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1、2022年考博英语-西北大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The president appears to have been ( )when he promised to try to balance the national budget.问题1选项A.in earnestB.in personC.in privateD.in reality【答案】A【解析】in earnest 认真地,诚挚地;in person 亲自地;in private秘密地,私下地;in reality 实际上;事实上。句意:当总统承诺努力平衡国家预算时,他似乎是认真的。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题

2、Even though it is a ( )explanation, I am not completely convinced.问题1选项A.susceptibleB.plausibleC.plentifulD.reliable【答案】B【解析】susceptible易受影响的,易感动的;plausible貌似可信的,貌似有理的;plentiful许多的,丰富的;reliable可靠的,可信赖的。句意:尽管这是一个合理的解释,但我并不完全信服。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题The attack on Fort Sumter near Charleston provoked a sharp r

3、esponse from the North, which led to the American Civil War.问题1选项A.demandedB.elicitedC.expeditedD.defied【答案】D【解析】句意:查尔斯顿附近的萨姆特堡遭袭激起了北方的强烈反应,导致了美国内战。provoked意为“激起,挑衅”。demanded强烈要求,需要;elicited抽出,引出;expedited加快,促进,发出;defied藐视,反抗,挑衅。选项D与之意思相近。4. 单选题Culture like nonverbal behavior tends to elusive, and h

4、as a potent influence in intercultural communication.问题1选项A.hiddenB.visibleC.difficult to understandD.tangible【答案】C【解析】句意:像非语言行为这样的文化往往是晦涩难懂的,并且在跨文化交际中有着强大的影响。elusive意为“难懂的”。hidden隐藏的;visible看得见的,现有的;difficult to understand难以理解;tangible有形的,可触摸的。选项C最符合原句所表达的意思。5. 翻译题Read the following passage careful

5、ly and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.My eldest daughter, an Internet consultant, is only 30, but she has already lived in five different houses in five different places and has had about six different jobs. Every time I visit her, I notice how many new things there are in her

6、house, and how many things lie unused, out of date. What is even more striking is how many things there are which are not expected to lastdisposable things. Disposable plates and glasses, disposable towels and babies, nappies (尿布). It sometimes seems that we live in an age of the disposable.(1)This

7、phenomenon of constant change runs through everything in life nowadays, from fashion to music, from medicine to motorcars, from education to employment. Two important factors seem to be driving these changes. The first is the rapid growth in knowledge and the consequent rapid development of technolo

8、gy. The second is the revolution in communications, which means that knowledge is spread faster and more widely than ever. Our times are often called “the information age” and the effect is to bring about “the knowledge economy”. New technologies and new knowledge bring about the need for new skills

9、.(2)The speed with which these technologies are being created is such that all of us are faced with the challenge of learning new skills, not just once, but several times. What we knew yesterday is often obsolete today.I remember my daughter saying to that she was at “the cutting edge” of her partic

10、ular field. But within five years, she said, she would have to do something new and different to keep up. There is a great need for flexibility and problem-solving than before. Tasks require a greater integration of skills. (3)The rewards of life go to the multi-skilled, to flexible teams of workers

11、 each capable of contributing in a range of ways.(4)To succeed in this new world of work, individuals will have to regard their careers not just as a process of gathering experience, but as a process of learning new things on an almost continuous basis. All this suggests to me that the relationship

12、between education and employment has changed radically over the last few years. (5)One could summarize the change by saying that when I learned things in order to achieve life-long employment while my children need to pursue life-long learning in order to stay employed.【答案】1. 这种不断变化的现象如今贯穿着生活中的一切,从时

13、装到音乐,从医药到“摩托车”,从教育到就业。2.创造技术的速度是这样的,我们大家都面临着不只是一次,而是多次地学习新技能的挑战。3.生活的奖赏趋向多种技能,以及每个职工在一个灵活的团队能够在多方面做出贡献。4.为了在这种新的工作世界中成功,个人将不得不考虑自己的事业不仅是一种收集经验的过程,也是一个连续不断地学习新事物的过程。5.人们可以总结说,我学东西是为了获得终生的就业机会,而我的孩子则需要终生学习,以维持就业。6. 单选题Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has become ( )at many survival

14、skills.问题1选项A.proficientB.persistentC.consistentD.sufficient【答案】A【解析】proficient熟练的,精通的;persistent固执的,坚持的;consistent始终如一的,一致的;sufficient足够的,充分的。根据句意可知应该是精通技能,所以选项A正确。7. 单选题Americans feel that using someones words in a research paper without referencing them is tantamount to stealing.问题1选项A.necessaryB

