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1、2022年考博英语-燕山大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题He always takes pride in his work. He is very _.问题1选项A.humbleB.devotedC.respectiveD.formal【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项humble“谦逊的,虚心的”;B选项devoted“忠诚的,全心全意的”;C选项respective“分别的,各自的”;D选项formal“适合正式场合的;正规的”。句意:他总是为自己的工作感到自豪。他非常_。根据语境,这里指的是他很投入于自己的工作,为自己的工作感到自豪,B选项de

2、voted“忠诚的,全心全意的”符合题意。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Frid

3、ay, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster, population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良) and heat-related health problems.But even before its release, the report drew crit

4、icism from some experts on climate and risk, who questioned its methods and conclusions.Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change. It projected that the number would double by 2030.Roger P

5、ielke Jr., a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who studies disaster trends, said the Forums report was “a methodological embarrassment” because there was no way to distinguish deaths or economic losses related to human-driven global warming amid the much larger losses resul

6、ting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的) regions. Dr. Pielke said that “climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention”. But the report, he said, “will harm the cause for action on both climate change and disasters because it is so dee

7、ply flawed (有瑕疵的)”.However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said the report was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagen in

8、December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiations to focus on increasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulnerability to climate hazards while still curbing the emissio

9、ns of the heat-trapping gases. More than 90% of the human and economic losses from climate change are occurring in poor countries, according to the report.1. What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?2. What do we learn about the Forums report from the passage?3. What does Dr. Pielke say

10、about the Forums report?4. What is Soren Andreasens view of the report?5. What does Kofi Annan say should be the focus of the Copenhagen conference? 问题1选项A.Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B.Rates of death from illness have risen due to global warming.C.Malnutrition has ca

11、used serious health problems in poor countries.D.Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.问题2选项A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts.B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles.C.It was warmly received by environmentalists.D.It caused a big stir in

12、 developing countries.问题3选项A.Its statistics look embarrassing.B.It is invalid in terms of methodology.C.It deserves our closest attention.D.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.问题4选项A.Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data.B.It is vulnerable to criticism if the statistics are close

13、ly examined.C.It will give rise to heated discussions at the Copenhagen conference.D.Its rough estimates are meant to draw the attention of world leaders.问题5选项A.How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming.B.How human and economic losses from climate change can be red

14、uced.C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第二段第二句It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from il

15、lnesses including malnutrition and heat-related health problems.(研究发现,受人类影响的气候变化提高了包括营养不良和与高温相关的各种疾病的全球死亡率。),可知全球变暖造成疾病死亡率上升,没有说到贫穷国家的具体情况,B选项“由于全球变暖,疾病的死亡率上升了”正确,C选项“营养不良在贫穷国家造成了严重的健康问题”错误。A选项“全球气温影响经济发展的速度”:根据第一段Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic

16、losses each year(全球变暖每年造成超过30万人死亡,约1250亿美元的经济损失。),可知全球变暖造成经济损失,而不是影响经济发展速度,故错误。D选项“经济趋势与人口和自然灾害有关”:根据第二段第一句The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster, population and economic trends.(这份将于周五发布的报告分析了有关健康、灾害、人口和经济趋势的数据和现有研究。),可知并没有指出这些研究内容的关系,故错误。因此B选项正确。2

17、.【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。根据第三段But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk, who questioned its methods and conclusions.(但在发布之前,该报告就遭到了一些气候和风险专家的批评,他们质疑报告的方法和结论。),可知有的气候和风险专家对此提出质疑,A选项“它受到了一些气候和风险专家的质疑”正确。B选项“它引起了科学界的极大兴趣”,C选项“它受到了环保主义者的热烈欢迎”和D选项“它在发展中国家引起了很

18、大的轰动”:文中没有提到这个报告在整个科学界和发展中国家的影响,也没有提到环保主义者对此的看法,故错误。因此A选项正确。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第五段第一句Roger Pielke Jr.,said the Forums report was “a methodological embarrassment”(Roger Pielke Jr.说论坛的报告是“方法论上的难题”),可知Pielke不认同这份报告的方法,没有对其数据进行评价,B选项“从方法论来讲是无效的”正确,A选项“统计数据看起来很尴尬”错误。C选项“值得我们密切关注”:根据第五段第二句Dr. Pielke s

19、aid that “climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention”.(皮尔克博士说“气候变化是一个需要我们高度关注的重要问题。”),可知需要关注的是气候变化而非报告,故错误。D选项“结论被故意夸大”:文中没有提到。因此B选项正确。4.【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。根据第六段However, Soren Andreasensaying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said the report was a

