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1、Vocabulary 22000刘毅Skill 技能Young Ben Franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to his half brother James.小班富兰克林借着到他同父异母的哥哥那里当学徒,而学会了印刷手艺.apprentice/ prents; prnts/ n person who has agreed to work for a skilled employer for a fixed period in return for being taught his trade or c

2、raft 学徒; 徒弟: attrib 作定语 an apprentice plumber 见习铅管工人. beginner or novice 生手; 新手.apprentice v esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr sb make sb work as an apprentice 使某人给某人当学徒.apprenticeshipn being an apprentice 学徒身分的期限: serve an/ones apprenticeship with a carpenter 跟木匠当学徒.Eric is clumsy with tools; he has l

3、ittle mechanical aptitude. 埃克里不擅长使用工具;他没什么机械方面的才能.clumsy/ klmz; klmz/ adj awkward and ungraceful in movement or shape 行动或形状笨拙而难看的: You clumsy oaf thats the second glass youve broken today! 你这个笨家伙-这是你今天打碎的第二个玻璃杯! difficult to use or move; not well designed 指工具 家具等难用的, 难移动的; 设计欠佳的: a clumsy sideboard,

4、 pair of scissors 不好用的碗柜 剪刀 * Its not easy walking in these clumsy shoes. 穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受. done without tact or skill 无策略的; 无技巧的: a clumsy apology, reply, speech, etc 生硬的道歉 回答 讲话等 * a clumsy forgery, ie one that is easy to detect 粗劣的伪造品容易识破的. clumsily adv. clumsiness n U.aptitude/ pttjud; US -tud; ptt

5、ud/ n U, C natural ability or skill 天生的才能或技巧; 天资; 天赋: Does she show any aptitude for games? 能看得出她有体育方面的天赋吗? * He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing. 他有失言的倒霉本事.# aptitude test test to find if sb is suitable for a particular type of work or course of training 能力倾向测验, 性向测验用以确定某人是否适宜

6、从事某种工作或参加某种训练课程. To build a house, you need the services of carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, and several other craftsmen. 要盖一间房子,你必须请木匠,泥水匠,水管工人,电工,还有许多其他专门的技工.craftsman/ krftsmn; US krfts-; krftsmn/ n skilled workman, esp one who makes things by hand 匠人; 能工巧匠尤指手艺人. person who attend

7、s carefully to the details of a creative task 对创作刻意求工的人: In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. 他在交响乐曲的创作上堪称技艺大师. craftsmanship n U 1 skilled workmanship 技艺; 手艺. 2 careful attention to details, etc 精工细作; 刻意求工.You cant expect an apprentice to have the same dexterity as a master craftsman.你不

8、能期望一个学徒做得象卓越的技工一样灵活.dexterity/ dekstert; dkstrt/ n U skill, esp in using ones hands 技巧, 灵巧尤指用手的; 灵活的手法: A juggler needs great dexterity. 玩杂耍的人要有非常灵巧的手. * The negotiations will call for considerable dexterity. 进行这些谈判需要相当圆滑的手腕.Our adroit passing enabled us to score four touchdowns. 我们熟练的传球,使我们能得到四个触地球

9、的分数.adroit/ drt; drt/ adj skilful; clever 熟练的; 机敏的; 灵巧的: the ministers adroit handling of the crisis 部长应付难关的巧妙手段 * He soon became adroit at steering the boat. 他很快就熟练掌握了驾船技术. adroitly advadroitness n U.Jack is an ambidextrous hitter;he can bat right-handed or left-handed.杰克是一位双手都很灵巧的打击手,他可以用右手或左手打击.a

10、mbidextrous/ mbdekstrs; mbdkstrs/ adj able to use the left hand or the right hand equally well 左右手都很灵巧的, 两手俱利的, 怀有二心的Leonardo da Vinci was remarkably versatile.He was a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer and scientist. 李奥拿多达芬奇出名的多才多艺,他是画家雕刻家,建筑师,音乐家,工程师,也是一位科学家.versatile/ vstal; US -tl

