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1、2022年考博英语-江西师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题The decision _, the next problem was how to make a good plan.问题1选项A.has been madeB.were madeC.having been madeD.making【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. has been made 被做 B. were made 被做C. having been made 被做 D. making 做【考查点】独立主格结构。【解题思路】句子主谓宾结构完整,所以空格处只能做非谓语,而decision和the ne

2、xt problem不是同一个逻辑主语,所以前半部分只能做独立主格结构;decision和make之间是被动的关系,而且是决定做出后,下个问题是怎么制定计划,所以只能用having been made,C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项为谓语动词,不符合语法结构;D选项不符合时态,排除。【句意】决定做好之后,下一个问题是如何制定一个好的计划。2. 单选题In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the (16

3、) half of the 19th century; most of (17) were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U.S. the day-nursery movement received great (18) during the First World War, when (19) of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented (前所未有的) numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries wer

4、e established (20) in munitions (军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship. (21) the number of nurseries in the U.S. also rose (22), this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First Word War (23), Federal, State, and local government gradually

5、 began to exercise a measure of control (24) the day nurseries, chiefly by (25) them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.The (26) of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were (27) ca

6、lled upon to replace men in the factories. On this (28) the U.S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools, (29) $6,000,000 in July, 1942, for a nursery-school program for the children of working mothers. Many States and local communities (30) this Federal aid. By the end of

7、the war, in August, 1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared (31) in day-care centers receiving Federal (32). Soon afterward, the Federal government (33) cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later (34) them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation. Howev

8、er, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their (35) at the end of the war only partly fulfilled.问题1选项A.latterB.laterC.otherD.first问题2选项A.thoseB.themC.whoseD.whom问题3选项A.impetusB.inputC.imitationD.initiative问题4选项A.sourcesB.abundanceC.shortageD.reduction问题5选项A.hardlyB.entirelyC.onlyD.



11、y问题19选项A.abolishedB.diminishedC.jeopardizedD.precluded问题20选项A.nurseriesB.homesC.jobsD.children【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D第6题:D第7题:B第8题:C第9题:A第10题:A第11题:B第12题:A第13题:B第14题:C第15题:C第16题:D第17题:B第18题:D第19题:A第20题:C【解析】16.【选项释义】A. latter 后者的 B. later 更迟的,更后的C. other 其他的 D. first 第一个的【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上文说“美

12、国第一家日托所建于1854年”,也就是19世纪中期,下文提到“日托所在各地普遍建立是在19世纪的_”,可以推知,是在“19世纪后期”;表示“后半期”,half只能与latter搭配。A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C选项不能与half搭配;D选项不符合上下文语义衔接。【句意】19世纪后半叶,各地都建立了托儿所。17.【选项释义】A. those 这些 B. them 他们(宾格)C. whose 谁的(主格) D. whom 谁的(宾格)【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】most of后面要用人称代词,指代上文提到的Nurseries(托儿所),所以B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项是指示代词;C、D

13、选项是关系代词。【句意】大多数都是慈善性质的。18.【选项释义】A. impetus 动力,促进 B. input 输入C. imitation 模仿,仿造 D. initiative 主动权,首创精神【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】根据该句意思“在欧洲和美国,日托所的运动在第一次世界大战期间获得了巨大的_”,结合上文提到“各地都建立了托儿所”,可推测空格处为“促进”,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语义逻辑。【句意】第一次世界大战对建立日托所的运动是个促进。19.【选项释义】A. sources 来源 B. abundance 充裕,丰富C. shortage 短缺 D. red

14、uction减少,下降【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】由cause可知,后面部分的内容是空格部分的结果,根据后面的句意“空前数量的妇女就业”可知,当时的manpower(劳动力)是处于“短缺”的状态,C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合句子语义逻辑。【句意】第一次世界大战对建立日托所的运动是个促进,当时劳动力短缺使得大量妇女就业。20.【选项释义】A. hardly 几乎不 B. entirely 完全地,彻底地C. only 只有 D. even 甚至【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】这一句说到“在军火工厂里建立了托儿所”,而上一句是说“第一次世界大战对建立日托所的运动是个促进”,可知

15、前后是递进关系,所以D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合句间逻辑。【句意】在一些欧洲国家的政府直接倡导下,甚至在军火工厂里也建了日托所。21.【选项释义】A. Because 因为 B. As 作为,因为C. Since 自从,因为 D. Although 尽管【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】前半部分说“美国的托儿所数量也增加了”,后半部分说“这种增长是在没有任何政府援助的情况下实现的”,从前后语义逻辑可知,这是一个让步状语从句,D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合句间逻辑。【句意】虽然美国的托儿所数量也大幅增加,但这一增长是在没有任何政府援助的情况下实现的。22.【选项释义】