20、imed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagen in December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.(然而,Soren Andreasen称这些数字显然是粗略的估计。他说,这份报告的目标是世界各国领导人,他们将于12月在哥本哈根开会,就新的国际气候条约进行谈判。),可知报告的数据是粗略的估计,不是仔细收集的,A选项“报告的结论基于仔细收集的数据”错误;而这粗略的估计主要是给世界各国领导人看的,D选项“报告粗略估计是为了吸引世界领导人的注意”正确;这些世界各国领导人将出席哥本

21、哈根,而不是说报告会在这个会议上引起热烈讨论,C选项“报告将在哥本哈根会议上引起热烈的讨论”错误。B选项“如果仔细核查统计数据,报告经不起推敲”:文中没有提到。因此D选项正确。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节。根据第七段第一句In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiations to focus on increasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulne

22、rability to climate hazards while still curbing the emissions of the heat-trapping gases.(Annan在描述这份报告的新闻稿中强调,谈判有必要把重点放在增加从富裕地区向贫困地区的资金流动上,以帮助这些地区降低对气候灾害的脆弱性,同时仍然控制温室气体的排放。),可知Annan认为重点应该是富裕地区帮助贫困地区面对气候灾害,而不是如何解决全球性的问题,D选项“富裕国家如何更好地帮助贫困地区减少气候灾害”正确;A选项“富国和穷国如何分担遏制全球变暖的责任”,B选项“如何减少气候变化造成的人类和经济损失”和C选项“

23、如何在全球范围内减少温室气体的排放”错误。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题There was a traffic jam, but she _ get to the destination in time.问题1选项A.couldB.mightC.ought toD.was able to【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A选项could“能够(原本就具有某种能力)”;B选项might“也许会”;C选项ought to“应该(表示期望或可能发生的事或表示劝告或建议)”;D选项was able to“能够(通过努力可以具备某种能力或实现某种状态,强调有努力的过程)”。句意:虽然发生了交通拥

24、堵,但她_及时到达目的地。根据语境,这里指即使因为交通拥堵及时到达目的地存在困难,但是她依然办到了,D选项was able to符合题意。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题She admired the director to such an extent that she took his words _ as oracles.问题1选项A.divineB.rebelliousC.faithfulD.unbearable【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项divine“神圣的;极好的”;B选项rebellious“叛逆的”;C选项faithful“忠实的”;D选项unbearabl

25、e“无法忍受的”。句意:她非常崇拜她的主管,到了把他的话当作神谕一样_。根据语境,这里指把主管的话看得像神谕一样神圣,A选项divine“神圣的”符合题意。因此A选项正确。5. 单选题You have your choice of three _ of ice cream.问题1选项A.varietiesB.topsC.respectsD.decks【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项varieties“(同一事物的)不同种类;品种”;B选项tops“顶端;表面”;C选项respects“(事物的)方面,细节”;D选项decks“(船或公共汽车的)一层”。句意:你有三_冰淇淋供你

26、选择。根据语境,这里指的是有三种不同的冰淇淋,A选项varieties“(同一事物的)不同种类”符合题意。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题You must be very careful; the work _ precision.问题1选项A.retainsB.entailsC.retailsD.repels【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项retains“保持”;B选项entails“牵涉;需要”;C选项retails“述说(尤指别人的事情)”;D选项repels“击退;赶走”。句意:你必须非常小心;这项工作_精确。根据语境,这里指这是份细致的工作,B选项entails“牵涉;

27、需要”符合题意。因此B选项正确。7. 单选题I think I was at school, _ was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news.问题1选项A.or elseB.and thenC.or soD.even so【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A选项or else“要不然”;B选项and then“然后;其次”;C选项or so“大约”;D选项even so“即使如此”。句意:当我听到这个消息时,我想我是在学校,_是在和一个朋友度假。根据语境,这里指的是要么在学校,要么在度假,A选

28、项or else“要不然”符合题意。因此A选项正确。8. 单选题Alan is a good football player and never breaks _.问题1选项A.legalB.regulationsC.limitationD.agreement【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A选项legal“法律的;合法的”;B选项regulations“规则,法规”;C选项limitation“起限制作用的规则(limitations on imports 进口限制)”;D选项agreement“协定,协议”。句意:艾伦是一个优秀的足球运动员,从不违反_。根据语境,这里指的是艾伦

29、从不违反足球比赛的规则,B选项regulations“规则”符合题意。C选项limitation强调的是限制,不符合语境。因此B选项正确。9. 翻译题(1) In many of the countries struggling to find enough water for their populations, it is the government that is to blame, not geography according to a report out this week.(2) Several recent UN studies show that lack of wate

30、r is holding back food production and economic development in more and more regions around the world. According to the UN Environment Program, a third of the planet will face water shortages by 2025.But Caroline Sullivan, head of water policy and management at Britains Centre for Ecology and Hydrolo