11、; vstl/ adj turning easily or readily from one subject, skill or occupation to another 有多种学问 技能或职业的; 多才多艺的: a versatile cook, writer, athlete 多才多艺的厨师 作家 运动员 * a versatile mind 多面手. having various uses 指工具 机器等多用途的, 多功能的: a versatile drill, truck, etc 万用钻 多用途卡车.versatilityPoverty 贫穷By hard work, many

12、Americans have raised themselves from indigence to wealth. 许多美国人借着辛勤的工作,从贫困擢升为富裕.indigence nddnsn. 贫乏; 穷困Housewives can economize by buying their milk in gallon containers.家庭主妇可以购买加仑装的牛奶而节省开支.economize, economise1/ knmaz; knmaz/ v I, Ipr save ; spend less than before; be economical 节省金钱 时间 资源等; 紧缩开支

13、; 节俭; 节约: Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize. 我们的电费已经高得付不起了-得节省些了. * economize on petrol 节省汽油.The increase in dues is only 10 cents. It will not impoverish any member.会费只会增十分钱,不会使任何会员变穷的.impoverish/ mpvr; mpvr/ v Tn make poor 使某人贫困: an elderly impoverished

14、 writer 穷困的老作家. make poorer or worse in quality 使某物贫瘠或恶化, 使枯竭: Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil. 这土地因遭暴雨侵蚀与使用过度已贫瘠不堪. * Our lives would have been greatly impoverished if we had not known our dear friend. 若不是得识我们这位好朋友, 我们的生活一定十分不妙. impoverishment n U.The severe earthquake kille

15、d hundreds of people and left thousands destitute.强烈的地震使数百人罹难,留下数千人穷困无依.destitute/ desttjut; US -tut; dsttut/ adj without money, food, etc and other things necessary for life; impoverished 穷困的; 贫穷的; 穷苦的: When he died, his family was left destitute. 他死後家人衣食无着. pred 作表语 of sth lacking sth 缺少某事物: offic

16、ials who are destitute of ordinary human feelings 毫无感情的官员.destitution / desttjun; US -tun; dsttun/ n U being destitute 匮乏; 穷困: live in plete destitution 生活一贫如洗.The old man had nothing to eat but bread and cheese;yet he offered to share this frugal meal with his visitor. 那个老人只有干酪面包可吃,但是他把自己的不大足够的食物与访

17、客共享.frugal/ frugl; frul/ adj careful and thrifty, esp with money and food 节约的, 节俭的, 节省的尤指对金钱和食物: a frugal housekeeper 节俭的管家. of life in which such care is shown 生活俭朴的: They lived a very frugal existence, avoiding all luxuries. 他们生活非常俭朴, 力避奢华. costing little; small in quantity 花费少的; 省钱的; 小量的: a fruga

18、l meal of bread andcheese 只有面包和奶酪的便餐. frugalityn U. frugallyadv An allowance of $200 a week for lunches and fares isnt much, but you can get by on it if you are frugal.一星期二百元的午餐与车费津不算多,但是如果你节省一点还是可以过得去的.Wealth财富People who suffer from avarice spend much less and save much more than they should.那些贪心的人

19、们,花的比他们应花的少,而省的比他们应省的多.avarice/ vrs; vrs/ n U greed for wealth or gain 贪婪; 贪心: Avarice makes rich people want to bee even richer. 贪婪使富人想要更富. avaricious /adj. avariciously adv.With his wifes dowry, the young attorney was able to open a law office. 这年轻的律师靠他太太的嫁妆,开了一家律师事务所.dowry/ daur; dar/ n C, U prop

20、erty or money brought by a bride to her husband 嫁妆; 嫁奁; 妆奁.attorney/ tn; tn/ n person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters 业务或法律事务上的代理人: power of attorney, ie authority to act as attorney 代理权 * a letter of attorney, ie one giving sb this authority 授权书. lawyer, esp one qualified

