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1、2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题When such turbulence occurs in the attractor fields of consciousness, it creates an emotional upset that continues until a new level of ( ) is established.问题1选项A.equilateralB.equilibriumC.equivocationD.equivalence【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析和语法。根据空格前的介词of,可知其后填入名词作宾语,选项A

2、可排除。equilibrium “均衡”;equivocation “模棱两可的话”;equivalence “相等”。句意:当这样的动荡发生在意识的引力场时,会造成情绪上的不安,一直会持续直到新的平衡建立起来。选项B符合题意。2. 翻译题It is also clear from his account who is responsible for misrepresenting this threat: the media and politicians. Thoughout this work, he scolds both. Politicians, we are told, “amp

3、lify the threat for their own political gains and mislead the public into misunderstanding terrorism and prefer appearing tough on terrorism to effectively combating it at home”. He argues that media reporting is significantly flawed and hysterical and suggests that the media and politicians seldom

4、pass up any opportunity to manipulate and sensationalize news events. The combination of these two factors is a great inflation of the terrorist theat in the United States, resulting in popular hysteria. The focus on the threat to the West is understandable in some waysit is the threat to ones own s

5、tate that the media and politicians are concerned with and attempt to mitigate.【答案】【参考译文】从他的描述中也可以清楚地看出,是谁歪曲了这一威胁:媒体和政客。在这篇文章中,他斥责了两者。他说,政客们为了自己的政治利益而放大威胁,误导公众对恐怖主义产生误解,比起在国内有效打击恐怖主义,他们更愿(仅仅)表现出一副强硬态度。他认为媒体报道有明显的缺陷且很滑稽,并暗示媒体和政客很少错过任何操纵和渲染新闻事件的机会。这两个因素结合在一起大大地夸大了美国的恐怖主义威胁,导致了大众的谈虎色变。对西方的威胁的关注度在某种程度上是

6、可以理解的媒体和政客们关注并试图减轻的是对自己国家的威胁。3. 翻译题The freedom of art is more than an ideal. If, despite the small chance of success, the profession of artist is so popular, it is because it offers the prospect of a labor that is apparently free of narrow specialization, allowing artists, like heroes in the movies,

7、 to endow work and life with their own meanings. Equally for the viewers of art, there is a corresponding freedom in appreciating the purposeless play of ideas and forms, not in slavishly attempting to divine artists intentions, but in allowing the work to elicit thoughts and sensations that connect

8、 with their own experiences. The wealthy buy themselves participation in this free zone through ownership and patronage, and they are buying something genuinely valuable; the state ensures that a wider public has at least the opportunity to breathe for a while the scent of freedom that works of art

9、emit.Yet there are reasons to wonder whether free trade and free art are as antithetical as they seem. Firstly, the economy of art closely reflects the economy of finance capital. In a recent analysis of the meaning of cultural dominance, Donald Sassoon explored patterns of import and export of nove

10、ls, opera, and films in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Culturally dominant states have abundant local production that meets the demands of their home markets, importing little and successfully exporting much. In the nineteenth century, France and Britain were the dominant literary powers. T

11、he US is now by far the most dominant cultural state, exporting its products globally while importing very little.As Sassoon points out, this does not mean that everyone consumes American culture, just that most of the culture that circulates across national boundaries is American.Sassoon rules fine

12、 art out of his account on the sensible grounds that it has no mass market. It is hard to read trade figures for signs of cultural dominance in a system that is thoroughly cosmopolitan, so that you have a German collector buying through a British dealer the work of a Chinese artist resident in the U

13、S. We can, however, get an idea of the volume of trade in each nation, and, given the high proportion of international trade in the art market, this does give an indication of global hegemony. Here there are striking parallels with the distribution of financial power. It is hardly surprising that th

