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1、2022研究生入学-英语一考试题库(含答案解析)1. 问答题:was a Vote Leave campaigner during the eu referendum campaign in 2016.In fact,I was one of many Vote Leave volunteers who were in the headquarters on a daily basis.I met Boris Johnson Daniel Hannan and other pro-leave leaders.But I have come to the conclusion that ther

2、e absolutely should be a referendum on the final Brexit deal.Heres why(47)Twice now the British people have been asked how they feel about our relationship with the European Union,and twice the British people have said:Hey,Im not really sure.The first time was at the actual referendum in June 2016,i

3、n which the voting public was split 51.9%/48.1%.The second time was the 2017 general election,in which the question of our membership wasnt on the table,but the manner of our exit was,and the result was a hung parliament(48)The recent revelations concerning Cambridge analytica and AggregatelY,and th

4、eir involvement in the referendum are serious and troubling.Next to the fact that the gove ment hasnt consulted the public at all on the kind of Brexit it wants,evidence of possible cheating and unethical practices fur-ther undermine the referendums legitimacy.I wasnt privy to financial goings-on at

5、 Vote Leave.But I remember being surprised when I heard about the formatin.on of BeLeave-the campaign group specifical argeting young people-and even more surprised when I heard the rumour that it was funded by Vote Leave,because that organisation already had a programme of activities to engage youn

6、g people.I was part of it(49)Suffice to say,I believe there is evidence of ethical misconduct sing the EU referendum This evidence concerns Vote Leave in the main,but not exclusively.In 10 yearstime,shouldnt we be able to look pack and be certain that the decision to leave was the genuine will of th

7、e people,that the new relationship between the UK and the EU was broadly approved of,and that both of those things were in the best interests of the UK?I dont think anybody can say that,even two years after the referendum Why did I vote leave in the first place?Because i listened to the arguments,an

8、d nobody on the remain side had satisfactory answers to criticisms of our relationship with the EU.Successive British governments assented to consecutive EU treaties that brought European nations towardsan ever closer union with greater alignment on banking,foreign policy,travel and trade The bigges

9、t issues that the world will face over the next century are transnational.Large-scale migration,environmental issues,global food and water shortages,AI and the ethics of advanced technology.Having a substantial framework for national cooperation is a headstart to resolving those issues(50)I believe

10、that its possible to want to leave the EU and want international cooperation at the same time,but,setting aside their rhetorical flourishes that doesnt seem like the vision that the chief Brexi teers actually want The UK doesnt need a second in/out referendum-it would defeat the purpose of the first

11、 one However,it is vital that the Uk has another,separate referendum on the terms of the final exit arrangement.In that referendum,the public should have the opportunity to accept the deal the government has negotiated,to reject it and ask that it renegotiate,to reject it and leave the EU without a

12、deal,or to remain in the EU he prime minister knows that delivering Brexit,any Brexit,has become an existential issue for the Conservative party in the medium term.So if there is to be another referendum,the government will have to be forced into granting it.This will be an extremely difficult task,

13、and Im not optimistic about our chances.But over the next year,Im going to be campaigning with everything I have for that possibility.After all,Im one of the people who got us into this mess答案: 本题解析:事实上,我曾每天在总部工作,是众多支持脱欧志愿者的一员。这是一个复合句。主干为I was one of many Vote Leave volunteers who were in the headqu

14、arters or daily basis.定语从句修饰先行词volunteers翻译本句的时候,要注意时态应为过去时。故was one of many应翻译为“我曾每天”。英语的时态一般是通过词形变化来表现的,而汉语则是通过一些表示时间的特定词语来表现的。英译汉时,要通过加进表示时间的词来表达英语中的时态概念。常见的有:“现在”数将来”“以后”“曾经”“已经”“正在”“刚刚”“着”“了”“过”。“了”通常是过去时和完成时的标志。例如Somehow Karin managed to cope with the demands of her career译文:卡琳设法达到了其职业的要求。2. 问

15、答题:Folloing the explosion of creativity in Florence during the 14th century known as the Renaissance, the modern world saw a departure from what it had once known. It turned from God and the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and instead favoured a more humanistic approach to being. Renaissance

16、ideas had spread throughout Europe well into the 17th century, with the arts and sciences flourishing extraordinarily among those with a more logical disposition. (46)-With (the gap between) the churchs teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance, the gap between the medieval an

