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2022年考博英语-武汉理工大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Ricci, 45, is now striking out on perhaps his boldest venture yet. He plans to market an English language edition of his elegant monthly art magazine, FMR, in the United States. Once again the skeptics are murmuring that the successful Ricci has headed for a big fall. And once again Ricci intends to prove them wrong.Ricci is so confident that he has christened his quest “Operation Columbus” and has set his sights on discovering an American readership of 300,000. That goal may not be too far-fetched. The Italian edition of FMR-the initials, of course, stand for Franco Maria Ricci-is only 18 months old. But it is already the second largest art magazine in the world, with a circulation of 65,000 and a profit margin of US$ 500,000. The American edition will be patterned after the Italian version, with each 160-page issue carrying only 40 pages of ads and no more than five articles. But the contents will often differ. The English-language edition will include more American works, Ricci says, to help Americans get over “an inferiority complex about their art.” He also hopes that the magazine will become a vehicle for a two-way cultural exchange what he likes to think of as a marriage of brains, culture and taste from both sides of the Atlantic.To realize this vision, Ricci is mounting one of the most lavish, enterprising-and expensive promotional campaigns in magazine publishing history. Between November and January, eight jumbo jets will fly 8 million copies of a sample 16-page edition of FMR across the Atlantic. From a warehouse in Michigan, 6.5 million copies will be mailed to American subscribers of various cultural, art and business magazines. Some of the remaining copies will circulate as a special Sunday supplement in the New York Times. The cost of launching Operation Columbus is a staggering US $5 million, but Ricci is hoping that 60% of the price tag will be financed by Italian corporation. “To land in America Columbus had to use Spanish sponsors,” reads one sentence in his promotional pamphlet. “We would like Italians.”Like Columbus, Ricci cannot know what his reception will be on foreign shores. In Italy he gambled-and won on a simple concept: it is more important to show art than to write about it. Hence, one issue of FMR might feature 32 full-color pages of 17th-century tapestries, followed by 14 pages of outrageous eyeglasses. He is gambling that the concept is exportable.1. Naming his quest “Operation Columbus”, Ricci is confident that _.2. What is the main content of Riccis magazine FMR?3. Ricci tries to persuade the Italian corporations to help by _.问题1选项A.he will be as influential as ColumbusB.he will open up the American marketC.the Americans will associate his magazine with adventurous pioneersD.his magazine will be as memorable as Columbus discovery of America问题2选项A.Articles on culture, art and business.B.Articles and pictures about fashion.C.Pictures of works of art.D.Pictures of trendy items.问题3选项A.including them in Operation ColumbusB.showing them the staggering price tagC.comparing them to the Spanish sponsorD.arousing passionate patriotism in them【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第二段第一句Ricci is so confident that he has christened his quest “Operation Columbus” and has set his sights on discovering an American readership of 300,000.(瑞奇是如此的自信,以至于他将自己的探索命名为“哥伦布行动”,并将目光锁定在了发掘拥有30万读者的美国人身上)。前文说到瑞奇想在美国销售她的杂志,这里说到将目光锁定在30万读者身上,因此他是想打开美国市场。B选项“他将打开美国市场”,B选项正确。A选项“他将和哥伦布一样有影响力”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。C选项“美国人会把他的杂志和冒险先锋联系在一起”,无中生有,可排除。D选项“他的杂志将会像哥伦布发现美洲一样令人难忘”,文章并没有提到杂志的影响力如此之大,因此D选项可排除。因此正确答案为B选项。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第二段倒数第二句The English-language edition will include more American works, Ricci says, to help Americans get over “an inferiority complex about their art.”(瑞奇说,英文版将包括更多的美国作品,以帮助美国人克服“对自己艺术的自卑感”)。选项C“艺术作品的图片”,符合文章所说,为了克服美国人的艺术自卑感,因此C选项正确。