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1、2022年考博英语-西北师范大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题A benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and( )funds by selling tickets at a full price.问题1选项A.furnishesB.raisesC.accumulatesD.contributes【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项furnishes“提供”;B选项raises“筹款”;C选

2、项accumulates“积累”;D选项contribute“贡献”。句意:义演是指一个慈善组织以折扣价买断演出,并以全价出售门票来筹集资金的演出。本句表示筹集资金,因此B选项正确。2. 翻译题我国先秦思想家就提出了“亲仁善邻,国之宝也”的思想,反映了自古以来中国人民就希望天下太平、同各国人民友好相处。今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更需要有一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。我国的对外政策,是以和平为宗旨的。我们坚持在和平共处五项原则,特别是在相互尊重、平等互利、互不干涉内政的原则基础上,同世界各国建立和发展友好合作关系。我们绝不会把自己曾经遭受欺凌的苦难加之于人。中国的发展与进

3、步,不会对任何人构成威胁。将来中国富强起来了,也永远不称霸。中国始终是维护世界和平与地区稳定的坚定力量。【答案】As early as in the pre-Qin Dynasty, Chinese thinkers put forward the idea of “benevolence and good neighborliness are the treasures of a country”, which reflects the Chinese peoples desire for world peace and friendly relations with people of a

4、ll countries since ancient times. Today, the Chinese people, dedicated to modernization, need more than ever a long-term peaceful international environment and a good surrounding environment. Chinas foreign policy is based on peace. We are committed to establishing and developing friendly relations

5、and cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, especially the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and mutual non-involvement in each others internal affairs. We will never inflict on others the hardships we have suffered from bull

6、ying. Chinas development and progress will pose no threat to anyone. In the future, when China becomes rich and strong, it will never claim hegemony either. China will always be a staunch force for world peace and regional stability.3. 翻译题Indubitably the vast majority of books overlap one another. F

7、ew indeed are those which give the impression of originality, either in style or in content. Rare are the unique booksless than 50, perhaps, out of the whole storehouse of literature. In one of his recent auto-biographical novels, Blaise Cendrars points out that Remy de Gourmont, because of his know

8、ledge and awareness of this repetitive quality in books, was able to select and read all that is worthwhile in the entire realm of literature. Cendrars himselfwho would suspect it?is a prodigious reader. He reads most authors in their original tongue. Not only that, but when he likes an author he re

9、ads every last book the man has written, as well as his letters and all the books that have been written about him. In our day his case is almost unparalleled, I imagine. For, not only has he read widely and deeply, but he has himself written a great many books. All on the side, as it were. For, if

10、he is anything, Cendrars, he is a man of action, an adventurer and explorer, a man who has known how to “waste” his time royally. He is, in a sense, the Julius Caesar of literature.【答案】不容置疑的是,大多数书都互相重复,在文体或内容上让人感到具有独创性的书实在是少之又少。在整个文学库藏中,只有极少数作品或许不到50本是独具一格的。在最近出版的一部自传体小说中,布莱斯桑德拉尔指出,古尔蒙之所以能够选择并通读文学领域

11、中一切值得读的书籍,就是因为他知识渊博,并且了解书的这种重复性。桑德拉尔本人就是一个博览群书的人,没有人会怀疑这一点。他阅读了大部分作家的原作。不仅如此,一旦他喜欢上一个作家,他就会阅读这个作家写的每一本书,包括他的书信以及所有有关他的书籍。我猜想,在当今世界上,几乎没有人能像他一样,不仅读得广、读得精,而且还著述颇丰。可以说这一切都是在业余时间完成的。因为桑德拉尔是一个十足的行动家,一个四处跋涉的冒险家和探险家,一个懂得如何“肆意浪费”时间的人。从某种意义上说,他是文学界的凯撒大帝。4. 单选题Which of the following italicized phrases indicat

12、es CAUSE?问题1选项A.Why dont you do it for the sake of your friends?B.I wish I could write as well as you.C.For all his efforts, he didnt get an AD.Her eyes were red from excessive reading.【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项“你为什么不为你的朋友着想呢?”for the sake of意为“为了”;B选项“我希望我能写得像你一样好。”,as well as意为“和一样”;C选项“尽管他很努力,他还是没有得到A。”

