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2022年考博英语-上海交通大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题To some people, the greatest pleasure of life is to spend their time at home watching TV and ( ) their pets.问题1选项A.strokingB.desiringC.modelingD.flattering【答案】A【解析】动词辨析题。stroke"轻抚, 抚摸"desire "希望, 渴望" ;model "做模特;制作模型" flatter"奉承;谄媚"。句意:对某些人来说,生活中最大的乐趣是花时间在家里看电视和抚摸他们的宠物。选项A符合句意。    2. 单选题As many as one in four U. S. workers may be chronically angry on the job, with angry employees also more likely to be bored, have low energy and feel "stuck" in their posts, according to a report Tuesday. Employees are most likely to be angered by a boss or supervisor by a fellow employee or by others in the workplace not being productive, by tight deadlines or by heavy workloads, said Donald Gibson, a professor at the Yale School of Management."A turbulent economic environment that has produced, on the one hand, productivity and growth and, on the other, wrenching change and uncertainty, has buffeted the workplace," the report saiD."While a majority of employees are responding to these conditions with reports of workplace satisfaction there remain a substantial portion who are dissatisfied, even angry, at work," it addeD."Most visibly, anger is linked to workplace aggression, which appears to be increasing: We are weekly confronted with stories of workers taking aggressive, even violent, action particularly against supervisors." The survey found that 25 percent of those contacted said they were at least somewhat angry at work on a continuing basis. Angry employees tend to have less energy and interest in the job, and tend also to be bored, according to Gibson. And angry employees tend to feel"stuck"in the joB.The study did not speculate on what percentage of angry workers are likely to resort to violence. It did find that they feel less loyal to an employer. There have been a number of workplace shootings in the United States over the years, most recently rampages in Georgia and Alabama which left 12 dead.1.What's the meaning of "stuck"in Line 2 ParA.1?2.According to the passage, the angry workers are more likely to do the following EXCEPT ( ) .3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause for anger?4.What can you infer from the passage?5.Which is best fit for the title?问题1选项A.AttractedB.TrappedC.PuzzledD.Irritated问题2选项A.quit their jobsB.feel boredomC.have less loyaltyD.resort to violence问题3选项A.Great pressure.B.Less motion.C.Fear and uncertainty.D.Quarrel with a boss or other employees.问题4选项A.A considerable number of angry workers develop their angel into aggression.B.The relationship between the worker and the boss is the primary reason for anger at work.C.Angry workers are more likely to lose their jobs than others as a result.D.Economic environment might be the root cause for the feeling of anger at work.问题5选项A.The Increasing Violence of Angry Workers.B.Chronic Anger in U. S. Workplace.C.The Cause for Angry Workers.D.The Conflict between Capital and Labor.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.语义题。根据句意, 许多工人会对工作感到厌倦、低迷, 觉得在工作中不能胜任。stuck字面意思为"困住",被工作"困住",意为工作使他们困惑。选项C正确。2.细节判断题。根据原文内容可知, 处于愤怒中的员工会对工作感到无聊, 忠诚度会降低, 甚至有暴力倾向。只有选项A在文中没有提及。3.细节判断题。根据第一段的最后一句"Employees are most likely to be angered by a boss or supervisor by a fellow employee or by others in the workplace not being productive, by tight deadlines or by heavy workloads."员工最容易被老板或主管、同事或工作场所其他人的低效、紧迫的最后期限或沉重的工作负担激怒。只有选项B未提及。4.细节推断题。根据第二段的第一句"A turbulent economic environment that has produced, on the one hand, productivity and growth and, on the other, wrenching change and uncertainty, has buffeted the workplace."