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1、2022年考博英语-中国海洋大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 翻译题Translate the following paragraph into English.钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。著名的词作家乔羽说:“钓鱼 可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三个阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛到一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。”【答案】Fishing is a sport that can help improve ones temperament. It is good for physical and mental hea

2、lth. The well-known songwriter Qiao Yu said : “Fishing falls into three stages. The first stage is just for eating fish. The second stage is for enjoying the pleasure of fishing as well as eating fish. The third stage is mainly for the pleasure of fishing-facing a pool of clear water, one casts asid

3、e all anxieties and worries and enjoys a good mental and physical rest.2. 单选题Their qualification ( )them to a high salary.问题1选项A.rewardsB.grantsC.entitlesD.awards【答案】C【解析】句意:他们的资格使他们有权享有高薪。考查动词辨析。四个选项分别是对应动词的三单形式。Reward奖励,奖赏; grant同意,准予,允许, 一般用法为 grant sb. sth.或 grant sb. to do sth.; entitle使享有权利,使符

4、合资格, 一般用法为entitle sb. to sth; award授予,判定,一般用法为 award sb. sth.或 award sth. to sb。由关键词them to a high salary可知C项无论从语义还是从搭配上都符合题干要求。3. 单选题Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs ( )carefully in her hands.问题1选项A.to be heldB.were heldC.heldD.holding【答案】C【解析】句意:马吉跑回厨房,鸡蛋小心地握在手中。语法题。考查独立主格。分析题干可知,句子前半句已完整,所以句子

5、结构为主句加分句,或者主句加独立主格结构。空格处不可能为谓语动词。排除B。分句主语eggs “鸡蛋”应该是被 放在手上。A选项to be held表示的是一种目的,或者是将来要发生的事情,不 符题意。C选项逻辑主语与动词hold之间是被动关系,符合题意。4. 单选题The Queens visit to China was largely( ) . But it ended an unhappy chapter in the relationship.问题1选项A.syntheticB.representativeC.internationalD.symbolic【答案】D【解析】句意:女王访

6、问中国在很大程度上是象征性的,但它却导致双方的关系出现了不愉快的篇章。考查形容词辨析。Synthetic合成的,人造的,综合的; representative代表的,典型的; international 国际的,世界性的; symbolic象征的。But表转折,可知前后句子应该为对比或相反,因此D符合句意。5. 单选题( ) , I do not like him as a man.问题1选项A.I admire him as much as a writerB.As I admire him as a writerC.Much as I admire him as a writerD.As

7、much I admire as a writer【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管我钦佩他是一名作家,但是我却不喜欢他这个人。语法题。考查as引导的让步状语从句。As引导让步状语从句表示“尽管,即使”时要使用部分倒装结构:副词+as+主语+谓语,故选C。6. 单选题Because my tooth was badly decayed, the dentist had to ( )it.问题1选项A.extricateB.exterminateC.eradicateD.extract【答案】D【解析】句意:因为我的蛀牙很严重,牙医不得不拔掉它。考查形近词辨析。Extricate使解脱,解救; ext

8、erminate消灭,根除; eradicate 铲除; extract 拔出,拔(牙)。7. 单选题David felt obliged ( )for Nancy when the teacher singled her out for criticism.问题1选项A.to put a wordB.putting a wordC.to put in a wordD.putting in a word【答案】C【解析】句意:当老师把Nancy单独叫出去批评吋,David觉得有必要为她说几句。考查固定搭配。Be obliged to do sth. 被迫做某事,不得不做。put in a wo

9、rd for sb. 为某人说话。8. 单选题At dawn on September 5th, 1972, a band of “Black September” Arab guerrillas broke into the Israeli building in the Olympic village near Munich where 10,000 athletes were staying. Over 250 plain clothes police had been brought into the village, following a tip-off trouble ahead

10、, but none of them saw the Arabs scale the fence. They burst into the Israeli building with submachine guns blazing at 5:10 am. Some Israeli athletes escaped through the windows and side doors. Nine were taken hostage. The guerrillas demanded the release of 200 Palestinians held in Israeli jails and

11、 a safe passage out of Germany. Within hours the Olympic village was surrounded by 13,000 police. The Olympic Games were suspended. After some negotiations, the terrorists were told they would be flown with their hostages to an Arab country. They were taken by helicopter to the Fursten field militar

12、y airport 25 miles from Munich. Just before midnight the guerrillas and their hostages began to walk across the tarmac to a waiting Boeing 727 aircraft. Suddenly all the airport lights were turned out and German police sharp shooters opened fire. The rescue attempt failed tragically. In the gun batt

13、le all nine hostages, were killed, as well as four Arabs and one policeman. Three Arabs were captured and one escaped into the nearby woods. On the 8th,Israeli planes bombed ten guerrilla bases in revenge for Munich massacre.1.The most possible reason for Israeli athletes being attacked and kidnappe