13、,for在句中表示转折,与all连用表示“虽然,尽管”;D选项“她看书看得太多,眼睛都红了。”,from在句中表示“因为,出于”。因此D选项正确。5. 单选题Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant( ).问题1选项A.paradoxesB.paradisesC.galaxiesD.shuttles【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项paradoxes“自相矛盾的事物”;B选项paradises“天堂”;C选项galaxies“星系”;D选项shuttles“班车”。句意:加利

14、福尼亚大学的天文学家发现了一个最遥远的星系。本句表示天文学家发现星系,因此C选项正确。6. 单选题He feels that he is not yet( )to travel abroad.问题1选项A.too strongB.enough strongC.so strongD.strong enough【答案】D【解析】考查副词的用法。A选项tooto表示“太而不能”,不符合句意,排除A;B选项enough在修饰形容词和副词时应该放在它们的后面,排除B;C选项so应该与that连用,表示“太以至于”,不符合句意,排除C;D选项strong enough表示“足够强壮”。句意:他觉得自己身体

15、还不够强壮,不能出国旅行。因此D选项正确。7. 填空题bully democracy destiny loyal renownedChurchill believed that he was(1)to lead his country. He fought as a soldier in World War I and led the country to victory in World War II. It seems ironic that a leader of such(2)as Churchill could not count on the(3)of voters in 1945

16、. However, in a(4)country, electors cannot be(5), and he had to tolerate political defeat after military victory, and once more to his country retreat, Chartwell.【答案】1.destined2.renown3.loyalty4.democratic5.bullied【解析】1.句意:丘吉尔相信他注定要领导他的国家。此处应用被动语态,因此填destined。2.句意:像丘吉尔这样声名显赫的领导人。此处应用名词形式,因此填renown。3

17、.句意:像丘吉尔这样声名显赫的领导人却不能指望选民的忠诚。此处应用名词形式,因此填loyalty。4.句意:在一个民主国家。此处应用形容词形式,因此填democratic。5.句意:选举人是不能被欺负的。此处应用被动语态,因此填bullied。8. 单选题There is already( )clear to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change.问题1选项A.witnessB.certificationC.identityD.evidence【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项witness“证人

18、”;B选项certification“证明”;C选项identity“身份”;D选项evidence“证据”。句意:已经有明确的证据表明,动植物正受到气候变化的影响。本句表示明确的证据,因此D选项正确。9. 单选题( )he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his assignment.问题1选项A.Much thoughB.Much asC.As muchD.Though much【答案】B【解析】考查状语从句的倒装。句意:虽然他周末很想和朋友们出去,但他不得不

19、留下来完成作业。as引导让步状语从句表示尽管时,要将宾语或副词倒装,much as表示尽管很,因此B选项正确。10. 单选题( )quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.问题1选项A.ExcessiveB.ExtensiveC.ExtremeD.Exclusive【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项Excessive“过多的”;B选项Extensive“大量的”;C选项Extreme“极度的”;D选项Exclusive“独有的”。句意

20、:随着工农业的快速发展,大量的水正在被使用。本句表示大量的水,因此B选项正确。11. 单选题Although many experts agree that more children are overweight, there is debate over the best ways to( )the problem.问题1选项A.relateB.tackleC.fileD.attach【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项relate“关联”;B选项tackle“处理”;C选项file“提出”;D选项attach“附加”。句意:尽管许多专家一致认为有更多的儿童超重,但是对于解决这个问题的最

21、佳方法还存在争议。本句表示解决儿童超重问题的方法,因此B选项正确。12. 单选题Indigo is a vat color,( )called because it does not dissolve in water.问题1选项A.which isB.it isC.butD.so【答案】D【解析】考查副词修饰动词。A选项使用主动语态错误,并且谓语重复,排除;B选项谓语重复,排除;C选项but后面缺少主语,排除。D选项so是一个副词,意思是“这样地”。句意:靛蓝是一种染色用颜色,之所以这样称呼是因为它不溶于水。因此D选项正确。13. 单选题Recent research has claimed

22、 that an excess of positive ions in the air can have an ill effect on peoples physical or psychological health. What are positive ions? Well, the air is full of ions, electrically charged particles, and generally there is a rough balance between the positive and the negative charged. But sometimes t

23、his balance becomes disturbed and a larger proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorm, earthquakes when winds such as the Mistral, Hamsin or Sharav are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity indoors from carpets or

24、 clothing made of man-made fibers, or from TV sets duplicators or computer display screens.When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea or even ment

