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1、2022年考博英语-首都师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example oversimplifies. No child imitates every action he sees. Sometimes, the example the parent wants him to follow is if pored while he takes over contrary patterns from

2、some other example. Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory than Monkey see, monkey do.Look at it from the childs point of view. Here he is in a new situation, lacking a ready response. He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and

3、cannot reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.There is a second element at work in this situation. The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings cri

4、ticism from people who observe him. When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message, he is told emphatically that such a racket (叫嚷)is unpleasant, that he should walk into the next room and say his say quietly. Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is ov

5、erlaid with the desire to solve it properly. One of the early things the child learns is that he gets more attention and approval when his parents like his response. Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others. If one is to maintain the support of others and his own self-respect, he m

6、ust adopt responses his social group approves.In finding trial responses, the learner does not choose models at random. He imitates the person who seems a good person to be like, rather than a person whose social status he wishes to avoid. If the pupil wants to be a good violinist, he will observe a

7、nd try to copy the techniques of capable players, while some other person may most influence his approach to books.Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much tha

8、t they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.1.For a child the first element in his learning is( ).2.Apart from achieving his desired result, a child should also learn to( ).3.Children tend to imitate the models( ).4.An identifying figure

9、(Line 2, Para.5) refers to a person( ).问题1选项A.the need to find an authorityB.the need to find a way to achieve the desired resultC.the need for more affection from his parentsD.the desire to meet the standards of his social group问题2选项A.behave properlyB.attain his goal as soon as possibleC.show his a

10、ffection for his parentsD.talk quietly问题3选项A.who do not criticize themB.who bring them unexpected rewardsC.whom they want to be likeD.whose social status is high问题4选项A.who serves as a model for othersB.who is always successfulC.who can be depended uponD.who has been rewarded for his success【答案】第1题:B

11、第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由第二段“If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and cannot reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do. 如果儿童对新情况缺乏一个快速的反应,并且不能推断出该做什么,他就会观察学习那些能给出正确结果的人。孩子寻找权威人

12、士或专家来告诉他们该做什么。”可知孩子模仿学习的首要原因是他们需要找到一种能得到想要的结果的方式, 他们并不是模仿所有的东西。由此可知B项正确。第2题:细节事实题。由第三段的举例及“The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people who observe him. 孩子也许能够达到他的直接目标,但却发现他的方法招致了观察他的人的批评。”以及“Thus, the desire to solve any objective situ

13、ation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly. 因此,解决任何客观情况的愿望都被以恰当方式解决问题的愿望所覆盖。”可知用适当的方法来解决问题很重要。答案A第3题:细节事实题。由第四段“If the pupil wants to be a good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players, while some other person may most influence his approach to books.

14、如果一个学生想成为一名优秀的小提琴手,他会观察并尝试模仿有能力的演奏者的技巧,如果他喜欢阅读,那么书本上的对他影响最大的人可能是其想模仿的对象。”故C项正确。第4题:细节事实题。由第五段第一句“Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. 欣赏一个人的某种品质常常会令我们仰慕整个人,这个人就变成了我们的榜样。由“admire a person as a whole”可推断出该词意为“榜样”,故答案A2. 单选题The us

15、e of sound is widespread as ( )of animal communicate on.问题1选项A.a meansB.waysC.a toolD.signals【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。a means方法,手段;ways方法,道路,方向; a tool工具; signal信号,标志。句意:声音被广泛地用作动物交流的手段。由is 单数可直接排除B项与D项;声音应该是动物交流的一种手段而不是工具。答案A3. 单选题In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the ( )concer

16、n of state government.问题1选项A.extinctB.excludingC.excessiveD.exclusive【答案】D【解析】考查形近词辨析。extinct “灭绝的,熄灭的”; excluding “排除,除外”;excessive “过多的,极度的”; exclusive“独有的,排外的”。句意:通常来讲,关于国家边境的问题都是政府尤为重视的。D项符合句意,答案D4. 单选题If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work-force skills, American firms have a probl

17、em. Human-resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. Labor is simply another factor of production to be hiredrented at the lowest possible cost-much as one buys r

18、aw materials or equipment.The lack of importance attached to human-resource management can be seen in the corporation hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second in command. The post of head of human-resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the

19、edge of corporate hierarchy. The executive who hold, it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human-resource management is central-usually the second most important executive, after the

20、CEO, in the firms hierarchy, While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese or German firm. The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and man

