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1、2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Of all the components of a good nights sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disgui

2、sed shadows of our unconscious desires and fears, by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise” the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat, regulat

3、ing moods while the brain is “off-line”. And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. “Its your dream” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicagos Med

4、ical Center. “If you dont like it, change it.”Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain a

5、re equally involved, the limbic system (the “emotional brain) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet. “We wake up from dreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day” says Stanford sleep researcher Dr. Wil

6、liam Dement.The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwrights clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awaking, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Becaus

7、e our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events-until it appears, we begin to dream.And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soo

8、n as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead, the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.At the end of the day, theres probably littl

9、e reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or “we wake up in a panic,” Cartwright says Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feeling of insecurity have increased peoples anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapis

10、t. For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleep-or rather dream-on it and youll feel better in the morning.1.Researchers have come to believe that dreams( ).2.By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show( ).3.The negative feelings generated durin

11、g the day tend to( ).4.Cartwright seems to suggest that( ).5.What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have bad dreams?问题1选项A.can be modified in their coursesB.are susceptible to emotional changesC.reflect our innermost desires and fearsD.are a random outcome of neural repairs问题2选项A.i

12、ts function in our dreamsB.the mechanism of REM sleepC.the relation of dreams to emotionsD.its diffidence from the prefrontal cortex问题3选项A.aggravate in our unconscious mindB.develop into happy dreamsC.persist till the time we fall asleepD.show up in dreams early at night问题4选项A.waking up in time is e

13、ssential to the ridding of bad dreamsB.visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under controlC.dreams should be left to their natural progressD.dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious问题5选项A.Lead your life as usual.B.Seek professional help.C.Exercise conscious control.D.Avoid anxiety in th

14、e daytime.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。文章第一段第四句话提到“一位权威专家认为梦这种极度强烈的精神活动不仅能被控制,而且是有意识地控制,帮助我们入睡并且感觉更好”And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better,因此选项A“可

15、以被更改”符合题意。2.判断推理题。题目问的是“通过提到大脑边缘系统,作者想要说明什么问题”。文章第二段提到limbic system(大脑边缘系统)是情绪大脑(emotional brain),因此可以推断出作者在此处是想说明情绪与做梦之间的关系,选项C符合题意。3.细节事实题。文章第三段第二句话提到“在上半夜往往会做不好的梦,然后再睡醒前梦开始变好。这种情况暗示人们在梦里解决白天产生的负面情绪”(Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones befor

16、e awaking, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day),由此可知不好的感觉出现在入睡的较早阶段。选项D符合题意。4.细节事实题。文章第四段提到“做梦的过程不一定是无意识的。Cartwright认为我们可以练习有意识地控制不断出现的噩梦。醒来后确定在梦中令你苦恼的事情,设想一下你想要的结局,等下次它再次出现,尝试在正好能控制它的过程的时候醒过来”(Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control ove

17、r recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead, the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course),既然我们能够控制做梦的进程,说明梦境不一定是无意识的,而有可能是做梦的人有意识而为之。因此选项D符合题意。5.细节事实题。文章最后一段第一句提到我们可能根本没有关注我们的梦

18、(theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all);最后三句提到只有那些长期受噩梦折磨的人需要去咨询理疗师的建议,其他人的大脑可以自动消除不良情绪(the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings),也就是说按照往常那样来生活就可,选项A符合题意。2. 单选题Our heritage and our culture have caused most Americans to assume not only that our language is

19、universal but that the gestures we use are understood by everyone. We do not realize that waving goodbye is the way to summon a Filipino to ones side, or that in Italy curling the finger in a beckoning motion is a gesture of farewell.Those Private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying G

20、ermany after W.W. II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that GIFT means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arms length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer an

21、d touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable.Our linguistic and cultural nearsightedness and the casualness with which we take noticewhen we do-of the developed tastes, mannerisms, customs and languages of other countries, are losing us friends, business and respect in the world.Even here in the U.S

