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1、2022-2023年考博英语-华南师范大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题It is announced that a wallet has been found and can he ( ) at the managers office.问题1选项A.declaredB.obtainedC.reclaimedD.recognized【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项 declare “断言,宣称,宣布”;B选项 obtain “获得,得到”;C选项 reclaim “要求归还,收回;认领(失物)”;D选项 recognize“认出,认可,承认”。句意:通知说,有人发现了一只钱包,失主

2、可到经理室认领。结合此处语境,C选项正确。2. 单选题Fred has a(n)( )kind of humor that can only be appreciated by those willing to search beneath the surface.问题1选项A.obviousB.hiddenC.subtleD.controlled【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: obvious“明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的”;B: hidden “隐藏的”;C: subtle “微妙的;细微的”;D: controlled “受控制的;受约束的”。句意:那些愿意了解深层意思的人才会欣

3、赏到Fred的微妙幽默。结合此处语义,C为正确答案。3. 单选题When the hostess received my compliment on her new car, she responded with great pleasure about how the car is a( )buy.问题1选项A.modestB.choiceC.superiorD.eloquent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: modest “谦虚的”;B: choice “精选的”;C: superior “优秀的,出众的”;D: eloquent “意味深长的”。句意:当女主人听到我对她新车的

4、赞美,她高兴地对我讲起来这辆车是如何精心挑选的。结合此处句意,故B为正确答案。4. 单选题She was a great help to her family when her father suffered a mental( )and had to be hospitalized.问题1选项A.destructionB.disasterC.damageD.collapse【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: destruction “破坏,毁灭” ;B: disaster “灾难;不幸”;C: damage “损害”;D: collapse “崩溃;衰弱”。句意:当她的父亲精神上受到伤

5、害,不得不住院时,她对家人帮助很大。根据句意,精神伤害应为mental damage,故C为正确答案。5. 单选题When the jury brought in a( )of guilt, the defendant who was overwhelmingly arrogant several minutes ago drooped his head.问题1选项A.judgmentB.appraisalC.verdictD.conviction【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: judgment“判断”;B: appraisal“评价”;C: verdict“结论,裁定”;D: co

6、nviction “顶嘴,证明有罪”。句意:陪审团拿着判罪裁决书进来时,几分钟之前还相当自大的被告低下了他的头。结合句意,选C。6. 单选题The conductor of the orchestra was not satisfied with the ballet for the steps of the dancer was not( )with the rhythm of the music.问题1选项A.coordinated.B.correspondedC.synchronizedD.reconciled【答案】C【解析】考查词组。A项coordinated “与相协调”;B项co

7、rresponded “与相符”;C项synchronized “(使)同步;(使)在 时间上一致;(使)同速进行”;D项reconciled “与和谐”。句意:管弦乐队的指挥对芭蕾舞不满意,因为舞蹈家的舞步与音乐的节奏不一致。根据句意,C为正确答案。7. 单选题The people of this country have entrenched themselves to( )any invaders who refuse to give up their evil intention.问题1选项A.ward offB.cut offC.work offD.lay off【答案】C【解析】考

8、查动词词组词义辨析。A: ward off “避开,挡住”;B: cut off “切断;中断;使死亡; 剥夺继承权”;C: work off “售出;清理,排除;渐渐地清除;冒充”;D: lay off “解雇;休息;停止工作”。句意:这个国家的人们已经致力于消灭任何拒绝放弃邪恶意图的侵略者了。根据句意可知C为正确答案。8. 单选题The magician picked several persons( )from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.问题1选项A.by accidentB.at rando

9、mC.on occasionD.on average【答案】B【解析】考查词组。A: by accident “偶然”;B: at random “随机”;C: on occasion “有时;间或”;D: on average “平均起来”。 句意:魔术师从观众中胡乱挑选了几个人,请他们帮助他进行表演。根据语境和句意,B最合适。9. 单选题Im( )on going to that flower show. I believe there are some specimens of Caration that Im interested in.问题1选项A.keenB.acuteC.shre

10、wdD.enthusiastic【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。be keen on doing sth.表示“渴望;热切;热衷于”。句意:我非常想要去看花展,我相信有一些我感兴趣的标本。结合句意,A为正确答案。10. 单选题My( )is for wild flowers rather than cultivated ones.问题1选项A.inclinationB.favoriteC.preferenceD.fondness【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: inclination “意向;倾向;爱好”;B: favorite “特别喜爱的人(或物)”;C: preference “

11、喜好;偏好;偏爱”;D: fondness “喜欢;喜爱”。 句意:我偏爱野生花而不是栽培花。根据语境和句意,这里含有比较级结构,因此C最合适。11. 单选题If these shoes are too big, ask the clerk to bring you a smaller( ).问题1选项A.pairB.suitC.oneD.set【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果这些鞋太大了,请店员给你拿一双更小的。结合语境,由前文谈及 “这些鞋子”,即应该是成对的,故应该用“一双”,则 A为正确答案。12. 单选题The developed countries are urgin

12、g the developing countries to adopt a strategy that can( )the twin needs of development and preservation of nature.问题1选项A.assimilateB.correspondC.coincideD.reconcile【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: assimilate“吸收”;B: correspond “一致”;C: coincide “ 一致”;D: reconcile “使一致”。句意:发达国家正在催促发展中国家采用一个能使发展和保护自然的双重需要一致的策略。结合此

