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1、2022年考博英语-北京大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题One of the recurrent frustrations and tragedies in the history of thought is caused by the uncertainty _ to solve a given problem by traditional methods previously applied to problems which seem to be of the same nature.问题1选项A.that is possibleB.that it is possibl

2、eC.whether it is possibleD.about what is possible【答案】C【解析】考查语法知识。uncertainty后面的句子正是作为同位语用来修饰这个先行词,而只有whether可以表示“不确定性”,因此C选项符合题意。2. 单选题It has been revealed that nearly one in five degree courses has been ( )since the tripling of tuition fees to 9,000 a year.问题1选项A.scratchedB.scrapedC.scrabbledD.scra

3、pped【答案】D【解析】考查形近词辨析。空格处需要填写的是动词过去分词形式。scratch“抓,搔”;scrape“刮掉,擦掉”;scrabble“摸索,挣扎”;scrap“废弃”。句意:据透露,自从学费翻了三倍至每年9000英镑后,近五分之一的学位课程被废弃了。因此D选项符合题意。3. 单选题Irans morality police are( )on the sale of Barbie dolls to protect the public from what they see as pernicious western culture eroding Islamic values.问

4、题1选项A.putting downB.breaking downC.cracking downD.looking down【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。put down “写下;镇压”;break down“分解;破坏”;crack down “严加治理”;look down “俯视,向下看”。句意:伊朗道德警察出售芭比娃娃,以保护公众的伊斯兰价值观免受他们眼中有害的西方文化侵蚀。因此选项C符合题意。4. 单选题_ they think it will come to an end through the hands of God, or a natural disaster or a

5、 political event, whatever the reason, nearly 15 percent of people worldwide think the end of the world is coming, according to a new poll.问题1选项A.EitherB.WhetherC.NeitherD.If【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:一项最新调查显示,全世界近15%的人认为世界末日即将来临。要么是通过上帝之手,要么是天灾或者政治事件。根据题干中or可知空格处应填写与之搭配的词语,只有eitheror符合要求。因此A选项符合题意。5. 单选题Th

6、e contribution genes make to intelligence increases as children grow older. This goes against thenotion that most people hold that as we age,environmental influences gradually overpower the geneticlegacy we are bom with and may have implications for education. “People assume the genetic influencegoe

7、s down with age because the environmental differences between people pile up in life,”says RobertPlomin. “What we found was quite amazing, and goes in the other direction.”Previous studies have shown variations in intelligence are at least partly due to genetics. To find out whether this genetic con

8、tribution varies with age, Plomins team pooled data from six separate studies carried out in the US, the UK, Australia and the Netherlands, involving a total of 11,000 pairs of twins. In these studies, the researchers tested twins on reasoning, logic and arithmetics to measure a quantity called gene

9、ral cognitive ability, or “G”. Each study also included both identical twins, with the same genes, and fraternal twins, sharing about half their genes, making it possible to distinguish the contributions of genes and environment to their G scores.Plomins team calculated that in childhood, genes acco

10、unt for about 41 percent of the variation inintelligence. In adolescence, this rose to 55 percent; by young adolescence, it was 66 percent. No one knows why the influence from genes should increase with age, but Plomin suggests that as children getolder,they become better at exploiting and manipulat

11、ing their environment to suit their genetic needs,and says “ Kids with high G will use their environment to foster their cognitive ability and choose friendswho are like-minded. ” Children with medium to low G may choose less challenging pastimes andactivities, further emphasizing their genetic lega

12、cy.Is there any way to interfere with the pattern? Perhaps. “The evidence of strong heritability doesntmean at all that there is nothing you can do about it,” says Susanne Jaeggi,“From our own work, theones that started off with lower IQ scores had higher gains after training. Plomin suggests that g

13、enetic differences may be more emphasized if all children share an identical curriculum instead of it being tailored to childrens natural abilities. “My inclination would be to give everyone a good education, but put more effort into the lower end,” he says. Intelligence researcher Paul Thompson agr