14、e US is dominant, accounting for a little less than a half of all global art sales; Europe accounts for much of the rest, with the UK taking as its share around a half of that.【答案】艺术的自由不仅仅是一种理想。尽管成功的几率很小,艺术家这个行业很受欢迎,这是因为它提供了一种劳动前景,这显然摆脱了专业狭隘化的限制,让艺术家像电影里的英雄一样,赋予自己工作和生活的意义。同样地,对于艺术欣赏者来说,在欣赏无目的的艺术思想和形


16、国商人那里买到了一位华裔艺术家的作品。然而,了解每个国家文化产品的贸易量,鉴于一个国家艺术产品在整个艺术市场所占的比例,可以判断出这个国家的文化艺术品是否处于国际领导地位。下面是一些有关于金融大国比例分配惊人的相似点。4. 单选题Budget forecasts are the ultimate lesson in taking things ( )in hindsight, most forecasts look worse than random guesses.问题1选项A.with a stroke of the penB.with a whip of scorpionsC.with

17、a grain of saltD.with all due submission【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。with a stroke of the pen “一笔一划”;with a whip of scorpions “用残酷的高压手段”;with a grain of salt “持怀疑态度,有保留”;with all due submission “必恭必敬的”。句意:预算预估对事情的猜测持保留态度,大多数预测看起来比随机猜测更糟。选项C符合题意。5. 翻译题I am grateful for the invitation to participate in this importan

18、t conference, and I interpret it as evidence that students of creativity themselves possess the sensitivity to divergent approaches that they seek to identify in others. But I am not altogether sanguine about the outcome of your experiment with me. As most of you already know, I am no psychologist,

19、but rather an ex-physicist now working in the history of science. Probably my concern is no less with creativity than your own, but my goals, my techniques, and my sources of evidence are so very different from yours that I am far from sure how much we do, or even should, have to say to each other.

20、These reservations imply no apology; rather they hint at my central thesis. In the sciences, as I shall suggest below, it is often better to do ones best with the tools at hand than to pause for contemplation of divergent approaches.If a person of my background and interests has anything relevant to

21、 suggest to this conference, it will not be about your central concerns, the creative personality and its early identification. But implicit in the numerous working papers distributed to participants in this conference is an image of the scientific process and of the scientist; that image almost cer

22、tainly conditions many of the experiments you try as well as the conclusions you draw; and about it the historian may well have something to say. I shall restrict my attention to one aspect of this image-an aspect epitomized as follows in one of the working papers: The basic scientist “must lack pre

23、judice to a degree where he can look at the most self-evident facts or concepts without necessarily accepting them, and, conversely, allow his imagination to play with the most unlikely possibilities”. In the more technical language supplied by other working papers, this aspect of the image recurs a

24、s an emphasis upon “divergent thinking, the freedom to go off in different directions,. rejecting the old solution and striking out in some new direction.”I do not at all doubt that this description of “divergent thinking” and the concomitant search for those able to do it are entirely proper. Some

25、divergence characterizes all scientific work, and gigantic divergences lie at the core of the most significant episodes in scientific development. But both my own experience in scientific research and my reading of the history of sciences lead me to wonder whether flexibility and open-mindedness hav

26、e not been too exclusively emphasized as the characteristics requisite for basic research.【答案】 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 正如你们大多数人已经知道的那样,我不是心理学家,而是现在从事科学历史工作的一位前物理学家。也许我对创造力的关心程度不比你们少,但是我的目标、技巧和证据来源与你的有很大的不同,以至于不确定我们要做多少,或者应该对彼此说多少。这些保留并不意味着一种辩护,相反它们暗示了我的中心论点。在科学领域,正如以下

27、我暗示到的,与其停下来去沉思不同的方法,不如好好利用手头的工具。我将把我的注意力集中于这个形象的一个方面,我在论文中将这个方面进行了概括:基础科学家“一定要没有偏见,达到一种能查看不言自明的事物或概念的程度,并且没有必要接受它们,相反地,允许自己的想象力发挥到最不可能的可能。”我对 “发散思维”的描述一点都不觉得怀疑,对那些能够进行发散思维的人伴随进行的搜寻是完全恰当的。所有的科学工作者都存在分歧,并且巨大的分歧在科学发展中存在于意义最为深重的核心中。但是通过我自己的科学研究经历和对科学史的阅读,我怀疑灵活性和无偏见是否被专有地强调成为基础研究的必要特征。6. 单选题As recently a