21、agerial employees. And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.As a result, problems emerge when break

22、through technology arrives. If American workers, for example, lake much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing station than workers in German (as they do), the effective cost of those stations is lower in German than it is in the united States. More time is required before equipme

23、nt is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retaining generate costs and created bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is a slower pace of the technological change. And in the end the skills of the bottom half the population affect the

24、 wages of the top half. If the bottom half cant effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.1.Which of the following apply to the management of human resources in American companies?2.What is the position

25、of the head of human-resource management in an American firm?3.According to the passage, the decisive factor in maintaining a firms competitive advantage is ( ).4.What is the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.They hire people at the lowest cost regardless of their skills.B.They only hire skilled worke

26、rs because of keen competition.C.They attach more importance to workers than to equipment.D.They see the gaining of skills as their employees own business.问题2选项A.He is one of the most important executives in the firm.B.His post is likely to disappear when new technologies are introduced.C.He has no

27、say in making important decisions in the firm.D.He is directly under the chief financial executive.问题3选项A.the introduction of new technologyB.the improvement of workers basic skillsC.the rational composition of professional and managerial employeesD.the attachment of importance to the bottom half of

28、 the employees问题4选项A.American firms are different from Japanese and German firms in human-resource management.B.Extensive retraining is indispensable to effective human-resource management.C.The head of human-resource management must be in the central position in a firms hierarchy.D.The human resour

29、ce management strategies of American firms affect their competitive capacity.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由第一段“Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. 获得技能被认为是个人的责任”可知D项是对该句的同义转述,答案D第2题:细节事实题。由第二段“The executive who hold, it is never consulted on major strategic decisio

30、ns and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). 人力资源主管这个职位从不被征求主要决策的意见,也没有机会晋升为CEO。”可知在美国,人力资源主管在公司没有太多发言权。C项正确,答案C第3题:细节事实题。由第二段“While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees th

31、an do either Japanese or German firm. 虽然美国公司经常谈论在员工培训上的巨额开支,但事实上,他们在员工技能上的投资比日本或德国公司都要少。”以及“As a result, problems emerge when breakthrough technology arrives.结果是,当突破性技术的到来时,美国就出现了问题。”文章第二段讲了美国公司与日德公司在劳动力培训方面的差异,美国主要培训那些管理层,而日德重视员工技巧培训。第三段说到了结果,美国员工学习新技术时需要花更多时间。由此可见给员工培训技巧是非常重要的。答案B第4题:主旨大意题。本文主要通过对

32、比美国公司与日德国公司的人力资源策略,表明如果美国公司不培养员工技巧将导致美国公司在全球竞争中失去优势。答案D不培养员工技巧将导致美国公司在全球竞争中失去优势。答案D5. 单选题I would never have ( )a court of law if I hadnt been so desperate.问题1选项A.sought forB.accounted forC.turned upD.resorted to【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。seek for“寻求,追求”;account for“对做出解释”;turn up “出现,发生”;resort to “依靠,求助于,诉诸”。

33、句意:如果我没到如此绝望的地步,我是不会诉诸法律的。根据前后句意可知D项符合,答案D6. 翻译题A dynamic view sees the pluses of change as well as the minuses. And it appreciates how new, unforeseen technologies or social changes can solve current problems.By contrast, the environmental movement has been built on crisisContrary to the doomsayers

34、, both past anti present, people have a knack for innovating their way out of crises if they have both the permission and the incentive to do so.We find that people developed petroleum as whale oil became scarce, that farmers turned to drip irrigation as water prices rose, and that drivers bought fu

35、el-efficient cars when gas prices went up.To a large degree, green ideology is not about facts. It is about values, and the environment movement is about enforcing those values through political action.“ Greenpolitics, write British greens Jonathan Porritt and David Winner, “demands a wholly newethi

36、c in which violent, plundering human kind abandons its destructive ways, recognizes its dependence on Planet Earth, and starts living on a more equal footing with the rest of nature. The danger lies not only in the odd maverick (意孤行者)polluting factory,industry,or technology, but in the fundamental n

