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1、北京语言大学21春汉语写作离线作业一辅导答案1. ( )在题材上基本不受限制。A.小说B.说C.散文D.诗歌参考答案:C2. 通俗即语言浅易明白,通畅顺口。它与人们日常的口语最为接近,有时给人的感觉就是未加任何修饰的口语直接进入文章。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B3. 教案是向学生传授科学知识的重要途径,因而,它自身的科学性显得尤为突出和重要。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B4. He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the j

2、ob.would undertake5. 作者在提炼主题时,不需要深入把握材料的特殊性质,寻找其深广的思想或情感内涵。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A6. It is necessary _ you to comply _ our shipping instructions.It is necessary _ you to comply _ our shipping instructions.for,with7. 写作过程四要素中的写作载体就是( )。A.作者B.人物特写C.作品D.读者参考答案:C8. The art exhibition _ this Saturday. Ahold Bi

3、s to be held Cwill hold Dis goingThe art exhibition _ this Saturday.AholdBis to be heldCwill holdDis going to holdB9. The house( )s very nice , but the compound is too small.A. hmselfB. itselfC. herselfD. oneself参考答案:B10. The conference _ in Beijing next week is bound to be a great success. A) holdi

4、ng B) beingThe conference _ in Beijing next week is bound to be a great success.A) holdingB) being heldC) to holdD) to be holdD由句中的时间状语next week可知此处应用表将来的结构,且应用被动结构,故可以首先排除A、C两项。B项being held表示“正在进行的事情”,故不正确。11. There are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access theWoThere

5、 are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access theWorld Wide Web, two of the most popular being Netscape Navigator and Microsoft sInternet Explorer.参考答案有一些叫做网络浏览器的应用软件,使用它能够很容易的访问万维网,其中两个较流行的是Netscape Navigato和 Microsofts nInternet Explorer.12. An Application Letter 写作要点:

6、1写信的目的。 2自我介绍。 3希望进一步取得联系。An Application Letter 写作要点: 1写信的目的。 2自我介绍。 3希望进一步取得联系。正确答案:Management Department rn Zhengzhou University Zhengzhourn May 28th 2010 rnDear Sirrn I am applying for a junior management position advertised in the Morning Time on November 14. I believe I have the appropriate qua

7、lifications and experience for this post.rn I will graduate from Management Department Zhengzhou University. For two years I worked as a part-time desk clerk and now tarn the desk manager at a hotel. This experience has given me a clear and practical understanding of customers needs and expectations

8、.rn Consequently I have confidence in my managerial ability and am determined to succeed in the hospitality field. My experience and education enable me to work well with others and to respond creatively to changes crises and added responsibilities.rn I hope you will take my application into conside

9、ration and look forward to hearing from you.rn Yours sincerely rn JaneManagementDepartmentZhengzhouUniversity,ZhengzhouMay28th,2010DearSir,IamapplyingforajuniormanagementpositionadvertisedintheMorningTimeonNovember14.IbelieveIhavetheappropriatequalificationsandexperienceforthispost.Iwillgraduatefrom


11、erienceandeducationenablemetoworkwellwithothersandtorespondcreativelytochanges,crises,andaddedresponsibilities.Ihopeyouwilltakemyapplicationintoconsideration,andlookforwardtohearingfromyou.Yourssincerely,Jane13. 被称为最独特的电影语言和电影剧作的特殊技巧是( )。A.结构技巧B.显示式C.叙述技巧D.表达技巧参考答案:B14. 下列不属于文章社会作用的是( )。A.认识B.世界C.审美

12、D.娱乐参考答案:D15. 错位有哪几种形式?( )A.情节错位B.全面采取与突出重点C.人事错位D.意义错位参考答案:BC16. ( ) by bus is slow and difficult in some districts.A.TravelB.JourneyC.Trip正确答案:A17. We now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AWe now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to ha

13、ve grown smaller.AsoBsuchCso aDsuch a正确答案:B18. 演讲稿又叫演说词,它是用作口头发表的演讲文稿。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B19. 英语教学中如何科学、合理地设置课堂教学目标?参考答案:教学目标制定的原则是以学生为主体。学生是整个教学活动的主体,忽视学生的存在,教学就失去了意义。教学目标制定应围绕学生的学习来进行,为了学生的发展是出发点,考虑学生的实际需要是根本,学生的原有水平和最近发展区是依据。第一个依据是英语课程目标。即国家教委统一规定的以文件的形式颁布的教育目标。这是由英语学科的性质决定的,是社会发展、学生的自身发展需要赋予英语学科的神圣