28、s late last year, ( )reports circulating among US and other international officials cited numerous Greek security flaws during counter-terrorism exercises conducted last August.问题1选项A.conspicuousB.confidentialC.complimentaryD.confident【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。conspicuous “显著的”;confidential “秘密的,机密的”;complim

29、entary “称赞的,赠送的”;confident “自信的,确 信的”。句意:在去年年底,在美国和其他国家官员传播的机密报告引用了希腊在去年8月份的反恐演习中出现了许多安全漏洞。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题Because of all the attention we are giving to our big ideas, we may start to( ) some of the other things in life that are important.问题1选项A.lose touch withB.get in touch withC.lose our touch withD

30、.keep in touch with【答案】A【解析】固定搭配。lose touch with “与.失去联系(或接触)”;get in touch with “与.联系”; keep in touch with “与.保持联系”;没有搭配lose our touch with,选项C排除。句意:由于我们所有的注意力都集中在我们的“大想法”上,所以我们开始很难接触到生活中其他重要的事情。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题The strategy has been to abolish national protectionism in the sales of terminal equipment

31、, to ( )one set of technical standards throughout the EC, and to open public purchasing of equipment to pan-European tender.问题1选项A.lay outB.lay downC.lay offD.lay up【答案】B【解析】词组辨析。lay out “展示,安排”;lay down“制定,放下”;lay off“解雇,休息,停止工作;lay up “储存”。句意:该战略一直是废除终端设备销售方面的国家保护主义,制定一套贯穿欧共体的技术标准,并向泛欧洲地区公开采购设备。选项

32、B符合题意。9. 单选题For some leaders in the tea party movement, the ongoing skirmish over whether presidential contender Mitt Romney should speak at a Tea Party Express rally in New Hampshire on Monday is ( )but an ( ) quarrel.问题1选项A.anything internecineB.something interestingC.anything intermediaryD.someth

33、ing interagency【答案】A【解析】固定搭配和形容词词义辨析。根据固定搭配“anything but”,选项B和D可排除。internecine “两败俱伤的”; interagency “跨部门的”。句意:关于总统候选人Mitt Romney周一是否应该在新罕布什尔州的茶党集会上发表讲话的争论,绝对不是一场两败俱伤的争吵。选项A符合题意。10. 单选题Development programs initiated in the tribal-dominated areas often adversely affected the tribal way of life and eco

34、nomy, which was frequently followed by the ( ) on traditional tribal areas or land by non-tribals.问题1选项A.encroachmentB.expansionC.enormityD.elevation【答案】A【解析】名词词义辨析。encroachment “入侵”;expansion “膨胀”;enormity “暴行”;elevation “提升,海拔”。句意:在部落占主导地位的地区开展的发展项目往往对部落的生活方式和经济产生不利影响,并且通常伴随着部落传统领地经常被其他外来种族入侵。选项A符

35、合题意。11. 单选题The method of science does not seek to impose the desires and hopes of men upon the flux of things in a capricious manner. It may indeed be employed to satisfy the desires of men. But its successful use depends upon seeking, in a deliberate manner, and irrespective of what mens desires ar

36、e, to recognize, as well as to take advantage of, the structure which the flux possesses.Consequently, scientific method aims to discover what the facts truly are, and the use of the method must be guided by the discovered facts. But, as we have repeatedly pointed out, what the facts are cannot be d

37、iscovered without reflection. Knowledge of the facts cannot be equated to the brute immediacy of our sensations. When our skin comes into contact with objects having high temperatures or with liquid air, the immediate experiences may be similar. We cannot, however, conclude without error that the te