选项A“关于文化、艺术和商业的文章”,不符合文章的内容,可排除。选项B“关于时尚的文章和图片”,文章并没有提到是关于时尚的文章和图片,也可排除。D选项“流行物品的图片”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。因此正确答案为C选项。3.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到文章倒数第二段最后一句“To land in America Columbus had to use Spanish sponsors,” reads one sentence in his promotional pamphlet. “We would like Italians.”(他的宣传小册子上有这样一句话:“哥伦布要想在美洲登陆,必须借助西班牙的赞助。”“我们喜欢意大利人”)。D选项“激发起他们炽热的爱国主义热情”。因为在他的宣传册上有这样一句,必须得到西班牙的赞助,可推测这会引起意大利人民的自豪感,因此D选项正确。A选项“包括他们在哥伦布行动”,意大利伙伴并没有参与哥伦布行动,A选项排除。B选项“给他们看惊人的价格标签”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。C选项“将他们与西班牙赞助商进行比较”,并没有将两者进行比较,可排除C选项。因此正确答案为D选项。2. 单选题All over the world, your chances of success in school and life depend more on your family circumstances than on any other factor. By age three, kids with professional parents are already a full year ahead of their poorer peers. They know twice as many words as many words and score 40 points higher on IQ tests. By age 10, the gap is three years. By then, some poor children have not mastered basic reading and math skills, and many never will: his is the age at which failure starts to become irreversible.A few school systems seem to have figured out how to erase these gaps. Finland ensures that every child completes basic education and meets a rigorous standard. One Finnish district official, asked about the number of children who dont complete school in her city, replied,” I can tell you their names if you want. “In the United States, KIPP charter schools enroll students from the poorest families and ensure that most almost every one of them graduates high school80 percent make it to college. Singapore narrowed its achievement gap among ethnic minorities from 17 percent to 5 percent over 20 years.These success stories offer lessons for the rest of us. First, get children into school early. High-quality pre-schooling does more for a childs chances in school and life than any other educational intervention. One study, which began in the 1960s, tracked two groups of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Some were given the opportunity to attend a high-quality pre-school; others were not. Thirty-five years later, the kids who went to pre-school earned more, had better jobs, and were less likely to have been in prison or divorced.Second, recognize that the average kid spends about half his waking hours up until the age of 18 outside of schooldont ignore that time. KIPP students spend 60 percent more time in school than the average American students. They arrive earlier, leave later, attend more regularly, and even go to school every other Saturday. Similarly, in 1996, Chile extended its school day to add the equivalent of more than two more years of schooling.Third, pour lots of effort to train teachers. Studies in the United States have shown that kids with the most effective teachers learn three times as much as those with the least effective. Systems such as Singapores are choosy about recruiting; they invest in training and continuing education; they evaluate teachers regularly, and they award bonuses only to the top performers.Finally, recognize the value of individualized attention. In Finland, kids who start to struggle receive one-to-one support from their teachers. Roughly one in three Finnish students also gets extra help from a tutor each year. If we can learn the lesson of what works, we can build on it.1. What can we infer from the Finnish district officials reply in Paragraph 2?2. Why is it important for kids to attend a high-quality pre-school? Which of the following is NOT true?3. The most important educational factor for a child to achieve success in school and life is to _.4. Why does Singapore lay so much emphasis on the role of teachers?5. What does the passage mainly discuss?问题1选项A.She expresses a desire to show off her good memory.B.She is willing to offer the information at any time.C.Her job requires her to remember all the students names.D.The basic education is paid much attention to in Finland.