22、, we make few concessions to the needs of foreign visitors. There are no information signs in four languages on our public buildings or monuments; we do not have multilingual guide tours. Very few restaurant menus have translations and multilingual bank clerks and policemen are rare.When we go abroa

23、d, we tend to cluster in hotels where English is spoken. The attitudes and information we pick up are conditioned by those natives, usually the more affluentwho speak English. Our business, as well as the nations diplomacy, dealings are conducted through interpreters.For many years, America and Amer

24、icans could get by with cultural blindness and linguistic ignorance. After all, America was the most powerful country of the world, the dispenser of the needed funds and commodities, the peacemaker, the “top banana” in the global cast. But all that is past. We are slowly beginning to realize that ou

25、r proper role in the world is changing.1.When the author uses “nearsightedness”,he is talking( ).2.The passage informs us that ?3.We can infer from the passage that( ).4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the author?5.The author is most probably( )by nationality.问题1选项A.metaph

26、oricallyB.ironicallyC.humorouslyD.sarcastically问题2选项A.Americans do not understand their own heritage and culture wellB.the author does not mind Americans, cultural blindnessC.Americans pay little attention to foreign customs and languagesD.America has no problems in the world because its the most po

27、werful country问题3选项A.America is becoming a warlike countryB.the American role in the world is no longer properC.America will become the most powerful again if it starts to learn foreign customsD.America shouldnt remain blind and ignorant with respect to other nations cultures问题4选项A.Some American cit

28、izens sent poisons as gifts to Germany after W.W.II.B.A Filipino will probably approach an American who waves bye-bye.C.It may be unfriendly to Latins to keep more than 3 feet away from them.D.Italians use the finger motions to express bye-bye.问题5选项A.an ItalianB.an AmericanC.a FilipinoD.a German【答案】

29、第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。题目问的是“作者使用目光短浅时,她正在说”。文章第三段提到“我们在语言和文化上的近视眼以及不注意去留意他国的爱好,习惯,习俗和语言正让我们在世界上失去朋友,业务及尊重”(Our linguistic and cultural nearsightedness and the casualness with which we take noticewhen we do-of the developed tastes, mannerisms, customs and languages of other countries,

30、are losing us friends, business and respect in the world),选项A“比喻地”符合题意。2.推理判断题。题目问的是“文章告诉我们”。文章第三段提到“我们在语言和文化上的近视眼以及不注意去留意他国的爱好,习惯,习俗和语言正让我们在世界上失去朋友,业务及尊重”(Our linguistic and cultural nearsightedness and the casualness with which we take noticewhen we do-of the developed tastes, mannerisms, customs

31、and languages of other countries, are losing us friends, business and respect in the world),说明美国人不注重别国的习俗,选项C符合题意。3.推理判断题。题目问的是“我们能从文章中得出”文章最后一段提到过去美国人习惯忽视他国的语言和文化,因为那个时候美国很强大。但是已经是过去时了,我们应该意识到我们在世界上的独特作用正在改变(But all that is past. We are slowly beginning to realize that our proper role in the world

32、is changing),说明现在美国不应该像以前那样忽视他国的语言和文化,选项D“美国人不应该忽视他国的文化”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据作者的描述,下列哪项陈述是不真实的”。文章第二段提到“给二战后占领德国的美国军队寄送包裹的美国人为了避税而在包裹上标示GIFT”,而不愿麻烦去发现GIFT在德语中是“毒药”的意思(Those Private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after W.W. II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments d

33、id not bother to find out that GIFT means poison in German),由此可知选项A的描述是不真实的,是美国人为了避税错把GIFT(毒药)当GIFT(礼物),符合题意。5.推理判断题。题目问的是“作者可能是哪个国家的人”。文章使用的是第一人称,文章多次用“our heritage and our culture”或者 “we are slowly beginning to realize”可以推测作者最有可能是美国人。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题“Humans should not try to avoid stress any more th

34、an they would shun food, love or exercise,” said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body. While heres on question that continuous stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in which youre able to rise to the occasion can be good f

35、or you.In a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses, those who faced considerable work demands but coped with the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they couldnt get the job done.Stress that you can manage may also boost immune function. In a study at the Academ