14、ees: “It shows that educators need to steer kids towards things drawing out their natural talents.”1.What is the common notion that people hold about genes?2.The study by Plomins team aims to find out ( )3.From the experiment with twins, Plomins team draws a conclusion that( ) .4.The word “pattern”

15、in paragraph four is closest in meaning to( ) .5.Which of the following might Plomins team least agree to?问题1选项A.Humans can do little to change the genetic differences between people.B.Genetic influence becomes stronger when people receive education.C.Genes contribute more to ones intelligence than

16、environmental factors.D.Environmental factors lessen the influence of genes on ones intelligence.问题2选项A.whether variations in intelligence are caused by genetic differencesB.how to overpower genetic factors with new educational approachesC.whether genetic contribution to ones intelligence varies wit

17、h ageD.the relationship between environment and genes问题3选项A.genetic contribution increases when one grows olderB.genetic influence decreases when age increasesC.environment has more impact on fraternal twins than identical twinsD.it remains a mystery how genes and environment co-influence people问题4选

18、项A.cognitive abilityB.strong heritabilityC.genetic legacyD.challenging pastimes问题5选项A.An identical curriculum to school children.B.A differentiated course design to children with varied IQ.C.More effort directed at children with medium or low G.D.Education tailored to childrens natural abilities.【答案

19、】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节题。题干:人们对基因的普遍看法是什么?由第一段第二句中的“as we age,environmental influences gradually overpower the genetic legacy we are bom with and may have implications for education”可知大多数人认为,随着年龄增长,“environmental influence环境影响”将逐渐大于“genetic legacy基因遗传”。因此选项D符合题意。2.细节题。题干:Plomin的研究小组的目的是找出

20、_。根据关键词“Plomins team”定位到第二段第二句,往前有“To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age”可知他们的目的是找出基因贡献是否随着年龄增长而增加。因此选项C符合题意。3.细节推理题。题干:从双胞胎的实验中,Plomin的团队得出了一个结论_。第二段最后提到了双胞胎实验,第三段开头讲到实验结论“Plomins team calculated that”,第三句中“No one knows why the influence from genes should increase with age”可


22、 单选题Traditional fairytales are being ditched by parents because they are too ( )for their young children, a study found.问题1选项A.scarceB.scaryC.scaredD.scarred【答案】B【解析】考查形近词辨析。scarce“缺乏的,不足的”;scary“可怕的,恐怖的”;scared“害怕的”;scarred“伤痕累累的”。句意:一项研究发现,父母们正在摒弃传统的童话故事,因为它们太恐怖,不适合年幼的儿童。因此B选项符合题意。7. 单选题Why does s

23、torytelling endure across time and cultures? Perhaps the answer lies in our evolutionary roots. A study of the way that people respond to Victorian literature hints that novels act as a social glue, reinforcing the types of behaviour that benefit society.Literature “could continually condition socie

24、ty so that we fight against base impulses and work in a cooperative way, says Jonathan Gottschall of Washington and Jefferson College, Pennsylvania. He and co-author Joseph Carroll at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, study how Darwins theories of evolution apply to literature. Along with John

25、Johnson, an evolutionary psychologist at Pennsylvania State University in DuBois, the researchers asked 500 people to fill in a questionnaire about 200 classic Victorian novels. The respondents were asked to define characters as protagonists or antagonists and then to describe their personality and

26、motives, such as whether they were conscientious or power hungry.The team found that the characters fell into groups that mirrored the egalitarian dynamics of a society in which individual dominance is suppressed for the greater good Evolutionary Psychology, vol 4, p 716). Protagonists, such as Eliz

27、abeth Bennett in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice, for example, scored highly on conscientiousness and nurturing, while antagonists like Bram Stokers Count Dracula scored highly on status-seeking and social dominance. In the novels, dominant behaviour is “powerfully stigmatized, says Gottschall “Bad

