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1、2022年考博英语-黑龙江大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 翻译题As one of the oldest civilizations of the world, China has a long history and brilliant culture. After entering the era of civilization in the Xia Dynasty, China created glorious science and culture. The compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing are consi

2、dered to be the four great inventions of ancient China, which have contributed immensely to the civilization of the world and the progress of mankind. The Silk Road of China, the oldest trade route in the world, largely promoted the cultural exchange between the East and the West.【答案】中国是世界上最古老的文明之一,

3、有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。中国在夏朝时开始进入文明时代之后,创造了辉煌的科技和文化。指南针、火药、造纸术、印刷术是中国古代的四大发明,对世界文明和人类的进步做出了极大的贡献。中国的丝绸之路世界上最古老的贸易通道极大地促进了东西方文化的交流。2. 单选题An airplane( )in the mountain.问题1选项A.crashedB.smashedC.clashedD.crushed【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。crash“损毁,坠毁”;smash“粉碎,使破产”;clash“发出撞击声,碰撞”;crush“压坏,损坏”。句意:飞机在山区坠毁了。A项符合题意。3. 写作题The g

4、raphs below show the change of infant mortality and life expectancy in a country. Write an essay of 200 words. Your essay must be based on the instructions as follows:1. Describe the graphs2. Give some reasons3. Predict the future infant mortality【答案】略4. 单选题Generally, it is only when animals are tra

5、pped that they _ to violence in order to escape.问题1选项A.proceedB.appealC.resortD.incline【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. proceed 开始;继续进行 B. appeal 呼吁;恳求C. resort 诉诸;采取 D. incline 倾向于【考察点】词组辨析【解题思路】句意为只有动物在被困住的时候,它们才会采取暴力措施来逃走。C选项resort接to表采取的意思,符合句意。【干扰项排除】A选项proceed to继续下去;B选项appeal to呼吁;上诉;要求;对有吸引力;D选项incline to倾

6、向于。Incline to更多指具有什么倾向。但是该题目应该选采取暴力措施。因为题意为动物们已经被困住了;以上选项均不符合句意。【句意】一般来说,只有当动物被困住时,它们才会采取暴力措施以逃脱。5. 单选题Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they_ to violence in order to escape.问题1选项A.proceedB.appealC.resortD.incline【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. proceed开始;继续进行 B. appeal呼吁;恳求C. resort诉诸;采取 D. incl

7、ine倾向于【考察点】词组辨析。【解题思路】句意为只有动物在被困住的时候,它们才会采取暴力措施来逃走。C选项resort接to表采取的意思,符合句意。【干扰项排除】A选项proceed to继续下去;B选项appeal to呼吁;上诉;要求;对有吸引力;D选项incline to倾向于。incline to更多指具有什么倾向。但是该题目应该选采取暴力措施,因为题意为动物们已经被困住了。以上选项均不符合句意。【句意】一般来说,只有当动物被困住时,它们才会采取暴力措施以逃脱。6. 单选题They asked us to come to their party but we( )the invita

8、tion.问题1选项A.rejectedB.refusedC.declinedD.spurn【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。reject“拒绝,指断然拒绝接受某人,某物”;refuse“拒绝,回绝”;decline“拒绝,通常指有礼貌地婉拒”;spurn“藐视,唾弃”。句意:他们邀请我们去参加他们的聚会,但是我们婉拒了。由题干语境可知拒绝参加聚会应该是婉言拒绝。故C项正确。7. 单选题What might driving on an automated highway be like? The answer depends on what kind of system is ultimatel

9、y adopted. Two distinct types are on the drawing board. The first is a special-purpose lane system, in which certain lanes are reserved for automated vehicles. The second is a mixed traffic system; fully automated vehicles would share the road with partially automated or manually driven cars. A spec

10、ial-purpose lane system would require more extensive physical modifications to existing highways, but it promises the greatest gains in freeway capacity.Under either scheme, the driver would specify the desired destination, furnishing this information to a computer in the car at the beginning of the