问题2选项A.Kids can learn better and more.B.Kids tend to be psychologically healthy when they grow up.C.Kids can have a brighter future.D.When they grow up, the kids wish to earn more money.问题3选项A.receive a good and early pre-schoolingB.prolong his or her learning time in schoolC.get instruction from more excellent teachersD.get person-to-person help from the teachers问题4选项A.Kids like serious teachers.B.Kids can have better chances to learn more and better.C.Good teachers can create a happy and relaxed environment.D.Kids want to keep a good relationship with teachers.问题5选项A.The importance of family economic conditions to kids success in study and life.B.The achievement gap between children from wealthy families and poorer ones.C.Some countries have achieved success in erasing the gap between children completely.D.How to narrow the achievement gap between kids from different family backgrounds.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干,可以定位到文章第二段第二句Finland ensures that every child completes basic education and meets a rigorous standard.(芬兰确保每个孩子完成基础教育,并达到严格的标准)。D选项“芬兰非常重视基础教育”,根据文章内容,芬兰非常重视基础教育,未接受基础教育的孩子屈指可数,D选项正确。A选项“她想要炫耀她的好记性”, 文章并不是想要表明她的记性好,A选项可排除。B选项“她愿意随时提供信息”,文章没有提到此内容,B选项可排除。C选项“她的工作要求她记住所有学生的名字”,她的工作内容并不是要记住孩子的名字,C选项可排除。因此D选项正确。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干我们可以定位到文章第三段。D选项“当他们长大了,孩子们希望赚更多的钱”,文章第三段提到the kids who went to pre-school earned more, had better jobs, and were less likely to have been in prison or divorced.(上过学前班的孩子收入更高,有更好的工作,入狱或离婚的可能性更小。),可推测上过学前班的孩子挣得更多,有更好的工作,但并不是他们希望能够挣到更多的钱,D选项符合题意,因此选择D。A选项“孩子们可以学得更好、更多”,可以定位到文章第三段High-quality pre-schooling does more for a childs chances in school and life than any other educational intervention.(高质量的学前教育比任何其他教育干预都更有助于孩子在学校和生活中的机会)。A选项可排除。B选项“孩子们长大后心理往往是健康的”,可以定位到文章第三段and were less likely to have been in prison or divorced.(孩子们长大后入狱的机会小),因此可推测,接受学前教育的孩子们长大后心理更健康,B选项可排除。C选项“孩子们可以有一个更光明的未来”,文章第三段the kids who went to pre-school earned more, had better jobs(孩子们有更好的工作,更高的收入),因此推测,接受高质量学前教育的儿童,可能有一个更光明的未来,C选项可排除。因此D选项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文中第三段第一、二句These success stories offer lessons for the rest of us. First, get children into school early. High-quality pre-schooling does more for a childs chances in school and life than any other educational intervention.(这些成功的故事为我们其他人提供了教训。首先,让孩子们早点上学。高质量的学前教育比任何其他教育干预都更有助于孩子在学校和生活中的机会)。A选项“接受良好和早期的学前教育”,符合文章所说的内容,儿童接受早期教育越早,越有助于获得成功,A选项正确。B选项“延长在学校的学习时间”,文章第四段提到KIPP students spend 60 percent more time in school than the average American students.(KIPP学生在学校的时间比普通美国学生多),这不是孩子成功的主要原因,可排除B选项。C选项“得到更多优秀教师的指导”,文章倒数第二段提到pour lots of effort to train teachers.(只是培训教师),可排除C选项。D选项“从老师那里得到面对面的帮助”,文章最后一段提到kids who start to struggle receive one-to-one support from their teachers.(开始有困难的会获得老师一对一的支持),但这不是孩子获得成功的根本原因,可排除D选项。因此A选项正确。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第五段第二句Studies in the United States have shown that kids with the most effective teachers learn three times as much as those with the least effective(美国的研究表明,拥有最高效教师的孩子学到的东西是低效教师的三倍)。B选项“孩子们可以有更好的机会学到更多更好的东西”,符合文章内容,高效教师使孩子学得更多,B选项正确。A选项“孩子们喜欢严肃的老师”,文章没有提到此内容,排除A选项。C选项“好的老师可以创造一个快乐和轻松的环境”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除C选项。D选项“孩子们想要和老师保持良好的关系”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除D选项。因此B选项正确。5.【试题答案】A【试题解析】主旨大意题。通读全文。A选项“家庭经济条件对孩子学习和生活成功的重要性”,文章第一段提到All over the world, your chances of success in school and life depend more on your family circumstances than on any other factor(在世界各地,你在学校和生活中取得成功的机会更多地取决于你的家庭环境,而不是其他任何因素),因此文章的主要内容,便是家庭环境对孩子成功的重要性,且围绕此观点展开,A选项正确。B选项“富裕家庭和贫困家庭孩子之间的成就差距”,文章只是部分内容提到这个观点,B选项可排除。C选项“一些国家在完全消除儿童之间的差距方面取得了成功”,文章只是说让孩子接受基础教育方面取得较大的进展,并不是完全消除差距,C选项可排除。D选项“如何缩小不同家庭背景的孩子之间的成绩差距”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除D。因此A选项正确。3. 翻译题中国人讲究“义利相兼,以义为先”。中非关系最大的“义”,就是用中国发展助力非洲的发展、最终实现互利共赢、共同发展。中方支持非洲人以非洲方式解决非洲问题,主张解决安全问题要标本兼治、综合施策。在工业、基础设施建设、投资和贸易便利化等领域,中非合作将为双方企业投资和贸易提供更多机会,从而提高非洲产业竞争力,弥补非洲基础设施缺口。在现代农业、绿色发展、减贫惠民等方面的合作,将促进中非企业分享先进技术和建立可持续发展模式,增强自主发展能力,提高公共治理水平。