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1、2022-2023年考博英语-西南林业大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题In many countries now, smoking is not _ in public places.问题1选项A.permissiveB.permutableC.perniciousD.permissible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项permissive“宽容的”;B选项 permutable “可排列的;能交换的”; C选项 pernicious“ 有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的”;D选项 permissible“可允许的;获得准许的”。句意:在许多国家,吸烟在公共场所是不。结合句意

2、,A,B,C选项可以排除,D选项permissible(可允许的;获得准许的)最符合语意,吸烟在公众场合是不被允许的,因此选项D正确。2. 单选题The company makes a periodical review of expenditure every month.问题1选项A.regularB.immediateC.prevalentD.temporary【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 regular “定期的;有规律的;合格的;整齐的;普通的”;B选项 immediate “立即的;直接的;最接近的”;C选项 prevalent “流行的;普遍的,广传的”;D选项 t

3、emporary “暂时的,临时的”。句意:公司每月定期检查支出情况。结合此处关键词periodical “数 周期的;定期的”,得知A选项正确。3. 单选题The acid rain attacks the leaves and _ their waxy coating.问题1选项A.resolvesB.unsolvedC.dissolvesD.shoves【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项resolves “决定;决心要做”;B选项unsolved “未解决的;未解答的”;C选项 dissolves “溶解;分解”;D选项shoves “挤;强使;撞;猛推”。句意:酸雨会侵蚀树叶,它们

4、的蜡涂层。根据attacks the leaves (侵蚀树叶)可推测acid rain(酸雨)的危害极大,A选项resolves(决定)不符合题意,B选项unsolved(未解决的)可排除,D选项shoves(挤)不符合题意,可排除,结合此处语境,C选项正确。4. 单选题Fortune-tellers are good at making _ statements such as “Your sorrows will change”.问题1选项A.philosophicalB.ambiguousC.literalD.invalid【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 philosop

5、hical “哲学的(等于philosophic);冷静的”;B选项 ambiguous“模糊不清的,模棱两可的;不明确的,不明朗的;引起歧义的”;C选项 literal “文字的;逐字的;无夸张的”;D选项 invalid “无效的;有病的;残疾的”。句意:算命的人擅长说一些模棱两可的话,比如“你的悲伤会变的”。根据句意,B选项正确。5. 单选题There are many who believe that the use of force _ political ends can never be justified.问题1选项A.in search ofB.in pursuit ofC.

6、in view ofD.in light of【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项 in search of “寻找”;B选项 in pursuit of “追求”;C选项 in view of “鉴于,由于”;D选项 in light of “根据”。句意:有许多人认为,为追求政治目的而使用武力永远是不正当的。根据句意可知B选项正确。6. 单选题The historic meeting of the presidents of these two countries will greatly promote _ relationship and cooperation at all lev

7、els.问题1选项A.bilateralB.benignC.significantD.fundamental【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 bilateral “双边的;有两边的”;B选项 benign “良性的;和蔼的,亲切的;吉利的”;C选项 significant “重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的”;D选项 fundamental “基本的,根本的”。句意:两国元首的历史性会晤将有力地推动双边的关系和各层次合作。结合句意,A为正确答案。7. 写作题Nowadays the way many people interact with each other h

8、as changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the way people communicate with each other? Has this become a positive or negative development? You must write logically and show your clear point of view with sufficient supporting points. You may make use of any relevant exampl

9、es from your knowledge or experience. You should have your own title and write at least 200 words.【答案】略。8. 翻译题中国园林是经过三千多年演化而形成的独具一格的园林景观,是中国建筑不可分割的一部分。从建园者身份来看,中国园林主要分为两类:皇家园林和私家园林。皇家园林是为皇 室成员享乐而建造,大多数皇家园林在北方。私家园林主要由学者、商人和政府官员为摆脱 嘈杂的外部世界而建造,南方比较多见。典型的中国园林周围有围墙,院内有池塘、假山、 树木、花草以及各种各样由弯曲的小路和走廊衔接的建筑,构成了