13、处语境,D为正确答案。13. 翻译题Directions: Put the following passage into English Write your English version in the proper space on the Answer Sheet.关于知识分子的定义,国外的主流看法是,知识分子是受过专门训练,掌握专门知识, 以知识为谋生手段,以脑力劳动为职业,具有强烈的社会责任感的群体。知识分子的功能虽然在解释外在世界,但是总是倾向怀疑与批判,他的想法和看法与社会现状总有距离。知识分子总是对社会现状不满足,总是批判他身处其中的社会,总是企图按照理性和自己 的理想改造或改

14、良社会。因此,他们被浪漫地认同为社会的良心。根据知识分子的基本特 征,经典的知识分子可包含哲学家、科学家、作家、艺术家、音乐家等等。在这里,知识 分子是指脑力劳动者中关心人类文化价值、具有社会责任意识的那部分人,大体上相当于 “思想家”。【答案】With regard to the definition of intellectuals, the mainstream view abroad is that intellectuals are groups with a strong sense of social responsibility who receive special trai

15、ning, master expert knowledge, earn a living by knowledge and choose mental work. Although the function of the intellectual is to explain the external world, he is always inclined to doubt and criticize, whose ideas and opinions are always different from the present social situation. The intellectua

16、l is always dissatisfied with the present social situation, always criticizes society in which he lives, and always attempts to transform or improve society according to his reason and his own ideal. Therefore, they are romantically recognized as a conscience of society. According to the basic chara

17、cteristics of intellectuals, classical intellectuals can include philosophers, scientists, writers, artists, musicians and so on. Here, the intellectual refers to the mental labors, roughly equivalent to thinker, who care about the cultural value of human beings and have a sense of social responsibi

18、lity.14. 单选题( )the advances of science the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.问题1选项A.As forB.ExceptC.BesidesD.Despite【答案】D【解析】考查介词。A: as for “至于” ;B: except “除之外”;C: besides “除之外(还有)”;D: despite “尽管”。句意:尽管科学不断发展,老年的疼痛无疑总是伴随着我们。结合此处语境,D为正确答案。15. 单选题Under the reign of the dictatori

19、al powers, all the periodicals to which the library( )must be scrutinized by a committee of censorship.问题1选项A.subscribesB.contributesC.subtractsD.rakes【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。subscribe to “预订,同意,订阅”。句意:在独裁政权统治下,图书馆订阅的所有期刊都必须接受审查委员会的审查。根据句意可知A为正确答案。16. 单选题Telecommunication developments enable the sending of

20、messages( )television, radio and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with many messages.问题1选项A.viaB.amidC.pastD.across【答案】A【解析】考查介词。句意:电信的发展使人们能够通过电视、无线电发送信息,很快,电子邮件就可以用许多信息轰炸人们。根据语境,此处表示信息发送的途径,因此A为正确答案。17. 单选题Frances( )of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered politi

21、cal debates and mass demonstrations.问题1选项A.assumptionB.consumptionC.presumptionD.resumption【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 assumption “假定,假设”;B选项 consumption “消费,消耗”;C选项 presumption “假设,推定”;D选项 resumption “恢复,重联,(中断后)再继续”。句意:上个月法国在南太平洋重新进行核试验引发了政界的争论和群众游行示威。结合此处语境,谈及到法国重新进行核试验,因此D选项正确。18. 单选题I( )him at once a

22、s an American when he stepped onto the stage with three other actors.问题1选项A.regardedB.deemedC.spottedD.discerned【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析A: regard “把认作”;B: deem “看做,认为”;C: spot “认出”;D: discern “识别,看出”。句意:当他和其他三个演员一起登上舞台时,我立即就认出他是美国人了。根据句意,C为正确答案。19. 翻译题In contrast to the science of classical antiquity, mode

23、rn science is basically unfinished whereas ancient science had the appearance of something completed to which the notion of progress was not essential. Modern science progresses into the infinite.Modern science has realized that a finished and total world-view is scientifically impossible. Only when

24、 scientific criticism is crippled by making particulars absolute can a closed view of the world pretend to scientific validityand then it is a false validity. Those great new unified systems of knowledgesuch as modern physicshave grown up in the scientific times only with single aspects of reality.

25、And reality, as a whole, has been fragmented as never before; whence the openness of the modern world is contrast to the closed Greek cosmos.【答案】和古典时代的科学相比,现代科学基本上是未完成状态,然而古老科学有完成某样东西的表象,而且进步的概念对此非常重要。现代科学进入无限境地。现代科学已经知道,完美无缺的世界观在科学上是不可能的。只有当科学批评因为细节变成绝对而被削弱的时候,僵化自守的世界观才会妄称科学有效性一一然后,这个有效性也是虚假的。那些科学时

26、代中伟大且新统一的知识体系一一比如现代物理只在现实生活的某方面已经逐渐发展。整体来看,现实已经前所未有的支离破碎。于此,现代世界的开放性与封闭自守的希腊世界形成鲜明对比。20. 单选题The greatest advantage of the market economy is that it can( )the distribution of the natural resources and manpower.问题1选项A.optimizeB.maximizeC.minimizeD.allocate【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: optimize “使最优化;使尽可能有效” ;B: maximize “最大化”;C: minimize “最小化”;D: allocate “分配”。句意:市场经济的最大优势是它能最优化自然资源和人力的分配。结合语境,由前文谈及了市场经济的优势,以及宾语“distribution分配”可知,A为正确答案。

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