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1、2022年考博英语-厦门大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题We agree that a central purpose of drama has always been to provide a means for a society to_upon itself and its beliefs.问题1选项A.manifestB.reflectC.inventD.respect【答案】B【解析】manifest证明, 显示; reflect反映; invent发明,创作; respect尊重。句意:我们一致认为, 戏剧的中心思想一直是为社会提供一种反映自身及其信仰的手段。选项

2、B符合句意。2. 单选题He had scarcely left the railway station_it started to rain.问题1选项A.thanB.thenC.whenD.since【答案】C【解析】scarcely when为固定用法, 表示一.就.。句意:他一离开火车站就开始下起了雨。选项C正确。3. 单选题When traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure_to carrying your money in cash.问题1选项A.substituteB.s

3、electionC.inferenceD.alternative【答案】D【解析】substitute替代物; preference偏爱;selection选择,指从相当数量中进行选择,强调数量多和慎重的判断和鉴别;alternative可供选择的,强调在两个中选一个。句意:旅游的时候建议你带上旅行支票, 作为携带现金的一个安全替代方式。选项D正确。4. 单选题Advance in food preservation gave consumers in developed countries access to_all foods grown in distant lands.问题1选项A.e

4、xtensivelyB.virtuallyC.artificiallyD.continually【答案】C【解析】extensively广泛的; virtually事实上; artificially人为地;continually不断地,频繁地。句意:食品保存技术的进步使发达国家的消费者能够人为地获取不同产地的食品。选项C符合句意。5. 单选题Now they think that their views about the president and his policies on Iraq, global warming or unilateralism have all been_, so

5、 why keep ranting?问题1选项A.treacherousB.fraudulentC.avengedD.vindicated【答案】D【解析】treacherous背叛的,奸诈的;fraudulent欺骗性的; avenged报复, 报仇;vindicate证明.正确,维护。句意:现在他们认为, 他们对总统及其在伊拉克,全球变暖或单边主义政策的问题上的看法,都被证明是正确的, 那他们为什么还这么义愤填膺呢?选项D符合句意。6. 单选题I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a_character.问题

6、1选项A.graciousB.suspiciousC.uniqueD.particular【答案】B【解析】gracious有礼貌的, 宽厚的; suspicious多疑的, 可疑的; unique独一无二的, 唯一的; particular特别的, 独有的。句意:我从不相信他, 因为我一直认为他是个多疑的人。选项B符合句意。7. 单选题Critical articles on this novel argue that though the plot seems logical,the ending of the novel is_.问题1选项A.tardyB.ramrodC.farfetc

7、hedD.factitious【答案】C【解析】tardy行动缓慢的; ramrod严厉的, 生硬的; farfetched牵强的; factitious人为的, 虚假的。句意:有关这篇小说的评论称,虽然情节看似合乎逻辑,但小说的结尾却很牵强。选项C符合句意。8. 单选题The government recently presented an ambitious plan to tackle the violence and_that follow when too many people drink too much too quickly in too small an area.问题1选

8、项A.alienationB.delimitationC.barenessD.mayhem【答案】D【解析】alienation疏远,转让; delimitation定界; bareness赤裸, 裸露; mayhem蓄意的破坏, 故意的伤害罪。句意:政府最近提出了一项雄心勃勃的计划,以解决在一个面积太小的地区,如果有太多的人饮酒太多太快而制造的暴力和混乱。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题President Bush warned Congress on Wednesday that inaction on his push to_Social Security could breed polit

9、ical repercussions.问题1选项A.accustomB.formulateC.overhaulD.dismantle【答案】C【解析】accustom使习惯于; formulate用公式表示,明确地表达;overhaul检查, 革新; dismantle拆除,取消。句意:布什总统于星期三对国会发出警告,如果不支持他推动社会保险的全面改革可能会产生政治影响。选项C符合句意。10. 单选题If it is true that morality cannot exist without religion, then does not the erosion of religion h

10、erald the_of morality?问题1选项A.regulationB.basisC.beliefD.collapse【答案】D【解析】regulation管理, 规则; basis基础, 底部; belief信仰, 教义; collapse失败, 衰竭。句意:如果没有宗教, 道德就不可能存在, 那么宗教的侵蚀不就预示着道德的崩溃吗?选项D符合句意。11. 单选题It is interesting to reflect for a moment upon the differences in the areas of moral feeling and standards in th

11、e peoples of Japan and the United States. The Americans divide these areas somewhat rigidly into spirit and flesh,the two being in opposition in the life of a human being. Ideally,spirit should prevail but all too often it is the flesh that does prevail. The Japanese make no such division, at least