11、 trip or perhaps just before reaching the automated highway. If a mixed traffic system was in place, automated driving could begin whenever the driver was on suitably equipped roads. If special-purpose lanes were available, the car could enter them and join existing traffic in two different ways. On

12、e method would use a special onramp(入口引道). As the driver approached the point of entry for the highway, devices installed on the roadside would electronically check the vehicle to determine its destination and to ascertain that it had the proper automation equipment in good working order. Assuming i

13、t passed such tests, the driver would then be guided through a gate and toward an automated lane. In this case, the transition from manual to automated control would be shared by automated and regular vehicles. The driver would steer onto the highway and move in normal fashion to a “transition” lane

14、. The vehicle would then shift under computer control onto a lane reserved for automated traffic. The limitation of these lanes to automated traffic would, presumably, be well respected because all trespassers could be swiftly identified by authorities.Either approach to joining, a lane of automated

15、 traffic would harmonize the movement of newly entering vehicles with those already traveling. Automatic control here should allow for smooth merging, without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents. And once a vehicle had settled into automated travel, the driver would be free to releas

16、e the wheel, open the morning paper or just relax.1.We learn from the first paragraph that two systems automated highways( ).2.A special-purpose lane system is probably advantageous in that( ).3.Which of the following is TRUE about driving on an automated highway?4.We know from the passage that a ca

17、r can enter a special-purpose lane( ).5.When driving in an automated lane, the driver( ).问题1选项A.are being plannedB.are being modifiedC.are now in wide useD.are under construction问题2选项A.it would require only minor changes to existing highwaysB.it would achieve the greatest highway traffic efficiencyC

18、.it has a lane for both automated and partially automated vehiclesD.it offers more lanes for automated vehicles问题3选项A.Vehicles traveling on it are assigned different lanes according to their destinations.B.A car can join existing traffic any time in a mixed lane system.C.The driver should inform his

19、 car computer of his destination before driving onto it.D.The driver should share the automated lane with those of regular vehicles.问题4选项A.by smoothly merging with cars on the conventional laneB.by way of a ramp with electronic control devicesC.through a specially guarded gateD.after all trespassers

20、 are identified and removed问题5选项A.should harmonize with newly entering carsB.doesnt have to rely on his computer systemC.should watch out for potential accidentsD.doesnt have to hold on to the steering wheel【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。由第一段“Two distinct types are on the drawing board两种不同

21、的类型正处于设计阶段。”可知A项“正在被计划中”正确。2.细节事实题。由第一段“A special-purpose lane system would require more extensive physical modifications to existing highways, but it promises the greatest gains in freeway capacity.一个特殊用途的车道系统需要对现有的高速公路进行更广泛的物理改造,但它有望最大限度地提高高速公路的通行能力。”可知特殊用途的车道系统能给高速公路系统带来便利。故B项正确。3.推理判断题。由第二段“Unde

22、r either scheme, the driver would specify the desired destination, furnishing this information to a computer in the car at the beginning of the trip or perhaps just before reaching the automated highway. 在这两种方案中,司机将指定想要到达的目的地,并在旅程开始时或在到达自动高速公路之前将这些信息提供给车内的计算机。”可知C项“司机开车前应将目的地告知汽车电脑”正确。4.推理判断题。由第二段“I

23、f special-purpose lanes were available, the car could enter them and join existing traffic in two different ways. One method would use a special onramp(入口引道). As the driver approached the point of entry for the highway, devices installed on the roadside would electronically check the vehicle to dete

24、rmine its destination and to ascertain that it had the proper automation equipment in good working order. 如果有专用车道,汽车可以通过两种不同的方式进入这些车道并加入现有的车流。一种方法使用一个特殊的斜坡弯道(入口引道)。当司机接近高速公路的入口点时,安装在路边的电子设备将检查车辆,以确定其目的地,并确定其适当的自动化设备处于良好的工作状态。”可知B项“通过带有电子控制装置的斜坡”正确。5.推理判断题。由最后一段“And once a vehicle had settled into au