38、mperatures of the substances touched are the same. Sensory experience sets the problem of knowledge, just because such experience is immediate and finally it must become informed by reflective analysis before knowledge can be said to take place.Every inquiry arises from some felt problem, so that no

39、 inquiry can even get under way unless some selection or sifting of the subject matter has taken place. Such selection requires, we have been urging all along, some hypothesis, preconception, prejudice, which guides the research as well as delimits the subject matter of inquiry. Every inquiry is spe

40、cific in the sense that it has a definite problem to solve, and such solution terminates the inquiry. It is idle to collect “facts unless there is a problem upon which they are supposed to bear.The ability to formulate problems whose solution may also help solve other problems is a rare gift, requir

41、ing extraordinary genius. The problems which meet us in daily life can be solved, if they can be solved at all, by the application of scientific method. But such problems do not, as a rule, raise far-reaching issues. The most striking applications of scientific method are to be found in the various

42、natural and social sciences.The “facts” for which every inquiry reaches out are propositions for whose truth there is considerable evidence. Consequently what the “facts” are must be determined by inquiry, and cannot be determined antecedently to inquiry. Moreover, what we believe to be the facts cl

43、early depends upon the stage of our inquiry. There is therefore no sharp line dividing facts from guesses or hypotheses. During any inquiry the status of a proposition may change from that of hypothesis to that of fact, or from that of fact to that of hypothesis. Every so-called fact, therefore, may

44、 be challenged for the evidence upon which it is asserted to be a fact, even though no such challenge is actually made.1.The best title for this passage might be ( ).2.The phrase “irrespective of” in the passage is closest in meaning to ( ).3.The author mentioned “When our skinbe similar” in order t

45、o show that ( ).4.Which of the following statements can best paraphrase the last sentence “It is idle, to bear” in Paragraph 3?5.All of the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT that ( ).问题1选项A.Hypotheses and Scientific MethodB.Evidence and Scientific MethodC.Facts and Scientific MethodD.System in th

46、e Ideal of Science问题2选项A.regardless ofB.irrelevant toC.regardingD.as regards问题3选项A.the discovery of true facts could not occur without theoretical analysisB.all immediate experiences are important for scientific methodC.the facts are based on the immediate experiencesD.knowledge of the facts cannot

47、take place without our sensations问题4选项A.Facts can be effectively collected before we can feel some problem bearing on them.B.Collecting facts should rely on some hypotheses.C.There is no use in collecting facts if there is no possibility of formulating a problem based on them.D.It is worthy to colle

48、ct facts if there is no problem to which they are probably related.问题5选项A.without careful thoughts we cannot discover the real factsB.facts would not appear if there were no theoretical analysis and interpretationC.it is not difficult for people to distinguish the facts from guessesD.it is tough for

49、 people to formulate problems that may lead to scientific inquiry【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨题。根据文章第二段,“scientific method aims to discover what the facts truly are, and the use of the method must be guided by the discovered facts.”,可知科学方法的目的是发现事实的真相,方法的使用必须以发现的事实为指导。概述了了科学方法和事实之间的关系。后面的文段对这

50、个话题进行了详细讨论和阐述。所以本文的主题就是事实和科学方法。详细C符合题意。2.词义理解题。根据文章第一段,“But its successful use depends upon seeking, in a deliberate manner, and irrespective of what mens desires are, to recognize, as well as to take advantage of, the structure which the flux possesses.”,可知科学方法的成功使用取决于以深思熟虑的方式,且不在考虑人的欲望的情况下,去识别和利用变

51、迁的结构。所以人们的欲望是不被考虑的。regardless of意思是不管,不顾。选项A符合题意。3.推断题。根据文章第二段,“Knowledge of the facts cannot be equated to the brute immediacy of our sensations.”,可知对事实的理解不能等同于我们感觉的无理的直接性。再根据第二段最后一句,“Sensory experience sets the problem of knowledge, just because such experience is immediate and finally it must bec