12、between one as good and the other as evil. They believe that a person has two souls,each necessary. One is the gentle soul, the other is the rough soul. Sometimes the person uses his gentle soul, sometimes he must use his rough soul. He does not favor his gentle soul,neither does he fight his rough

13、soul. Human nature in itself is good,Japanese philosophers insist,and a human being does not need to fight any part of himself. He has only to learn how to use each soul properly at the appropriate times. Virtue for the Japanese consists in fulfilling ones obligations to others. Happy endings,either

14、 in life or in fiction,are neither necessary nor expected,since the fulfillment of duty provides the satisfying end, whatever the tragedy it inflicts. And duty includes a persons obligations to those who have conferred benefits upon him and to himself as an individual of honor. He develops through t

15、his double sense of duty a self-discipline which is at once permissive and rigid,depending upon the area in which it is functioning.The process of acquiring this self-discipline begins in childhood. Indeed, one may say it begins at birthhow early the Japanese child is given his own identity! If I we

16、re to define in a word the attitude of the Japanese toward their children I would put it in one succinct word. Love? Yes,abundance of love, warmly expressed from .the moment he is put to his mothers breast. For a mother this nursing of her child is important psychologically.Rewards are frequent,a bi

17、t of candy bestowed at the right moment,an inexpensive toy. As time comes to enter school, however, discipline becomes firmer. To bring shame to the family is the greatest shame for the child.What is the secret of the Japanese teaching of self-discipline? It lies, I think,in the fact that the aim of

18、 all teaching is the establishment of habit. Rules are repeated over and over,and continually practiced until obedience becomes instinctive. This repetition is enhanced by the expectation of the elders. They expect a child to obey and to learn through obedience. The demand is gentle at first and tem

19、pered to the childs tender age. It is no less gentle as time goes on,but certainly it is increasingly inexorable.Now, far away from that warm Japanese home, I reflect upon what I learned there. What, I wonder,will take the place of the web of love and discipline which for so many centuries has surro

20、unded the life and thinking of the people of Japan? 1.According to Japanese belief a child is born( ) .2.The training of the Japanese child can best be described as( ) .3.In the teaching of self-discipline the Japanese emphasize ( ) .4.The Japanese idea of virtue is( ) .5.To the Japanese,the aim of

21、existence is( ) .问题1选项A.basically goodB.amoral, neither good nor evilC.with two souls which are in combat with one anotherD.in sin问题2选项A.a system of rewards and punishmentsB.frequent disciplining which becomes more inexorably severe as the child grows olderC.benevolent and indulgent during the early

22、 years,but somewhat more severe as the child grows olderD.almost entirely psychological问题3选项A.duty to ones family and relationsB.early toilet training combined with restrictive movementC.heavy external control including both verbal and physical punishmentD.a permissive atmosphere almost until pubert

23、y问题4选项A.sublimating the rough soul to permit ascendancy of the gentle soulB.fulfilling ones obligations to othersC.doing good and avoiding evilD.being friendly and courteous to all people问题5选项A.the pursuit of happinessB.reward in the afterlifeC.a happy ending to ones activitiesD.fulfilling ones duty

24、【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.根据第一段“Human nature in itself is good,Japanese philosophers insist,and a human being does not need to fight any part of himself. He has only to learn how to use each soul properly at the appropriate times.”日本哲学家坚持认为, 人性本身是好的, 一个人不需要与自己的任何一部分作斗争。他只需要学习如何在适当的时候恰当地使用每一

25、个灵魂。所以选项A符合原文。2.根据倒数第二段的最后一句“The demand is gentle at first and tempered to the childs tender age. It is no less gentle as time goes on,but certainly it is increasingly inexorable.”这种要求一开始是温和的, 根据孩子们幼小的年龄而进行调整, 随着时间的推移这种要求就不那么温和了, 可以肯定的说是越来越无情了。选项C符合原文。3.本题与上一题意思相近, 这种要求一开始是温和的, 根据孩子们幼小的年龄而进行调整, 随着时间

26、的推移这种要求就不那么温和了, 可以肯定的说是越来越无情了。选项D符合原文。4.根据第一段中提到的“Virtue for the Japanese consists in fulfilling ones obligations to others.”可知选项B符合原文。5.根据第一段的后半部分的内容可知, 对于日本人来说, 存在的目的就是履行职责。所以选项D正确。12. 单选题Certain animal behaviors, such as mating rituals seem to be_, and therefore_external factors such as climate c

