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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题There are ill effects on the health of older people when their activities are restricted;( ), intervention that increases the range of their activities promotes their health.问题1选项A.in additionB.in contrastC.in turnD.in short【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. in addition 此外 B. i

2、n contrast 与此相反C. in turn 依次;轮流;反过来 D. in short 总之;简而言之【答案】B【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】当老年人的活动受到限制时,他们的健康会受到不良影响;扩大他们活动范围的干预措施可以促进他们的健康。由本句前后句句意可知,前后所表达意思相反,所以此处应填入B选项“与此相反”。【干扰项排除】A选项in addition表此外的意思,而这里前后两部分表转折关系,A选项无法表示转折;C选项in turn依次;轮流;反过来,当这个短语表示“反过来”时,多指前后两者相辅相成相互影响,该选项不表示相反的意思,和原文语境不符合;D选项in short 总之;

3、简而言之,不表达转折含义。【句意】当老年人的活动受到限制时,他们的健康会受到不良影响;相反,增加他们活动范围的干预可以促进他们的健康。2. 单选题9.问题1选项A.She is freezing cold.B.She is crazy about ice cream.C.She has a headache.D.She has brain fever.【答案】C【解析】M: Dont eat ice cream so fast.W: Too late. Ive already have a brain freeze.Q: What does the woman mean?【解析】推断题。女士说

4、:Ive already have a brain freeze,即她已经头痛了。3. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.About 90.000B.About 100.000C.Several hundredsD.About 5.000问题2选项A.Warning from Goddard Space Flight Center.B.Warning from the Kenya Health Ministry.C.Experiences gained from the 1997 outbreak.D.Proper and prompt aid from NASA(美国国家航空航天局).问题3选项

5、A.Distributing mosquito nets.B.Persuading people not to slaughter animals.C.Urging people not to eat animals.D.Dispatching doctors to the epidemic-stricken area.问题4选项A.The higher surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean.B.The short-lived mosquito that were the hosts of the vir

6、uses.C.The warm and dry weather in the Horn of Africa.D.The heavy but the intermittent rains.问题5选项A.Warning from NASA .B.How to treat Rift Valley Fever (裂谷热).C.The disastrous effects of Rift Valley Fever.D.Satellites and global health-remote diagnosis.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】In December 199

7、7 large numbers of cattle, goats and sheep began dying in the Garissa district of north-eastern Kenya. A month later people started dying, too. It was, at the time, the biggest recorded outbreak of Rift Valley fever in East Africa. (26)Some 100,000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people wer

8、e infected, hundreds fatally in five countries.In December 2007 the same thing happened. Or, rather it started to happen but was stopped in its tracks. (27)The difference was that the second time around there was warning. In September researchers at the Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, Maryla

9、nd, part of Americas space agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem. They told them again in October. And again in November. By the time the epidemic emerged (28) the Kenyan health ministry had dispatched teams to the area to distribute mosquito nets and urge village leade

10、rs and religious authorities to stop people slaughtering and eating animals.Through the outbreak still killed 300 people in Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania, it could have been a lot worse. According to Kenneth Linthicum of Americas Department of Agriculture, the number of deaths would probably have been

11、 more than twice as high without the warning.(30)The warning itself was possible because of a model of how disease spreads that Dr. Linthicum helped design. And the data that were plugged into that model came from satellites.What the researchers at Goddard had noticed at the time of the first outbre

12、ak was that in the months preceding it, surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean had risen by half a degree. (29)These higher temperatures brought heavy and sustained rains, cloud cover and warmer air to much of the Horn of Africa. Mosquitoes multiplied wildly, and lived long

13、enough for the virus that causes the fever to develop to the point where it is easily transmissible.In September 2007 the researchers saw the same thing happening in the ocean, and suspected the same consequences would follow.26. How many stock animals died at the result of outbreak of Rift Valley f

14、ever in 1997?【解析】根据录音中的“Some 10.000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people were infected,hundreds fatally in five countries.”可知,本题答案为B。27. What helped stop the outbreak of Rift Valley fever in 2007?【解析】从录音中“The difference was that the second time around there was warning. part of Americas s