52、ome informed by reflective analysis before knowledge can be said to take place.”,可知感觉经验产生了知识问题,因为这种经验是直接的,最后它必须通过反思分析才能促使知识的产生。所以作者用皮肤接触高温物体和液态空气的例子来说明没有理论分析就不能发现事实的道理。选项A符合题意。4.推断题。根据文章第三段,“It is idle to collect “facts unless there is a problem upon which they are supposed to bear.”,可知收集“事实”是徒劳的,如果

53、它们没有承载特定的需要被研究的问题。可推断出如果没有可能在收集事实的基础上提出问题,那么收集事实就没有任何用处。选项C符合题意。5.推断题。根据文章第二段,“what the facts are cannot be discovered without reflection.”,可推断出没有反思就不可能发现事实,选项A可排除。根据文章第二段,“because such experience is immediate and finally it must become informed by reflective analysis before knowledge can be said to

54、 take place.”,可推断出因为这样的经验是直接的,最后必须通过反思分析来获得知识。选项B可排除。根据文章第四段,“The ability to formulate problems whose solution may also help solve other problems is a rare gift, requiring extraordinary genius.”,可知解决问题的能力可能也有助于解决其他问题,这需要非凡的天赋。可推断出人们很难提出科学可探究的问题。选项D可排除。根据文章最后一段,“There is therefore no sharp line divid

55、ing facts from guesses or hypotheses.”,可知事实与猜测或假设之间没有明显的界限。可推断出人们很难区分事实与猜测,选项C与原文不符,选项C符合题意。12. 单选题The new media law that has sparked a furor in the country requires all broadcast and digital media to provide “balanced coverage” and is seen by critics as an attempt to ( )the press.问题1选项A.muzzleB.und

56、erpinC.sidestepD.reassure【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。muzzle “使缄默,封锁.的言论”;underpin “巩固,支持”;sidestep “回避”;reassure “使安心”。句意:在全国引起了轩然大波的新媒体法,要求所有广播和数字媒体提供均衡的报道,被评论家认为有可能带来言论受限等结果。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题The term folk custom is very broad, but it has been used by folklorists to refer to those shared patterns of behaviors in

57、 a particular folk group. Those patterns of behaviors are regarded as the traditional and established ways of members of the particular folk group. Folk custom is transmitted by Word of mouth, demonstration or imitation. The folklore and folk customs of England are rich and varied. Many customs are

58、ancient, and passed down generation after generation from our Germanic and Celtic ancestors. Others are more modem creations.One of the greatest problems in assessing most accounts of folk customs is that they tend to give only the antiquarys point of view. After all, to most observers, the people t

59、hey were looking at were simple and illiterate, unmindful of the true significance of the customs they had preserved. Why question them at length if they didnt understand the essential nature of what they were doing? So a folklorist is likely to emphasize aspects of a tradition which reflect his or

60、her own interests or which fit in with preconceived ideas, while possibly ignoring or giving only passing mention to aspects which may, in fact, be of equal importance.One aspect which generally gets left out of accounts is the viewpoint of the participants themselves: for instance, why they indulge

61、 in a particular activity at a particular time of year or of their lives and what feelings they experience while doing so. And now, ideas deriving from folklore studies ate so -widespread that they may easily have become an integral part of the attitude of the participants in a custom. So the folklo

62、rist is rather like a man staring at a scene in a mirror who must be aware, to fully understand that scene, that his own reflection is a major part of what he is looking at.It is, however, also true to say that many contemporary students of folklore arc fully aware of the problems which beset their

63、enquiries. Like true scientists they draw their conclusions by looking at available evidence, rather-than selecting evidence which fits in with existing theories. Some have also looked away from the obviously ancient and turned their attention to folklore where it thrives, in the social life of modern cities, in industry and sport, etc. They may, for example, end up looking at the lore of the motor car, or of popular music, and at customs which, though they have

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