【答案】Chinese people pay attention to the phase of righteousness and concurrently to righteousness first. China-Africa relations the righteousness of the biggest boost Africas development is to use Chinas development, Ultimately achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. The common development of Chinas support of the African people in Africa way solve the problem of Africa, argues that to solve security problems to treat both comprehensive ShiCe. In the industrial areas such as infrastructure construction investment and trade facilitation, china-Africa cooperation will provide more opportunities for both business investment and trade, to improve industrial competitiveness, Africa gaps African infrastructure Green development in modern agricultureCooperation in poverty reduction and peoples well-being will encourage Chinese and African companies to share advanced technologies, establish sustainable development models, enhance their capacity for independent development and improve public governance.4. 翻译题Transport has always shaped cities. In Medieval times, crossroads gave birth to thriving market towns. Venice was built up around its canals, Industrial Britains development followed the route of railways and waterways. Many North American cities were created for the car. But how are the cities of today being shaped by a need for more sustainable transport? Cities are now home to over half of the global population, and have a large role to play in reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality. This will need new technologies and new ways of organizing cities, alongside efficiency gains. Many local governments are accelerating change through policy initiatives such as integrated transport, congestion charges and low emission zones, sustainable procurement and lifecycle costing, and opening data up to companies and academics. And these city level policies can move markets in more sustainable directions. For example, London is requiring all newly licensed taxis to be zero-emission capable from 2018. This has resulted in five vehicle manufacturers committing to meeting that deadline, which is both in their own commercial interests and good for the environment.【答案】交通总是塑造着城市。在中世纪,十字路口孕育了繁荣的集镇。威尼斯建在运河周围,英国工业的发展沿着铁路和水路。许多北美城市都是为汽车而建的。但是,对可持续交通的需求是如何塑造今天的城市的呢?城市现在居住着全球一半以上的人口,在减少碳排放和改善空气质量方面发挥着重要作用。这将需要新技术和组织城市的新方法,以及效率的提高。许多地方政府正在通过诸如综合交通、拥堵费和低排放区、可持续采购和生命周期成本、以及向企业和学术界开放数据等政策举措加速变革。这些城市层面的政策可以推动市场向更可持续的方向发展。例如,伦敦要求所有新获得牌照的出租车从2018年起必须具备零排放能力。这导致五家汽车制造商承诺在最后期限前完成,这既符合它们自身的商业利益,也有利于环境。5. 单选题The government and Microsoft plan to sell around the world Britains new system for online transactions between citizens and government after its successful launch in the UK. A key step in the governments $1.4 billion e-government program has been online payment for the Inland Revenues pay-as-you-earn scheme, some Customs and Excise value added tax procedure, and claims for European Union subsidies for farmers all go live in the past month. At a presentation in Seattle today, Bill Gates, Microsofts co-founder and chairman, will demonstrate the British system to 400 government officials from 80 countries to show how citizens and businesses can interact with government over the Internet.“Although some US states are using leading edge technology, Europe in general, and the UK in particular, is well ahead in implementing e-government initiatives. It should put the citizen at the center of the government,” says Davide Vigano, general manager of public sector at the software group, “The projects have been implemented in just 15 weeks using Microsofts net technology,” said Andrew Pinder, the governments e-envoy. “This is a key piece of infrastructure, brought in on time and on budget,” he said.The secure transaction technology is to be rolled out through about 200 central government departments and agencies and 482 local government institutions over the next five years in the drive to have all of the government online by 2005. The successful implementation is a coup for Microsoft which is trying to build up its enterprise software business and has targeted e-government. It has about 1, 000 staff dedicated to government business.