27、hanges, food supply, or the presence of other animals of the same species.问题1选项A.learned.immune toB.innate.unaffected byC.intricate.belong toD.specific.confused with【答案】B【解析】learned.immune to学到的 不受感染; innate.unaffected by先天的 不受影响; intricate.belong to复杂的 属于; specific.confused with特定的 混淆。句意:某些动物的行为, 如

28、交配仪式, 似乎是与生俱来的, 因此不受外部因素的影响, 如气候变化, 食物供应, 或其他动物相同物种的存在。选项B符合句意。13. 单选题Before starting my own business, I had to_my bosss peculiar working plan.问题1选项A.play the devil withB.play along withC.play checkmate withD.play the bear with【答案】B【解析】play the devil with搞糟, 使失败; play along with参与; play checkmate wi

29、th把 将死; 使一败涂地; play the bear with破坏。句意:在开始自己的事业之前, 我必须参与老板独特的工作计划。选项B符合句意。14. 单选题In fact,the country has exhibited considerable flexibility, relaxing its position on many_issues,including agricultural subsidies.问题1选项A.surpassingB.commodiousC.contentiousD.judicable【答案】C【解析】surpassing胜过的, 优秀的; commodi

30、ous宽敞的, 方便的; contentious有争议的, 诉讼的; judicable 应受审判的。句意:事实上, 该国表现出相当大的灵活性, 在包括农业补贴在内的许多有争议的问题上放松了立场。选项C符合句意。15. 单选题The African elephantmythic symbol of a continent, keystone of its ecology and the largest land animal remaining on earthhas become the object of one of the biggest, broadest international

31、 efforts yet mounted to turn a threatened species off the road to extinction. But it is not only the elephants survival that is at stake, conservationists say. Unlike the endangered tiger, unlike even the great whales, the African elephant is in great measure the architect of its environment. As a v

32、oracious eater of vegetation, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna surroundings in which it lives, thereby setting the terms of existence for millions of other storied animals-from zebras to gazelles to giraffes and wildebeeststhat share its habitat And as the elephant disappears, scientists and

33、 conservationists say, many other species will also disappear from vast stretches of forest and savanna, drastically altering and impoverishing whole ecosystems.It is the elephants metabolism and appetite that make it a disturber of the environment and therefore an important creator of habitat. In a

34、 constant search for the 300 pounds of vegetation it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbrush and pulls branches off big trees as high as its trunk will reach. This creates innumerable open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savan

35、nas. The resulting patchwork, a mosaic of vegetation in various stages of regeneration, in turn creates a greater variety of forage that attracts a greater variety of other vegetation-eaters than would otherwise be the case.In studies over the last 20 years in southern Kenya near Mount Kilimanjaro,

36、Dr.Western has found that when elephants are allowed to roam die savannas naturally and normally, they spread out at intermediate densities. Their foraging creates a mixture of savanna woodlands (what the Africans call bush) and grassland. The result is a highly diverse array of other plant-eating s

37、pecies: those like the zebra, wildebeest and gazelle, that graze: those like the giraffe, bushbuck and lesser kudu, that browse on tender shoots, buds, twigs and leaves; and plant-eating primates like the baboon and vervet monkey. These herbivores attract carnivores like the lion and cheetah.When th

38、e elephant population thins out. Dr. Western said, the woodlands become denser and the grazers are squeezed out. When pressure from poachers forces elephants to crowd more densely onto reservations, the woodlands there are knocked out and the browsers and primates disappear.Something similar appears

39、 to happen in dense tropical rain forests. In their natural state, because the overhead forest canopy shuts out sunlight and prevents growth on the forest floor, rain forests provide slim pickings for large, hoofed plant-eaters. By pulling down trees and eating new growth, elephants enlarge natural

40、openings in the canopy, allowing plants to regenerate on the forest floor and bringing down vegetation from the canopy so that smaller species can get at it.In such situations, the rain forest becomes hospitable to large plant-eating mammals such as bongos, bush pigs, duikers, forest hogs, swamp ant

41、elopes, forest buffaloes, okapis, sometimes gorillas and always a host of smaller animals that thrive on secondary growth. When elephants disappear and the forest reverts, the larger mammals give way to smaller, nimbler animals like monkeys, squirrels and rodents. 1.The passage is primarily concerne

42、d with( ).2.In the opening paragraph, the author mentions tigers and whales in order to emphasize which point about the elephant?3.A necessary component of the elephants ability to transform the landscape is its ( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage that( ).5.Which of the following statements be

43、st expresses the authors attitude toward the damage to vegetation caused by foraging elephants?问题1选项A.explaining why elephants are facing the threat of extinctionB.explaining difficulties in providing sufficient forage for plant-eatersC.explaining how the elephants impact on its surroundings affects