15、pace agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem. They told them again in October. And again in November.”可知,第二次的区别在于有来自NASA及时而准确的警告。故本题答案为D。28. Which of the following is not mentioned as the major to prevent in 2007 outbreak spreading?【解析】从录音中“.the Kenyan health ministry had

16、 dispatched teams to the area to distribute mosquito nets and urge village leaders and religious authorities to stop people slaughtering and eating animals.”可知,只有D选项不是制止瘟疫肆虐的举措。29. What trigger the two outbreaks of the Rift Valley fever in Africa?【解析】从录音中“surface temperatures in the equatorial part

17、of the Indian Ocean had risen by half a degree.”可知,A是正确答案,B选项应该改成long-lived mosquitoes, C项应为“cloud cover and warmer air in the Horn of Africa”,D项应为“heavy and sustained rains”。30. What is the talk mainly about?【解析】该录音主要内容是从NASA给予肯尼亚及时迅捷的警示,使其在2007年瘟疫爆发的时候避免了10年前的厄运。因此A选项是正确答案(来自NASA的警告)。4. 单选题14.问题1选

18、项A.She is seriously ill.B.She has to look after her husband at home.C.She will persuade her husband to go to hospital.D.She will be taken good care of by her sister and daughter.【答案】C【解析】W: Oh, I couldnt possibly do that. I couldnt tell my husband and anyway, whod look after him?M: I can understand

19、your concerns. If you knew that he would have come here today, what do you think he would say?W: Hed be so worried. He doesnt like it when anyone is sick and he hates hospitals.M: Well, you might also think about what you would say to your sister and daughter?Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

20、【解析】女士说:I couldnt tell my husband and anyway(我不知道怎么开口告诉他),Hed be so worried. He doesnt like it when anyone is sick and he hates hospitals(他平时就恨生病,也讨厌来医院),因此她一直焦虑如何说服丈夫来医院。5. 单选题5.问题1选项A.A patient.B.A doctor.C.A teacher.D.A student.【答案】D【解析】W: When are doctor Petermans office hours? M: Monday, Wednes

21、day and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. W: Thats not very convenient for me. I have pathology class then. Q: What is the man? 【解析】推断题。女士回答说:I have pathology class then(那时我有病理学课),据此推断他们为学生。6. 单选题12.问题1选项A.The womans classmate.B.The womans boyfriend.C.The womans brother.D.The womans teacher.【答案】B【解析】M: I

22、 heard all the time that John is dating several girls.W: But its not true, he has explained everything to me.M: Do you really believe what he said?W: Yeah, I believe in our feelings for each other.Q: Who is John?【解析】推断题。根据对话推断John是对话中女士的男友。7. 单选题12.问题1选项A.She isnt feeling well.B.She is under pressur

23、e.C.She doesnt like the weather.D.She is feeling relieved.【答案】A【解析】M: Are you having any problems like weakness, fatigue, or headaches? W: Well, I certainly felt under the weather. Q: What does the woman mean? 【解析】常用习语。女士说I certainly felt under the weather,即她觉得身体不适。8. 单选题问题1选项A.Because the companies

24、 want to improve workers health and reduce medical spendingB.Because the companies want to save more money for employersC.Because the programs turned out to be useless in improving workers healthD.Because the longer-term effects of the programs have not been identified问题2选项A.The program did no help

25、in lowering workers blood pressure or sugar levelsB.The program significantly reduced workers health care costsC.The workers who adopted healthier behaviors turned to be healthierD.The workers who are more optimistic turned to be healthier问题3选项A.They are going to analyze 3 years of data from the wel

26、lness programB.They are going to adjust the wellness programC.They are going to support the wellness program for a long term.D.They are going to see whether the wellness program are beneficial in a long-term run【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D【解析】第1题:重新思考健康计划的原因在第二段与第三段最后均有提到。第二段最后说到“it found no significant redu

27、ction in workers health care costs(研究发现,职工的医疗保健成本没有显著下降)”,第三段最后说到“The researchers are now analyzing three years of data from the wellness program to see if there are any longer-term effects(研究人员现在正在分析来自健康计划的三年数据,以了解是否有任何长期的影响)”,说明其原因就在这个计划的长期影响并不十分确定,D选项正确。第2题:文中提到的研究有三个结果:1.参加了健康计划的员工更加注意自己的身体健康问题;

28、2. 参加计划与否对于到血压或血糖指标的影响差别不大;3. 并没有降低职工医疗成本。因此C选项是符合这三个结果的。A选项的问题在于否定了健康计划对血压或血糖指标的影响。第3题:研究人员的目标体现在最后一句“The researchers are now analyzing three years of data from the wellness program to see if there are any longer-term effects(研究人员现在正在分析来自健康计划的三年数据,以了解是否有任何长期的影响)”,因此他们的目标就是看这个健康计划从长期来看是否有益,D选项正确。9.