25、tomated travel, the driver would be free to release the wheel, open the morning paper or just relax. 一旦车辆进入自动驾驶状态,驾驶员就可以自由地松开方向盘,打开晨报或者只是放松一下。”故D项正确。8. 单选题Ive heard the saying, “The best gift parents can ever give to their children is to love each other.”Ive had the pleasure of witnessing the truth

26、of this statement for over 40 years. From as far back as I can remember my Mom and Dad were a team, a great partnership. They were more than just a partnership. It was as if they were one person.Sure, they argued, but there was never any doubt in our minds that any disagreements would be worked thro

27、ugh and resolved. Mom and Dad began their married life poor, but they worked hard and, over the years, built a very successful business. They each had their strengths and weaknesses, but the way they worked together, you never saw the weaknesses, just the strengths.Dad was the outgoing, more public

28、person with whom people met and fell in love with right away. Everyone knew Dad! Then, when they got to meet Mom, they felt the exact same way about her as well. Mom, although not at all shy, was more comfortable being the person behind the scenes. More detail oriented, she ran the books and, accord

29、ing to Dad, was the one who really made the business work.The biggest lesson about love and marriage that my mom and dad taught us kids was how to talk about your spouse. Have you ever heard husbands and wives, when speaking to others, make unkind remarks about their spouses? Its one of those things

30、 people just seem to do. Sure, theyre “only kidding” or maybe they are not. But words matter. And words teach, whether positively or negatively.You would never hear such a thing from my mom and dad. Dad always speaks of Mom in the most complimentary, glowing terms. As does she of him. This lesson ma

31、de such an impression on me. I still remember when I was age 12 and we were getting carpet installed in our home. The crew boss was one of those stereotypical beer guzzling, hard-living guys, who would have probably belonged to Ralph Kramdens Raccoon Lodge from the old Honeymooners TV show. For lunc

32、h, my folks bought pizza for the crew. Dad went to talk with the boss about the job. I was around the comer listening.The boss said, “This is an expensive job. Women will really spend your money, wont they?” Dad responded, “Well, Ill tell you, when they were right there with you before you had any m

33、oney, its a pleasure to do anything for them you possibly can.”This wasnt the answer the carpet installer expected to hear. He was looking for negative banter about wives which, to him, was natural. He tried again: “But, gee, theyll really play off that and spend all they can, wont they?” Dad replie

34、d, as I knew he would, “Hey, when theyre the reason youre successful, you want them to do the things they enjoy. Theres no greater pleasure.”The crew boss tried one more time. And theyll take that as far as they can, huh? Dad responded. “Shes the best thing that ever happened to me. Id do anything t

35、o make her happy.”I was trying not to laugh. I knew he wanted Dad to give in just a little bit and say, “Yeah,I guess thats true. But it wouldnt happen.not in a million years! ”Finally, the installer gave up and went back to work, probably shaking his head in bewilderment. Witnessing my dad in that

36、moment taught me more about loving and respecting your wife than anything he could ever have told me about the subject.Mom and Dad are now retired and enjoying their life together, just hanging out, reading, and visiting their children and grandchildren. They recently celebrated their 43rd wedding a

37、nniversary. They still hold hands, and they are more in love than ever. Throughout the years, whenever Mom would remind me that I should be looking to get married, Id say, “Ma, I have plenty of time.” Shed jokingly reply that I dont have “that” much time. My Dad would then look at me in that wisdom-

38、filled, city streets bred way of his and say, “Hey, you take all the time you need. If you marry someone just half the woman your mother is, youll have a great life.” I should only be so lucky.1.What are the authors mothers characteristics?2.How did the authors parents teach him the most important t

39、hing about marriage?3.Why did the authors family buy pizza for the crew?4. Which of the following is least likely to be accepted by this crew boss?5.What kind of impact did the conversation between his father and the installer have on the author?问题1选项A.She is more public and determined.B.She is more