14、d is that( ).2.When the trouble took place, the Olympic Games ( ).3.The terrorists were told that they would be probably sent by air to( ).4.How many Arabs were there as terrorists?5.What do you think Palestine and Israel would act next?问题1选项A.they had a conflict with the Arab guerrillasB.the Arab g

15、uerrillas wanted to save the Palestinians held in Israeli jails.C.the German Government hated IsraelD.the Arab guerrillas hoped to get a large sum of money问题2选项A.were completedB.were going onC.were to be finishedD.were to take place问题3选项A.ItalyB.IndiaC.SyriaD.Nigeria问题4选项A.SevenB.EightC.NineD.It was

16、nt mentioned问题5选项A.They would begin another conflict.B.They would begin to negotiateC.They would try to improve each others relationD.They would turn to UN.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。文章指出:The guerrillas demanded the release of 200 Palestinians held in Israeli jails and a safe passage o

17、ut of Germany(这些游击队员要求释放被关押在以色列监狱的200名巴勒斯坦人并安全地离开德国),因此B项“这些阿拉伯游击队员想解救被关押在以色列监狱的巴勒斯坦人”正确。2.细节事实题。由文中“The Olympic Games were suspended(奥运会被暂停)”可知当时奥运会正在进行。故选B。3.判断推理题。文章指出:After some negotiations, the terrorists were told they would be flown with their hostages to an Arab country(经过一些协商,恐怖分子们被告知他们和其人

18、质将被用飞机送到一个阿拉伯国家),四个选项中,只有C项 “叙利亚”属于阿拉伯国家。4.细节事实题。文中指出:In the gun battle all nine hostages were killed, as well as four Arabs and one policeman. Three Arabs were captured and one escaped into the nearby woods(枪战中9名人质全被打死,4名阿拉伯恐怖分子和一名警察也被杀。三名阿拉伯恐怖分子被捕,其中一名阿拉伯恐怖分子逃入附近的树林)。因此枪战中一共8个阿拉伯恐怖分子。5.细节事实题。文章指出:

19、On the 8th, Israeli planes bombed ten guerrilla bases in revenge for Munich massacre(8号,以色列的飞机轰炸了10个游击队基地来报复慕尼黑的屠杀)。因此推测A项“他们将开 始另外一场冲突”正确。9. 单选题Marry ( )my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.问题1选项A.has receivedB.ought to have receivedC.couldnt have receivedD.shouldnt have received【

20、答案】C【解析】句意:玛丽应该没有收到我的信,不然她应该己经给我回信的。语法题。考查虚拟语气。由关键信息otherwise (否则)可知“Marry my letter”表示对过去的推测。故选C, couldnt have done表示对过去某事的否定猜测。10. 单选题It is always my height that gives me ( ).问题1选项A.offB.upC.awayD.out【答案】C【解析】句意:一直以来都是我的身高把我暴露了。考查短语辨析。give off 发出(光)等,长出 (枝)等; give up 放弃,交出; give away 泄露, 使露出真面目; g

21、ive out 分发,公布。根据题干中的my height可知C符合句意。11. 单选题There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened ( )a sudden loud noise.问题1选项A.there wasB.there having beenC.being thereD.should there be【答案】D【解析】句意:如有突然的巨响,那么这些动物确实有可能受惊。语法题。考查虚拟语气。该句属于与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,主句部分为could+动词原形,从句部分应该为should+动词原形或were

22、 to+动词原形,当省略引导词if后需采用倒装,将should提前。12. 单选题The loss of the ( )of his hearing didnt stop him from being a useful member of the society.问题1选项A.abilityB.capabilityC.powerD.faculty【答案】A【解析】句意:听觉能力的丧失阻碍不了他成为一名对社会有用的人。考查名词辨析。Ability能力,才能(指人先天的或学来的各种能力); capability才能,能力,容量(指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜能); power

23、功率,力量,能力,政权,势力(泛指一切力量或能力等); faculty科,系,能力,全体教员(指特殊的才能或智力)。由关键词hearing(听力)可知这里指先天能力,故选A。13. 单选题It is unfortunate these experiments must now be ( )for lack of money.问题1选项A.transferredB.terminatedC.testifiedD.transformed【答案】B【解析】句意:不幸的是,由于缺乏资金这些实验必须终止。考查动词辨析。四个选项都是对应动词的过去分词形式。Transfer 使转移; terminate 使终

24、止; testify 证明,证实; transform 改变。故B符合句意。14. 单选题The patient is recovering soon. His disease is ( )treatment with drugs.问题1选项A.responsive toB.responsible forC.subject toD.exposed to【答案】A【解析】句意:患者很快就开始恢复了。他的病对药物治疗有反应。考查短语辨析。be responsive to 对有反应; be responsible for 对负责; be subject to受支配,常遭受; be exposed t