10、一种人与自然和谐相处的 微缩景观。【答案】Chinese garden is a unique landscape formed after more than three thousand years of evolution. It is an inseparable part of Chinese architecture. From the identity of the gardeners, Chinese gardens are mainly divided into two categories: imperial gardens and private gardens. The

11、 imperial gardens were built for the pleasure of the members of the royal family, most of them in the north. Private gardens were built mainly by scholars, merchants and government officials to escape from the noisy outside world, especially in the South. Typical Chinese gardens are surrounded by wa

12、lls, surrounded by ponds, rockery, trees, flowers and plants, as well as various buildings connected by winding paths and corridors, which constitute a miniature landscape of harmony between man and nature.9. 单选题The president of the board always gives his directions so _ that everyone can understand

13、 them.问题1选项A.simplyB.explicitlyC.largelyD.shortly【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项simply“简单地;朴素地;坦白地”;B选项 explicitly“明确地;明白地”;C选项 largely“主要地;大部分;大量地”;D选项 shortly“立刻;简短地;唐突地”。句意:总统总是使他的方向,让每个人都能理解他们。根据everyone can understand them.(每个人都能够理解他们),可推测,要使每个人都能理解他们,总统会让他的方向通俗易懂。结合句意,A选项正确。10. 单选题Doctors are interested

14、 in using lasers as surgical tools in operations on people who are prone to heart attack.问题1选项A.are infectious toB.are accessible toC.are disposed ofD.are susceptible to【答案】D【解析】考查词组词义辨析。A选项are infectious to “有传染性”;B选项 are accessible to “都可以访问”;C选项 are disposed of “正在处理”;D选项 are susceptible to “易受”。

15、句意:医生有兴趣使用激光作为手术工具,对那些容易心脏病发作的人进行手术。根据此处关键词heart attack(心脏病)可排除A选项,B选项及C选项不符合句意也可排除,D选项are susceptible to“易受”最符合题意,因此D选项正确。11. 单选题The French word renaissance means rebirth. It was first used in 1855 by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France, then adopted by historians of culture, by a

16、rt historians, and eventually by music historians, all of whom applied it to European culture during the 150 years spanning 1450-1600. The concept of rebirth was appropriate to this period of European history because of the renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture that began in Italy and

17、then spread throughout Europe. Scholars and artists of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries wanted to restore the learning and ideals of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. To these scholars this meant a return to human as opposed to spiritual-values. Fulfillment in lifeas opposed to co

18、ncern about an afterlifebecame a desirable goal, and expressing the entire range of human emotions and enjoying the pleasures of the senses were no longer frowned on.Artists and writers now turned to secular as well as religious subject matter and sought to make their works understandable and appeal

19、ing. These changes in outlook deeply affected the musical culture of the Renaissance periodhow people thought about music as well as the way music was composed, experienced, discussed, and disseminateD.They could see the architectural monuments, sculptures, plays, and poems that were being rediscove

20、red, but they could not actually hear ancient musicalthough they could read the writings of classical philosophers, poets, essayists, and music theorists that were becoming available in translation. They learned about the power of ancient music to move the listener and wondered why modern music did

21、not have the same effect. For example, the influential religious leader Bernardino Cirillo expressed disappointment with the learned music of his time. He urged musicians to follow the example of the sculptors, painters, architects, and scholars who had rediscovered ancient art and literature.The mu

22、sical Renaissance in Europe was more a general cultural movement and state of mind than a specific set of musical techniques. Furthermore, music changed so rapidly during this century and a half-though at different rates in different countriesthat we cannot define a single Renaissance style.1. What

23、is the passage mainly about?2. What does the author mean by using the word eventually in Para.1?3. It can be inferred from the passage that thinkers of the Renaissance were seeking a rebirth of _.4. According to the passage, Renaissance artists and writers had all of the following intentions EXCEPT

24、_.5. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a reason for the absence of a single Renaissance musical style?问题1选项A.The musical compositions that best illustrate the developments during the European RenaissanceB.The musical techniques that were in use during the European RenaissanceC.Th