28、 guys and girls are just dominance machines; they are obsessed with getting ahead, they rarely have pro-social behaviours.”While few in todays world live in hunter-gatherer societies, “the political dynamic at work in these novels, the basic opposition between communitarianism and dominance behaviou

29、r, is a universal theme”, says Carroll. Christopher Boehm, a cultural anthropologist whose work Carroll acknowledges was an important influence on the study, agrees. “Modem democracies, with their formal checks and balances, are carrying forward an egalitarian ideal”.A few characters were judged to

30、be both good and bad, such as Heathcliff in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights or Austens Mr. Darcy. “They reveal the pressure being exercised on maintaining the total social order,” says Carroll.Boehm and Carroll believe novels have the same effect as the cautionary tales told in older societies. “Nov

31、els have a function that continues to contribute to the quality and structure of group life,” says Boehm. “Maybe storytellingfrom TV to folk tales actually serves some specific evolutionary adaptation,” says Gottschall. Theyre not just products of evolutionary adaptation.1.According to the study men

32、tioned in the passage, which one of the following best defines the function of literature in human society?2.What were the respondents in the research asked to do?3.What is said about the bad guys and girls in novels?4.In the political dynamic of literature, to what is dominant behavior set opposed?

33、问题1选项A.It helps with the evolutionary progress.B.It helps advocate peoples base impulse and conscientiousness.C.It reinforces the types of behavior the benefit a cooperative society.D.It suppresses base impulses and sets regulations for society.问题2选项A.To identify protagonists and antagonists in some

34、 novels and describe them.B.To group characters in novels who mirror the egalitarian dynamic of a society.C.To give scores to literary character in regard to social dominance.D.To tell the bad guys from the good ones in some novels.问题3选项A.They are protagonists that are powerfully stigmatized.B.They

35、are always afraid of getting ahead of others.C.They rarely have behaviors that protect the society.D.They always seek dominant status in society.问题4选项A.The universal theme of power.B.The egalitarian ideal.C.Modem democracies.D.Formal checks and balances of a traditional society.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4

36、题:B【解析】1.断推理题。题干:根据文中提到的研究,下列哪一项最能定义文学在人类社会中的作用?第一段第二句提到“A studyhints that novels act as a social glue, reinforcing the types of behaviour that benefit society”,说明小说扮演着社会粘合剂,可以加强有益社会的行为。因此C选项符合题意。A选项中的“有助进化”,文中未提及;B选项错在动词“advocate”,文中说的是“fight against”;D选项中错在“set regulations”2.细节题。题干:调查中的受访者被要求做什么?由

37、题干定位到第二段最后一句“he respondents were asked to define characters as protagonists or antagonists and then to describe their personality and motives”,要求受访者将小说人物分为主角和反面角色,然后说明各自的性格和动机。选项A符合题意。3.细节题。题干:小说里关于坏男孩和坏女孩的说了些什么?文章第三段最后一句说到“Bad guys and girls are just dominance machines; they are obsessed with getti

38、ng ahead, they rarely have pro-social behaviours”,可知坏人想要出人头地,很少做有益社会的活动。因此D选项符合题意。4.细节题。题干:在文学的政治动态中,统治行为与什么相对立?由题干定位到第四段第一句“the political dynamic at work in these novels, the basic opposition between communitarianism and dominance behavior”,可知共有社会主义与统治行为的本质对抗是永恒的主题。因此B选项符合题意。8. 单选题The award ceremon

39、y will be the _ of the inaugural Singapore International Water Week that is held from 23 to 27 June 2008问题1选项A.twilightB.insightC.highlightD.highland【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。twilight“黄昏,薄暮”;insight“洞察力”;highlight“最精彩的部分”;highland“高地”。句意:届新加坡国际水资源周于2008年6月23日至27日举行,颁奖仪式将是开幕式上的亮点。因此C选项符合题意。9. 单选题Experimental s