17、d modern periods had been bridged, leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories.During the Renaissance, the great minds of Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei demonstrated the power of scientific study and discovery. (47)-Before each of their revelations, many thinkers

18、 at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking, including the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe. Copernicus theorized in 1543 that in actual fact, all of the planets that we knew of revolved not around the Earth, but the Sun, a system that was later upheld by

19、 Galileo at his own expense. Offering up such a theory during a time of high tension between scientific and religious minds was branded as heresy, and any such heretics that continued to spread these lies were to be punished by imprisonment or even death. Galileo was excommunicated by the Church and

20、 imprisoned for life for his astronomical observations and his support of the heliocentric principle.(48)-Despite attempts by the Church to strong-arm this new generation of logicians and rationalists, more explanations for how the universe functioned were being made, and at a rate that the people-i

21、ncluding the Church -could no longer ignore. It was with these great revelations that a new kind of philosophy founded in reason was born.The Churchs long-standing dogma was losing the great battle for truth to rationalists and scientists. This very fact embodied the new ways of thinking that swept

22、through Europe during most of the 17th century. (49)-As many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world. The Renaissance was over and it was time for a new era-the Age of Reason.The 17th and 18th centuries were times of radical change and curiosity.

23、Scientific method, reductionism and the questioning of Church ideals was to be encouraged, as were ideas of liberty, tolerance and progress. (50)-Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase sapere aude or dare to know, after Imm

24、anuel Kant used it in his essay An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment? It was the purpose and responsibility of great minds to go forth and seek out the truth, which they believed to be founded in knowledge.答案: 本题解析:正当很多人致力于尝试把推理和科学哲理融入到世界时,文艺复兴结束了,而此时一个新的理性时代到来了。本句主干为the Renaissance was

25、over and it was time for a new era,可以翻译成:文艺复兴结束了,而此时一个新的时代到来了,这是由and连接的两个并列单句。As many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world是由as引导的时间状语从句,可以翻译成:正当很多人致力于尝试把推理和科学哲理融入到世界时。3. 问答题:Some of your belongings have been harmed during transit by a home-movi

26、ng company.Write the company a letter to(1)file a claim,and(2)specify the items damaged You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.UseLi Minginstead.Do not write your address.(10 points)答案: 本题解析:Dear Mr Green On February 23,2017 your company moved our famil

27、ys belongings from Changchun to Jilin Upon arrival at our new home,your crew unloaded the van and placed the items where we requested without incident.We were instructed to file a claim with the office if we find any damages.Roughly 90%of our belongings arrived in tact and unharmed.Unfortunately one

28、 of the mirrors,a lamp,and a box of glassware arrived cracked.It appears as though the box shifted during the tran-sit and caused damage to the lamp and mirror Please compensate us for the damage caused as soon as possible Sincerely Li ming4. 问答题:High interest rates discourage people( )borrowing mon

29、ey.from答案: 本题解析:discourage sb.from doing sth.阻止,使却步,使不敢做某事。5. 问答题:Lets start by revisiting Boris Johnsons interview with Deutsche Welle last month,on whether the poison used in the Salisbury attack came from Russia:Boris Johnson:Let me be clear with you.When I look at the evidence,I mean the people

30、from Porton Down.the laboratory Deutsche Welle:So they have the samples Boris Johnson:They do.And they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself,I said“Are you sure?”And he said theres no doubt Well,thats odd.I could have sworn Gary Aitkenhead of Porton Down told Sky News that the preci

31、se sourceof the poison could not be identified.One of these men is wrong.Could it be the scientist who deals in cold hard evidence for a living,or Britain,s Donald Trump complete with ludicrous hair,incomprehensible oratory and a casual relationship with the facts A functional British press would ha

32、ve investigated whether our foreign secretary may have lied to the world about the activities of another country,but alas the medias leading lights were too busy implying Jeremy Corbyns attempts at urging caution were evidence of some kind of fervent lack of patriotism Here we have two responses to

33、foreign policy one is based on the careful examination of the evidence and employing diplomacy,the other involves rushing headlong into a contlict with a heavily armed superpower.The foreign secretary has opted for the second option,being careless with the facts in order to achieve it.The first-the

34、one we can now perhaps agree is preferable-was derided by much of te media,the Tories,and Labours self-styled moderates as being disunited and unserious Inevitably,Russia has clutched its national pearls over the comments from Porton Down and accusations of such a heinous act,and tensions with Brita