15、.unbelievableC.acceptableD.equivalent【答案】D【解析】句意:美国人认为,在研究论文中使用某人的话而不提及他们,就相当于是抄袭。tantamount意为“等于,相当于”。equivalent相等的,同意义的。选项D与之意思相近。8. 单选题With each successive visit our knowledge of those regions increased.问题1选项A.successfulB.consecutiveC.fruitfulD.occasional【答案】B【解析】句意:我们对这些地区的了解每一次都在不断增加。successive

16、意为连续的,接替的。successful成功的,一帆风顺的;consecutive连贯的,连续不断的;fruitful 富有成效的,多产的;occasional 偶然的,临时的。选项B与之意思相近。9. 翻译题1.Libraries other than those listed above require additional registration before you can access their collections.2.In the past, he used to tell us of his expeditions through the woods and fields

17、 round his home, and how he explored the solitary brooks and ponds; and then he described the curious animals and birds he saw.3.七月份中国消费物价指数与去年同期比下降了 0.9%, 而六月份该指数下降了 0.8%。【答案】1.除了上面列举的图书馆外,使用其他图书馆的藏书,你还需要另行注册。2.以前他时常对我说关于他在他家周围的森林和原野中探险的事,以及他怎样找到一些偏僻的溪流和池塘的情形,然后他会描述他所见到的珍禽异兽。3.Chinas consumer price

18、 index in July dropped by 0.9 percent compared with that of the same period in last year and the index fell 0.8% in June.10. 单选题In early 19th century America, care for the mentally ill was almost non-existent: the afflicted were usually relegated to prisons, almshouses, or inadequate supervision by

19、families. Treatment, if provided, paralleled other medical treatments of the time, including bloodletting and purgatives. However, in a wave of concern for the oppressed, some took action. Among these, Dorothea Dix was the leading crusader for the establishment of state-supported mental asylums. Thr

20、ough her efforts, the first state hospitals for the insane were built in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She and other reformers sought humane, individualized care, with the rich and the poor housed together to insure high standards for all. The movement was generated by social reform, but throughout t

21、he century, mental illness was probed and analyzed, and “cures” prescribed by both the scientific and lay communities. “Moral treatment” was the predominating philosophy to cure the insane.This system was developed in late 18th century Europe, and by Benjamin Rush in the United States. It challenged

22、 the demonic explanations for insanity and emphasized the role of environment in determining character: improper external conditions could induce derangement. The “moral treatment” system was optimistic that an appropriate environment could facilitate cure, especially for those with acute (not chron

23、ic) afflictions. Essential to this theory was a physiological basis/for mental disorder: insanity was caused by brain damage. The brains surface was soft and malleable and physically altered by outward influence. This idea was closely related to phrenology, which assigned specific faculties to secti

24、ons of the brain.The notion that mental illness resulted from physical impairment was rarely challenged, but the nature and treatment of ailments were continually debated. To find physical evidence for mental deficiencies, autopsies performed on mental patients to discover lesions or other abnormali

25、ties. Although progress was made in the diagnosis of somatic diseases like tumors syphilitic derangement, these efforts were frustrating and subjective. Also controversial was the fate of the chronically versus acutely ill: the differences between them, whether they should be housed together, and wh

26、ether the chronically ill should be treated at all.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.According to paragraph 1, the movement to establish state-supported mental asylums was motivated by concern for ( ).3.It can be inferred from the passage that the methods used in “moral treatment” were( ).4.Accor

27、ding to the passage, phrenology was( ).5.Autopsies were performed on mental patients( ).问题1选项A.Care of the mentally illB.The influence of “moral treatment”C.The influence of Dorothea Dix and Benjamin RushD.Social and medical reform问题2选项A.inadequate care by familiesB.social reformC.the effects of med

28、ical treatmentD.those who were not mentally ill问题3选项A.controversialB.acceptedC.provenD.dangerous问题4选项A.never very popularB.a theory about determining a persons characterC.a cause of mental illnessD.a theory about a persons brain问题5选项A.to find evidence for moral treatment theoryB.for diagnosis of men

29、tal illnessC.as part of treatmentD.on acute rather than chronic patients【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。原文第一段首先指出早期的美国对精神病人的照顾是不存在的,接下来的段落则是探讨精神疾病的治疗方法。由此可知,本文主要讲述的是对精神疾病的关注,所以选项A正确。2.细节事实题。根据原文第一段倒数第二句“The movement was generated by social reform.”这场运动是由社会改革引发的所以选项B正确。3.推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“The

30、notion that mental illness resulted from physical impairment was rarely challenged, but the nature and treatment of ailments were continually debated.”精神疾病是由身体损伤引起的这一概念很少受到挑战,但对疾病的性质和治疗一直存在争议。所以选项A正确。4.推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“This idea was closely related to phrenology, which assigned specific faculties to