37、ature of our economic systems. It is industrialism itself a super-ideology, embraced by the capitalist West which threatens us.【答案】(1)动态的观点既能看到变化的好处,也能看到变化的坏处。它还赞赏新技术或不可预见的社会变革如何能够解决当前的问题。(2)我们发现,当鲸油变得匮乏时,人们开发了石油;当水价上涨时,农民转而采用了滴灌;当油价上涨时,司机们纷纷购买了节能车。(3)在很大程度上,绿色观念是与事实无关的,而是关于价值观的。而环保运动则是通过政治行动实施这些价值观

38、。(4)“绿色政治”,绿色行动者Jonathan Porritt和David Winner写道,“需要一套全新的道德观。在这种道德观的指导下,残忍掠夺成性的人类可以放弃破坏性的方式,认识到自己对地球的依赖,开始和其他生物平等共处”(5)危险不仅仅来自于一意孤行污染环境的工厂、工业或技术,还来自于我们经济体制的基本性质。7. 单选题To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose the catalogues showing various products handled by us with detailed( )and means

39、 of packing.问题1选项A.specimensB.inspectionsC.paraphrasesD.specifications【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。specimens 样品,范例;inspections 检查,检阅; paraphrases 释义; specification 规格,参数。句意:为了让您对我们的产品有个大概的了解,我们随函给您附了产品目录,它展示了多种我们所经营的产品,包括详细的规格和包装方法。D项最符合题意,答案D8. 单选题The morning news says a school bus( )with a train at the junctio

40、n and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.问题1选项A.crashedB.collidedC.bumpedD.struck【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。crash “坠毁、撞坏”;collide “碰撞、抵触、冲突”, 常与with搭配;bump “碰撞、撞击”,常与into连用;strike “打击、罢工、猛击”。句意:据新闻报道,一辆校车在交叉路口与一列火车相撞,警察立即抵达事故现场。B项能与with搭配,故答案B9. 单选题The bar in the club is for the ( )use of its mem

41、bers.问题1选项A.extensiveB.exclusiveC.inclusiveD.comprehensive【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。extensive大量的,广泛的;exclusive 排外的,独有的;inclusive包括的,包含的;comprehensive综合的,广泛的。句意:该俱乐部的酒吧仅供其会员使用。由空格后的use of its members可知该酒吧仅供其内部会员使用。故B项符合句意,答案B。10. 单选题If you go to the park every day in the morning, you will ( )find him doing ph

42、ysical exercise there.问题1选项A.logicallyB.ordinarilyC.invariablyD.persistently【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。logically “逻辑上”; ordinarily “通常地,惯常地”; invariably “总是,不变的”persistently “坚持地”。由go to the park every day 及“there”可推知C项正确。句意:如果你每天早晨都去公园,你会发现他总是在那里做运动。答案C11. 单选题We are writing to the manager ( )the repairs recen

43、tly carried out at the above address.问题1选项A.with the exception ofB.with the purpose ofC.with reference toD.with a view to【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。 with the exception of “除了以外”;with the purpose of “目的,用途”; in/with reference to “关于,就而言”; with a view to “着眼于”。句意:我们给经理写信反映关于最近在以上地址进行维修的有关情况。C项符合句意,答案C12. 单选题When

44、 it comes to teaching( ), many parents believe that if they teach their children and treat them kindly, the kids will know how to behave.问题1选项A.mentalityB.moralityC.complicatedD.majority【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。mentality 心理,智力;morality道德,品行,美德;complicated 复杂的; majority 多数。句意:说到道德教育,许多家长相信如果他们温和地教育孩子,对待孩子,孩子们

45、就知道如何守规矩了。下文提到的内容属于道德品行范畴,故B项符合题意。答案B13. 单选题When you take medicine, be careful not to ( )that amount printed on the bottle.问题1选项A.surpassB.substituteC.exceedD.overcome【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。surpass “超过,优于”;substitute “代用品,替代者”;exceed “超过”; overcome“克服(困难)”。句意:吃药的时候注意不要超过瓶子上写的剂量。答案C14. 单选题Fewer and fewer of

46、 todays workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, ( )the same company.问题1选项A.all elseB.much worseC.less likelyD.let alone【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。all else “其他所有”;much worse “更差”;less likely “最不可能的是”;let alone“更不必说”。句意:当今人们越来越不希望一生只干同样的工作,更不用说只待在一家公司了。D项符合句意,答案D15. 单选题In the first year or

47、 so of Web business, most of the action has revolved around efforts to tap the consumer market. More recently, as the Web proved to be more than a fashion, companies have started to buy and sell products and services with one another. Such business-to-business sales make sense because business peopl