16、A. unanimously 全体一致地 B. sharply 急剧地C. predominantly 主要地 D. militantly 好战地【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】空格处填入副词修饰rose,rose表示“增长”,只有sharply能够修饰rose,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项修饰rose与语义逻辑不符。【句意】虽然美国的托儿所数量也大幅增加,但这一增长是在没有任何政府援助的情况下实现的。23.【选项释义】A. therefore 因此 B. consequently 结果,所以C. however 然而 D. moreover 而且【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】这一句提

17、到“开始实施某种控制措施”,与前面的托儿所数量增长语气上有所转折,所以C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合句间逻辑。【句意】然而,在第一次世界大战之后的几年里,联邦、州和地方政府逐渐开始实施某种程度的控制。24.【选项释义】A. over 翻转,关于 B. in 在里面C. at 在 D. about 关于【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】the day nurseries(日托所)是control的对象,而control通常与over搭配,表示“对的控制”,故A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合搭配。【句意】然而,在第一次世界大战之后的几年里,联邦、州和地方政府逐渐开始对日托所实施

18、控制措施。25.【选项释义】A. formulating 系统地阐述,规范 B. labeling 贴标签于,把称为C. patenting 取得专利权 D. licensing 许可,批准【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】空格处与后面的inspecting and regulating(检查和管理)为并列成分,所以空格处的语义与inspect和regulate接近,选项中只有A项符合。【扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语义逻辑。【句意】然而在第一次世界大战之后的几年中,联邦政府和地方政府开始采取措施,主要通过规范化来管理控制托儿所。26.【选项释义】A. outset 开始,开端 B. outb

19、reak(暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发,突然发生C. breakthrough 重大进展,突破 D. breakdown 故障,崩溃【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】由后面的the Second World War(第二次世界大战),以及后面an increase in the number of day nurseries(日托所数量的增加),联系上一段提到一战促使日托所数量增加,可推测,空格处表示“战争爆发”,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合上下文联系。【句意】第二次世界大战爆发后,几乎所有国家的日间托儿所数量都迅速增加。27.【选项释义】A. again 又,再一次 B. thu

20、s 所以C. repeatedly 反复地,再三地 D. yet 还是【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】由women可知,此处与上一段第一次世界大战的情况相呼应,所以女性是“又一次”进入工厂,所以A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、D选项不符合上下文联系;C选项侧指“反反复复的重复某件事情”,不符合上下文语义。【句意】随着第二次世界大战爆发,几乎各国托儿所的数量都增加很快,妇女又一次被号召在工厂中代替男人。28.【选项释义】A. circumstance 经济状况,环境 B. occasion 时机,场合C. allocating 分配 D. transferring 转移【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】

21、空格处是接在介词on后面,四个选项中只有occasion可以与介词on搭配,on this occasion表示“值此之际,这一次”,因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项一般与under连用;C、D选项不符合搭配。【句意】这一次,美国政府立即出面支持保育员学校。29.【选项释义】A. regulating(用规则条例)约束,控制调节,控制(速度、压力、温度等) B. summoning 召唤,召集C. allocating 分配,拨出 D. transferring 转移【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】空格处后面跟的是$6,000,000,这表示“款额”,要用allocate搭配,表示“拨

22、款”,故C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合搭配。【句意】这次,美国政府立即支持保育员学校,于1942年7月拨款600万美元。30.【选项释义】A. expanded 扩张 B. facilitated 促进,使便利C. supplemented 增补,补充 D. compensated 补偿,赔偿【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上文提到“美国政府拨款600万美元给保育员学校”,这里说“各州和地方团体对联邦援助进行_”,可推测,州和地方团体与美国政府一样,在资金上支持保育员学校,所以这里空格处表示“补充”符合语义。因此,该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项表示领土或业务上的扩张;B

23、、D选项不符合句子语义。【句意】许多州和地方团体对联邦政府资助进行补充。31.【选项释义】A. by 通过 B. after 在之后C. of 的 D. for 对于,因为【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】由空格前的care可知,care for为常用搭配,表示“照顾”。因此,该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项不符合搭配;C选项常用于take care of(照顾),排除。【句意】到1945年8月战争结束时,超过10万名儿童在日托中心接受照顾。32.【选项释义】A. pensions 退休金,抚恤金 B. subsidies 补助金C. revenues 财政收入,税收收入 D. budge