25、e European Renaissance as a cultural development that included changes in musical styleD.The ancient Greek and Roman musical practices used during the European Renaissance问题2选项A.That music historians used the term “Renaissance” after the other historians didB.That most music historians used the term

26、 “Renaissance”C.The term “Renaissance” became widely used by art historians but not by music historiansD.That music historians used the term “Renaissance” very differently than it had been used by Jules Michelet问题3选项A.communication among artists across EuropeB.spirituality in everyday lifeC.a cultur

27、al emphasis on human valuesD.religious themes in art that would accompany the traditional secular themes问题4选项A.to use religious themesB.to portray only the pleasant parts of human experienceC.to produce art that people would find attractiveD.to create works that were easily understood问题5选项A.The musi

28、cal Renaissance was defined by technique rather than styleB.The musical Renaissance was too short to give rise to a new musical styleC.Renaissance musicians adopted the styles of both Greek and Roman musiciansD.During the Renaissance, music never remained the same for very long【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题

29、:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据题干,通读全文,以及定位到文章尾段第一句 “The musical Renaissance in Europe was more a general cultural movement and state of mind than a specific set of musical techniques.”,中文翻译为:欧洲音乐复兴与其说是一套特定的音乐技巧,不如说是一场普遍的文化运动和一种精神状态。可以判断C选项“欧洲文艺复兴是一种包括音乐风格变化在内的文化发展。”正确。2.推理判断题。由题干关键字 “eventually”可以定位到原文第一段 “I

30、t was first used in 1855 by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France, then adopted by historians of culture, by art historians, and eventually by music historians, all of whom applied it to European culture during the 150 years spanning 1450-1600.”,中文翻译为:1855年,历史学家朱尔斯米歇莱(Jules Michelet)

31、在他的法国历史中首次使用了这个词,随后被文化历史学家、艺术历史学家和音乐历史学家采用,所有这些历史学家都在1450-1600年的150年间将其应用于欧洲文化。关键词 “eventually”意为“最后;终于”因此可知A选项:音乐历史学家在其他历史学家之后才使用“文艺复兴”这个词正确。3.细节事实题。由题干关键词“that thinkers of the Renaissance” 可定位到原文第一段“To these scholars this meant a return to human as opposed to spiritual-values.”,中文翻译为:对这些学者来说,这意味着回

32、归人类,而不是灵魂价值。判断C选项“对人类价值的文化强调”正确。4.细节事实题。A选项“使用宗教主题”,C选项“创作出人们会觉得有吸引力的艺术作品”以及D选项“创作容易理解的作品”可定位到原文第二段“Artists and writers now turned to secular as well as religious subject matter and sought to make their works understandable and appealing. ”,中文翻译为:艺术家和作家现在转向世俗和宗教题材,力求使他们的作品易于理解和吸引人。可知B选项“只描绘人类经历中令人愉快

33、的部分”未提及,符合题意。5.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到原文尾段 “Furthermore, music changed so rapidly during this century and a half-though at different rates in different countriesthat we cannot define a single Renaissance style.”,中文翻译为:此外,音乐在这一个半世纪里变化如此之快,尽管在不同的国家以不同的速度变化我们不能定义一个单一的文艺复兴风格。判断出D选项“在文艺复兴时期,音乐从未长时间保持不变。”正确。12. 单选

34、题The material support and advisory services offered by these projects _ the will of the poor to help themselves and enable them to lead self-sufficient lives.问题1选项A.prolongB.enforceC.reinforceD.inform【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项prolong “延长;拖延”;B选项 enforce “实施,执行;强迫,强制”;C选项 reinforce “加强,加固;强化;补充”;D选项 infor

35、m “通知;告诉;报告”。句意:这些项目提供的物质支持和咨询服务了穷人自助的意愿,使他们能够过上自给自足的生活。根据The material support and advisory services by these projects(这些项目提供的物质支持和咨询服务)可推测这些项目对来说是有利的,A选项不符合题意,可排除。B选项含贬义也可排除。D选项不符合题意,可排除。结合句意,C选项正确。13. 翻译题A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for

