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1、2022年考博英语-武汉大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 翻译题I have always disliked being a man. 1.The whole idea of manhood in America is pitiful, in my opinion. Even the expression “Be a man!” strikes me as insulting and abusive. It means: Be stupid, be unfeeling, obedient, soldierly and stop thinking. Man means “manly”h

2、ow can one think about men without considering the terrible ambition of manliness? And yet it is part of every mans life. It is a hideous and crippling lie; it not only insists on difference and connives at superiority, it is also by its very nature destructiveemotionally damaging and socially harmf

3、ul.It is very hard to imagine any concept of manliness that does not belittle women, and it begins very early. At an age when I wanted to meet girlslets say the treacherous years of thirteen to sixteenI was told to take up a sport, get more fresh air, and I was urged not to read so much. If you aske

4、d too many questions about sex you were sent to campa boys camp, of course: the nightmare. Nothing is more unnatural or prison-like than a boys camp.2.It ought to be clear by now that I have something of an objection to the way we turn boys into men. It does not surprise me that when the President o

5、f the United States has his customary weekend off he dresses like a cowboyit is both a measure of his insecurity and his willingness to please. In many ways, American culture does little more for a man than prepare him for modeling clothes in the L. L. Bean catalogue.There was a fear that writing wa

6、s not a manly profession- indeed, not a profession at all. The paradox in American letters is that it has always been easier for a woman to write and for a man to be published. 3. Writing is only manly when it produces wealthmoney is masculinity. So is drinking, particularly the ability to drink ano

7、ther man under the table. A man in America has to kill lions, hunt ducks, and carry enough knives and guns on his shoulders, to prove that he is just as much a monster as the next man. Everything in stereotyped manliness goes against the life of the mind.4. There would be no point in saying any of t

8、his if it were not generally accepted that to be a man is somehoweven now in feminist-influenced Americaa privilege. It is on the contrary an unmerciful and punishing burden. Being a man is bad enough; being manly is appalling. It is the sinister silliness of mens fashions, and a clubby attitude in

9、the arts. It is the subversion of good students. It is the so-called “Dress Code” of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Boston, and it is the institutionalized cheating in college sports. It is the most primitive insecurity.Directions:Read the following passage, and then translate the underlined parts number

10、ed from (1) to(4) , from English into Chinese. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】1. 在我看来,美国的整个男子汉思想是很可怜的。就连“做个男子汉!”这样的表达也让我觉得是一种侮辱和谩骂。它意味着愚蠢、冷酷、顺从、像士兵一样鲁莽,还指不愿意思考。男人意味着“有男子气概”人们在思考男人的时候怎么能不考虑男子气概的可怕野心呢?2. 我有点反对我们把男孩变成男人的方式。到目前为止,这一点应该十分清楚。我丝毫不感到奇怪,美国总统在周末例行休假的时候,把自己打扮成牛仔这既说明他没有安全感又说明他

11、想讨好别人。3. 写作只有在产生财富时才有男人味。有钱才有男人味。酗酒也意味着男人味,让另一个男人喝趴下的能力尤其如此。美国男人必须捕杀狮子、猎取野鸭、肩上扛满刀枪,以证明他像别的男人一样残忍。刻板印象中男人气概的一切都不利于心智生活。4. 即便是在受女权主义影响的美国,做男人也是一种特权。如果不是由于这种观念被世人广为认同,那谈上述情况就毫无意义了。相反,做男人是一个过重的、带有惩罚性质的负担。身为男人糟糕透顶,有男子气概则让人心惊胆战。2. 单选题Auctions are public sales of goods, conducted by an officially approved

12、auctioneer. He asks the crowd assembled in the auction-room to make offers, or “bids”, for the various items on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called “knocking down” the goods, for the bidding ends when the auc

13、tioneer bangs a small hammer on a table at which he stands. This is often set on a raised platform called a rostrum.The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin audio, meaning “increase”. The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war;

14、 these sales were called sub hasta, meaning “under the spear”, a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather. In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, goods were often sold “by the candle”: a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it

15、stayed alight.Practically all goods whose qualities vary are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, hides, skins, wool, tea, cocoa, furs, spices, fruit and vegetables and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, antique furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works