24、ts 财政预算【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】前一句提到联邦政府对日托所给予了资金支持,所以空格处应该表示“联邦政府的资助金”,B项符合。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合语义。【句意】到1945年8月战争结束时,超过10万名儿童在接受联邦津贴的日托中心里受到照顾。33.【选项释义】A. prevalently 流行地,普遍地 B. furiously 狂暴地C. statistically 统计地 D. drastically 彻底地,激烈地【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】前一句还在说“联邦政府拨款600万美元,并且超过10万名儿童在接受联邦津贴的日托中心里受到照顾”,这一句却用到了so

25、on afterward(不久之后),随后讲到“联邦政府削减了这项支出”,可以推测,这次削减是大幅度的;D项符合这一描述,故选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合语义。【句意】不久之后,联邦政府大幅度地削减这项支出。34.【选项释义】A. abolished 彻底废除,摧毁 B. diminished 减少,缩小C. jeopardized 危害,使受危困 D. precluded 排除,妨碍【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】空格这一部分与前半部分相呼应,前半部分提到“联邦政府大幅度地削减对日托所的支出”,后面自然是“彻底废除”,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语义。【句意】联

26、邦政府大幅度地削减这项支出,并在后来将其废止。35.【选项释义】A. nurseries 托儿所 B. homes 家C. jobs 工作 D. children 孩子【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】由mother前面的定语employed(被雇佣的)可知,后面的leave跟的应该是job,表示“离开工作”。因此,C项符合句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合语义。【句意】然而,让大多数被雇佣的母亲离开她们的工作,这一愿望在战后只是部分地得到实现。3. 翻译题II. Translate the following passage into English on your ANSWER SHEET

27、. (10%)中国坚持走低消耗、低排放、高效益、高产出的新型工业化道路,是国际社会加强环境保护、应对气候变化、实现可持续发展努力的重要组成部分。我们期待得到包括东亚国家在内的国际社会的大力支持。中国将本着“共同但有区别的责任”原则,承担应有的国际责任和义务。【答案】China is striving to embark on a new path to industrialization that features low consumption of resources, low emissions, high efficiency and high output, and this is

28、an integral part of international efforts to protect the environment, address climate change and achieve sustainable development. We look forward to the strong support for our efforts from the international community, particularly our East Asian neighbors. China will shoulder its due international r

29、esponsibilities and obligations in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.4. 单选题Five score years ago, a great American, _ symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.问题1选项A.with hisB.by himC.in whoseD.of whom【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. with his 和他的 B. by

30、 him 通过他C. in whose 在谁的 D. of whom 谁的【考查点】非限制性定语从句的用法。【解题思路】由句子可知,主谓宾结构完整,所以中间部分是非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的a great American(一位伟大的美国人),所以空格处的引导词只能用who, whom或whose,而symbolic shadow(象征的影像)与a great American(一位伟大的美国人)是所属关系,所以只能用whose。因此,该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项不符合句子结构;D选项关系代词whom使用不正确。【句意】在一百年以前,有位伟大的美国人签署了奴隶解放宣言,而今天我们

31、正是立足于他所象征的影像下。5. 单选题Do you remember last summer, when furious travelers were pounding on Congress to do something about airline customer service? Airlines promised to improve, and they adopted new standards just before Christmas. But as another summer nears, plenty of experienced travelers dont see

32、much improvement in customer service overall.This month, the Department of Transportations (DOT) inspector generals office will issue its first critical article on whether airlines are honoring their promises. One survey suggests problems: The number of complaints to the DOT about the top 10 airline

33、s in the first quarter soared 89% from a year ago.Hit last summer by passenger complaints and the threat of consumer-protection laws by Congress, 14 carriers voluntarily agreed to adopt a set of basic customer-service standards called Customers First. From immediate refunds to truthful reservation a

34、gents to toilets that flush during onboard delays, the “12 commitments” to passengers were introduced as a major effort to improve service. Since then, airlines have been redesigning websites, retraining employees and upgrading technology.Recently, DOT inspector general Kenneth Mead, at McCains requ

35、est, sent 20 examiners to airports to document whether each airline is doing what it promised. Mead cautions travelers shouldnt expect too much. Most of the promises are aimed at better communication with customers, not problems free flights.“We think passengers, both business and leisure, perceive

36、travel as more of a quarrel these days,” spokeswoman Shelly Sasson says. “Some of this is perception, but a lot is reality.” “And when improvements are made, it takes a long time for them to be noticed”, she says.Now, the efforts may be working. During the first quarter, Delta had the second-lowest

37、rate of complaints among the top 10carriers. Still, its rate, along with other carriers, is up from last year. McCain and other lawmakers say new consumer protection laws arent out of the question if the industrys voluntary program doesnt work.56. The passage tells us that _.57. Which of the followi

