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1、人教新课标英语选修7 Unit 2 Robots 同步练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) The manager is busy at the office; youd better leave him _.( )A . asideB . outC . aloneD . behind2. (2分) Many applicants stood outside the managers office, nervously waiting _ for the job.( )A . to chooseB . being chosenC . choos

2、ingD . to be chosen3. (2分) Try to _ at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary. ( )A . set offB . set outC . set asideD . set down4. (2分) (2018高一上海安月考) As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _. A . the more equipped for life you areB . the more for l

3、ife you are equippedC . the more life you are equipped forD . you are equipped the more for life【考点】 5. (2分) After a whole afternoons heated discussion, they finally _ to us what had been decided.( )A . toldB . declaredC . statedD . made6. (2分) Was it near the white building, if I may ask, _ Martin

4、Luther King gave a speech “I have a dream”? ( )A . whereB . thatC . whyD . in which7. (2分) She felt _ about wearing the improper garment in the party.( )A . embarrassingB . embarrassC . to embarrassD . embarrassed8. (2分) Tomorrow he is to _a group of American artists on a tour of the city. ( )A . as

5、sociateB . cooperateC . accompanyD . coordinate9. (2分) Tom thought it was an honor _ to speak in the ceremony. ( )A . to inviteB . to be invitedC . invitingD . having invited10. (2分) In 1939, Hitler _ war against Poland, which started the Second World War. ( )A . announcedB . broadcastC . declaredD

6、. advertised11. (2分) I still remember _ to the Famen Temple and what I saw there. ( )A . to takeB . takingC . to be takenD . being taken12. (2分) We are not ready to go into production yet.The new switch mechanism isnt fully_.( )A . worked outB . left outC . turned outD . tested out13. (2分) Have you

7、read todays report about your performance?I dont care what _ about me. ( )A . will be writtenB . wroteC . writesD . is written14. (2分) People have been complaining about SK-II recently and think the advertisements always persuade people _ the products which are not so good. ( )A . buyB . to buyC . b

8、uyingD . bought15. (2分) I came home very late last night,_,early this morning. ( )A . at the latestB . in a wordC . on the wholeD . or rather二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。We live a life surrounded by robots. Nearly every robot has been made in some way1 up to

9、a certain level or temperature. The machine will wait for “feedback” about the water2or temperature before it begins the washing cycle. In this way, a washing machine has been patterned after humans. We depend on 3from our five senses to find out what is happening around us and then make decisions a

10、bout our actions.Of course, some machines perform functions like humans, but much4 than we do, such as calculators. A pocket calculator works faster than a human, never makes mistakes, and doesnt get 5or bored.Other robots are very similar to humans in their ability6 new things. In factories, robots

11、 can learn to do many different tasks, as they are shown by a human operator. For example, in a car factory, a person will guide a robots “arm” and “ 7” through the steps of the new job. The robots electronic “brain” will 8the information away, memorizing the steps so the next time it9can repeat the

12、 movements without a human operator. When the robot must be moved to a new job, its memory is 10so it is ready to learn the next job. Of course, at any time if there is anything 11in the process, different from the original task, the robot cannot 12 with it. It will signal for an engineer to come fo

13、r repairs.Some robots are considered very intelligent because they have more human abilities than others, such as “seeing” 13cameras for eyes or “feeling” with metal fingers that can14shapes and even temperatures. However, no machine has 15been able to copy the complexity of the simplest, most commo

14、n person.(1)A . similar B . familiar C . sensitive D . different (2)A . depth B . level C . fullness D . warning (3)A . feelings B . touch C . feedback D . response (4)A . faster B . more slowly C . worse D . better (5)A . tiring B . exciting C . excited D . tired (6)A . of learning B . to learn C .

