉到的”;B选项ignorant“无知的;愚昧的”;C选项useless“无用的;无效的”;D选项simple“简单的;单纯的;天真的”。句意:没有人比不愿学习的人更_。本句表达“比不愿意学习的人更无知”,因此B选项正确。2. 单选题I _ to call on you, but was prevented from doing so.问题1选项A.meantB.has meantC.was meaningD.had meant【答案】D【解析】考查时态。根据but之后的动词was prevented from为过去时态,而mean to call on you发生was prevented from之前,过去的过去,则时态为过去完成时。在句意:我本想拜访你,但被阻止了。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题_, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.问题1选项A.Although he is a socialistB.Even if he is a socialistC.Being a socialistD.Since he is a socialist【答案】A【解析】考查逻辑关系。A选项Although he is a socialist“虽然他是一个社会主义者”;B选项Even if he is a socialist“即使他是一个社会主义者”;C选项Being a socialist“作为一个社会主义”;D选项Since he is a socialist“因为他是一个社会主义者”。句意:_,威尔斯先生几乎不同情工人阶级。本句表达“虽然他是一个社会主义者,但是他不同情工人阶级”,因此A选项正确。4. 单选题The new curriculum intends to strengthen childrens practice of basic social _.问题1选项A.mannersB.politenessC.rulesD.regulations【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项manners“方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗”;B选项politeness“有礼貌;优雅”;C选项rules“规则(在特定情况下或玩游戏时可以做什么、必须做什么或不能做什么的陈述);建议;统治;习惯;定律;法治;尺子;破折号”;D选项regulations“管理;规则(政府或其它权威制定的官方规定);校准”。句意:新课程旨在加强儿童的基本社交_实践。本句表达“基本社交礼仪”,因此A选项正确。5. 单选题I. (Legal History)The elements of vertical pluralism were supplemented with structures of horizontal pluralism through their adherence to the idea of a ius commune (普通法). The Lombard libri feudorum (a twelfth century collection, originating in Lombardy, of feudal customs, which gained wide acceptance as a statement of the various rules governing the relation of lord and vassal.), the main source of feudal law, had early on become a part of the Corpus iuris civilis (民法); and while Canon law maxims were applied also in the context of the Roman ius commune, Canon law included substantial elements of Roman law. Here, the general principle was: ecclesia vivit leg Romana (教会的罗马法). Similarly, the lex mercatoria (商人法) was not a fully independent body of transnational commercial law, but rather consisted of many, mostly local, norms that modified Roman law in matters of commercial practice. Normally, the decisions of the merchants courts were based on the ius commune, which was indeed regarded as the “mater legis mercatoriae”(商人法之母). The Roman rules were only modified in accordance with the needs of commerce on the basis, for example, of the idea of an aequitas mercatoria (商人的正义). Altogether, this was a complex system with rules both conflicting with and complementing each other. For instance, the relationship between Canon law and the secular ius civile (世俗民法) was never without tensions. Indeed, the idea of a ius coinmune was in itself a plural one: the ius commune was based on a range of different legal sources and it integrated two independent legal systems, namely the mundane Roman law on the one hand and the Canon law of the Roman Church on the other hand. For a medieval jurist, the Decretum Gratiani (a collection of Canon law compiled and written in the 12th century as a legal textbook by the jurist known as Gratian) and later collections of Papal legislation were as important sources of the ius commune as the roman Corpus iuris civilis. In addition, these texts were complemented with the Emperors legislation (at least within the confines of the Old Empire), with the authoritative Glosses (commentaries) to the corpora iuris Romani (罗马法) and Canonici (as it was later called), and later also with the principles of Natural Law.51. The Lombard libri feudorum is _.52. According to the author, the lex mercatoria _.53. Which of the following statement is closest in meaning with the underlined sentence?54. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the important source of the ius commune in the paragraph?