31、gy (CEH) in Wallingford, Oxford shire, says these problems are often of a countrys own making. (3) “It is easy for governments to blame geography when the problem is usually their own failings.” She says. Unless they realize this, they will have no chance of achieving the goal agreed at this years W

32、orld Summit of halving the number of people without access to clean drinking water by 2015, she adds.Sullivan is the chief author of the Water Poverty Index, published this week by the CEH The index, which was put together with Sullivans colleagues at the water policy think tank the World Water Coun

33、cil, ranks countries by how efficiently they conserve, use and deliver water to those who need it.(4) It reveals a sharp contrast between countries that manage their water well and those that dont. Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the same Caribbean island, and have similar populations and acc

34、ess to similar amounts of Water. Yet while the Dominican Republic appears in the top half of the index, Haiti suffers last out of the 147 countries assessed.One reason is poverty, but Haiti has also chopped down its forest, causing 20% much soil erosion that rainfall runs into the sea in flash flood

35、s rather than soaking into the soil and supplementing aquifers (地下蓄水层).Not all rich nations fare well in the index. (5) The U.S. and Japan come 32nd and 36th respectively, largely because the way they collect and use water is wasteful and damages the environment. Australia ranked 44th, while Britain

36、 is in 11th place. “The real crisis is not the amount of water. Its the way we use it.” says Sullivan.【答案】1. 本周公布的报告表明,在奋力为人民找到充足水源的许多国家中,应该承担责任的是政府,而不是地理环境。2. 联合国最近的几项研究表明,在世界上越来越多的地区,缺水正阻碍粮食生产和经济发展。3. 如果问题基本上是政府自身的过失,政府很容易怪罪于地理环境。4. 它形成了鲜明的对比,有的国家恰如其分地管理了水资源,而有的国家没有。5. 美国和日本分别排在第32位和第36位,这主要是因为他们收

37、集和使用水的方式造成浪费且破坏环境。10. 单选题Kuwait is famous for its _ resources.问题1选项A.fameB.jawC.petroleumD.jar【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项fame“名声,声誉”;B选项jaw“下颌”;C选项petroleum“石油”;D选项jar“(玻璃)罐子;坛子”。句意:科威特以其_资源而闻名。根据语境,这里要表达的是科威特因为拥有某个资源而出名,C选项petroleum“石油”符合题意。因此C选项正确。11. 单选题_ her inexperience her failure to secure the

38、contract was not surprising.问题1选项A.In view ofB.With regard toC.By virtue ofD.According to【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查词组辨析。A选项In view of“鉴于,考虑到”;B选项With regard to“至于”;C选项By virtue of“由于,凭借”;D选项According to“按照”。句意:_她缺乏经验,她没能签署那份合同就不足为奇了。根据语境,这里指的是缺乏经验很大程度上让她没能签成合同,A选项In view of“鉴于,考虑到”符合题意。因此A选项正确。12. 单选题What ar

39、e the _ farm products in this region?问题1选项A.principleB.princessC.principalD.prince【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A选项principle“原则,原理”;B选项princess“(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员”;C选项principal“最重要的,主要的”;D选项prince“王子,王孙”。句意:这个地区的_农产品是什么?根据语境,这里在问这里有什么农产品,横线处修饰farm products,C选项principal“最重要的,主要的”符合题意。因此C选项正确。13. 单选题The old man

40、was kind and _ enough to help the children cross the street.问题1选项A.timidB.livelyC.graciousD.graceful【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项timid“羞怯的”;B选项lively“活泼的;充满趣味的,热烈的”;C选项gracious“和蔼可亲的;有礼貌的”;D选项graceful“优雅的”。句意:这位老人非常友好和_,还帮助孩子们过马路。根据语境,这里C选项gracious“和蔼可亲的;有礼貌的”形容老人比较合理,意思指老人热心帮助孩子们,非常和蔼可亲。因此C选项正确。14. 单选

41、题_ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.问题1选项A.In spite ofB.Because ofC.But forD.As for【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查短语辨析。A选项In spite of“尽管”;B选项Because of“因为”;C选项But for“要不是,如果没有”;D选项As for“至于”。句意:_英语考试,上星期天我就去听音乐会了。根据语境,这里指的是因为有英语考试这个缘故,我没有去听音乐会,C选项But for“要不是,如果没有”符合题意。因此C选项正确。1

42、5. 单选题Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the sea”.Before the nineteenth century scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to se

43、a to further his work.For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay under the surface. The first time that the question “What

44、 is at the bottom of the oceans?” had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineer had to know the depth profile of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured.It was to Maury of th

45、e US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused mu

46、ch popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea.The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied con

47、temporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition, which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied sc

48、ientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.1. The passage implies that the telegraph cable was built mainly _.2. It was _ that asked Maury for help in oceanographic studies.3. The aim of voyages Maury encouraged in the 1840s was _.4. “Defied” in the 5