16、 of art. The auction-rooms at Christies and Sothebys in London and New York are world-famous.An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by prospective buyers. If the advertisement cannot give full details, catalo

17、gues are printed, and each group of goods to be sold together, called a “lot”, is usually given a number. The auctioneer need not begin with Lot 1 and continue in numerical order; he may wait until he registers the fact that certain dealers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely t

18、o be interested in. The auctioneers services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding as high as possible.1.Why is the end of the bidding called “knocking down”?2.The Romans used to sell by

19、auction( ) .3.A candle used to burn at auction sales( ) .4.The auctioneer may decide to sell the “lots” out of the order because ( ).问题1选项A.Because the auctioneer knocks the buyer down.B.Because the auctioneer knocks the rostrum down.C.Because the goods are knocked down on to the table.D.Because the

20、 auctioneer bangs the table with a hammer.问题2选项A.spoilt goodsB.old worn-out weaponsC.property taken from the enemyD.spears问题3选项A.because they took place at nightB.as a signal for the crowd to gatherC.to keep the auctioneer warmD.to limit the time when offers could be made问题4选项A.he sometimes wants to

21、 confuse the buyersB.he knows from experience that certain people will want to buy certain itemsC.he wants to keep certain people waitingD.he wants to reduce the number of buyers【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. Why is the end of the bidding called “knocking down”? 1. 为什么拍卖结束被称为“knocking do

22、wn”?A. Because the auctioneer knocks the buyer down. A. 因为拍卖师会把买家击倒。B. Because the auctioneer knocks the rostrum down. B. 因为拍卖人会把桌子砸倒。C. Because the goods are knocked down on to the table. C. 因为货物被撞到桌子上了。D. Because the auctioneer bangs the table with a hammer. D. 因为拍卖人用锤子敲桌子。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据关键词kn

23、ocking down定位至第一段倒数第二句“这就是所谓的knocking down商品,因为当拍卖师用小锤子敲打他面前的桌子时,竞价就结束了”,可知,拍卖结束被称为knocking down是因为拍卖结束时拍卖师会用小锤子敲打他面前的桌子,D项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“因为拍卖师会把买家击倒”、B项“因为拍卖人会把桌子砸倒”和C项“因为货物被撞到桌子上了”根据解题思路可知,这三项属于曲解原文。第2题:2.【选项释义】2. The Romans used to sell by auction _. 2. 罗马人过去通过拍卖来出售_。A. spoilt goods A. 损坏的货物B. old

24、worn-out weapons B. 老旧武器C. property taken from the enemy C. 从敌人手中夺取的战利品D. spears D. 矛【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第二段第二句“罗马人通常以这种方式出售他们在战争中获得的战利品(the spoils taken in war)”,可知,罗马人过去通过拍卖来出售战争中获得的战利品,C项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“损坏的货物”和B项“老旧武器”原文没有提及,无中生有;D项“矛”是人群聚集的信号,不是拍卖的物品,属于张冠李戴。第3题:3.【选项释义】3. A candle used to burn at au

25、ction sales _. 3. 在拍卖会上,人们点着蜡烛,_。A. because they took place at night A. 因为拍卖是在晚上进行的B. as a signal for the crowd to gather B. 作为群众聚集的信号C. to keep the auctioneer warm C. 为了给拍卖师保暖D. to limit the time when offers could be made D. 限制提出报价的时间【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第二段最后一句“在18世纪和19世纪的英国,商品通常是通过蜡烛出售的:拍卖师点燃一

26、支短蜡烛,然后在蜡烛点着的时候出价”,可知,在拍卖会中人们点上蜡烛,然后在它燃着的时候出价,也就是说,蜡烛熄灭,报价就停止了。说明蜡烛是用来限制报价的时间的。D项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“因为拍卖是在晚上进行的”和C项“为了给拍卖师保暖”在文中没有提及,属于无中生有;B项“作为群众聚集的信号”,根据第二段第二句“一根矛被插在地上,作为人群聚集的信号”可知,矛才是群众聚集的信号,该项张冠李戴。第4题:4.【选项释义】4. The auctioneer may decide to sell the “lots” out of the order because _. 4. 拍卖人可能会决定出售