25、al disturbance. Animals are also affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably. This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in

26、an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California.Conversely, when large numbers of negative ions are present, then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these large amounts are near the sea, close to waterfalls or fountains, or in

27、 any place where water is sprayed, or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effect of a holiday by the sea, or in the mountains with tumbling streams or waterfalls.To increase the supply of negative ions indoors, some scientists recommend the use of ionisers: small portable machin

28、es, which generate negative ions. They claim that ionisers not only clean and refresh the air but also improve the health of people sensitive to excess positive ions. Of course, there are the detractors, other scientists, who dismiss such claims and are skeptical about negative/positive ion research

29、. Therefore people can only make up their own minds by observing the effects on themselves, or on others, of a negative rich or poor environment. After all it is debatable whether depending on seismic readings to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than watching the cat.1.What effect does excee

30、ding positive ionization have on some people?2.In accordance with the passage, static electricity can be caused by( ).3.A high negative ion count is likely to be found( ).4.What kind of machine can generate negative ions indoors?5.Some scientists believe that( ).问题1选项A.They think they are insane.B.T

31、hey feel rather bad-tempered and short-fussed.C.They become violently sick.D.They are too tired to do anything.问题2选项A.using home-made electrical goodsB.wearing clothes made of natural materialsC.walking on artificial floor coveringsD.copying TV programs on a computer问题3选项A.near a pound with a water

32、pumpB.close to a slow-flowing riverC.high in some barren mountainsD.by a rotating water sprinkler问题4选项A.Ionisers.B.Air-conditioners.C.Exhaust-fansD.Vacuum pumps.问题5选项A.watching animals to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than depending on seismographyB.the unusual behavior of animals cannot

33、be trustedC.neither watching nor using seismographs is reliableD.earthquake【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.客观细节题。由题干关键词“exceeding positive ionization”可以定位到第二段第一句When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irrita

34、bility, and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea or even mental disturbance.(当空气中存在大量的正离子时,许多人会产生头痛、疲劳、易怒等不良反应,一些特别敏感的人会感到恶心甚至精神障碍。),说明大量正离子会导致一些人容易脾气暴躁。因此B选项“他们觉得自己脾气相当不好,很暴躁”正确。A选项“他们认为自己疯了”,C选项“他们会变得非常虚弱”,D选项“他们太累了,什么也做不了”在文中均没有提及,所以A,C,D错误。2.客观细节题。由题干关键词“static electricity”可以定位到文章第一段

35、最后一句Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity indoors from carpets or clothing made of man-made fibers, or from TV sets duplicators or computer display screens.(也可能是由于室内地毯、人造纤维衣服、电视机、复印机、电脑屏幕产生的静电积聚造成的。),说明能够引起静电的有地毯、衣物等人造纤维、电视、复印机和电脑等。因此C选项“在人造地板覆盖物上行走”正确。A选项“使用自制的电器产品”,B选项“穿天然材料的衣服”在

36、文中均没有提及,所以A,B错误。D选项“在电脑上录制电视节目”虽然有电视和电脑,但并不属于能够从原文推断的范围,所以D错误。3.客观细节题。由题干关键词“negative ion”可以定位到文章第三段第一、二句Conversely, when large numbers of negative ions are present, then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these large amounts are near the sea, close to waterfalls or

37、 fountains, or in any place where water is sprayed, or forms a spray.(相反,当大量的负离子出现时,那么人们就会有一种幸福感。产生这些大量负离子的自然条件是靠近大海,靠近瀑布或喷泉,或在任何有水喷出,或形成水花的地方。),说明大量负离子的产生条件是水喷溅形成水花。因此D选项“旋转式喷水器”正确。A选项“在有水泵的地方附近”,B选项“靠近缓流河流的地方”,C选项“在一些荒山上”均不是能产生喷溅水花的地点,所以A,B,C错误。4.客观细节题。由题干关键词“machine”可以定位到文章第四段第一句To increase the s

38、upply of negative ions indoors, some scientists recommend the use of ionisers: small portable machines, which generate negative ions.(为了增加室内负离子的供应,一些科学家建议使用离子发生器:一种小型便携式设备,可以产生负离子。),说明离子发生器可以产生负离子。因此A选项“离子发生器”正确。B选项“空调”,C选项“排气扇”,D选项“真空泵”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C,D错误。5.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段最后一句After all it is de