29、单选题问题1选项A.It may take quite some time to recover.B.It can be fixed with a minor operationC.It is less serious than she expected.D.It requires another X-ray text.【答案】C【解析】11. W: Neither my uncle nor my elbow is broken. Not even a little bit.M: Neither of them. Theyre both bruised, but not broken. Her

30、es the X-ray reports.Q: What can we learn about the womans injury?【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干为:关于这位女士的伤势我们能知道什么?由文中“Neither my ankle nor my elbow is broken.(我的脚关节和肘关节都没有断)”和“Theyre both bruised, but not broken.(它们都只是擦伤,没有断)”,可知C选项“It is less serious than she expected.(不如她想象中严重)”符合原文。A选项“It may take quite

31、some time to recover.(恢复可能需要相当长的一段时间)” B选项“It can be fixed with a minor operation.(只要做个小手术就可以治好)”D选项“It requires another X-ray test.(关节需要再做X光检查)”不符合原文。10. 单选题4.问题1选项A.He prefers to take pills to get antioxid.B.He prefers to get antioxidants from food.C.He doesnt mind eating a lot every day.D.He is o

32、vercautious sometimes.【答案】A【解析】W: We need anti-oxidants to prevent ourselves from developing cancer, but I dont like taking pills to get it.M: But you need to eat a mountain of food every day to get all of the anti-oxidants you need.W: I drink a lot of green tea; I eat onion, garlic and citrous food

33、. I also get nine different colors of vegetables everyday.M: All those have anti-oxidants, but I want to be on the safe side.Q: What does the man mean?【解析】固定词组。be on the safe side意为 “安全可靠,稳妥”。11. 单选题7.问题1选项A.John likes gambling.B.John is very fond of his new boss.C.John has ups and downs in the new

34、company.D.John has a promising future in the new company.【答案】D【解析】W: John wants to move upward and onward with his new company.M: He is well qualified and the boss is into him.W: So you think he will achieve his goal?M: Yeah! I bet he will.Q: What did the man mean?【解析】男士说John在新公司胜任新工作,受老板器重,并且肯定他会实现

35、目标。12. 单选题问题1选项A.He crashed his truckB.He injured his spine in an earthquakeC.He broke his arm in a car crashD.He suffered an accident问题2选项A.lt is easy to be absorbedB.lt can grow very fastC.lt has a high rate of fusionD.lt can form the new bone问题3选项A.lt is a newly invented biologic agentB.The bone

36、cannot fuse together without NanoFuseC.The bone and NanoFuse can fuse into new boneD.With the help of NanoFuse, patients can recover very soon【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D【解析】第1题:第一句即提到“seriously injured in a truck crash”,说明他遭遇了交通事故。因此D选项正确。第2题:文中说到:Once Nanofuse is used, new bone soon starts to form(一旦使用纳米融合

37、,新骨很快就开始形成),说明它能使新骨头形成,因此C选项正确。第3题:患者可以很快康复。文中说到:Nanofuse has a high rate of fusion, so patients are able to grow their own bones in a short period of time(Nanofuse具有很高的融合率,因此患者能够在短时间内生长自己的骨头),说明这个技术可以使患者很快康复,因此D选项符合题意。13. 单选题13.问题1选项A.She will become a famous singer soon.B.She will become an Americ

38、an idol.C.She will sign up for a talent show.D.She will surely stand out from the crowd.【答案】C【解析】W: Dad, Ive decided to sign up for American Idol in order to become a famous singer.M: Oh, honey, dont you know that its really hard to stand out from the crowd.W: But where there is a road there is a wa

39、y.Q: What is true about the woman?【解析】常用习语。女孩说:where there is a road there is a way,表明她已经下定决心参加比赛。14. 单选题As a nurse, Dorothy is a natural healer who is endowed with compassion and has a variety of modalities to benefit her patients of all ages.问题1选项A.braveryB.expertiseC.proficiencyD.sympathy【答案】D【解析