49、th paragraph probably means _.5. This passage is mainly about _.问题1选项A.for business considerationsB.for investigating the depths of the oceansC.for oceanographic studiesD.for military purposes问题2选项A.those who earned a living from the seaB.the company which proposed to lay an undersea cableC.the Amer

50、ican NavyD.some early intercontinental travelers问题3选项A.to estimate the length of cable that was to be madeB.to measure the depths of two oceansC.to make some sound experiments in the oceansD.to collect samples of sea plants and animals问题4选项A.“challenged”B.“agreed to”C.“doubted”D.“gave proof to”问题5选项

51、A.the Investigation of ocean depthsB.the early intercontinental communicationsC.the beginnings of oceanographyD.the laying of the first undersea cable【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第三段第二句The first time that the question “What is at the bottom of the oceans?” had to be answer

52、ed with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed.(当提出要铺设一条从欧洲到美洲的海底电报电缆时,出于商业动机,人们第一次不得不尽可能以商业结果为导向来回答“海底是什么?”的问题。),可知铺设电报电缆主要考虑的是商业上带来的利益,根据利益来看是否要铺设,A选项“出于商业考虑”正确,B选项“为了考查海洋的深度”和C选项“用于海洋学研究”错误。D选项“出于军事目的”:文中没有提到。因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】B【试题解析】

53、事实细节题。根据第四段第一句It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter.(1853年,大西洋电报公司向美国海军的莫里寻求有关此事的信息。),可知B选项“建议铺设海底电缆的公司”正确。A选项“靠海洋为生的人”,C选项“美国海军”和D选项“一些早期的洲际旅行者”不符合题意。因此B选项正确。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】事实细节题。根据第四段第二句In the 1840s, Maury had been respon

54、sible for encouraging voyages during which soundings were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.(在19世纪40年代,莫里曾负责推动进行海上航行,以此来勘测北大西洋和太平洋的深度。),可知B选项“测量两个大洋的深度”正确。A选项“估计将要制作的电缆的长度”,C选项“在海洋中做一些声音实验”和D选项“收集海洋植物和动物的样本”不符合题意。因此B选项正确。4.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义推测题。defied的意思是“违抗;向挑战”。

55、根据文章第五段最后一句At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.(早期铺设光缆的尝试以失败告终,当取出光缆来维修时,人们发现上面覆盖有生物,这_了当时科学界认为深海没有生命的理论。)

56、,可知之前认为深海没有生物,取出电缆后发现原来深海里有生物,让人们开始怀疑原有理论的真实性,A选项“质疑(质疑事情的真实性)”正确。B选项“同意”,C选项“不相信,不信任(不确定事情是否真实并且没有证据)”和D选项“提供证据”不符合题意。因此A选项正确。5.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。文章第一段对海洋学进行定义,第二段介绍19世纪以前对海洋学的研究情况,第三、四、五段讲海洋学的由来,第六段讲19世纪末人们在海洋学的初步研究成果,C选项“海洋学的起源”正确。A选项“调查海洋深度”,B选项“早期的洲际通讯”和D选项“铺设第一条海底电缆”不足以概括全文。因此C选项正确。16. 翻译题Thi

57、s is supposed to be an enlightened age, but you wouldnt think if you could hear what the average man thinks of the average woman! Women won their independence years ago. After a long, bitter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world. (1) They have

58、proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior to men in almost every field. It is men, not women who still carry on the sex war because their attitude remains basically hostile. Even in the most progressive societies, women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. To hear some men

59、 talk, youd think that women belonged to a different species. (2) The hard-fought battle for recognition has been won, but it is by no means over.On the surface, the comments made by men about womens abilities seem light-hearted. The same tired jokes about women drivers are repeated day in, day out.

60、 This apparent light-heartedness dose not conceal the real contempt that men feel for women. However much men sneer at women, their claims to superiority are not borne out by statistics. (3) We all know that women cause far fewer accidents than men. They are too conscientious and responsible to driv

61、e like maniacs (疯子). But this is a minor quibble. Women have succeeded in any job you care to name. As politicians, soldiers, doctors, factory-hands, university professors, farmers, company directors, lawyers, bus-conductors, scientists and presidents of countries they have often put men to shame. A

62、nd we must remember that they frequently succeed brilliantly in all these fields in addition to bearing and rearing children.(4) Yet men go on maintaining the fiction that there are many jobs women cant do. Top-level political negotiation between countries, business and banking are almost entirely c

63、ontrolled by men, who jealously guard their so-called “rights”. Even in otherwise enlightened places like Switzerland women havent even been given the cote.The truth is that men cling to their supremacy because of their basic inferiority complex. They shun real competition. They know in their hearts tha

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