15、,在此基础上制定出合理切实可行的教学目标。只有符合学情的目标才是科学的目标。加涅说,学习需要条件,教学设计就是为了学而设计的。第三个依据是学生英语能力培养的科学途径。根据英语课程目标的要求,通过英语学习,学生应在知识、能力、智力、思想品质和方法习惯等方面有发展,而实际上,作为英语课程,学生英语应用能力的提高才是其根本任务,是其他课程所不能代替的。20. “诗歌是想象和激情的语言”这是主张诗歌的( )。A.主情说B.叙事式C.语言结构说D.灵感说参考答案:B21. 形式决定内容,形式起主导作用;内容为形式服务,内容对形式又有一定的制约作用。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B22. The ( )

16、scheme is destined to fail from the very beginning.A.foolishB.foolC.fooledD.follyThe ( )scheme is destined to fail from the very beginning.A.foolishB.foolC.fooledD.folly答案:C23. Black hair is a sharp_white skin.Amethod toBcompare toCrefer toDcontrast toBlack hair is a sharp_white skin.Amethod toBcomp

17、are toCrefer toDcontrast to正确答案:D24. We are _ your letter 26 June and have acted on your instruction. Ain receipt of/duly BWe are _ your letter 26 June and haveacted on your instruction.Ain receipt of/dulyBacknowledgement of/immediatelyCin priority of/quicklyDin arrangement of/considerablyA25. 下面哪个选

18、项不是实用文体的语言要求?( )A.准确B.深刻、重要C.华丽D.精约参考答案:C26. Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _正确答案:FF 解析:首先应读懂上文,后进行逻辑推理,选择填充词句。上文意为“你要求我什么时间把办公室的卫生做完?”27. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this cont

19、inent,a new nation,conceived inFour score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent,a new nation,conceived in liberty,and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war,testing whether the nation or any nation so conceived an

20、d so dedicated,can long endure.We are met on a great battle filed of this war. We have come to dedicate a portion of the field,as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives so that nation might live.八十七年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上建立了一个崭新的国家,她孕育于自由之中,奉行人生来平等的原则。 现在我们正投身于一场伟大的内战,以考验这个国家,或者说任何一个孕育于自由

21、而且奉行上述原则的国家是否能够长久存在下去。我们在这场战争中的一个伟大的战场上集会。烈士们为使这个国家能够生存下去而奉献了自己的生命,我们在此集会是为了把这个战场的一部分奉献给他们作为最后的安息之所。 28. 远焦叙述主要有哪两种类型?( )A.长镜头为主B.为读者和社会负责C.间离法以变焦D.高视点以变焦参考答案:CD29. _ the friendship between our two peoples last forever!ACouldBMayCWouldDMust_ the friendship between our two peoples last forever!ACould

22、BMayCWouldDMust正确答案:B30. I was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _ A) So is my friend B) So do my frienI was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _A) So is my friendB) So do my friendC) So was my friendD) So it is with my friendD表示后者与前者情况一样,但前者中谓语动词多种形式,后者不能确定谓语动词形式,只能用so it is with.31. M

23、y father said that he would take _ for dinner when he came next time. Aall us out BoutMy father said that he would take _ for dinner when he came next time.Aall us outBout all usCall out usDus all outD32. 下列不属于学术论文的基本特点是( )。A.科学性B.通讯C.实践性D.审美性参考答案:D33. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is

24、 very comfortable toAsitBsit onCbe satDThe chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable toAsitBsit onCbe satDbe sat on正确答案:B34. On May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold mOn May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Li

25、ng-hui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens with _ score of 4:1.A) a, aB) /theC) a, /D) the, aDthe World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加the;with a score of. 比分是。35. Why can&39;t I smoke here? At no time _ in the meetingroom Ais smoking permitted BsmokWhy cant I smoke here?At no

26、 time _ in the meetingroomAis smoking permittedBsmoking is permittedCsmoking is it permitted Ddoes smoking permitA这是一个倒装问题。当否定词语置于句首以表示强调时,其句中的主语和谓语须用倒装结构。本题的正常语序是:Smoking is permitted in the meeting-room at no time36. 下列属于巴金的散文作品的是( )。A.日出B.小说C.小狗包弟D.拣麦穗参考答案:C37. Here is a quantity clause. 5000 met

27、ric tons, 5% more or less clause at seller&39;s option &quHere is a quantity clause. 5000 metric tons, 5% more or less clause at sellers option .Question: What does the clause mean? How much can the seller deliver the goods?(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)Helpful hint :

28、The case is mainly about the more or less clause.翻译下面是一项数量条款:“5000公吨,5%溢短装,由卖方选择。” 请问:这项条款的含义是什么?卖方可交多少数量的货物? It means that the quantity is 5000 metric tons, and the seller can deliver 5% more or less than that. According to the clause, the quantity delivered can range from 4 750 to 5 250 metric ton