21、to act for clients in court 律师尤指有资格代表当事人出庭者: a district attorney, ie the public prosecutor for a particular region 地方检查官.# At, torney-General n chief legal officer, appointed by the Government 某些国家的司法部长.To own an expensive home, a yacht, and a limousine, you have to be a man of means.要拥有一幢昂贵的房子,一艘游艇

22、和一部豪华轿车,你得很有钱.limousine/ lmzin, lmzin; lmzin, lmzin/ n large luxurious car, esp with a glass partition separating driver and passengers 豪华轿车尤指有玻璃将司机座位隔开的. ; 小型巴士; 大轿车means2/ minz; minz/ n pl money; wealth; resources 金钱; 财富; 财源: a man of means, ie a wealthy man 富有的男子 * She lacks the means to support

23、a large family. 她无钱养活一个大家庭. * A person of your means can afford it. 像你这样有钱的人才买得起. Dickens contrasts the opulence of Frances nobility with the indigence of her peasants.狄更斯比较法兰西贵族的富裕与其农民的贫穷.opulent/ pjulnt; pjlnt/ adj having or showing signs of great wealth 富裕的; 富有的; ?气的: opulent furnishings 华丽的陈设 *

24、an opulent suburb 富裕的市郊 * opulent tastes in cars 对汽车豪华装饰的讲究. abundant 丰富的; 大量的: opulent vegetation 茂盛的草木. opulence / -lns; -lns/ n U. opulently adv: opulently furnished rooms 陈设豪华的房间.indigent/ nddnt; nddnt/ adj poor 贫穷的. indigence / -ns; -ns/ n U poverty 贫穷.Peter coveted his neighbors farm but could

25、 not get her to sell it.彼得贪图邻居的田,但却没办法使她卖掉这块田.covet/ kvt; kvt/ v Tn want very much to possess 贪求尤指别人的东西; 觊觎: covet sbs position, status, possessions, rewards 觊觎某人的职位 地位 财产 报酬 * this years winner of the coveted Nobel Prize, ie which everyone would like to win 许多人梦寐以求的诺贝尔奖之本年度获得者. covetous adj having

26、or showing a strong desire to possess 贪求尤指别人的东西的: covetous of his high salary 觊觎他的高薪的 * a covetous look, glance, etc 贪婪的眼色 一瞥等. covetously adv. covetousnessn U.If your brother paid $400 for that car, he was fleeced.the mechanic says it is worth $150.如果你弟弟化四百美元买那部车,那他就被骗了,技工说那部车只值一百五十美元.fleece/ flis;

27、 flis/ n C woolly hair of a sheep or similar animal 绵羊之类动物的毛: These sheep have fine thick fleeces. 这些绵羊的毛又细又厚. amount of wool cut from a single sheep at one time 从一只羊身上一次剪得的全部羊毛. U type of fabric with a texture like fleece 像羊毛的纤维: My warmest coat is lined with fleece. 我那件最暖的大衣衬有绒毛里子. fleece v 1 Tn,

28、Tn.pr sb take from sb, esp by overcharging or tricking him 诈取某人巨款; 尤指敲竹杠: Some local shops are really fleecing the holiday-makers . 本地的一些商店简直是敲诈来度假的人的钱. 2 Tn cut or shear the fleece from 剪羊毛.fleecy adj woolly and fluffy 像羊毛的: fleecy clouds 羊毛状的云彩.Tom had a reputation as a miser who hoarded every pen

29、ny he could get his hands on.汤姆将能得到手的每一分钱都贮藏起来,所以有守财奴之称.miser/ maz; maz/ n person who loves wealth for its own sake and spends as little as possible 守财奴; 吝啬鬼: Why dont you buy me a drink for a change, you old miser! 你就不能也请我喝一杯, 你这老财迷! miserly adj like a miser; mean or selfish 似守财奴的; 吝啬的; 自私的: miserl

30、y habits 吝啬的习性. barely adequate; meagre 贫乏的; 不足的: a miserly allowance, share, portion, etc 少得可怜的津贴 一份 一部分等. miserliness n U.hoard/ hd; hrd/ n carefully collected and guarded store of money, food or other treasured objects 钱财 食物或其他珍贵物品的储藏, 积存: a misers hoard 守财奴储藏的财宝 * a squirrels hoard of nuts 松鼠储藏的