39、batable whether depending on seismic readings to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than watching the cat.(毕竟依靠地震读数来预测地震是否比观察猫更有效,还有待商榷。),说明有些科学家认为通过地震仪来预测地震不一定有效,可能还不如观察动物。因此A选项“观察动物预测地震比依靠地震仪更有效”正确。B选项“动物的异常行为不可信”,C选项“观察和使用地震仪都不可靠”,D选项“地震”均不符合题意,所以B,C,D错误。14. 翻译题A. It is simple enough to say

40、 that since books have classesfiction, biography, poetrywe should separate them and take from each what is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of

41、poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and acco

42、mplice. If you hang back, and reserve, and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist, and turn of the first sentenc

43、es, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite.B. Most of our thinking does not take place at the logical stage

44、but at the perceptual stage which precedes this. Lateral thinking is to do with changing perceptions and finding new ways of looking at things. Lateral thinking is the practical process of creativity. There are various deliberate techniques such as the use of stepping stones (produced, for instance,

45、 by reversing the usual situation). Lateral thinking turns creativity into a tool. In a patterning system such as the mind provocation is as important as analysisand more important for changing ideas.【答案】A. 书既然有小说、传记、诗歌之分,我们就应该把它们区分开来,并从每一种书中汲取它应该给予我们的正确的道理,这句话说起来很简单。然而,很少有人向书本索取它所能给我们的东西。最常见的是,我们带着

46、模糊和分裂的心态来看书,要求小说应是真实的,诗歌应是虚假的,传记满是吹捧,历史会加重我们自己的偏见。如果我们读书时能摒弃所有这些先入之见,那将是一个令人钦佩的开端。不要对作者发号施令,试着成为他。做他的同事和帮手。如果你畏缩不前,有所保留,甚至一开始就吹毛求疵,你就在妨碍自己从阅读中获得最大的价值。但是,如果你尽可能地敞开你的心胸,那么,从开头几句迂回曲折的句子中,那些几乎难以察觉的微妙迹象和暗示,就会把你带到一个与众不同的人的面前。让自己沉浸其中去熟悉它,你很快就会发现,作者所给予你的,或者想要给予你的,是一些更确切的东西。B. 我们大多数的思考不是发生在逻辑阶段,而是发生在先于逻辑阶段的知

47、觉阶段。横向思维是指改变观念,寻找看待事物的新方法。横向思维是创造力的实践过程。有各种刻意的技巧,如使用垫脚石(例如,通过扭转通常情况产生的)。横向思维将创造力变成一种工具。在大脑这样的模式化系统中,激发和分析一样重要而且对于改变想法更为重要。15. 单选题Which is safer-staying at home, traveling to work on public transport, or working in the office? Surprisingly, each of these carries the same risk, which is very low. Howe

48、ver, what about flying compared to working in the chemical industry? Unfortunately, the former is 65 times riskier than the latter! In fact, the accident rate of workers in the chemical industry is less than that of almost any of human activity, and almost as safe as staying at home.The trouble with

49、 the chemical industry is that when things go wrong they often cause death to those living nearby. It is this which makes chemical accidents so newsworthy. Fortunately, they are extremely rare. The most famous ones happened at Texas City (1947), Flixborough (1974), Seveso (1976), Pemex (1984) and Bh

50、opal (1984).Some of these are always in the minds of the people even though the loss of life was small. No one died at Seveso, and only 28 workers at Flixborough. The worst accident of all was Bhopal, where up to 3,000 were killed. The Texas City explosion of fertilizer killed 552. The Pemex fire at

51、 a storage plant for natural gas in the suburbs of Mexico City took 542 lives, just a month before the unfortunate event at Bhopal.Some experts have discussed these accidents and used each accident to illustrate a particular danger. Thus the Texas City explosion was caused by tons of ammonium nitrat

52、e (硝酸铵), which is safe unless stored in great quantity. The Flixborough fireball was the fault of management, which took risks to keep production going during essential repairs. The Seveso accident shows what happens if the local authorities lack knowledge of the danger on their doorstep. When the p

53、oisonous gas drifted over the town, local leaders were incapable of taking effective action. The Pemex fire was made worse by an overloaded site in an overcrowded suburb. The fire set off a chain reaction of exploding storage tanks. Yet, by a miracle, the two largest tanks did not explode. Had these