问题1选项A.a compilation of feudal customsB.the name of a Lord in the 12th centuryC.the law originating in LombardyD.a 12th century collection问题2选项A.was a set of transnational commercial lawB.was fully independent of Rome LawC.were local norms that modified Roman law in matters of commercial practiceD.modified Roman law问题3选项A.Different legal sources formed ius commune.B.Ius commune integrated Canon law and Rome Law.C.Ius commune is a word in plural form in Latin language.D.Mundane Roman law and the Canon law of the Roman Church are two independent systems.问题4选项A.Principles of Natural LawB.Roman Corpus iuris civilisC.The authoritative Glosses to the corpora iuris RomaniD.Lex mercatoria【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D【解析】51.【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。根据原文The Lombard libri feudorum (a twelfth century collection, originating in Lombardy, of feudal customs, which gained wide acceptance as a statement of the various rules governing the relation of lord and vassal.)(伦巴第libri feudorum(起源于伦巴第的一本十二世纪的封建习俗的藏书,作为统治领主和附庸关系的各种规则的陈述而被广泛接受。)可知选D选项“12世纪的收藏”;A选项“封建风俗的汇编”,B选项“12世纪一位勋爵的名字”以及C选项“法律起源于伦巴第”和原文不符合。因此D选项正确。52. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。根据原文Similarly, the lex mercatoria (商人法) was not a fully independent body of transnational commercial law, but rather consisted of many, mostly local, norms that modified Roman law in matters of commercial practice.(同样,商人法并不是一个完全独立的跨国商业法律,而是由许多主要是当地的规范修改后的罗马法在重要的商业实践)可知选C选项“是修改罗马法商业实践事项的地方规范”;A选项“是一套跨国商法”,B选项“完全独立于罗马法”以及D选项“修正的罗马法”不符合原文,因此C选项正确。53. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文划线句子Indeed, the idea of a ius coinmune was in itself a plural one: the ius commune was based on a range of different legal sources and it integrated two independent legal systems, namely the mundane Roman law on the one hand and the Canon law of the Roman Church on the other hand.(事实上,普通法的概念本身就是一个复数概念:普通法基于一系列不同的法律渊源,它整合了两个独立的法律体系,一方面是世俗的罗马法,另一方面是罗马教会的教规法),表达了普通法结合了罗马法和教规法,选B选项“普通法综合了教会法和罗马法”;A选项“不同的法律来源形成了普通法”并不是最佳选项;C选项“Ius commune在拉丁语中是复数形式的单词”以及D选项“世俗罗马法和罗马教会的教会法是两个独立的体系”不符合原文表达的含义。因此B选项正确。54. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干定位到原文末尾as important sources of the ius commune as the roman Corpus iuris civilis. In addition, these texts were complemented with the Emperors legislation (at least within the confines of the Old Empire), with the authoritative Glosses (commentaries) to the corpora iuris Romani (罗马法) and Canonici (as it was later called), and later also with the principles of Natural Law.(与罗马公民法典一样,都是普通法的重要来源。此外,这些文本还补充了皇帝的立法(至少在旧帝国的范围内),并对罗马法和后来被称为Canonici进行了权威性的注释,后来修订了自然法的原则)可知A选项“自然法原则”,B选项“罗马公民法典”以及C选项“权威的罗马法”在文章都有提及,D选项“商人法”不在此范围内。因此D选项符合题意。6. 单选题I was so sick last night that I felt as if the room _ round.问题1选项A.would goB.had goneC.were goingD.should go【答案】C【解析】考查时态。句意:昨晚我病得很厉害,觉得房间里好像在转。根据句意可知是“我”病得很厉害的这段时间觉得房间在转,要用表示过去的时态,排除A选项和D选项;B选项是过去完成时,表示发生主语谓语动词之前,一直延续到主句谓语动词发生停止,则为先觉得房间在转,再病得厉害,逻辑不正确;C选项时态和语态符合原题。因此C选项正确。7. 翻译题2. Translate the following paragraph into English (5 marks) 一些澳大利亚土著(indigenous Australian)抗议者周五连续第二日成为头条新闻,他们聚集在澳大利亚议会外,并放火焚烧了国旗。此举的前一天,愤怒的抗议者包围了举行午餐仪式的建筑,保安人员从一家堪培拉餐厅拖出了朱莉娅吉拉德(Julia Gillard)总理。原住民领袖批评这些人的行动,说他们危害了让澳大利亚土著与更广泛的社会协调的努力。澳大利亚广播公司网站上的视频显示,在堪培拉议会外的抗议者围成一圈,点燃了澳大利亚国旗,并高呼,“这里始终是也将永远是原住民的土地。” 【答案】A group of indigenous Australian protesters made headlines for a second day on Friday, gathering outside the Countrys parliament and setting the national flag on fire. The move came a day after Prime Minister Julia Gillard was dragged out of a Canberra restaurant by security guards after angry protesters surrounded the building where the lunch was being held. Indigenous leaders have criticized their actions, saying they undermine efforts to bring Indigenous Australians into harmony with the wider community. Video on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation website showed protesters forming a circle outside parliament in Canberra, setting fire to the Australian flag and chanting, “This has always been and always will be the land of the Aborigines.”8. 