40、 patient and comfortable.C.She is more agreeable and pays more attention to details.D.She is in charge of accounting and running the business.问题2选项A.They each had their strengths and weaknesses, but the way they worked together, you only saw the strengths.B.They worked hard and, over the years, buil

41、t a very prosperous business.C.Mom and Dad were a team, a great partnership.D.They always spoke of each other in a positive way.问题3选项A.They were putting a carpet in place in our home.B.My father had something to ask from the crew head.C.The crew boss came from Ralph Kramdens Raccoon Lodge.D.The crew

42、 boss was a stereotypical beer loving, hard-living guy.问题4选项A.Women will spare no cost when they just want to do it.B.Women give full play to the rights men grant them.C.Women are the powerhouse behind men success story.D.Women are the ruin of men.问题5选项A.Men should love and respect their wives.B.Its

43、 immoral to speak ill of someone without the persons presence.C.A child should learn to protect patents good images.D.We should value the days we spend together with our spouses.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由第四段“Mom, although not at all shy, was more comfortable being the person behind t

44、he scenes. More detail oriented, she ran the books and, according to Dad, was the one who really made the business work. 妈妈,虽然一点也不害羞,但做一个幕后的人更舒服。她更注重细节,经营账本,据父亲说,她是真正让生意运转起来的人。”可知C项“她更和蔼可亲,注重细节”正确。2.细节事实题。由第五段“The biggest lesson about love and marriage that my mom and dad taught us kids was how to t

45、alk about your spouse. 我父母教给我们孩子关于爱情和婚姻的最重要的一课就是如何谈论你的配偶。”以及第六段“You would never hear such a thing from my mom and dad. Dad always speaks of Mom in the most complimentary, glowing terms. As does she of him. 你永远不会从我父母那里听到这样的事情。爸爸总是用最 赞美、最热烈的语言谈论妈妈。她对他也一样。”可知作者的父母总是对外人互相赞美对方。故D项正确。3.细节事实题。由第六段“I still

46、remember when I was age 12 and we were getting carpet installed in our home. 我还记得我12岁的时候,我们家正在铺地毯。”可知A项正确。4.推理判断题。由父亲与工人的谈话可知,工人认为女人只会花钱,对女人是持贬低的态度。A项“女人只要想做就会不惜任何代价”;B项“妇女充分发挥了男人赋予她们的权利”;C项“女人是男人成功故事背后的动力”;D项“女人是男人的祸根”。可知C项工人最不可能接受。5.推理判断题。由倒数第二段“Witnessing my dad in that moment taught me more abou

47、t loving and respecting your wife than anything he could ever have told me about the subject. 在那一刻,我的父亲教会了我爱和尊重你的妻子,这比他告诉我的任何事情都要多。”可知A项“男人应该爱和尊敬他们的妻子”正确。9. 单选题The two surfaces( )to each other and we couldnt get them apart.问题1选项A.stuckB.clungC.coheredD.adhered【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。stick“粘住,贴有粘着剂而变得固定”,sti

48、ck to 坚持;cling“紧抓”;cohere“凝结,粘着”;adhere to“粘附,指被吸力或胶水粘住”。句意:这两个面粘在一起了,我们不能把它们分离。故D项符合题意。10. 单选题A good leader must have character traits that inspire others to accept his leadership. He must display courage, intelligence, and( ).问题1选项A.wisdomB.braveryC.shrewdnessD.integrity【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。wisdom“智慧”;

49、bravery“勇敢,勇气”;shrewdness“精明,机灵”;integrity“完整,正直”。句意:一个好领导必须有激励他人接受自己领导的特质。他必须表现出自己的勇气,智慧和正直。由courage, intelligence可排除A、B项。C项不符合题意,故D项正确。11. 单选题Before the interview, each candidate had to have a( )medical examination.问题1选项A.porousB.vigorousC.thesaurusD.rigorous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。porous“能渗透的,有气孔的”;vigo