15、 to copy D . to memorize (7)A . hand B . body C . elbow D . brain (8)A . take B . put C . store D . give (9)A . correct B . similar C . same D . different (10)A . erased B . refreshed C . kept D . stored (11)A . usual B . unusual C . wrong D . strange (12)A . do B . deal C . stay D . solve (13)A . i

16、n B . by C . with D . from (14)A . see B . sense C . know D . predict (15)A . already B . never C . even D . ever 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C或D)中,选出最佳选项We all have four to six dreams per night. But why do some people seem to r emember their dreams while others dont?People who

17、 report that they have good dream recollection are more likely, than others who dont, to have been woken up during a stage of sleep referred to as REM (rapid eye movement). This is the stage of sleep where dreams occur, and if youre woken up during it you may recall the dream you were having more re

18、adily.Light sleepers who are woken up very easily by the slightest sound tend to report having many more dreams they can remember than heavy sleepers who can nod off during thunder and lightening and do not know theyve been dreaming at all. Therefore one way to remember your dreams is to set an alar

19、m to go off frequently during the night, as youll have more chances of waking during REM sleep. However,doing this exercise regularly will be bad for your sleeping pattern, and may mess with your body clock.Interestingly, some people have the ability to dream to order, to a degree. If they focus on

20、thinking about remembering their dreams, get a dream journal ready to write in and place it by their bed at night and tell themselves they will write down their dreams upon waking, theyre more likely to actually produce a memorable dream.Studies have shown us that during dreams we often play out dif

21、ferent scenarios (情节) and our brains work out how to deal with them, should they actually occur in waking life. Thus, if you dreamed you lost your car keys and needed to find another way of getting to your destination, this could just be your mind working out what you would do in the future if this

22、happened to you. The reason why people dont always remember dreams is that it would interfere (干扰) with waking life. An overload of information which may not be necessary could confuse your daily thinking, and lead you to perform less well. However, storing information away in your mental filing sys

23、tem located in your subconscious (潜意识), in case you ever need it, is far more efficient.(1) What can we learn about REM?A . Sleepers are hard to wake up during REM sleep.B . People who cant remember their dreams dont have REM sleep.C . Both light sleepers and heavy sleepers can experience REM sleepD

24、 . People who are woken up during REM sleep will forget their dreams.(2) Which group of people are most likely to forget their dreams?A . People who are ready to write a dream journal.B . People who desire to find a solution in their dreams.C . People who set an alarm to go off frequently during the

25、 night.D . People who are hard to be disturbed by surrounding sounds during sleep.(3) It is bad for people to remember all of their dreams because_.A . that will confuse their daily thinkingB . that will make people feel exhaustedC . they will judge everything by senseD . they will be guided by thei

26、r dreams(4) From the last sentence, we can infer that_.A . effective ways need to be developed to fully make use of our dreamsB . people who regularly forget their dreams will never know their mind wellC . scientists will give us much deeper explanations for what our dreams meanD . those forgotten d

27、reams are stored in our bra in and will be remembered if needed(5) The passage mainly discusses_.A . how important dreams are to healthB . the reason why people forget their dreamsC . the relationship between ones dream and sleepD . different stages of sleep and peoples changes in each one18. (10分)

28、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C或D)中,选出最佳选项Exams affect the whole family. As teenagers bury themselves in textbooks, parents have to behave like saints(圣人), ignoring doubtsis he actually studying up there, or just playing online games? Forget any practical help around the house. “Hes sitting at the kitchen t

29、able reading the TV guide,” says the mother of a 15-year-old boy. “But when I ask if he can take the rubbish out, he looks very angry and says, But Im revising” Chloe, 16, comes from a large family and finds it is hard to revise. “I become angry easily,” Chloe says.“I camplain to my mum that theres

30、too much noise and too much mess.”Beyond these practical considerations, parents are confused about how much they should get involved. Some call for expert help. Others buy lots of practice exam papers. But you may use your skills to spur your children. Anne, 18, admits that the greatest driving for