36、ic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam, researchers put volunteers through two stressful experiences. In the first, a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test, subjects believed they had control over the outcome. In the second, they werent in control: They had to sit through

37、 a gory(血淋淋的)video on surgical procedures. Those who did well on the memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody thats the body first line of defense against germs. The video-watchers experienced a downturn in the antibody.Stress prompts the body to produce certain stress

38、hormones. In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect, including improving memory function. “They can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage,” says Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University in New York. But in the long run these hormones can have a harmful effect on t

39、he body and brain.Sustained stress is not good for you,” says Richard Morimoto, a researcher at Northwestern University in Illinois studying the effects of stress on longevity. “Its the occasional burst of stress or brief exposure to stress that could be protective.”1.The passage is mainly about( ).

40、2.The word “shun (Line I, Para. 1) most probably mean( ).3.We can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that( ).4.In the experiment described in Paragraph 3,the video-watchers experienced a downturn in the antibody because( ).5.Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University believes that( ).

41、问题1选项A.the benefits of management stressB.how to avoid stressful situationsC.how to cope with stress effectivelyD.the effects of stress hormones on memory问题2选项A.cut down onB.stay away fromC.run out ofD.put up with问题3选项A.people under stress tend to have a poor memoryB.people who cant get their job do

42、ne experience more stressC.doing challenging work may be good for ones healthD.stress will weaken the bodys defense against germs问题4选项A.the video was not enjoyable at allB.the outcome was beyond their controlC.they knew little about surgical proceduresD.they feel no pressure while watching the video

43、问题5选项A.a persons memory is determined by the level of hormones in his bodyB.stress hormones have lasting positive effects on the brainC.short bursts of stress hormones enhance memory functionD.a persons memory improves with continued experience of stress.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。题目问的

44、是“这篇文章主要讲述了”。文章的中心句是第一段第二句话“虽然持续的压力是有害的,但有几项研究表明,你能够应付的具有挑战性的情况对人是有好处的”(While heres on question that continuous stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in which youre able to rise to the occasion can be good for you),接下来围绕这个中心句阐述,因此选项A“压力管理的好处”符合题意。2.词义题。题目问的是“单词shun的意

45、思是”。文章第一段第一句提到“人类不应该像躲避食物,爱情或锻炼那样去逃避压力”(Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise),根据any more than 可知shun与avoid是同义词,因此选项B符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“从2001年对158 护士的研究中,我们可以得出”。文章第二段提到相比那些感觉自己不能应付大量工作额护士,能应付大量工作的护士更有可能说自己身体健康,由此可知选项C“做具有挑战性工作可能对身体健康有益”符合题意。4.细节事

46、实题。题目问的是“在第三段描述的试验中,视频观看者经历抗体下降的原因是”。文章第三段提到在第二个试验中,他们无法控制结果(In the second, they werent in control),选项B“结果超过控制”符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“Rockefeller大学的布鲁斯认为”。文章第四段第二句话提到“这些荷尔蒙在短时间内有正面效应,包括提高记忆力”(In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect, including improving memory function),所以选项C“短时间内的压力荷尔蒙能对身体

47、或人的大脑带来伤害”符合题意。4. 单选题Television is one of todays most powerful and widespread means of mass communication. It directly influences our lives on both a short and long term basis; it brings worldwide situations into our homes; it affords extensive opportunities for acquiring higher education; and it pe

48、rforms these tasks in a convenient yet effective manner. We are all aware of the popularly accepted applications of television, particularly those relative to entertainment and news broadcasting.Television, however, has also been a vital link in unmanned deep space exploration (such as the Voyager I

49、 and II missions) in providing visions from hazardous areas (such as proximity to radioactive materials or environments) in underwater research, in viewing storms moving across a metropolitan area (the camera being placed in a weather protective enclosure near the top of a tower), etc. The earths we

50、ather satellites also use television cameras for viewing cloud cover and movements from 20.000 miles in space. Infrared filters are used for night views, and several systems include a spinning mirror arrangement to permit wide area views from the camera. Realizing the unlimited applications for toda