经济环境一方面的改变提升了生产力, 另一方面带来了痛苦的变化和不确定性, 对职场造成了冲击。由此推断, 经济环境的改变可能是工作中产生愤怒情绪的根本原因。选项D正确。其他选项均表述错误。5.主旨大义题。本文主要分析了 angry workers出现的原因以及现状。选项B更符合原文。3. 单选题With a candle in hand, he carefully ( ) the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom.问题1选项A.assertedB.ascertainedC.assembledD.ascended【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。assert断言,坚持,维护;ascertain查明,确定;assemble聚集,集合;ascend攀登,上升。句意:他手里拿着蜡烛,小心翼翼地登上狭窄的楼梯,来到自己的卧室。选项D符合句意。    4. 写作题Directions: Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation, Tell which one you agree with and explain why, Please write an essay of about 300 words on this issue. You should give specific reasons and details to support your position. Write the essay on the Answer Sheet only.【答案】Which is more important to one's success cooperative or competitive? For such questions, different people have different views. But in my conception, I guess cooperation is more vital than competitive.Firstly, cooperation is our human beings intrinsic motive. When human beings could be called "human beings" who are different with animals, cooperation is one of the most important factors for our evolution. We have wiser brain than any other creatures on this planet because we know how to achieve our goal through team work. We could say that without cooperation, maybe we are still live in Stone-era.Secondly, in modern society, we are facing more and more sophistication in social division of labor. The TV set which is very common to everybody of us is made up of thousands of spare parts which maybe made in hundreds of factory. The car, the computer, even the sewing machine and fruit knife is very complicated during the manufacture procedure. Similarly at one workshop, a small member team, even wife and husband, we need to be cooperative with each other.Thirdly, we make preparation for success, we have to be cooperative. In modern management points of view, cooperation and inter-dependence are elites. We are always emphasizing "synergy" which means 1+1 more than 2. Cooperation is the match which could lighten fire. Cooperation is the key which could open the door of success.However, like a coin has two sides, we cannot overlook the effective and positive influence of competition. Cooperation, then competition, I think, is the right way.  5. 单选题The headlights of the approaching car were so ( ) that the cyclist had to stop riding.问题1选项A.gleaningB.staringC.gleamingD.dazzling【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析题。gleaning"拾遗"staring"目不转睛的, 凝视的"gleaming"闪烁的, 闪闪发光的"dazzling"耀眼的, 光彩夺目的"。句意:那辆驶来的汽车的前灯太耀眼,以致于骑自行车的人不得不停下来。选项D符合句意。    6. 单选题"The project goal is for students to build complex and interesting sentences and ( ) , whole paragraphs." The teacher explains.问题1选项A.foremostB.ultimatelyC.readilyD.intimately【答案】B【解析】副词辨析题。foremost首要的,最先的;ultimately最终,根本;readily容易地,乐意地;intimately熟悉地,亲密地。句意:“该项目的目标是让学生构建复杂有趣的句子,最终形成完整的段落。”老师解释道。选项B符合句意。    7. 单选题My seven-year old nephew had a pair of new shoes in April and he's already ( ) them.问题1选项A.outweighedB.outgrownC.outlivedD.outreached【答案】B【解析】形近词辨析。outweighed "比重" outgrown "长得大而容不进, 比长得快(或高、大)" outlived "比活得长久" outreached "超越, 伸出"。句意:我七岁的侄子四月份买了一双新鞋, 现在已经穿不下了。选项B符合句意。8. 单选题Educational Service InC.operates 70 institutes in the United States and they concentrate on providing career-focused degree programs to ( ) 28 000 students.问题1选项A.considerablyB.approximatelyC.preferablyD.ideally【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。 considerably"相当地,非常" approximately"大约,近似地" preferably"更好地" ideally"理想地"。句意:美国教育服务公司运营着70家学院, 主要为大约2.8万名学生提供以职业为中心的学位课程。空后为数字,只有 approximately后可接数字。所以选项B正确。    9. 