35、in have escalated.and yet Boris Johnson,whowas gleefully stoking the fire just two weeks ago,remains in post.Surely one of the most basic requirements of being foreign secretary is not lying on the international stage and deteriorating relations with other countries?There are numerous possible reaso

36、ns for Johnsons Teflon-like qualities.Perhaps the privilege of rich white men really is so pervasive that they can literally do whatever they feel like and not suffer any consequences.Perhaps the reason its so hard to shame Johnson is that he appears to lack the capacity to feel shame.In any case,a

37、straw must surely break the camels back-and it may as well be this.If lying to the country about something so serious doesnt return Johnson to the back benches,what will it take?答案: 本题解析:我们的外交大臣选择了第二种,为了实现这一目标,他全然不在意事实真相。本句为简单句,主干为The foreign secretary has opted for the second option,being引导的为伴随状语In

38、 order to引导的为目的状语。一般来说,这种表示“为了”的目的状语从句通常放在主句前面翻译。例如:He pushed open the door gently and stole out of the room for fear that he should awake her译文:为了不惊醒她,他轻轻推开房门,悄悄地溜了出去。还可以翻译在主句后面,表示“省(免)得”、以免”、“以便”、“使得”、“生怕”等概念。例如:They hid themselves behind some bushed for fear that the enemy should find them译文:他们躲在

39、树丛后面,以防被敌人发现。6. 问答题:Directions:In the following text, some sentences have been removeD.For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEE

40、T. (10 points)The social sciences are flourishing.A.s of 2005, there were almost half a million professional social scientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia.A.ccording to the World Social Science Report 2010, the number of social-science students worldwide ha

41、s swollen by about 11% every year since 2000.Yet this enormous resource is not contributing enough to todays global challenges, including climate change, security, sustainable development and health. (41)_ Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engi

42、neered crops to artificial fertilizers. Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.(42) _This is a shamethe community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real worlD.To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph

43、Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creative destruction.Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.A.nalyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords “environmental

44、change” or “climate change” have increased rapidly since 2004. (43)_When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local: Belgium is interested mainly in the effects of poverty on Belgium, for example.A.nd whether the communitys work contributes much to an overall accumulati

45、on of knowledge is doubtful.The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding. (44)_ This is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in todays economic climate.The trick is to direct

46、these funds better. The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targeted at social scientists. This year, it was proposed that the system be changed: Horizon 2020, a new program to be enacted in 2014, would not have such a category. This has resulted in protes

47、ts from social scientists. But the intention is not to neglect social science; rather, the complete opposite. (45)_ That should create more collaborative endeavors and help to develop projects aimed directly at solving global problems.A It could be that we are evolving two communities of social scie

48、ntists: one that is discipline-oriented and publishing in highly specialized journals, and one that is problem-oriented and publishing elsewhere, such as policy briefs.B However, the numbers are still small: in 2010, about 1,600 of the 100,000 social-sciences papers published globally included one o

49、f these keywords.C The idea is to force social scientists to integrate their work with other categories, including health and demographic change; food security; marine research and the bio-economy; clean, efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and secure societies.D The solution is to change th

50、e mindset of the academic community, and what it considers to be its main goal. Global challenges and social innovation ought to receive much more attention from scientists, especially the young ones.E These issues all have root causes in human behavior: all require behavioral change and social inno

51、vations, as well as technological development. Stemming climate change, for example, is as much about changing consumption patterns and promoting tax acceptance as it is about developing clean energy.F Despite these factors, many social scientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems.A.nd in Europ

52、e, some are up in arms over a proposal to drop a specific funding category for social-science research and to integrate it within cross-cutting topics of sustainable development.G During the late 1990s, national spending on social sciences and the humanities as a percentage of all research and devel

53、opment funds including government, higher education, non-profit and corporate varied from around 4% to 25%; in most European nations, it is about 15%.答案: 本题解析:41. E作者在文章第一段中肯定了目前社会科学发展迅速,人员队伍不断壮大的积极趋势,但在第二段开始即指出,如此规模的人员队伍并未给应对当今全球性挑战做出应有的贡献。这些挑战包括气候变化、安全、可持续发展和卫生问题等。本题空白处后续的内容与消除饥饿有关,且这个问题“也是社会性的”。根