51、ys television, one may thus logically ponder the true benefits of confining most of our video activities to the mass entertainment field.Conventional television broadcasting within the United States centers around free enterprise and public ownership. This requires funding by commercial sponsors, an

52、d thus functions in a revenue producing business manner. Television in USSR subjected areas, conversely, is a government owned and maintained arrangement. While such arrangements eliminate the need for commercial sponsorship, it also has the possibility of limiting the type of programs available to

53、viewers (a number of purely entertainment programs similar to the classic “Bewitched”, however, have been seen on these government controlled networks. All isnt as gray and dismal as the uninformed might unnecessarily visualize).A highly modified form of television called Slow Scan TV is presently b

54、eing used by many Amateur Radio operators to provide direct visual communications with almost any area of the world. This unique visual mode recently allowed people on the tiny South Pacific country of Pitcairn Island to view, for the first time in their lives, distant areas, and people of the world

55、. The chief radio Amateur and communications officer of Pitcairn, incidentally, is the legendary Tom Christian great, great grandson of Tom Christian of “Mutiny on the Bounty” fame. Radio Amateurs in many lands worked together for several months establishing visual capabilities for Pitcairners. The

56、results have proven spectacular, yet the visual capabilities have only been used for health education or welfare purposes. Commercial TV is still unknown to natives of that tiny country. Numerous other forms of television and visual communication have also been used on semi restricted basis. This in

57、dicates the many untapped areas of video and television which may soon be exploited on a more widespread basis. The old clich of a picture being worth a thousand words truly has merit.1.According to the passage, applications of television are easily accepted in( ).2.Which of the following statements

58、 is true in the eyes of the writer?3.According to the passage television in USSR( ).4.In the passage, the author tries to tell us purely entertainment programs similar to the classic “Bewitched”( ).5.The authors attitude toward television programs is ( ).问题1选项A.metropolitan areaB.deep space explorat

59、ionC.programs about entertainment and newsD.remote areas问题2选项A.Applications of television are beneficial to big cities.B.Applications of television are believed to be good activitiesC.Applications of television are restricted to television systems.D.Applications of television benefit to the mass ent

60、ertainment field.问题3选项A.is limited to a revenue producing business mannerB.requires funding by commercial sponsorsC.puts away the need of commercial aidD.is badly in need of commercial help问题4选项A.are as good as those in the U.S.B.have been seen on many government controlled networksC.are as gray and

61、 dismal as the uninformed might unnecessarily visualizeD.are not as gloomy as the uninformed might问题5选项A.positiveB.indifferentC.criticalD.dangerous【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章可知电视在哪方面的运用更让人容易接受”。文章第一段最后一句提到“我们都知道电视被广泛接受,尤其是那些与娱乐和新闻广播有关的内容”(We are all aware of the popularly acc

62、epted applications of television, particularly those relative to entertainment and news broadcasting),因此选项C符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“在作者看来,下面说法正确的是”。文章第二段最后一句提到“意识到当今电视的无限应用,人们可能会理性地思考我们将大多数影像活动限制于大众娱乐领域而带来的真正好处”(Realizing the unlimited applications for todays television, one may thus logically ponder the

63、true benefits of confining most of our video activities to the mass entertainment field),由此可知选项D“电视使用受益的是大众娱乐”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章所述,苏联的电视”。文章第二段提到苏联的电视是受政府控制的,所以不需要赞助(Television in USSR subjected areas, conversely, is a government owned and maintained arrangement),因此选项C“不需要商业支持”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“文章作者试图告诉我们与古典的Bewitched相似的纯娱乐节目”。文章第三段提到“它也可能限制可供观众观看的节目类型(然而,在这些由政府控制的网络上,已经出现了一些类似经典的入迷的纯娱乐节目。与知情者可能不必要观看的节目相比,这些节目没有那么令人忧郁)”it also has the possibility of limiting the type of programs available to viewers (a number of purely entertainment programs similar to the cla

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