54、 caught fire, then 3,000 strong rescue team and fire fighters would all have died.1. Which of the following statements is true?2.Chemical accidents are usually important enough to be reported as news because( ).3.According to passage, the chemical accident that caused by the fault of management happ

55、ened at( ).4.From the passage we know that ammonium nitrate is a kind of( ).5.From the discussion among some experts we may conclude that( ).问题1选项A.Working at the office is safer than staying at home.B.Travelling to work on public transport is safer than working at the office.C.Staying at home is sa

56、fer than working in the chemical industry.D.Working in the chemical industry is safer than traveling by air.问题2选项A.they are very rareB.they often cause loss of lifeC.they always occur in big citiesD.they arouse the interest of all the readers问题3选项A.Texas cityB.FlixboroughC.SevesoD.Mexico City问题4选项A.

57、natural gas, which can easily catch fireB.fertilizer, which cant be stored in a great quantityC.poisonous substance, which cant be used in overcrowded areasD.fuel, which is stored in large tanks问题5选项A.to avoid any accidents we should not repair the facilities in chemical industryB.the local authorit

58、ies should not be concerned with the production of the chemical industryC.all these accidents could have been avoided or controlled if effective measure had been takenD.natural gas stored in very large tanks is always safe【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.客观细节题。由D选项关键词“chemical industry”可以定位到文章第一段第

59、三、四句However, what about flying compared to working in the chemical industry? Unfortunately, the former is 65 times riskier than the latter!(然而,坐飞机和在化工行业工作相比怎么样呢?不幸的是,前者的风险是后者的65倍!),说明在化工行业工作比坐飞机更安全。因此D选项“在化工行业工作比坐飞机更安全。”正确。A选项“在办公室工作比待在家里更安全”,B选项“乘公共交通工具去上班比在办公室工作更安全”,由原文可知待在家里、乘坐公共交通工具上班和在办公室工作的风险是

60、相同的,没有谁比谁更安全,所以A,B错误。由第一段最后一句the accident rate of workers in the chemical industry is less than that of almost any of human activity, and almost as safe as staying at home(化工行业工人的事故率比几乎任何人类活动都要低,几乎和待在家里一样安全),说明化工行业和待在家里一样安全,所以C选项“待在家里比在化工行业工作更安全”错误。2.客观细节题。由题干关键词“reported as news”可以定位到文章第二段第一、二句The

61、trouble with the chemical industry is that when things go wrong they often cause death to those living nearby. It is this which makes chemical accidents so newsworthy.(化工行业的问题是,一旦出现问题,往往会导致附近居民死亡。这也使得化学事故具有新闻价值。),说明新闻报道化学事故是因为它们会导致人员死亡。因此B选项“它们经常造成生命损失”正确。A选项“它们非常罕见”,C选项“它们总是发生在大城市”,D选项“它们引起了所有读者的兴趣

62、”在文中均没有提及,所以A,C,D错误。3.客观细节题。由题干关键词“fault of management”可以定位到文章第四段第三句The Flixborough fireball was the fault of management, which took risks to keep production going during essential repairs.(弗利克斯伯勒的火灾是管理层的失误造成的,因为他们冒着风险在重要维修期间继续生产。),说明由管理失误造成的化学事故发生在弗利克斯伯勒。因此B选项“弗利克斯伯勒”正确。A选项“得克萨斯城”,C选项“塞维索”和D选项“墨西哥城

63、”的事故不是因为管理失误,所以A,C,D错误。4.客观细节题。由题干关键词“ammonium nitrate”可以定位到文章第四段第二句Thus the Texas City explosion was caused by tons of ammonium nitrate, which is safe unless stored in great quantity.(因此,得克萨斯城的爆炸是由数吨硝酸铵引起的,大量储存硝酸铵是不安全的。),说明硝酸铵不能大量储存,另外文章第三段第四句The Texas City explosion of fertilizer killed 552.(得克萨斯城的肥料爆炸造成552人死亡。)说明造成得克萨斯城爆炸事故的硝酸铵是一种肥料。因此B选项“不能大量储存的化学肥料”正确。A选项“天然气,很容易着火”是墨西哥城火灾事故的原因,C选项“有毒物质,不能在人满为患地区使用”,由文章可知塞维索的事故是毒气造成的,D选项“燃料,它被储存在大的油箱里”在文中没有提及,所以A,C,D错误。5.推理判断题。由A选项关键词“repair”可以定位到文章第四段第三句The Flixborough fireball was the fault of management, whi

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