25、o暴露于,面临。根据前半句意“患者很快就开始恢复了”可知A符合句意。15. 单选题He is among those lucky students who have won ( )to first-rate university.问题1选项A.permissionB.admittanceC.professionD.admission【答案】D【解析】句意:他是那些能幸运地进入一流大学的学生中的一员。考查近义词辨析。permission 允许,许可,一般用于give sb. permission to do sth.允许某人做某事;admittance 进入,入场权(尤指公共场所);profes

26、sion 职业,声明,宣布;admission 入学,承认,录用。因此D符合句意。16. 单选题He is of a ( )mood; he never finishes what he starts.问题1选项A.differentB.variableC.variousD.distinctive【答案】B【解析】句意:他这个人朝三暮四,做起事来总是虎头蛇尾。考查形容词辨析。different 个别的,与众不同的; variable多变的,变异的; various各种各样的,多方面的; distinctive有特色的,与众不同的。这里形容这个人朝三暮四.故选B。17. 单选题Successfu

27、l innovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted in higher productivity, greater consumption materials through the economy and increased quantities of metals and other substances in use per capita. The history of industrial development abounds with examples.In 1870,

28、horses and mules were the prime source of power on US farms. One horse or mule was required to support four human beings a ration that remained almost constant for many decades. At that time, had a national commission been asked to forecast the horse and mule population for 1970, its answer probably

29、 would have depended on whether its consultants were of an economic or technological turn of mind. Had they been “economists”, they would probably have projected the 1970 horse or mule population to be more than 50 million. Had they been “technologists”,they would have recognized that the power of s

30、team had already been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport. They would have recognized further that it would be only a matter of time before steam would be the prime source of power on the farm. It would have been difficult for them to avoid the conclusion that the horse and mule po

31、pulation would decline rapidly.1.According to the passage, what supplied most of the power on U.S. farms in 1870?2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a consequence of new technological developments?3.It can be inferred from the passage that by 1870( ).4.In the second paragraph,

32、 the author suggests that “economists” would( ).5.What is the authors attitude toward changes brought on by technological innovation?问题1选项A.AnimalsB.HumansC.EnginesD.Water问题2选项A.Older technologies die away.B.The quality of life is improved.C.Overall productivity increasedD.More raw materials become

33、necessary问题3选项A.technology began to be more commercialB.the steam engine had been inventedC.the U.S. horse population was about 10 millionD.a national commission on agriculture had been established问题4选项A.plan the economy through yearly forecastsB.fail to consider the influence of technological innov

34、ationC.value the economic contribution of farm animalsD.consult for the national commission on the economy问题5选项A.He is excited about themB.He accepts them as naturalC.He is disturbed by themD.He questions their usefulness【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。第二段指出: In 1870, horses and mules were

35、the prime source of power on US farms (在1870年,马和骡子是美国农场的主要劳动力),由此可知A项“动物”正确。2.细节事实题。题干问的是:下列哪项不属于作者所述技术革新的结果?第一段指出: Successful innovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted in higher productivity, greater consumption materials through the economy (成功的新发明让很多较旧的技术消失,带

36、来了更高的生产力,通过经济发展带来更多数量的消耗材料)。故作者并未提及B项“人的生活质量得到 了改善”。3.判断推理题。第二段指出: .they would have recognized that the power of steam had already been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport (他们将认识到蒸汽动力已被使用到工业、土地和海洋运输)。由此推测B项“蒸汽引擎已被发明”正确。4.判断推理题。根据题干关键词“economists”定位至第二段: Had they been “economists”,t

37、hey would probably have projected the 1970 horse or mule population to be more than 50 million (如果他们是经济学家,那么他们会认为到1970年马或骡子的数量要达到5000万),因此选B项“未能考虑到技术革新的影响”。5.观点态度题。由第一段中“Successful innovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted in higher productivity(成功的新发明让很多较旧的技术消失

38、,提高了生产力)”和最后一段中“It would have been difficult for them to avoid the conclusion that the horse and mule population would decline rapidly (他们最后很可能会得出这样的结论:马和骡子的数量会迅速减少)”可知作者对于技术革新带来的改变的态度是“自然地接受了他们”。18. 单选题Since the first brain scanner was constructed several years ago, computed tomography or computed

39、medical imagery, has become fairly widely used, its rapid acceptance is due to the fact that it has overcome several of the drawbacks of conventional X-ray technology.To begin with, conventional two-dimensional X-ray pictures cannot show all of the information contained in a three-dimension object.