36、 the world of mans life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. “They are never alone,” said Sir Philip Sidney, “that are accompanied b

37、y noble thoughts.”The good and true thought may in times of temptation be as an angle of mercy purifying and guarding the soul. It also enshrines the germs of action, for good words almost always inspire to good works.【答案】好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人生的思想的精华;因为人的生活世界主要是他的思想世界。因此,最好的书是金玉良言和崇高思想的宝库,这些良言和思想若铭记于心并多加珍

38、视,就会成为我们忠实的伴侣和永恒的慰藉。菲利普西德尼爵士说过:“有高尚思想做伴的人永不孤独。”在我们受到诱惑的时候,美好真实的思想可以作为一种仁慈的视角,净化和保护我们的灵魂。这同样孕育着行为的萌芽,因为金玉良言总能激励善行。14. 单选题The term “print” has several meanings, so it is important to understand exactly what is meant by the artistic terminology. A print in the artistic sense is not a reproduction of a

39、work of art done in some other medium, such as painting or drawing. That can in no sense be considered a work of art, since the artist had no involvement with it. A print is an original work of art created by an indirect methoD.Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or paint

40、ing, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum. From this master surface, numerous impressions may be made by inking the surface, laying a sheet of paper on it, and then subjecting both surface and paper to pressure, generally b

41、y means of a printing press.A print may exist in several versions. Sometimes the printmaker alters the image between impressions, so that each print is slightly different from the others. Any series of such prints is referred to as multiples. The number of impressions (known as the edition) that are

42、 possible from a single original varies with the material. Prints made from linoleum, which wears readily, will be fewer than those made from a metal plate, which is capable of striking fine-quality prints in the thousands. It is customary to number prints as they come off the press, the earlier imp

43、ressions being the finest and therefore the most desirable.Prints incorporate the same compositional principles, as paintings. Line, shape, or texture may be the predominant element according to the printing technique useD.Some prints have obvious decorative qualities while others may be filled with

44、 emotional impact.Printmaking derives from two historical sources: early woodblocks into which an image was cut and used to illustrate a book or playing cards, and the medieval practice of decorating metal with incised designs, as in armor. Today most techniques fall into one of four categories: rel

45、ief, intaglio, lithography, and serigraphy. However, there are many variations, combinations with photographic techniques, and considerable overlapping.1. In the artistic sense, a print is a work of art created by _.2. Which of the following is mentioned as an example of a master surface?3. It can b

46、e inferred that prints may differ from other works of art in terms of all of the following EXCEPT_.4. A metal plate is compared favorably with linoleum as a meter surface because a metal plate _.5. It can be inferred that prints may differ from other works of art in terms of all of the following EXC

47、EPT _.问题1选项A.making a painting from an original drawingB.drawing or painting similar images many timesC.transferring an original image from one surface to anotherD.copying an original image made on paper onto a hard surface问题2选项A.a drawing or paintingB.a block of stoneC.a sheet of paperD.a printing

48、press问题3选项A.compositional principlesB.use of line, shape, or textureC.decorative qualitiesD.emotional impact问题4选项A.lasts longerB.is less expensiveC.makes prints more quicklyD.produces a greater variety of prints问题5选项A.emotional impactB.use of line, shape, or textureC.decorative qualitiesD.compositio

49、nal principles【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文第一段“Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum. From this master surface, numerous impr

50、essions may be made by inking the surface, laying a sheet of paper on it, and then subjecting both surface and paper to pressure, generally by means of a printing press.”,中文翻译为:与在绘画或绘画中直接在一个表面上作画不同,艺术家在一个主表面上作画,主表面可以是一块金属板、一块石头、木头、塑料或油毡。在这个主表面上,通过在表面上涂上油墨,在上面铺上一张纸,然后用印刷机对表面和纸张进行压印,可以产生许多印痕。故判断C选项“将原