44、 other speciesD.distinguishing between savannas and rain forests as habitats for elephants问题2选项A.Like them, U faces the threat of extinction.B.It is herbivorous rather than carnivorous.C.It is the largest extant land mammal.D.Unlike them, it physically alters its environment.问题3选项A.massive intellige

45、nceB.threatened extinctionC.ravenous hungerD.lack of grace问题4选项A.the natural tendency of elephants is to crowd together in packsB.the elephant is dependent upon the existence of smaller plant-eating mammals for its survivalC.elephants have an indirect effect on the hunting patterns of certain carniv

46、oresD.the floor of the tropical rain forest is too overgrown to accommodate larger plant-eating species问题5选项A.It is an unfortunate by-product of the feeding process.B.It is a necessary but undesirable aspect of elephant population growth.C.It fortuitously results in creating environments suited to d

47、iverse species.D.It has the unexpected advantage that it allows scientists access to the rain forest【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.本文主要是讲述大象能够改变居住环境, 从而影响其他物种的生存, 选项C正确。2.根据关键词tigerswhales定位到第一段第三句Unlike the endangered tiger, unlike even the great whales, the African elephant is in great measure

48、 the architect of its environment.不像濒临灭绝的老虎, 甚至不像大型鲸鱼, 非洲象在很大程度上是环境的建筑师。也就是说大象能够改变环境, 选项D符合原文。3.根据第二段的第一句It is the elephants metabolism and appetite that make it a disturber of the environment.大象能够改变环境是因为它们的新陈代谢和食欲。选项C正确。4.根据第三段第一句when elephants are allowed to roam die savannas naturally and normall

49、y, they spread out at intermediate densities.可知, 大象不是群居动物, 所以选项A错误; 根据倒数第二段的内容可知, 选项B表达的刚好是相反的情况, 所以错误; 根据最后一段的第一句.the rain forest becomes hospitable to large plant-eating mammals.可知选项D错误。根据第三段的内容可知, 大象改变环境会产生种类繁多的食草动物, 食草动物又吸引了食肉动物。也就是说大象对某些食肉动物的捕猎方式有间接影响。选项C符合原文内容。5.结合全文内容可知, 大象改变环境给其他物种创造了适宜其生存的环

50、境, 这是偶然性的而不是大象刻意为之的, 所以选项C正确。16. 单选题The Committee has approved your qualifications and you will be_to the retiring Head Clerks post.问题1选项A.employedB.appointedC.admittedD.accepted【答案】B【解析】employed雇用; appointed任命为; admitted接纳; accepted接受。句意:委员会已批准你的资格, 你将被任命为退休的文书主任。选项B符合句意。17. 单选题The president striki

51、ng an_tone on Israeli Palestinian relations after a week of ideal meeting with leaders from both sides of the conflict.问题1选项A.outlandishB.optimisticC.jurisdictionalD.sacramental【答案】B【解析】outlandish偏僻的, 古怪的; optimistic乐观的; jurisdictional司法的, 司法权的; sacramental圣礼的,神圣的。句意:总统在与巴以冲突双方领导人进行了一周令人满意的会晤后, 对巴以关

52、系发表了乐观的看法。选项B符合句意。18. 单选题Although the government still enjoys a high level of public support,the crime problem has stirred political _and suspicions.问题1选项A.substanceB.antagonismsC.dimensionD.possession【答案】B【解析】substance物质, 实质; antagonism对抗,敌意; dimension尺寸; possession拥有。句意:虽然政府仍然享有很高的公众支持, 但犯罪问题已经引发了

53、对抗对立和猜疑。选项B符合句意。19. 单选题The bureau develops and implements US foreign economic policy and tries to_Americas economic interests with its foreign policy.问题1选项A.undertakeB.resolveC.obeyD.reconcile【答案】D【解析】undertake承担,保证; resolve决心; obey服从; reconcile使和解, 使一致。句意:该局制定和实施美国的对外经济政策, 并努力使美国的经济利益与其外交政策相协调。选项D符

54、合句意。20. 单选题But cellphones had been around for 15 years before they caught on with_America. By that yardstick, broadbandwidely available for only the past couple of yearshas many more miles to go.问题1选项A.main-topmastB.mainstayC.main arteryD.mainstream【答案】D【解析】main-topmast航海主桅中桅;mainstay中流砥柱;main artery主要干线; mainstream 主流。句意:在手机成为美国主流之前,它已经存在了15年。按照这个标准,宽带还有很长的路要走宽带仅在过去几年才普及。选项D符合句意。

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