31、坚果. hoard v I, Tn, Tn.p sth collect and store it away 积聚并储藏某物: People found hoarding during the famine were punished. 在饥荒时期屯积食物的人受到了惩罚. * hoard up treasure 储藏财宝. hoarder n person who hoards 贮藏者.The new wing to the hospital was made possible by a gift of $500000 from an affluent contributor.由一位富有的捐助人

32、,捐献五十万美元而使医院一侧能增建一排房屋.affluent/ flunt; flnt/ adj rich; prosperous 富裕的; 丰富的; 繁荣的: affluent circumstances 富裕的环境 * an affluent lifestyle 富足的生活方式 * His parents were very affluent. 他的父母很富裕. * the affluent society, ie one in which most people have a high standard of living 富足的社会多数人生活水平很高的社会.contributory/

33、kntrbjutr; US -tr; kntrbjtr/ adj usu attrib 通常作定语 helping to cause sth 促成某事物的; 有助於某事物的: a contributory factor, cause, etc 起促成作用的因素 原因等 * contributory negligence, eg that helped to cause an accident 共同过失受伤一方因本身疏忽造成的事故. paid for by contributions 由捐助支付的: a con, tributory pension scheme, ie paid for by

34、both employers and employees 共集年金制由雇主和职工共同出资.contributor n person who contributes 捐款人; 捐助者; 投稿者.People who keep spending more than they earn usually get into financial difficulties.凡是开销一直大于收入的人,经常会陷入财政困难.financial/ fannl, fn-; fannl, fn-/ adj concerning money and finance 财务的; 金融的; 财政的: in financial

35、difficulties, ie short of money 处於财务困难之中 * Tokyo and New York are major financial centres. 东京和纽约是主要的金融中心. financially / adv.# fi, nancial year period of twelve months over which annual accounts and taxes are calculated 财政年度; 会计年度.The young heir was warned that he would soon have nothing left if he c

36、ontinued to be lavish with money. 这年轻继承人被警告说,如果他再挥金如土,将会很快破产.lavish/ lv; lv/ adj ; giving or producing generously or in large quantities 慷慨的; 大方的: He was lavish with his praise for/lavish in praising the project. 他对那计画赞不绝口. plentiful; abundant 丰富的; 大量的: a lavish display, meal, reception 铺张的展示 饭菜 招待.

37、 lavish v lavish sth on/upon sb/sth give sth to sb/sth abundantly and generously 慷慨而大量地给某人某事物: lavish care on an only child 对独生子女关怀备至.lavishly adv.Veras position is good, but it doesnt deserve the lavish praise that Linda gave it.维拉的作文不错,但却不值得琳达过度的称赞.To run a restaurant is a lucrative business. 经营餐厅

38、是赚钱的生意.lucrative/ lukrtv; lukrtv/ adj producing much money; profitable 赚钱的; 可获利的, 合算的, : a lucrative business 赚钱的买卖. lucratively adv. lucrativeness n U.Fear 恐惧A hero risks his life to help others;a craven runs from the scene. 英雄冒着生命危险去帮助别人,而懦夫却临阵脱逃.craven/ krevn; krevn/ adj cowardly 怯懦的; 胆小的: craven

39、 behaviour, submission, etc 怯儒的行为 顺服的举动 * a craven deserter 胆怯的逃兵.n. 懦夫, 胆小鬼, 怯懦者I thought Carol would be nervous when she made her speech, but she delivered it without trepidation. 我本以为凯洛尔演说时会紧张,但她发言时却一点也害怕.trepidation/ trepden; trpden/ n U great worry or fear about sth unpleasant that may happen 担

40、心可能出事的惊恐, 恐慌: The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and trepidation. 流行病猖獗因而人心惶惶.Brave men defy tyrants, instead of cowering before them. 勇者公然反抗暴君,不在他们面前畏缩.cower/ kau; ka/ v I, Ipr, Ip crouch down or move backwards in fear or distress 因畏惧或痛苦蜷缩, 退缩: He cowered away/back as she raised her hand