38、ng is NOT mentioned in the passage?58. Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the sentence “Some of this is perception, but a lot is reality.” (Para. 5)?59. The author has written the last paragraph mainly to mean _.60. In paragraph 1, the phrase “pounding on” means “_”.问题1选项A.pa

39、ssenger complaints increase though airlines have taken steps to improve air serviceB.passenger complaints decrease for airlines have taken steps to improve air serviceC.air service has been improved greatly though it is hard to be noticed by passengersD.air service needs improving badly as the resul

40、ts of passenger complaints问题2选项A.Government has sent officials to check any improvement the air service airlines have made.B.Some people suggest passengers show more understanding to airlines about their efforts to better air service.C.To improve air service doesnt mean that there will no longer be

41、any deficiencies in air traveling.D.It is thought that passengers should be patient when they are waiting for any improvement made by airlines.问题3选项A.Some peoples complaints about air service are rather subjective, but most peoples are fairly objective.B.When people travel by air, they usually quarr

42、el, which is a fact passengers all see.C.Some people take a biased view on air service because they dont see facts.D.Most people saw facts, but a few people failed.问题4选项A.the rate of complaints is going up in all airlines in spite of the efforts they madeB.improvements some airlines have made are no

43、t effective, which leads to more complaintsC.there may be a need to pass laws to improve airline customers serviceD.some people are too aggressive when complaining about air service though airlines have made great efforts on it问题5选项A.striking atB.urgingC.attackingD.sounding with loud noises【答案】第1题:A

44、第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】56.【选项释义】56. The passage tells us that _. 56. 文章告诉我们_。A. passenger complaints increase though airlines have taken steps to improve air service A. 尽管航空公司已经采取措施改善航空服务,乘客的投诉仍在增加B. passenger complaints decrease for airlines have taken steps to improve air service B. 乘客投诉减少了,因为航空公

45、司已经采取措施改善航空服务C. air service has been improved greatly though it is hard to be noticed by passengers C. 航空服务已经有了很大的改善,尽管它很难被乘客注意到D. air service needs improving badly as the results of passenger complaints D. 由于乘客投诉的结果,航空服务急需改善【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先,文章前两段先讲述旅客对航空公司的客户服务的态度,以及不断上升的投诉率;然后中间部分是对航空公司所做的一些努力的

46、描述,最后总结,虽然航空公司做出了很多努力,但是某些航空公司的投诉率仍然在上升,乘客总是将旅行视为一场争吵。综合理解,文章想要告诉读者的是,虽然航空公司做出了努力,但是乘客的投诉仍然在上升。该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“乘客投诉减少了,因为航空公司已经采取措施改善航空服务”与原文相反,反向干扰;C选项“航空服务已经有了很大的改善,尽管它很难被乘客注意到”表述不全面,以偏概全;D选项“由于乘客投诉的结果,航空服务急需改善”也与原文相反,反向干扰。57.【选项释义】57. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? 57

47、. 下面哪个选项没有在文章中提到?A. Government has sent officials to check any improvement the air service airlines have made. A. 政府已经派出官员去检查航空公司的航空服务是否有所改善。B. Some people suggest passengers show more understanding to airlines about their efforts to better air service. B. 一些人建议乘客对航空公司改善航空服务的努力表现出更多的理解。C. To improve

48、 air service doesnt mean that there will no longer be any deficiencies in air traveling. C. 改善航空服务并不意味着航空旅行将不再有任何缺陷。D. It is thought that passengers should be patient when they are waiting for any improvement made by airlines. D. 人们认为,乘客在等待航空公司做出任何改进时应该有耐心。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】D选项“人们认为,乘客在等待航空公司做出任何改进时应


50、努力表现出更多的理解”符合原文;C选项定位至第四段最后两句“米德提醒游客不要期望太多。航空公司的大多数承诺都是为了更好地与客户沟通,而不是为了解决免费航班的问题。”,理解可知,航空公司对客户服务进行了改善,但是这不代表会令每个客户满意,C项“改善航空服务并不意味着航空旅行将不再有任何缺陷”符合原文。58.【选项释义】58. Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the sentence “Some of this is perception, but a lot is reality.” (Para. 5)? 58

51、. 下面哪个陈述的意思最接近第五段中的这句话:“有些是看法,但很多是现实”?A. Some peoples complaints about air service are rather subjective, but most peoples are fairly objective. A. 有些人对航空服务的抱怨比较主观,但大多数人是比较客观的。B. When people travel by air, they usually quarrel, which is a fact passengers all see. B. 当人们乘飞机旅行时,他们经常吵架,这是乘客们都能看到的事实。C.