40、Things at different depths are superimposed, causing confusion to the viewer. The computer is able to reconstruct pictures of the bodys interior by measuring the varying intensities of X-ray beams passing through sections of the body from hundreds of different angles. Such pictures are based on seri

41、es of thin slices,In addition, conventional X-ray generally differentiates only between bone and air, as in the chest and lungs. They cannot distinguish soft tissues or variations in tissues. The liver and pancreas are not discernible at all, and certain other organs may only be rendered visible thr

42、ough the use of radiopaque dye. Since computed tomography is much more sensitive, the soft tissues of the kidneys or the liver can be seen and clearly differentiated. This technique can also accurately measure different degrees of X-ray absorption, facilitating the study of the nature of tissue.A th

43、ird problem with conventional X-ray methods is their inability to measure quantitatively the separate densities of the individual substances through which the X-ray has passed. Only the mean absorption of all the tissues is recorded. This is not a problem with computed tomography. It can accurately

44、locate a tumor and subsequently monitor the progress of radiation treatment, so that in addition to its diagnostic capabilities, it can play a significant role in therapy.1.Conventional X-rays mainly show the difference between ( ).2.What kind of view is made possible by contiguous cross sections of

45、 the body?3.It can be inferred from the passage that,compared to conventional X-ray techniques, computed tomography is more( ).4.What is the authors attitude toward this new technique?5. According to the passage, computed tomography can be used for all of the following EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.bone and airB

46、.liver and pancreasC.muscle and other body tissuesD.heart and lungs问题2选项A.Two-dimensionalB.Three-dimensionalC.AnimatedD.Intensified问题3选项A.compactB.rapidC.economicalD.informative问题4选项A.CautiousB.TolerantC.EnthusiasticD.Critical问题5选项A.monitoring a patients diseaseB.diagnosing disordersC.locating tumor

47、sD.reconstructing damaged tissues【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。第三段指出: In addition, conventional X-ray generally differentiates only between bone and air, as in the chest and lungs (另外,传统X光射线通常只能在骨头和空隙之间做出区分,比如胸腔和肺),由此可知A项“骨头和空隙”。2.判断推理题。题干问的是:身体相邻交叉部位可能成什么样的像?第二段指出: To begin with, convent

48、ional two-dimensional X-ray pictures cannot show all of the information contained in a three-dimension object. Things at different depths are superimposed, causing confusion to the viewer (首先,传统的二 维X光射线成像不能显示包含在三维物体里的所有信息。因为不同层面不同深度的影响是叠加的,这会使观察者困惑),因此B项 “三维的”正确。3.判断推理题。题干问的是:和传统X光射线相比,计算机断层扫描更加。第二段

49、指出: To begin with, conventional two-dimensional X-ray pictures cannot show all of the information contained in a three-dimension object. Things at different depths are superimposed, causing confusion to the viewer (首先,传统的二维 X 光射线成像 不能显示包含在三维物体里的所有信息。因为不同层面不同深度的影响是叠加的,这会使观察者困惑), The computer is able

50、to reconstruct pictures of the bodys interior by measuring the varying intensities of X-ray beams passing through sections of the body from hundreds of different angles (计算机断层扫描可以 通过测量从数百个不同角度穿过身体截面的X线的强度变化来重新构建身体内部的图像)。由此可知D项“能提供更多信息”正确。4.观点态度题。文章通篇在讲计算机断层扫描相比传统X光射线的优点。最后一句话指出: It can accurately lo

51、cate a tumor and subsequently monitor the progress of radiation treatment, so that in addition to its diagnostic capabilities, it can play a significant role in therapy (它(即计算机断层扫 描)可以精确定位肿瘤位置来监控放射治疗的进程,所以,除有诊断能力外,它在治疗中能起到重要作用)。由此可知作者对于断层扫描的态度是肯定的。故选C。5.细节事实题。根据题干关键词computed tomography定位至最后一段: It ca

52、n accurately locate a tumor and subsequently monitor the progress of radiation treatment, so that in addition to its diagnostic capabilities, it can play a significant role in therapy (它(即计算机断层扫描)可以精确定位肿瘤位置来监控放射治疗的进程,所以,除有诊断能力外,它在治疗中能起到重要作用)。因此A项“监控患者的疾病”,B项“诊断疾病”和C项“定位肿瘤位置”都正确。故选D。19. 单选题The father

53、 lost his ( )just because his son failed again in the final exam.问题1选项A.mindB.moodC.passionD.temper【答案】D【解析】句意:父亲发脾气只是因为儿子期末考试又考砸了。考查固定搭配。lose ones temper 发脾气。20. 单选题The match was canceled because most of the members ( )a match without a standard court问题1选项A.objected to havingB.were objected to haveC.objected to haveD.were objected to having【答案】A【解析】句意:这场比赛被取消了,因为大部分成员反对在没有标准场地的情况下比赛。考查固定搭配。object to doing sth. 反对做某事。

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