27、这些“拍品”,因为_。A. he sometimes wants to confuse the buyers A. 他有时想迷惑买家B. he knows from experience that certain people will want to buy certain items B. 根据他的经验,他知道某些人会想买某些东西C. he wants to keep certain people waiting C. 他想让某些人久等D. he wants to reduce the number of buyers D. 他想减少买家的数量【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】第一段第三句

28、提到“拍卖人不需要从第一件拍品开始,然后按数字顺序继续;他可能会一直等着直到他登记的某些经销商到达房间之后,才会出示他们可能感兴趣的物品”,这也就是说,拍卖人拍卖物品是根据经销商对物品的感兴趣程度来的,B项“根据他的经验,他知道某些人会想买某些东西”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“他有时想迷惑买家”、C项“他想让某些人久等”和D项“他想减少买家的数量”在原文没有依据,属于无中生有。3. 写作题Directions: Opinions vary about the most important factor that influences a students success in school.

29、 Some people argue that the most important factor is a good teacher. Give your comment by using specific reasons and examples. Please write an essay on this topic in no less than 200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】【参考范文】Different people have different views on what is the most important factor to inf

30、luence students success in school. Some people think the most important factor is the students intellectual ability or students interest in learning, while others believe that a teacher with rich teaching experience is the most important, because such a teacher can give students the most accurate gu

31、idance in class. Personally, I believe that there are many factors that affect students academic performance, although teachers are important, the foundation of learning lies with the students themselves.Firstly, students are the subjects of learning and the bearers of learning tasks. If they are no

32、t willing to learn, or there are problems in learning methods and attitudes, it is quite normal that they do not have obvious achievements. Therefore, in order to get students to do well, the first problem to be solved should be to arouse students learning enthusiasm, teach them the learning methods

33、 and skills they should have, and make them willing to learn, otherwise other efforts will be in vain.Secondly, the teachers teaching is also very important. The real masters are those who are good at simplifying complex problems, not those so-called experts who are mystifying. If the teacher can sy

34、stemize the fragmented knowledge, simplify the complex knowledge, make the boring knowledge interesting, and teach some learning skills, it will greatly reduce the difficulty of students learning, so that more students will be willing to learn. But its all based on students willingness to learn.In c

35、onclusion, the most important factor affecting students academic performance is the students themselves. If we can work on the factors that can be changed, I believe that our students performance will improve.4. 不定项选择题Asteroids and comets that repeatedly smashed into the early Earth covered the plan

36、ets surface with molten rock during its earliest days, but still may have left oases of water that could have supported the evolution of life, scientists say. The new study reveals that during the planets infancy, the surface of the Earth was a hellish environment, but perhaps not as hellish as ofte

37、n thought, scientists added.Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago. The first 500 million years of its life are known as the Hadean Eon. Although this time amounts to more than 10 percent of Earths history, little is known about it, since few rocks are known that are older than 3.8 billion years o

38、ld.For much of the Hadean, Earth and its sister worlds in the inner solar system were pummeled with an extraordinary number of cosmic impacts. “It was thought that because of these asteroids and comets flying around colliding with Earth, conditions on early Earth may have been hellish,” said lead st

39、udy author Simone Marchi, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. This imagined hellishness gave the eon its nameHadean comes from Hades, the lord of the underworld in Greek mythology.However, in the past dozen years or so, a radically different picture of the

40、 Hadean began to emerge. Analysis of minerals trapped within microscopic zircon crystals dating from this eon “suggested that there was liquid water on the surface of the Earth back then, clashing with the previous picture that the Hadean was hellish,” Marchi said. This could explain why the evidenc

41、e of the earliest life on Earth appears during the Hadeanmaybe the planet was less inhospitable during that eon than previously thought.The exact timing and magnitude of the impacts that smashed Earth during the Hadean are unknown. To get an idea of the effects of this bombardment, Machi and his col

42、leagues looked at the moon, whose heavily cratered surface helped model the battering that its close neighbor Earth must have experienced back then.“We also looked at highly siderophile elements (elements that bind tightly to iron), such as gold, delivered to Earth as a result of these early collisi