52、Some people take a biased view on air service because they dont see facts. C. 有些人对航空服务有偏见,因为他们看不到事实。D. Most people saw facts, but a few people failed. D. 大多数人看到了事实,但少数人没看到。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至倒数第二段“发言人雪莱萨松说:我们认为,无论是商务旅客还是休闲旅客,如今都将旅行视为一场争吵,其中一些是人们的看法,但很多都是现实。(Some of this is perception, but a lot

53、 is reality)”,从中可知,旅客经常将旅行视为一场争吵,即经常对航空公司表示出抱怨,而后面提到一些是人们的看法,但大部分是现实,其中perception本身就是“感觉、感知”的意思;综合理解,可以推断,Some of this is perception, but a lot is reality这句话的意思是说“有些人对航空公司的抱怨是主观上的,但大部分还是很客观”,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“当人们乘飞机旅行时,他们经常吵架,这是乘客们都能看到的事实”、C选项“有些人对航空服务有偏见,因为他们看不到事实”和D选项“大多数人看到了事实,但少数人没看到”理解错误,曲解原文。59.

54、【选项释义】59. The author has written the last paragraph mainly to mean _. 59. 作者写的最后一段主要是想表达_。A. the rate of complaints is going up in all airlines in spite of the efforts they made A. 尽管所有航空公司都做出了努力,但他们的投诉率仍在上升B. improvements some airlines have made are not effective, which leads to more complaints B.

55、一些航空公司所做的改进并不有效,这导致了更多的抱怨C. there may be a need to pass laws to improve airline customers service C. 或许有必要通过法律来改善航空公司客户的服务D. some people are too aggressive when complaining about air service though airlines have made great efforts on it D. 有些人在抱怨航空服务时过于咄咄逼人,尽管航空公司已经做出了很大的努力【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】定位至文章最后一段

56、,最后一句提到“如果行业的自愿项目不起作用,新的消费者保护法也不是不可能(new consumer protection laws arent out of the question)”,理解可知,最后一句表达的意思是“如果航空公司所做的一些努力没有用的话,旅客或许可以选择法律来保障自己的权益”,C项符合这一描述。因此,该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A选项“尽管所有航空公司都做出了努力,但他们的投诉率仍在上升”定位最后一段中间两句“在第一季度,达美航空的投诉率在十大航空公司中排名第二。尽管如此,与其他航空公司相比,它的投诉率仍有所提高。”,从中我们得知,不是所有的航空公司的投诉率仍在上升,所以该

57、项曲解原文;B选项“一些航空公司所做的改进并不有效,这导致了更多的抱怨”中的some airlines(一些航空公司)同样曲解原文;D选项“有些人在抱怨航空服务时过于咄咄逼人,尽管航空公司已经做出了很大的努力”,文中并没有提到有人在抱怨时咄咄逼人,最后一段只是提及投诉率仍有所上升,该项属于无中生有。60.【选项释义】60. In paragraph 1, the phrase “pounding on” means” _”. 60. 在第一段中,词组“pounding on”的意思是“_”。A. striking at A. 袭击,攻击B. urging B. 力促,竭力主张C. attack

58、ing C. 攻击,抨击D. sounding with loud noises D. 发出很大的声音【考查点】词义推测题。【解题思路】首先,定位至文章第一句“你还记得去年夏天,愤怒的旅客(furious travelers)pounding on国会对航空公司的客户服务采取措施吗(to do something)?”,从furious可以看出,旅客的情绪特别强烈;后面提到to do something可推测,旅客要求国会对航空公司采取一些行动,综合理解可知,pounding on指的是“强烈要求”,故B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“袭击,攻击”、C选项“攻击,抨击”和D选项“发出很大的声音”

59、理解错误,曲解原文。6. 单选题During the initial stages of instructed L2 acquisition students learn a couple thousand, mainly high frequency words. Functional language proficiency, however, requires mastery of a considerably larger number of words. It is therefore necessary at the intermediate and advanced stages

60、 of language acquisition to learn a large vocabulary in a short period of time. There is not enough time to copy the natural (largely incidental) L1 word acquisition process. Incidental acquisition of the words is only possible up to a point, because, on account of their low frequency, they do not o

61、ccur often enough in the L2 learning material.Acquisition of new words from authentic L2 reading texts by means of strategies such as contextual deduction is also not a solution for a number of reasons. There appears to be no alternative to intentional learning of a great many new words in a relativ

62、ely short period of time. The words to be learned may be presented in isolation or in context. Presentation in bilingual word lists seems an attractive shortcut because it takes less time than contextual presentation and yields excellent short term results. Long term retention, however, is often disappointing so co

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