41、to hit him. 她扬手打他, 他立即退缩开向後退缩. * The dog cowered under the table. 那只狗吓得蜷伏在桌子底下.The younger boys would not have given up the playing field so quickly if the older boys hadnt intimidated them. 要不是那些较大的男孩胁迫他们,这些小男孩是不会这么快就放弃这球场的.intimidate/ ntmdet; ntmdet/ v Tn, Tn.pr sb frighten sb 恐吓, 威胁某人做某事: intimid

42、ate a witness , eg by threatening him 恐吓目击证人迫使其不出声 保持缄默等. intimidating adj frightening, esp because of seeming difficulty or impossibility 吓人的, 令人惊恐的尤指因为看似很困难或不可能: The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers. 登山者面前耸立着险峻的埃佛勒斯峰即珠穆朗玛峰.intimidation / ntmden; ntmden/ n U intimidating

43、or being intimidated 恐吓; 威胁: give way to intimidation 向所受的威胁让步 * keep people in order by intimidation 用恫吓手段迫使人们就范.intimidatory / ntmdetr; ntmdetr/ adj tending to intimidate 恐吓的; 威胁的: intimidatory tactics 恫吓手法.Several apprehensive parents telephoned the school when the children were late in getting h

44、ome from the museum trip. 当孩子们到博物馆参观,迟迟未回家时,忧虑的父母亲纷纷打 到学校.apprehensive/ prhensv; prhnsv/ adj ; feeling anxiety; fearful; uneasy 忧虑的; 害怕的; 不安的: apprehensive about the results of the exams 为考试成绩担忧 * apprehensive that he would be beaten 害怕他会挨打 * apprehensive for sbs safety 担心某人的安全. apprehensively adv.I

45、t was dastardly of the captain to desert the sinking vessel and leave the passengers to fend for themselves.抛弃沉船并丢下乘客让他们自己谋生,这就是船长的懦弱.dastardly dstrdl/-td-adj. 懦弱的; 卑鄙的dastardlinessdstrdlns /-td-n. 懦弱的行为; 卑鄙的行为dastard| dstdn. 懦夫, 卑鄙的人If the other team challenges us, we should accept. Lets not be so

46、timid.如果有其他队伍向我们挑战,我们应当接受,绝不能如此胆怯!timid/ tmd; tmd/ adj easily frightened; shy 胆怯的; 羞怯的: as timid as a rabbit 胆小如兔. timidity/ tmdt; tmdt/, timidness ns U. timidly adv.Courage 勇气Robert E.Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer.罗勃特艾德文皮瑞以他北极探险家的功勋而闻名于世.exploit1/ eksplt; ksplt/ n

47、C brave or adventurous deed or action 英勇的或冒险的行为或事迹: The daring exploits of the parachutists were much admired. 跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已. * Im not interested in hearing about Bills amorous exploits. 我没兴 趣听比尔那些色胆包天的事. =Usage at act1 用法见act1.exploit2/ ksplt; ksplt/ v Tn use, work or develop fully 利用或开发尤指矿藏和其他自

48、然资源: exploit oil reserves, water power, solar energy, etc 开发石油资源 开发水利资源 利用太阳能. use selfishly and unfairly for ones own advantage or profit 剥削或利用某人某事物: child labour exploited in factories 在工厂中受剥削的童工 * exploit a situation for ones own advantage 趁着形势谋取私利 * They exploited her generosity shamelessly. 他们无

49、耻地利用了她的慷慨. exploitable adj that can be exploited 可利用的; 可开发的; 可剥削的: few exploitable coal-mines 少量可开采的煤矿.exploitation / eksplten; ksplten/ n U exploiting or being exploited 利用; 开发; 剥削: full exploitation of oil wells 充分利用油井资源 * the exploitation of child labour 对童工的剥削.The captain showed remarkable forti