50、rous“精力充沛的”;thesaurus“宝库,辞典”;rigorous“严格的,严厉的”。句意:在面试之前,每个候选人都必须进行严格的体检。D项符合题意。12. 单选题Remember that only a few of the living things that are produced can live. In general, thoselive that are best fitted for living( )they do.问题1选项A.whereB.whatC.whyD.how【答案】A【解析】考查语法。where引导定语从句,即those live that are b

51、est fitted for living where they do (will live).句意:记住只有少数被生产出来的生物才能生存。一般来说,只有那些生活在最适合它们生活的地方的生物才能生存。13. 不定项选择题The establishment of the Third Reich influenced events in American history by starting a chain of events which culminated in war between Germany and the United States. The compete destructio

52、n of democracy, the persecution of Jews, the war on religion, the cruelty and barbarism of the Nazis, and especially the plans of Germany and her allies, Italy and Japan, for world conquest caused great indignation in this country and brought on fear of another world war.While speaking out against H

53、itlers atrocities, the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality.The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936 prohibited trade with any belligerents or loans to them. In 1937 the President was empowered to declare an arms embargo in wars between nations at his discretion.America

54、n opinion began to change somewhat after President Roosevelts “quarantine the aggressor” speech at Chicago (1937) in which he severely criticized Hitlers policies. Germanys seizure of Austria and the Munich Pact for the partition of Czechoslovakia (1938) also aroused the American people.The conquest

55、 of Czechoslovakia in March, 1939 was another rude awakening to the menace of the Third Reich. In August, 1939 came the shock of the Nazi-soviet Pact and in September the attack on Poland and the outbreak of European war.The United States attempted to maintain neutrality in spite of sympathy for the

56、 democracies arrayed against the Third Reich. The Neutrality Act of 1939 repealed the arms embargo and permitted “cash and carry” exports of arms to belligerent nations. A strong national defense program was begun.A draft act was passed (1940) to strengthen the military services. A Lend Act (1941) a

57、uthorized the President to sell, exchange, or lend materials to any country deemed necessary by him for the defense of the United States. Help was given to Britain by exchanging certain overage destroyers for the right to establish American bases in British territory in the Western Hemisphere. In Au

58、gust, 1940 President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met and issued the Atlantic Charter which proclaimed the kind of a world which should be established after the war. In December, 1941, Japan launched the unprovoked attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor. Immediately thereafter, German

59、y declared war on the United States. 1. One item occurring before 1937 that the author does not mention in his list of actions that alienated the American public was _.2. The Lend-Lease Act was designed to _.3. American policy during the years 1935-1936 may be described as being _.4. The Neutrality

60、Act of 1939 _.5. We entered the war against Germany _.问题1选项A.the burning of the ReichstagB.German plans for conquestC.Nazi barbarismD.the persecution of religious group问题2选项A.help the BritishB.strengthen the national defense of the United StatesC.promote the Atlantic CharterD.avenge Pearl Harbor问题3选

61、项A.watchfulB.isolationistC.peacefulD.indifferent问题4选项A.permitted the selling of arms to belligerent nationsB.antagonized JapanC.permitted the British to trade only with the AlliesD.led to the Lend-Lease Act问题5选项A.because Germany declared warB.because Japan was an ally of GermanyC.after Germany had s

62、igned the Nazi-Soviet PactD.after peaceful efforts had failed【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1. 【选项释义】One item occurring before 1937 that the author does not mention in his list of actions that alienated the American public was _. 有一件事发生在1937年之前,但作者在他的疏远美国公众的行为清单中没有提到的是_。A. the burning of the Reich

63、stag A. 国会大厦的焚毁B. German plans for conquest B. 德国征服计划C. Nazi barbarism C. 纳粹暴虐D. the persecution of religious group D. 宗教团体的迫害【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到Para. 1第二句,该处讲到“对犹太人的迫害(the persecution of Jews)”“纳粹的暴虐(barbarism of the Nazis)”以及“德国征服计划(the plans of Germany for world conquest)”。B、C、D都有提到,只有A没有。因此选A。【干扰项排除】A选项国会大厦的焚毁,属于无中生有。2. 【选项释义】The Le

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