43、ons, and the amounts of these elements tells us the total mass accreted by Earth as the results of these collisions,” Marchi said. Prior research suggests these impacts probably contributed less than 0.5 percent of the Earths present-day mass.The researchers discovered that “the surface of the Earth

44、 during the Hadean was heavily affected by very large collisions, by impactors larger than 100 kilometers or so really, really big impactors,” Marchi said. “When Earth has a collision with an object that big, that melts a large volume of the Earths crust and mantle, covering a large fraction of the

45、surface,” Marchi added. These findings suggest that Earths surface was buried over and over again by large volumes of molten rock enough to cover the surface of the Earth several times. This helps explain why so few rocks survive from the Hadean, the researchers said.1.Why is it little known about t

46、he Earths first 500 million years?2.Why is the early Earth imagined to be hellish?3.Why was the early Earth in fact less inhospitable than often thought?4.How can the moon help with the understanding of the impacts that smashed the Earth?问题1选项A.Because it is an imagined period of time.B.Because this

47、 period is of little significance.C.Because it is impossible to know about this period.D.Because no rocks are available as research evidence.问题2选项A.Because it was often smashed by asteroids and comets.B.Because back then Hades, the lord of Hell, resigned.C.Because it was so according to Greek mythol

48、ogy.D.Because back then there was no life.问题3选项A.Because minerals of the Hadean have been found suggesting the existence of life.B.Because the clashing brought by asteroids and comets was not completely damaging.C.Because during the Hadean there already existed the evidence of life.D.Because there h

49、ad already been liquid water on the Earth back then.问题4选项A.The moon once smashed into the Earth too.B.The moon was battered earlier than the Earth.C.The moon, as a close neighbor, is easier to observe.D.The moons surface is heavily cratered as the Earths.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. Wh

50、y is it little known about the Earths first 500 million years? 1. 为什么人们对地球最初的5亿年知之甚少?A. Because it is an imagined period of time. A. 因为这是一段想象的时间。B. Because this period is of little significance. B. 因为这个时期的意义不大。C. Because it is impossible to know about this period. C. 因为要了解这个时期是不可能的。D. Because no roc

51、ks are available as research evidence. D. 因为没有岩石可以作为研究证据。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第二段最后一句“尽管这段时间占地球历史的10%以上,但我们对它知之甚少,因为我们所知的岩石中很少有年龄超过38亿年的(few rocks are known)”,理解可知,人们对地球最初的5亿年知之甚少是因为所知的岩石年龄很少超过38亿年,也就是说我们没有岩石作为依据。故该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“因为这是一段想象的时间”与原文不符,原文提到这段时间占地球历史的10%以上,该项曲解原文;B选项“因为这个时期的意义不大”没有提到;C选

52、项“因为要了解这个时期是不可能的”太绝对,原文只是说所知的岩石年龄很少超过38亿年,但并不代表岩石都没有超过38亿年,曲解原文。第2题:2.【选项释义】2. Why is the early Earth imagined to be hellish? 2. 为什么早期的地球被想象成地狱?A. Because it was often smashed by asteroids and comets. A. 因为它经常被小行星和彗星撞击。B. Because back then Hades, the lord of Hell, resigned. B. 因为那时,地狱之王哈迪斯辞职了。C. Bec

53、ause it was so according to Greek mythology. C. 因为根据希腊神话是这样的。D. Because back then there was no life. D. 因为那时没有生命。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第三段第二句“人们认为,由于这些小行星和彗星四处飞行,与地球相撞(because of these asteroids and comets flying around colliding with Earth),早期地球的环境可能是地狱般的(may have been hellish)”,理解可知,早期的地球被想象成地狱是因为小行星

54、和彗星经常撞击地球。故该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“因为那时,地狱之王哈迪斯辞职了”文中没有提到哈迪斯辞职的事,无中生有;C选项“因为根据希腊神话是这样的”,地狱般的环境产生了希腊神话,而不是希腊神话是地球被想象为地狱的原因,曲解原文;D选项“因为那时没有生命”没有提到,无中生有。第3题:3.【选项释义】3. Why was the early Earth in fact less inhospitable than often thought? 3. 为什么早期的地球实际上没有人们想象的那么不适宜居住?A. Because minerals of the Hadean have b