单选题. International environmental law seems to have reached an impasse. This is hardly surprising: the complexity of environmental problems, even when considered apart from underlying social, political, and economic factors, is staggering. Scientific understandings of environmental degradation and its causes evolve rapidly. The underlying causes of such degradation are very often activities that bring significant social and economic benefits, with the result that political authorities have no wish to prohibit or strictly regulate them; incentive structures may often constitute a more promising avenue. The complexity of questions about human impacts on the environment and how to decrease or mitigate them calls for a high degree of specialization, while at the same time requiring coordinated action on a number of fronts. In light of these challenges, international environmental law has followed a trajectory that seems inevitable: from general rules whose vagueness often impeded their usefulness to highly specialized, technical regimes focused on narrowly-defined phenomena and interacting with each other in a rather hesitant and clumsy fashion, and more recently to the acceleration of transnational, including non-state, regime building. It becomes increasingly difficult to discern the particular contribution that law can make to environmental protection as it takes on the role of handmaiden to science, economics, politics, ethics, and other social systems.In his discussions of the managerial mindset and the demoralization of law, Koskenniemi frequently makes reference to environmental law, notably to the carving out of implementation and compliance procedures from the general law of state responsibility, to the increased resort to soft law, and to the heavy reliance on equitable balancing. A brief sketch of the architecture of international environmental law reveals vague, general principles at one end; highly detailed and technical rules and standards articulated at the level of specialized regimes at the other end; and a series of potentially useful but underspecified and, unfortunately, largely uninfluential procedural rules between the two. Furthermore, a large number of general principles and regime-specific standards take the form of soft law. Attempts to flesh out a series of general rights and obligations for states (and potentially for other actors, as well) have been ongoing, but those efforts seem to have faltered with the publication by the International Law Commission (ILC) of the 2001 Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities and the 2006 Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the case of Transboundary Harm arising out of Hazardous Activities.1.International environmental law seems to have reached an impasse NOT because _.2.International environmental law has followed a path from _ to _.3.Koskenniemi uses environmental law to illustrate _.4.Between the two ends of international environmental law are _.问题1选项A.the complexity of environmental problemsB.the underlying causes of the degradation are very often activities that bring significant social and economic benefitsC.scientific understandings of environmental degradation and its causes evolve rapidlyD.political authorities have no wish to strictly regulate environment问题2选项A.general rules, clumsy fashionB.general rules, interacting with each otherC.general rules, highly specialized regimesD.general rules, science, economics, politics, ethics, and other social systems问题3选项A.general law of state responsibilityB.the demoralization of lawC.the increased resort to soft lawD.the heavy reliance on equitable balancing问题4选项A.series of procedural rulesB.general principlesC.highly detailed and technical rules and standardsD.largely uninfluential rules【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A【解析】1.事实细节题。