“This is a milestone for Microsoft,” said Barry Goffe, group manager, net enterprise solutions at the Redwood, Washington state-based company. “Two years ago, when the technology for successful integration did not exist, we would have walked away.” The hardware was supplied by Dell, and the servers are managed by Cable and Wireless. The technology is based on XML, a new language protocol that allows information to be labeled and then easily exchanged between computers on different platforms. “People want to hang on to their legacy systems which have been massive investments, but integrating these has proven difficult and expensive in the past. Its astonishing how the friction has been wiped out by XML, which reduces paperwork, reduces complexity and slashes costs,” said Mr. Goffe.1. The e-government software is part of Microsoffs _.2. Two years ago, the e-government program was still impossible due to the lack of _.问题1选项A.enterprise software businessB.most profit-making productsC.secure transaction technologyD.most sophisticated technology问题2选项A.advanced hardwareB.efficient severs managementC.the language protocol XMLD.research funding【答案】第1题:A第2题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干,可以定位到文章第三段第二句The successful implementation is a coup for Microsoft which is trying to build up its enterprise software business and has targeted e-government. It has about 1, 000 staff dedicated to government business.(这一成功实施对微软来说是一场政变,微软正试图建立自己的企业软件业务,并将目标对准了电子政府)。A选项“软件企业”,根据文章内容,微软把电子政府作为软件企业,A选项正确。B选项“最赚钱的产品”,文章没有提到这一点,因此可排除。C选项“安全交易技术”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“最精湛技术”,不符合题意,可排除。因此正确答案为A选项。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段第四句The technology is based on XML, a new language protocol that allows information to be labeled and then easily exchanged between computers on different platforms.(该技术基于XML,这是一种新的语言协议,允许对信息进行标记,然后在不同平台上的计算机之间轻松交换)。由此可推测,两年前电子政府不可能是因为缺乏语言协议XML。C选项“语言协议XML”符合题意,C选项正确。A选项“硬件强化”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。B选项“高效的塞维管理”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除。D选项“研究经费”,文章所说,整合这些系统既困难又昂贵,XML降低了复杂性,并削减了成本,因此D选项可排除。因此正确答案为C选项。6. 单选题Sex and connections: these are not the criteria on which science should be judged, least of all by scientists. But in the first extensive analysis of the way that fellowships in science are awarded, which is published this week in Nature, Christine Wenneras and Agnes Wold, microbiologists at Gothenburg University, in Sweden, found that these factors matter as much as, if not more than, scientific merit.Peer review, the evaluation (often anonymous) of a piece of scientific work by other scientists in the same field, is central to the way in which science proceeds. Journals use it to help decide whether to publish papers and funding agencies use it when deciding to whom to award grants.Dr. Wenneras and Dr. Wold analyzed the reviews of the 114 applications that the Swedish Medical Research Council received for the 20 postdoctoral fellowships it offered in 1995. Of the applicants, 46% were women, of the successful recipients, of the awards only 20% were women.In principle, of course, that might reflect their abilities. In practice, other factors seem to be at work.When the council gets a grant application, it is evaluated by five reviewers, on three measures: scientific competence, the proposed methodology and the relevance of the research. Each measure is given a score of between zero and four; each reviewers scores are multiplied together, giving a single score between zero and 64; and finally, the scores from the reviewers are averaged together, giving the total score.Dr. Wenneras and Dr. Wold identified, after careful analysis, two factors that improved the scores significantly: being male and knowing a reviewer. In fact, the difference w


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