29、s. 38. Maggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every few minutes for the lastMaggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every few minutes for the last three hours. _27_ it was nearly eight oclock. Where on earth is Jill? she thought.It isnt like her to be so late._28_,she picked

30、 up the plate of sandwiches shed made for tea and went to the kitchen. _29_the door opened and Jill walked into the house. She looked tired. What a relief! Are you OK? said Maggie loudly. Yes, Im fine, Auntie,replied Jill. Im so sorry Im late, but something strange happened on the way here._30_,Jill

31、 explained that, in her hurry to get through the woods, she had tripped and knocked herself unconscious. When she woke up, she realised she was lost. I walked around for ages until I found the right path. Then I ran alt the way here.A. ReluctantlyB. Just thenC. anxiouslyD. To her aunts amazementE. S

32、he was dismayed to see that参考答案:26.C27.E28.A29.B30.D39. 属于议论类文体的种类的是( )A.札记B.宣言C.社论D.政论参考答案:ABCD40. 组成行政公文文本格式主要有( )。A.眉首B.机密公文C.版记D.落款参考答案:ABC41. 拟题准确就是要“题文相符”,在一定程度上概括文章基本内容、揭示文章的主题。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B42. 为了丰富同学们的生活,校学生会将举办一次英语歌曲演唱比赛。请你以组织者的身份写一个书面通知。为了丰富同学们的生活,校学生会将举办一次英语歌曲演唱比赛。请你以组织者的身份写一个书面通知。有关内

33、容如下: (1)时间:5月第一周。 (2)活动:演唱流行歌曲;听歌曲,猜出处。 (3)地点:学校大会议室。 (4)参加者请与4月25日前报名,前十名优胜者获奖。 写作要求: (1)可以适当增加细节; (2)词数100个左右。正确答案:NoticernDear studentsrn The Students Union has decided to organize an English song contest. It will be held in the first week of May in the meeting room. The activities include singin

34、g pop songs and music contest. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music and then guess where it comes from. If youd like to take part in the activity please come and sign up for it before A-pril 25th. The first ten winners will be given rewards. All a

35、re welcome to join in the contest.rn Students Union rn April 15 2011NoticeDearstudents,TheStudentsUnionhasdecidedtoorganizeanEnglishsongcontest.ItwillbeheldinthefirstweekofMayinthemeetingroom.Theactivitiesincludesingingpopsongsandmusiccontest.Thestudentstakingpartinthecontestwilllistentopartofasongo

36、rapieceofmusic,andthenguesswhereitcomesfrom.Ifyoudliketotakepartintheactivity,pleasecomeandsignupforitbeforeA-pril25th.Thefirsttenwinnerswillbegivenrewards.Allarewelcometojoininthecontest.StudentsUnionApril15,201143. 一篇文章只能有一个主题,不宜同时存在两个或两个以上的中心。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B44. “两个黄蝴蝶,双双飞上天,不知为什么,一个忽飞还。剩下那一个,孤单

37、怪可怜;也无心上天,天上太孤单。”这是胡适的蝴蝶,它属于( )。A.抒情诗B.主情说C.诗剧D.民歌参考答案:B45. 下列关于文学的说法较为正确的是( )。A.为文造情B.舞蹈C.为文造哲D.为哲造文参考答案:B46. AineffectiveBincompetentCinefficientDinsufficientAineffectiveBincompetentCinefficientDinsufficient正确答案:C解析:上下文理解题。incompetent不可选,下文说到如有必要大脑可以启动(trigger)新的接收器,所以并非“不胜任”,而是“inefficient效率低”;in

38、competent all the time“所有时间工作都不能胜任”,所以不能选;inefficient all the time正确。47. Poor food contributed_her illness and her illness had a strong impact_her characPoor food contributed_her illness and her illness had a strong impact_her character.Ato; forBfor; onCto; onDwith ; at正确答案:C48. I want you to ( ) ea

39、ch sum of the money you spent.A、amount toB、account forC、aim toD、intend to参考答案:B49. 能使小说简洁、快速推进情节的叙述方式是( )。A.讲述式B.创造欲望C.议论式D.说明式参考答案:A50. The more we look at the painted picture hung on the wall, _. A) we like it less B) tThe more we look at the painted picture hung on the wall, _.A) we like it lessB) the less we like itC) less we like itD) we less like itC比较级的句型:“the+比较级.,the+比较级.”表示“越就越”。句意:“挂在墙上的那幅油画看的越多,我们就越不喜欢它”。

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