54、据这两点可以推断空白处内容应涉及某个全球性且带有社会性的挑战。E项提出,上述问题的根源在于人类自身的行为,解决这些问题除依赖科技手段外,还需要转变个人行为和变革社会,气候变化就是一个典型的例子。E项中的These issues指代上文中的todays global challenges,social innovations和technological development,同后文中的agro-technological tools和problems are social相互衔接,形成清晰的平行关系。42. F从本题空白处后面的This is a shame可推断出空缺内容应是消极含义。F项体

55、现了两重消极含义:(1)很多社科学者不愿为应对全球性挑战做实际工作;(2)欧洲国家还打算削减用于社科研究的资金。作者于是发出了“这很令人失望”的感慨。F项中的such problems与上一段呼应,social scientists也得到后文中the community(此处指社会科学界)的衔接。作者呼吁社科学者抓住机遇提高自身在现实世界中的影响力,也是针对社会科学不关注实际问题的状况,且与下文中批评社会科学不重视对外部产生影响的观点相联系。43. B由第四段可知,作者认为社会科学只局限于学科问题和学界内部研讨,而不重视其对外部的影响,这种状况可以从近年来发表相关论文的数量上得到佐证。B项的意

56、图即是要提供相应统计数字。However,the numbers are still small与前文构成明显转折,one of these keywords也承接前文,从而形成虽然包含environmental change和climate change等关键词的论文数量增长迅速,但情况仍不乐观的完整逻辑关系。44. G 文章从第六段开始转向有关资金问题的探讨。G项提供了近年来人文与社会科学研究资助情况的数据。national spending、research and development funds以及具体统计数字均是有关资金的细节,与本段主旨联系紧密,本题空白处后面This is a

57、n adequate amount也起到明显的提示作用。45. C作者在第六段后半部分提出资助削减,在第七段一开始就指出只要利用得当仍可满足需要。作者通过“欧盟框架计划”资助项目的例子进一步阐明更好地利用资金才是解决问题的办法。在作者看来,欧洲国家削减社科研究资助的初衷是为了更有效地推动研究。C项中的The idea指Horizon 2020计划的构想,即促进社会科学与其他学科加速一体化进程,这将有助于推动合作,开发直接针对解决全球性问题的项目,create more collaborative endeavors和help to develop projects aimed directly

58、 at solving global problems正是integrate their work with other categories的结果。7. 问答题:Directions:You are to write an email to James Cook, a newly-arrived Australian professor, recommending some tourist attractions in your city. Please give reasons for your recommendation.You should write neatly on the A

59、NSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the email. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)答案: 本题解析:Dear James Cook,(1)Welcome to China! The aim of this email is to introduce you some famous scenic spots in Beijing so that you can have a wonderful time here.(2)First of

60、 all, you could have a visit to the Summer Palace and Forbidden City, which are renowned for its ancient buildings, time-honored history and diverse cultures. After that, there is no doubt that you should go to the Peking University, which enjoys high reputation for its profound history and culture

61、background and advanced scientific research. Finally, you can go to the National Museum, in which some traditional art exhibitions are being held.(3)How do you like my plans? I sincerely wish that you could enjoy yourselves in Beijing and it will be my pleasure to be your guide.Yours sincerely,Li Mi

62、ng本题要求向一位刚来的澳大利亚教授写一封电子邮件,向他建议一些在你的城市的一些比较有名的旅游景点,并要陈列推荐这些景点的原因。由于字数有限,考生可选择一些著名景点并简要介绍原因。写作时,需要注意电子邮件的写作格式。8. 问答题:Instincts are the natural resources of human behavior,the raw materials of action,feeling,and thought.They are the primary motives and the indispensable instruments of action.But like o

63、ther natural resources,mens original tendencies must be controlled and redirected,if they are to be frurtfully utilized in the interests of human welfare.There are a number of conditions that make imperative the control of native tendencies.The first of these is intrinsic to the organization of inst

64、incts themselves:impulses are stimulated at random and collide with one another.Often one impulse,be it that of curiosity or aggression,can be indulged only at the expense or frustration of many others just as natural,normal,and inevitable.A life is a long-time enterprise and it contains a diversity of desires.If all of these are to receive any measure of fulfillment there must be compromise and adjustment between them;they must all be subjected to some measure of control.A second cause for the

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