40、ciences, based on the observation of the external world, cannot aspire to completeness; the nature of things, and the imperfection of our organs,_.问题1选项A.are likely opposing itB.are opposed to it and the likeC.are alike opposed itD.are opposing it likewise【答案】B【解析】考查固定用法。be opposed to“反对”是固定用法,and t

41、he like“等等”。句意:实验科学是建立在对外部世界的观察基础上的,不能追求完备;事物的本质和我们器官的缺陷等等都与之相违背。因此B选项符合题意。10. 单选题Some might consider it an ugly truth that attractive people are often more successful than those _ blessed with looks.问题1选项A.lessB.moreC.mostD.least【答案】A【解析】考查语法知识。根据题干中morethan结构可知空格处应填写比较级与之对应,因此排除C和D。而attractive与ble

42、ssed with looks表达同义,无法比较,因此空格处应选择否定意义。句意:有些人可能会认为这是一个丑陋的事实,有吸引力的人往往比那些颜值没那么高的人更成功。因此A选项符合题意。11. 单选题There is a conspicuous lack of public debate about how this insular country should _ the reality that more immigrants are coming and that those already here are changing Japan.问题1选项A.abide byB.account

43、forC.act onD.adjust to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项abide by“遵守”;B选项account for“解释;对负责”;C选项act on“对起作用;按照行事”;D选项adjust to“调整以适应”。句意:对于这个与世隔绝的国家来说,应该如何_移民越来越多涌入并且正在改变日本这一现实,明显缺乏公开讨论。根据语境,account for“解释;对负责”搭配reality“现实”比较合理,意思是解释为什么越来越多移民进入日本并且改变日本的现实。因此B选项正确。12. 单选题The poor girl spent over half a year in the h

44、ospital but she is now( )for it.问题1选项A.none the worseB.none the betterC.never worseD.never better【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。none the worse for “未受损害”,后面一般接具体事件或事物。none the better for it“不因此而好些;丝毫不受影响”是一个习惯用法。句意:这个可怜的女孩在医院里住了半年多,但她现在丝毫不受影响。因此B选项符合题意。13. 问答题(1) A study presented last week at the American Heart A

45、ssociation meeting suggests that mental relaxation produced by meditation may have physiological benefits, at least in the case of people with established coronary artery disease. Researchers followed about 200 high-risk patients for an average of five years. Among the 100 who meditated, there were

46、20 heart attacks, strokes and deaths ; in the comparison group, there were 32. (2) The meditators tended to remain disease-free longer and also reduced their blood pressure. “ We found reduced blood pressure that was significant 一 that was probably one important mediator,” said Dr. Robert Schneider,

47、 director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention in Fairfield, Iowa, who presented the findings. The study was conducted at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, in collaboration with the institute. Dr. Schneider suggested that (3) the stress reduction produced by the meditati

48、on could cause changes in the brain that cut stress hormones and decelerate the processes associated with atherosclerosis (动脉硬化).Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (2).

49、【答案】1:According to a study at the American Heart Association meeting last week, thinking deeply in silence can generate spiritual recreation, which may be good to ones physiology, at least it is true for those who suffer from coronary artery disease.2:Those who remain in a silent and calm state for

50、a period of time are inclined to disease in a longer time, and their blood pressure become lower.3:Sliently thinking can release pressure, which could lead to some changes in the brain, and it can reduce the pressure hormones and control the deterioration of atherosclerosis. 14. 单选题Over the years, J

51、immy Connors ( ) phenomenal displays of tennis and temperament at the US Open last week, he exhibited both again.问题1选项A.has treated spectators withB.has treated spectators forC.has treated spectatorsD.has treated spectators to【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。treatwith“用招待”。句意:过去几年,Jimmy Connors曾向观众展现了他的网球球技及个性特点,在上周