根据题干定位到第一段Scientific understandings of environmental degradation and its causes evolve rapidly. The underlying causes of such degradation are very often activities that bring significant social and economic benefits, with the result that political authorities have no wish to prohibit or strictly regulate them; incentive structures may often constitute a more promising avenue.(对环境退化及其原因的科学认识迅速演变。这种退化的根本原因往往是带来重大社会和经济利益的活动,其结果是政治当局无意禁止或严格管制这些活动;激励结构往往构成一种更有前途的途径)可知D选项“政治当局不希望严格管理环境”是国际环境法似乎陷入了僵局的结果,B选项“退化的根本原因往往是那些带来重大社会和经济利益的活动”和C选项“对环境退化及其原因的科学认识迅速演变”是国际环境法似乎陷入了僵局的原因;第一段This is hardly surprising: the complexity of environmental problems, even when considered apart from underlying social, political, and economic factors, is staggering.(这不足为奇:环境问题的复杂性,即使撇开潜在的社会、政治和经济因素考虑,也是惊人的)可知A选项“环境问题的复杂性”是国际环境法似乎陷入了僵局的原因。因此D选项符合题意。2.事实细节题。根据题干定位到原文第一段 In light of these challenges, international environmental law has followed a trajectory that seems inevitable: from general rules whose vagueness often impeded their usefulness to highly specialized, technical regimes focused on narrowly-defined phenomena and interacting with each other in a rather hesitant and clumsy fashion, and more recently to the acceleration of transnational, including non-state, regime building.(鉴于这些挑战,国际环境法遵循了一条似乎无可避免的轨迹:从模糊性往往妨碍其有用性的一般规则,到高度专门化的技术制度,侧重于界定较窄的现象,并以相当迟疑和呆滞的方式相互作用,以及最近加速跨国,包括非国家,体制建设)可知一般规则是和高度专门化的技术制度相对应,选C选项“一般规则,高度专业化的制度”;A选项“一般规则,呆滞的方式”,B选项“一般规则,相互作用”所提到的内容不是互为对应项,D选项“一般规则、科学、经济、政治、伦理和其他社会制度”内有内容未提及。因此C选项符合题意。3.推理判断题。根据题干关键词“Koskenniemi”定位到原文第二段开头In his discussions of the managerial mindset and the demoralization of law, Koskenniemi frequently makes reference to environmental law, notably to the carving out of implementation and compliance procedures from the general law of state responsibility, to the increased resort to soft law, and to the heavy reliance on equitable balancing.(在他讨论的管理思维和法律的道德败坏,Koskenniemi经常借鉴环境法律,尤其是雕刻的实现和国家责任的一般法律合规程序,采取软法的增加,严重依赖公平的平衡)可知选B选项“法律的道德败坏”;A选项“国家责任的一般法律”,C选项“增加对软法律的求助”以及D选项“严重依赖公平平衡”都是借鉴所举的例子。因此B选项正确。4.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到原文第二段and a series of potentially useful but underspecified and, unfortunately, largely uninfluential procedural rules between the two.(以及在这两端之间一系列可能有用但不明确(不幸的是,基本上没有影响力)的程序规则)可知选A选项“一系列程序规则”,根据原文可知两端之间是一系列程序规则,可能有用但不明确以及不幸的是,基本上没有影响力都是用于修饰程序规则,而D选项“基本上没有影响的规则”错误,该选项只提到了修饰成分,但是核心部分从程序规则变成了规则,和原文的范围不符合;根据原文A brief sketch of the architecture of international environmental law reveals vague, general principles at one end; highly detailed and technical rules and standards articulated at the level of specialized regimes at the other end(对国际环境法架构的简要概述显示,在一端是模糊的、一般的原则;在另一端的专门制度一级阐明了非常详细和技术性的规则和标准)可知B选项“一般原则”以及C选项“非常详细和技术性的规则和标准”分别是两端的内容,不符合题意。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题The No. 1 domestic _ of the government is to clean up the environment.问题1选项A.commissionB.committeeC.committenceD.commitment【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项commission“委员会;佣金;服务费;犯;委任;委任状”;B选项committee“委员会”;C选项committence“错误单词”;D选项commitment“承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身;花费金钱、时间、人力等”。句意:政府的首要国内_是清理环境。本句表达“首要国内承诺”,因此D选项正确。10. 单选题Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking.问题1选项A.which to be based onB.which to base uponC.upon which to baseD.to which to be based【答案】C【解析】考查动词不定式短语作定语。分析句子结构可知we cant form a worthwhile opinion是主句,for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking是原因状语从句,在这个从句中_ our thinking是knowledge的定语,展开后半截应该是to base our thinking upon factual knowledge,是主句中的we主动的发出base这个动作,所以不能使用被动语态,排除A,D选项;动词不定式短语作定语时要加上which完善结构(但是并非从句)且和base这个动作搭配的介词upon需要放在which之前,排除B选项。句意:没有事实,我们就不能形成有价值的观点,因为我们需要事实知识来作为我们思考的基础。因此C选项正确。11. 