单选题Away from their profession, scientists are inherently no more honest or ethical than other people. But in their profession they work in an arena that puts a high ( ) on honesty.问题1选项A.convictionB.inferenceC.cautionD.premium【答案】D【解析】固定搭配题。put a high premium on"髙度重视"。句意:离开他们的职业,科学家本质上并不比其他人更诚实或更有道德。但在他们的职业生涯中,他们是在一个髙度重视诚信的领域里工作的。    10. 单选题The troops were in a ( ) position, completely exposed to attack from the air.问题1选项A.eminentB.brutalC.vulnerableD.adequate【答案】C【解析】形容词词义辨析。eminent杰出的;brutal残忍的;vulnerable易受攻击的;adequate充足的。句意:部队处于易受攻击的位置, 完全暴露了。选项C符合句意。11. 单选题This paper will examine relevant theories and research findings concerning listening and second language acquisition and identify conditions that may ( ) listening.问题1选项A.elevateB.facilitateC.stimulateD.provoke【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。elevate"提升,举起" facilitate"促进,帮助" stimulate"刺激,鼓舞,激励" provoke"驱使,激怒,煽动"。句意:这篇论文将检验有关听力和第二语言习得的相关理论和研究成果, 并找出有助于听力的条件。选项B正确。    12. 单选题The poison produced by the spider's skin is so ( ) that it will paralyze a bird or a monkey immediately.问题1选项A.lethalB.liableC.tediousD.profound【答案】A【解析】形容词的辨析题。lethal"致死的, 致命的"liable "有责任的, 有义务的"tedious "乏味的, 单调的"profound "知识渊博的。句意:蜘蛛皮肤产生的毒液是致命的,它会立即使一只鸟或一只猴子瘫痪。选项A符合句意。    13. 单选题He was very intelligent, but he ( ) the requirement for a manager.问题1选项A.fell short ofB.ran short ofC.ran out ofD.froze out of【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。fell short of达不到, 缺乏;ran short of快用完了;ran out of用完;froze out of不是词组。句意:他很聪明, 但达不到管理职位的要求。选项A符合句意。14. 单选题Everyone is trying to ( ) how the fire started.问题1选项A.figure outB.make outC.turn outD.clear out【答案】B【解析】figure out"计算岀;估计" make out"理解;辨认岀" turn out"生产,结果是" clear out"清除,扫出"。根据句意:每个人都想弄明白火是如何开始的。选项B符合句意。    15. 单选题In minutes he has taken over the whole ( ) , lying under the sink and squinting (眯眼看)up into the machinery.问题1选项A.conscienceB.restraintC.trialD.enterprise【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。conscience道德, 良心;restraint抑制, 约束;trial试验, 努力;enterprise企业, 进取心。句意:几分钟后, 他就接管了整个企业, 躺在水池下面, 眯着眼睛看着机器。选项D符合句意。   16. 单选题She ( ) and lowered her head when she couldn't answer the question in the presence of her classmates.问题1选项A.refutedB.defiedC.contradictedD.disputed【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。refute反驳, 驳斥; defy挑衅,不服从,公然反抗, 还有使落空的意思; contradicted反驳, 矛盾; disputed争论, 激烈辩论。句意:当她不能在同学面前回答问题时, 她感到很落空并低下了头。选项B符合句意。    17. 单选题With the ( ) of aluminum, shiny metals such as tin or copper turns into black powders when ground fine.问题1选项A.receptionB.deceptionC.exceptionD.perception【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。With the exception of指除了.之外。句意:除了铝之外, 其他的亮光金属,如锡或铜,在磨细后都会变成黑色粉末。    18. 单选题She criticized my writing but in a way that was very( ) . I learned a lot from her.问题1选项A.autonomousB.constructiveC.fundamentalD.elementary【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析题。autonomous "自治的"constructive "有益的, 建没性的"fundamental"基本的, 必要的" elementary"基本的, 初级的"。句意:她批评了我的写作,但批评的方式很有建设性。我从她身上学到了很多。 选项B符合句意。    19. 单选题On ( ) feature of supermarket is that it hires fewer clerks, which cut down on the cost of sale.问题1选项A.extinctB.instinctC.distinctiveD.instinctive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。 extinct"灭绝的,绝种的" instinct"本能,直觉,天性" distinctive"有特色的,与众不同的" instinctive"本能的,直觉的,天生的"。句意:超市最大的特点是雇佣的店员少, 这就降低了销售成本。选项C符合句意。    20. 单选题Poverty and domestic violence make it easy for her to trust that bad things will happen and take this ( ) happiness away.问题1选项A.adversaryB.vulgarC.fragileD.superfluous【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析题。adversary敌手,对手;vulgar粗俗的,本土的;fragile脆的,易碎的;superfluous多余的。句意:贫穷和家庭暴力让她很容易相信坏事会发生,并带走这种脆弱的幸福。只有选项C符合句意。    


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