31、ce for revision is being in competition with her twin sister. My mother always says my sister is better than me.Bribery(行贿)is not unknown.“Some parents offer their children material or cash rewards,” says Mike Evans, the author of How To Pass Your Exams. “This may achieve the required result in some

32、 cases, but I think it does nothing for the longer-term aim, which I believe is to encourage them to take responsibility for their own personal development.”“I deal with exam stress all the time,” says an experienced teacher. “Basically, the pupils and I have an agreement to convince the parents tha

33、t all is going well. Then the parents back off and everything gets better.” Her fantasy solution would keep parents away for six weeks so that they dont pass on pre exam stress to their children.(1) According to the writer, when children study for tests,_.A . children shouldnt make parents doubt the

34、mB . children should help with some houseworkC . parents should create a peaceful environmentD . parents should bear all their childrens behavior(2) What does the underlined word “ spur” in Paragraph 2 mean?A . Encourage.B . Punish.C . Comfort.D . Educate.(3) What is Mike Evanss attitude towards par

35、ents bribing children for better grades?A . Supportive.B . Opposed.C . Objective.D . Unknown.(4) The experienced teacher sent parents away because she_.A . would like to give parents a great surpriseB . believed children could deal with pressureC . everything went well in the schoolD . didnt want pa

36、rents to bring stress to children(5) What is the main idea of the text?A . How to get along well with your children.B . How to help your children do well at school.C . Tips for parents to help children prepare for exams.D . Tips for parents to help children overcome test anxiety.四、 书面表达: (共1题;共5分)19

37、. (5分) 请根据以下任务说明和写作要求,写一篇150词左右的英语短文。任务要求你准备参加一个题为“是否应该让机器人干家务”的讨论会,讨论会上你将做一个书面发言。请认真阅读下面短文,然后完成以下任务:1.概括短文内容要点,该部分的字数大约6080;2.就“是否应该让机器人干家务”这一主题谈谈你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约6080;1).机器人是社会科技进步的表现。2).让机器人干家务可以减轻家人的负担。高智能机器人还可以照顾家人。3).但使用、维修的成本高;机器人的行动缓慢,不能与人类真正沟通。4).机器人的价格昂贵,一般人家负担不起。真正普及还需一段较长的时间。 As

38、science developed rapidly in the direction of technology, it supplies an a better and ore cofortable life. en will be working shorter and shorter hours, while housewives will also be able to have ore free tie. Can you iagine doing housework without a housewife? Scientists believe this will be turned

39、 into realities in not very long tie, and perhaps during your lifetie house-robots will take the place of housewives.When I discussed this kind of achine with housewives, soe 90 percent of the replied iediately, “How soon can I buy one?” The other 10 percent said, “I would be terrified to see it ovi

40、ng about y house.” But when I explained to the that it could be turned off or stopped, they quickly realized that it is a useful object.In y own hoe we have found that the washing-up achine is regarded as a good hand in the roo. Theres no greater pleasure than to go to bed in the evening and know th

41、at the washing-up is being done downstairs after we are asleep.Soe failies would like to have their robot slaves doing all the downstairs housework after they were in bed at night, while others would have it done in the ornings. But this would be entirely a atter of choice.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共

42、15题;共30分)答案:1-1、解析:答案:2-1、解析:答案:3-1、解析:答案:4-1、考点:解析:答案:5-1、解析:答案:6-1、解析:答案:7-1、解析:答案:8-1、解析:答案:9-1、解析:答案:10-1、解析:答案:11-1、解析:答案:12-1、解析:答案:13-1、解析:答案:14-1、解析:答案:15-1、解析:二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)答案:16-1、解析:三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)答案:17-1、答案:17-2、答案:17-3、答案:17-4、答案:17-5、解析:答案:18-1、答案:18-2、答案:18-3、答案:18-4、答案:18-5、解析:四、 书面表达: (共1题;共5分)答案:19-1、解析:

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