51、始图像从一个表面转移到另一个表面”正确。2.推理判断题。由题干关键字“a master surface”可以定位到原文第一段 “Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum.”,中文翻译为:与在绘画或绘画中直接在一个表面上作画不同,艺术家在一个主表面上作画,主表面

52、可以是一块金属板、一块石头、木头、塑料或油毡。可知,B选项“一块石头”正确。3.推理判断题。由A选项“创作原则”可以定位到原文第一段“A print is an original work of art created by an indirect method. Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, woo

53、d, plastic, or linoleum.”,中文翻译为:版画是一种间接创作的原创艺术作品。与在绘画或绘画中直接在一个表面上作画不同,艺术家在一个主表面上作画,主表面可以是一块金属板、一块石头、木头、塑料或油毡。则A选项正确,排除。由B选项“线条、形状或纹理的使用”可以定位到原文倒数第二段“Prints incorporate the same compositional principles, as paintings. Line, shape, or texture may be the predominant element according to the printing te

54、chnique used.”,中文翻译为:版画和绘画一样,包含同样的构图原则。根据所使用的印刷技术,线条、形状或纹理可能是主要元素。可知B选项错误。由C选项“装饰的品质”D选项“情绪的影响”可以定位到原文倒数第二段“Some prints have obvious decorative qualities while others may be filled with emotional impact.”,中文翻译为:一些版画具有明显的装饰性,而另一些则可能充满情感的冲击。知C、D选项正确,排除。答案为B。4.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到原文第二段中“Prints made from lino

55、leum, which wears readily, will be fewer than those made from a metal plate, which is capable of striking fine-quality prints in the thousands.”,中文翻译为:油毡制成的印刷品很容易磨损,它比金属板制成的印刷品要少,而金属板能印出成千上万张高质量的印刷品。可以得知C选项“使打印速度更快”正确。5.原试题即与3题重复。15. 写作题We are paying more attention to the vulnerable (weak) groups of

56、 people in our society, such as the disabled, the sick elderly, the divorced mothers, and children with rural-worker parents in big cities, and etC.What is your attitude towards them? Please give your opinion. You may focus on a particular group or the vulnerable as a whole group. Write a passage ab

57、out 200 words. You must show your clear point of view with sufficient supporting points. You should have your own title.【答案】略16. 单选题The Haunted AmericaCountries are like little homes; they house a nation, hold ideologies and provides shelter and comfort to its people in hopes that the occupants will

58、 nurture better ideas for themselves and further flourish humanity. Such are primary desires and goals of most countries on this small planet.America is no exception. For decades, billions of people around the world slept at night on empty stomachs amidst dreadful circumstances, often dreaming of th

59、e freedoms and liberties of America, which they likened to a great land, a paradise and a final destination point.The best and brightest of the world gravitated to the great USA in search of golden opportunities; in hordes they came, and en masse they settleD.America became the nation which acknowle

60、dged greatness and provided the driving force to allow the dreams of small, ordinary people to take form and flourish. Free from restrictions, allowing grand expressions with extraordinary liberties, that no other nation in the history of mankind has been able to match at such a grand scale.But curr

61、ently, it seems that this home of the American nation has started to resemble that old mansion, elegantly pristine (质朴的) but known to be haunted, sitting at the end of that dead-end street where ghosts, mysterious apparitions (幽灵)and unexplainable signs have emergeD.This planet, like an old street,

62、is already full of such haunted houses, which at times seem abandoned, lifeless and unable to give or receive neighborly warmth; factors so critical for any country on the global scene.Can this badly damaged image of America be fixed today and by whom and at what cost? What must it include a new cos

63、tume, a new mask or a new heart? These are very important underlying questions, but the biggest question remains can an entire country be branded to the rest of the world in the same fashion as a breakfast cereal or laundry detergent?The answer is a flat no. Only the branding-circus would come up with such a fake, superficial, logo-centric-slogan-happy attempt to rebuild a nation painted with banners and billboards. In reality, countries cannot be branded in such a simple process from the past, because nations are already br

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