52、的美国公开赛上,他再次展现了这两点。因此A选项符合题意。15. 单选题U. S. Secretary of State Rice( )a three-day trip to the Middle East with an agreementfrom Israeli and Palestinian leaders to hold meetings every two weeks.问题1选项A.ended upB.wrapped upC.rounded upD.summed up【答案】B【解析】考查动词词组辨析。end up “结束;死亡”;wrap up“包裹;圆满完成”;round up “

53、围捕;赶拢”;sum up“总结,概述”。句意:美国国务卿赖斯中东为期三天的访问,与以色列和巴勒斯坦领导人达成协议,每两周举行会议。end up 后如果要接名词,必须有with。因此B选项符合题意。16. 单选题The school shooting triggered a barrage of transparently irrelevant proposed solutions, tossed out without regard to their relevance to the events that supposedly _ the proposals.问题1选项A.occasion

54、edB.concernedC.illuminatedD.ensued【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。occasion“引起,惹起”;concern“涉及;使担心”;illuminate“阐明;照亮”;ensue“追求”。句意:学校枪击事件引发了一连串明显不相干的解决方案,而这些方案与引发这些方案的事件毫无关联。选项A符合题意。17. 单选题Couples blessed with strength and aggression() looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to male

55、s.问题1选项A.other thanB.rather thanC.rather tooD.in spite of【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。other than “不同于;除了”;rather than“而不是”;rather too “稍微”;in spite of “尽管”。句意:那些体力更强和有进取心外表好看的夫妇会更容易生男孩,因为这些特征对男性更有用。因此选项B符合题意。18. 单选题The Collectors Edition coin is_, and represents a true collectors treasure to be appreciated for g

56、enerations to come.问题1选项A.unlikely any Elvis Presley collectible ever releasedB.unlikely, and Elvis Presley collectible never releasedC.unlike any Elvis Presley collectible never releasedD.unlike any Elvis Presley collectible ever released【答案】D【解析】考查词义。句意:此款收藏版硬币,代表着一个真正的收藏家的珍品,其在未来将会升值。unlike“不同的;不

57、相似的”;unlikely“不太可能的”,常出现于“it is unlikely that”。由句意判断,此枚硬币价值极高,不同于猫王发行的其他收藏品。因此D选项符合题意。19. 单选题Only when faced with overwhelming evidence of being treated differently than the men who surrounded me( ),briefly, with the notion that I was different in gender-related ways from my male colleagues.问题1选项A.t

58、hat I dealtB.I dealtC.then I dealtD.did I deal【答案】D【解析】考查语法知识。only位于句首时,引导的句子为部分倒装结构。only后紧跟的是when引导的时间状语从句,因此使用正常语序,主句则需要倒装。D选项符合题意20. 单选题Parkinsons disease, first described in the early 1800s by British physician James Parkinson as shaking palsy”,is among the most prevalent neurological disorders.

59、 According to the United Nations, at least four million people worldwide have it; in North America, estimates run from 500, 000 to one million, with about 500, 000 diagnosed every year. These figures are expected to double by 2040 as the worlds elderly population grows ; indeed, Parkinsons and other

60、 neurodegenerative illnesses common in the elderly ( such as Alzheimers and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) are on their way to overtaking cancer as a leading cause of death. But the disease is not entirely one of the aged: 50 percent of patients acquire it after age 60; the other half are affected b

61、efore then. Furthermore, better diagnosis has made experts increasingly aware that the disorder can attack those younger than 40. So far researchers and clinicians have found no way to slow, stop or prevent Parkinsons. Although treatments do exist including drugs and deep-brain stimulation these the

62、rapies alleviate symptoms, not causes. In recent years, however, several promising developments have occurred. In particular, investigators who study the role proteins play have linked miscreant proteins to genetic underpinnings of the disease. Such findings are feeding optimism that fresh angles of attack can be identified.As its

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