31、sections of the brain.”这一想法与颅相学密切相关,颅相学将大脑分为各个不同的机制。由此可知,颅相学是关于人类大脑的理论。选项D符合原文。5.细节事实题。根据最后一段第二句“To find physical evidence for mental deficiencies, autopsies performed on mental patients to discover lesions or other abnormalities.”为了寻找精神缺陷身体上的证据,对精神病人进行尸检以发现病变或其他异常。由此可知,对精神病人验尸是为精神治疗理论寻找证据。选项A符合原文。1

32、1. 单选题Tom had been completely exhausted but felt greatly ( )after a meal and a rest.问题1选项A.renewedB.refrainedC.resumedD.efreshed【答案】D【解析】renew更新,复兴,重新开始;refrain节制,克制;resume 重新开始,继续;refresh 恢复精神。句意:汤姆本来已经筋疲力尽了,但吃过饭休息一会儿以后,他又恢复了精神。选项D符合句意。12. 单选题The Ford Foundation is one of the worlds wealthiest phil

33、anthropic organizations.问题1选项A.profligateB.governmentalC.humanitarianD.multinational【答案】C【解析】福特基金会是世界上最富有的慈善组织之一。philanthropic 意为“博爱的,仁慈的”。profligate 放荡的;governmental政府的,政治的;humanitarian人道主义的,博爱的;multinational多国的。选项C与之意思相近。13. 单选题The study of law, with its great number of cases, statutes, and contra

34、cts, can be a tedious process.问题1选项A.a curiousB.an overwhelmingC.a challengingD.a tiresome【答案】D【解析】句意:学习法律,由于它有大量的案例、法规和合同,可能是一个乏味的过程。tedious意为“沉闷的,冗长乏味的”。tiresome烦人的,无聊的,所以选项D与之意思相近。14. 单选题Mary is fine girl even though shes sometimes abrupt in manner.问题1选项A.deviousB.brusqueC.shrewD.irritable【答案】B【解

35、析】句意:玛丽是个好女孩,虽然她有时举止粗鲁。abrupt意为“生硬的,唐突的,粗鲁的。Devious偏僻的,弯曲的;brusque唐突的,直率的,无礼 的;shrew泼妇,悍妇;irritable急躁的,易怒的。选项B与之意思最为相近。15. 单选题His attempts to ( )the two friends failed because they had complete faith in each other.问题1选项A.alienateB.abuseC.alleviateD.abandon【答案】A【解析】alienate使疏远,离间;abuse滥用,虐待;alleviate

36、减轻,缓和;abandon 遗弃,放弃。句意:他疏远这两个朋友的企图失败了,因为他们彼此之间完全信任。选项A符合语境。16. 单选题You cant be ( )careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.问题1选项A.veryB.quiteC.tooD.so【答案】C【解析】cant be too 为固定搭配,意为“再也不为过”。句意:这是一个如此重要的案件,你做决定时怎么谨慎也不过分。选项C符合句意。17. 单选题The town planning commission said that their fina

37、ncial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax ( ).问题1选项A.efficiencyB.revenuesC.privilegesD.validity【答案】B【解析】efficiency效率,效能,功效;revenue税收收入,收益;privilege特权,优待;validity有效性,正确性。句意:城市规划委员会表示,他们对明年的财政前景持乐观态度。他们期望税收收入增加。选项B符合句意。18. 单选题Scientists have developed a slimming drug th

38、at successfully suppresses appetite and results in a dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects.问题1选项A.科学家们己经研制出了一种减肥药,它能有效地抑制食欲,导致体重显著下降而无任何明显的不良反应。B.科学家们己经开发出了一种减肥药,它能成功地控制食欲,使体重显著下降,同时有明显的不良反应。C.科学家们己经研制出了一种减食疗法的药, 它能有效地抑制食欲, 导致体重显著 下降而无任何明显的不良反应。【答案】A【解析】首先,“slimming drug”应翻译为减肥药,没

39、有提及减食疗法,所以首先排除选项C;根据“without any apparent ill effects.”可知,应该是没有明显的不良反应,所以选项B错误。选项A翻译最为准确。19. 单选题I must go now, and ( )if you want that book Ill bring it next time.问题1选项A.SuccessivelyB.respectivelyC.incidentallyD.accidentally【答案】C【解析】successively 相继地,接连着地;respectively 分别地,各自地;incidentally 顺便,偶然地,附带地;

40、accidentally 偶然地,意外地。句意:我现在必须得走了,顺便说一句,如果你想要那本书,我下次会带来。选项C符合句意。20. 单选题Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in every way except ( )?问题1选项A.ingredientsB.componentsC.elementsD.compounds【答案】A【解析】ingredient成分,配料,原料;component组件,元件;element元素,要素;compound化合物;混合物。句意:为什么素食餐厅的菜除了配料外,其他各个方面都像肉?选项A符合语境。

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