55、een found suggesting the existence of life. A. 因为在冥古时期发现的矿物表明了生命的存在。B. Because the clashing brought by asteroids and comets was not completely damaging. B. 因为小行星和彗星带来的碰撞并不完全是破坏性的。C. Because during the Hadean there already existed the evidence of life. C. 因为在冥古时期就已经有了生命存在的证据。D. Because there had alre

56、ady been liquid water on the Earth back then. D. 因为那时地球上已经有液态水了。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第四段最后两句“当时地球表面存在液态水,这与之前认为冥古时期是地狱的说法相冲突。这可以解释为什么地球上最早生命的证据出现在冥古时期,也许这颗行星在那一时期没有以前认为的那么不适宜居住。”,理解可知,早期的地球实际上没有人们想象的那么不适宜居住,是因为那时地球表面存在液态水。故该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“因为在冥古时期发现的矿物表明了生命的存在”与原文不符,在矿物中发现的是液态水而不是生命,曲解原文;B选项“因

57、为小行星和彗星带来的碰撞并不完全是破坏性的”文中没有提到小行星和彗星带来的碰撞的影响如何,无中生有;C选项“因为在冥古时期就已经有了生命存在的证据”表述与原文不符,是因为在岩石中发现了液态水,所以能解释为什么地球上最早生命的证据出现在冥古时期,而在冥古时期就已经有了生命存在的证据只是发现液态水的结果,并不能解释题干,曲解原文。第4题:4.【选项释义】4. How can the moon help with the understanding of the impacts that smashed the Earth? 4. 月球如何帮助我们了解撞击地球的原因?A. The moon once

58、 smashed into the Earth too. A. 月球也曾撞击过地球。B. The moon was battered earlier than the Earth. B. 月球遭受撞击的时间比地球还要早。C. The moon, as a close neighbor, is easier to observe. C. 月球作为我们的近邻,比较容易观测。D. The moons surface is heavily cratered as the Earths. D. 和地球一样,月球表面也有大量的陨石坑。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据关键词moon定位至第五段最后一句

59、“为了了解这次撞击的影响,马齐和他的同事观察了月球,月球表面布满了陨石坑,这有助于模拟地球当时所遭受的撞击”,理解可知,因为月球表面布满了陨石坑,所以可以帮助我们模拟当时地球遭受的撞击。故该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“月球也曾撞击过地球”、B选项“月球遭受撞击的时间比地球还要早”和C选项“月球作为我们的近邻,比较容易观测”都没有提到,无中生有。5. 单选题How best to solve the pollution problems of a city sunk so deep within sulfurous clouds that it was described as hel

60、l on earth? Simply answered: Relocate all urban smoke-creating industry and encircle the metropolis of London with sweetly scented flowers and elegant hedges.In fact, as Christine L. Corton, a Cambridge scholar, reveals in her new book, London Fog, this fragrant anti-smoke scheme was the brainchild

61、of John Evelyn, the 17th-century diarist. King Charles II was said to be much pleased with Evelyns idea, and a bill against the smoky nuisance was duly drafted. Then nothing was done. Nobody at the time, and nobody right up to the middle of the 20th-century, was willing to put public health above bu

62、siness interests.And yet its a surprise to discover how beloved a feature of London life these multicolored fogs became. A painter, Claude Monet, fleeing besieged Paris in 1870, fell in love with Londons vaporous, mutating clouds. He looked upon the familiar mist as his reliable collaborator. Visito

63、rs from abroad may have delighted in the fog, but homegrown artists lit candles and vainly scrubbed the grime from their gloom-filled studio windows. “Give us light!” Frederic Leighton pleaded to the guests at a Lord Mayors banquet in 1882, begging them to have pity on the poor painter.The more seri

64、ous side of Cortons book documents how business has taken precedence over humanity where Londons history of pollution is concerned. A prevailing westerly wind meant that those dwelling to the east were always at most risk. Those who could afford it lived elsewhere. The east was abandoned to the underclass. Lord Palmerston spoke up for choking East Enders in the 1850s, pointing a finger at the interests of the furnace owners. A bill

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