单选题. International lawLegal concepts of domestic law profoundly influence the way how one approaches and conceptualizes international law. James Crawford has observed that “it cannot be said too often that our thinking about law is infiltrated, marinated, drenched with the influence of national legal systems, with their characteristic ways of enforcing obligations and vindicating rights. We were all national lawyers first”. That is surely right (although the trend towards specialization that erodes the authority of generalists might also eventually expunge the memory of the domestic origins of the invisible college).The domestic law perspective applies with particular force to international treaties that combine a consensual form, prima facie reminiscent of the structure employed in the domestic law of contracts, with a substantive breadth, prima facie extending beyond the legal relationships that would be addressed by the law of contracts in domestic law. A convenient point of departure is the proposition made by Arnold McNair as long ago as in 1930, contrasting the variety legal forms employed by the domestic legal order with the sparseness of form by which international law addressed substantively comparable legal relationships: The internal laws of the modern state provide its members with a variety of legal instruments for the regulation of life within that community: the contract; the conveyance or assignment of immovable or movable property, which may be made for valuable consideration or may be a gift or an exchange; the gratuitous promise clothed in a particular form; the charter or private Act of Parliament creating a corporation; legislation, which may be constituent, such as a written constitution, fragmentary or complete, or may be declaratory of existing law, or create new law, or codify existing law with comparatively unimportant changes. Further, though rarely, we may find a constitutional document which closely resembles the international treaty itself.If the debate is put in a historical perspective, it may be said that the appropriateness of domestic analogies has been debated in slightly differing terms by each succeeding generation of international lawyers. In the late 19th century, Heinrich Triepel drew the distinction between treaties analogous to contracts properly so-called, where the contractual parties pursued opposing interests, and the law-making treaties analogous to agreements, where the contractual parties pursued common interests.In the inter-War period, Hersch Lauterpacht dismissed any practical value of the distinction, and made a powerful argument of analogy between domestic contract law on the one hand and the law of treaties and particular treaty regimes on the other hand. Conversely, McNair made an equally powerful argument for a broader list of possible analogies from domestic law, shifting the attention to public law, and in particular cases showing scepticism about the value of relying on private law.1.James Crawford thinks that _.2.Arnold McNair compared legal forms in domestic law with those of international law in 1930 and found that _.3.Heinrich Triepel made the distinction between _.4.From the last paragraph, we can see that Hersch Lauterpacht and McNair _.问题1选项A.the characteristic ways of enforcing obligations in national legal system decides the international legal systemB.influence of national legal systems get into ones thinking about lawC.national lawyers can do things betterD.international law is marinated by national law问题2选项A.for substantively comparable legal relationships there were much less forms of international lawB.international treaties resemble the structure employed in the domestic lawC.the domestic law perspective applies with particular force to international treatiesD.the gratuitous promise is clothed in a particular form问题3选项A.treaties and contractsB.international lawyers and domestic lawyersC.contractual partiesD.different types of treaties问题4选项A.disagreed on the nature of international lawB.both made analogi


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