48、e typically know what product theyre looking for.Nonetheless, many companies still hesitate to use the Web because of doubts about its reliability.Businesses need to feel they can trust the pathway between them and the supplier, says senior analyst Blane Erwin of Forrester Research. Some companies a

49、re limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the companys private intranet.Another major shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing. Until recently, Internet marketing activities h

50、ave focused on strategies to pull customers into sites. In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools that allow companies to push information directly out to consumers, transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted customers. Most notably, the PointCast Network uses a sc

51、reen saver to deliver a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers computer monitors. Subscribers can customize the information they want to receive and proceed directly to a companys Web site. Companies such as Virtual Vineyards are already starling to use similar technolo

52、gies to push messages to customers about special sales, product offering,or other events. But push technology has earned the contempt of many Web users. Online culture thinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request. Once commercial promotion

53、begins to fill the screen uninvited, the distinction between the Web and television fades. Thats a prospect that horrifies Net purists.But it is hardly inevitable that companies on the Web will need to resort to push strategies to make money. The examples of Virtual Vineyards, A, and other pioneers

54、show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers. And the cost of computing power continues to free fall, which is a good sign for any enterprise setting up shop in silicon. People looking back 5 or 1

55、0 years from now may well wonder why so few companies took the online plunge.1.What do we learn about the present web business?2.Established partners are preferred in web business because( ).3.Net purists are most worried that( ).4.What can be inferred about A?问题1选项A.Web business is no longer in fas

56、hionB.Business-to-business sales are the trend.C.Web business is prosperous in the consumer market.D.Many companies still lack confidence in web business.问题2选项A.they are more creditable than othersB.they specify the products they wantC.they have access to the companys private intranetD.they are capa

57、ble of conducting online transactions问题3选项A.only the requested information conies to the screenB.the net is filled with commercial promotionC.the difference between the Wed and TV will fadeD.push technology will dominate the screen问题4选项A.Its success is attributed to push strategies.B.It is prosperou

58、s without push strategies.C.It is highly concerned about the cost of computing power.D.It is a good example of the flourishing online business.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B【解析】第1题:推理判断题。第2段开头的Nonetheless表明该句与首段提到的内容有转折关系:Nonetheless, many companies still hesitate to use the Web because(尽管如此,许多公司仍然对使用网络犹豫

59、不决,因为),因此D项“许多公司对网络商务依然缺少自信”正确。第2题:细节事实题。由第二段because of doubts about its reliability.及最后一句“Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the companys private intranet. 一些公司通过只与已建立业务的伙伴进行在线交易来限制风险,这些业务伙伴可以访问公司的私有

60、内部网。”可知商家为了减轻风险,会选择与建立了合作关系的固定合作伙伴交易,因为他们更值得信赖。”答案A第3题:细节事实题。第3段末句开头的Thats a prospect表明前面提到的内容就是使网络净化者觉得担忧的问题,上文说网络广告不应像电视那样不请自来,由此可见,网络净化者最担心的是以后电脑屏幕会被不请自来的广告占据,因此D为本题答案。关键不在于“网络中满是商业促销”,而是“push technology(广告推送)”。第4题:推理判断题。由第四段首句“But it is hardly inevitable that companies on the Web will need to re

61、sort to push strategies to make money.不靠推销策略赚钱也是可行的。”接着例举亚马逊的成功案例,可知答案B16. 单选题You cannot be ( )careful when you drive a car.问题1选项A.veryB.soC.tooD.enough【答案】C【解析】考查固定用法。can not too“再.也不为过”。句意:开车时你再怎么小心也不为过。答案C17. 单选题Mrs. Black finds that her piano has always had the magic power of taking her away fro

62、m the grim realities of daily life and ( )her to fairyland of her own once she started to play.问题1选项A.transformingB.transportingC.transplantingD.transcending【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。 transform“改变,使变形”; transport“运输,运送”; transplant “移植,迁移”; transcend “胜过”。句意:Black夫人发现每当她弹钢琴,她的钢琴就有将自己带离日常生活的糟糕现实并且将她带到自己拥有的乐园的魔力。由taking her away from the grim realities of daily life 及 to fairyland可知“将Black夫人从糟糕的现实运送到乐园”符合逻辑,答案B18. 单选题One study found that job applicants who make more eye contacts are ( )as more alert, dependable, confide

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