50、tude in continuing to lead his men despite a painful wound.那位舰长不顾伤痛继续领导部下,显示出非凡的坚毅.fortitude/ fttjud; US -tud; frttd/ n U courage, endurance and self-control in facing pain, danger or difficulty 在痛苦 危险或困难面前表现出的勇气 坚韧和自制力;刚毅, 不屈不挠, 坚毅: He bore the pain with great fortitude. 他以极大的毅力忍受了痛苦.Risking seriou

51、s injury, the outfielder made an audacious leap against the concrete wall and caught the powerfully hit ball.冒着受重的危险,外场手勇敢地跳向水泥墙,接住那个猛力击出的球.audacious/ des; des/ adj showing a willingness to take risks; daring; fearless 有冒险精神的; 大胆的; 无畏的: an audacious plan, scheme, etc 大胆的计划 设计等. impudent; recklessly

52、bold 厚颜无耻的; 鲁莽的: an audacious remark 放肆的话. audaciously adv. audacity / dst; dst/ n U: He had the audacity to tell me I was too fat. 他竟然胆敢对我说我太肥胖.After we had waited for about twenty minutes, an audacious freshman came along and tried to get in at the head of our line.在我们等大约二十分钟后,一位无礼的新生走来,试图插进队伍的前头.

53、The frightened sailors wanted to turn back, but their dauntless leader urged then to sail on.受惊的水手们想掉头回去,但他们勇敢的领导却激励他们继续航行.daunt/ dnt; dnt/ v Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态 discourage ; frighten 使某人气馁; 威吓: I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience. 我一想到要对这样的听众讲话, 就有些胆小. nothing dau

54、nted not at all discouraged 毫无惧色; 毫不气馁: Their guide deserted them, but, nothing daunted, they pressed on intothe jungle. 向导离他们而去, 但是他们毫不气馁, 仍向森林进发. daunting adj discouraging; frightening 使人气馁的; 吓人的: The prospect of meeting the President is quite daunting. 一想到要会见总统就足以令人心悸.dauntless / dntls; dntls/ ad

55、j not easily discouraged or frightened 勇敢的; 无畏的: dauntless bravery 英勇绝伦. dauntlessly adv.Columbus had a indomitable belief that he would reach land by sailing west.哥伦布有个不屈不挠的信念,他认为向西航行就右到达陆地.indomitable/ ndmtbl; ndmtbl/ adj that cannot be subdued or defeated; unyielding 不可屈服的; 不可战胜的: indomitable cou

56、rage 大无畏的勇气 * an indomitable will 不屈不挠的意志. indomitably / -bl; -bl/ adv.Though defeated, our team put up a plucky defence against their taller and buskier opponents.虽然战败,但是我们的队友依然勇敢地防御他们高大、强壮的敌手.pluck n 1 U courage, esp in the face of a stronger opponent or of hardship; bravery 勇气, 胆量尤指面对强敌或困难的: She

57、showed a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruders. 她对付那些闯入的歹徒表现得十分勇敢. 2 C usu sing 通常作单数 short sharp pull 快而猛的拉: feel a pluck at ones sleeve 觉得袖子被人猛拉了一下. 3 U heart, liver and lungs of an animal, as food 动物的心, 肝, 肺作食物者. plucky adj having or showing pluck; brave 勇敢的; 有胆量的. pluckily adv.pluck/ plk; p

58、lk/ v Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p sth gather or remove sth by pulling; pick sth 拔除或摘除某物; 采某物: pluck a rose from the garden 从花园里摘一朵玫瑰花 * pluck ones eyebrows, ie use tweezers to remove unwanted hairs 拔眉毛 * pluck off the dead flowers 掐掉凋谢的花 * pluck out a grey hair 拔下一根灰白的头发. Tn pull the feathers off in order to prepare it for cooking 拔去鹅 鸡等的毛以备烹调: Have the turkeys been plucked? 火鸡的毛都拔了吗? Tn, Tn.pr take hold of and pull it; snatch at 拉住或抓住某物: The child was plucking at her mothers skirt. 那孩子揪住母亲的裙子. * A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving. 我刚要离去, 一个陌生人拽我的袖子. Tn sound

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