40、】【选项释义】A. bravery 勇敢 B. expertise 专门知识;专门技术C. proficiency 精通;熟练 D. sympathy 同情;慰问【答案】D【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】由本句句意可知作为一名护士,所应该有的是同情心以及专业的知识,而从前半句中的“natural healer(天生的治疗师)”可知天生所拥有的是同情心,所以D选项“同情,慰问”符合题意。划线单词compassion“同情”。【干扰项排除】A选项bravery勇敢,与护士治疗病人无关,不符合句意;B选项expertise专门知识;专门技术,因为说的是天生的治疗师,因此应该是天生所具有的品格,专门知

41、识是后天所拥有的;C选项proficiency精通;熟练,这也是后天才具备的,不符合句意。【句意】作为一名护士,多萝西是一个天生的治疗师,她被赋予了同情心,有各种各样的方式来帮助她的所有年龄的病人。15. 单选题11.问题1选项A.Aspirant.B.Courageous.C.Cautious.D.Amiable (温和的).【答案】B【解析】M: Kate was the only one brave enough to speak her mind at the meeting today. W: Yeah, a lot of people felt the same way, but

42、were too scared to say anything. She just voiced the aspiration of them. Q: Which of the following words can best describe Kate? 【解析】细节题。根据对话可知,Kate敢于在会议上表达自己的想法,很多人也想如此,但因害怕沉默不语。故选B。16. 单选题问题1选项A.To take a couple of days off.B.To take some sleeping pills.C.To follow the mans advice.D.To stop compla

43、ining.【答案】C【解析】13. W: Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night? Should I stay home from work?M: Thats not necessary. Just remember to stay calm. Dont worry so much about things at work. Just do as I said, and youll sleep well.Q: What is the woman expected to do?【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。题干

44、为:这个女士需要做什么?由文中“Just do as I said, and youll sleep well.(照我说的话去做,你可以睡个好觉)”,可知C选项“To follow the mans advice(遵从男士的建议;医嘱)”符合原文。A选项“休息几天”;B选项“吃几片安眠药”;D选项“停止抱怨”不符合原文。17. 单选题Passage Two问题1选项A.1996.B.1997.C.2011.D.2014.问题2选项A.Its benefits to health.B.Its improper use in soft drinks.C.The amount of caffeine

45、.D.The consumption of energy drinks.问题3选项A.Age affects the bodys response to caffeine.B.Other ingredients also make energy drinks unsafe.C.Caffeine in beverages greatly improves performance.D.Energy drinks are risky for people with heart problems.问题4选项A.Because they are insufficiently investigated.B

46、.Because they are not judged as fairly as coffee or tea.C.Because they are more beneficial than harmful to kids.D.Because they are not the primary caffeine sources for kids.问题5选项A.Strict.B.Official.C.Voluntary.D.Compulsory.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】Energy drinkswe hear all the time that theyr

47、e really bad for us, especially for teens. We all drink them anyway. So energy drinks really that bad. First, lets rewind back to 1997. When Red Bull became the first energy drink to reach the market in the US. Since then, energy drinks like Red Bull have sky-rocketed in popularity. But things start

48、ed getting intense in 2011. When the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that children should never drink energy drinks. The reason why they were so worriedcaffeine. The caffeine is in a ton of things like coffee, tea, soda, and even chocolate. And the dangers of caffeine really boiled down t

49、o how much you have. A cup of coffee usually has between 90 five to, 200 milligrams of caffeine. So, for adults, the experts recommend no more than 400 milligrams a day, and for kids, no more than 100 milligrams. So a little bit of caffeine, probably not that bad, but high doses can be lethal. In 20

50、11, a paper published in the journal pediatrics reviewed the effects of energy drinks on children, adolescence, and young adults. The research has found that age affects the bodys response to caffeine and energy drinks could be especially risky for kids with heart problems. ADHB or diabetes. Given t

51、hese concerns, it may come as no surprise that some places have pushed for completely banning the sales of energy drinks to anyone under the age of 18. As far as we can tell, that hasnt passed locally here in the us but in 2014, Lithuania became the first country to actually ban the sale of energy d

52、rinks to anyone under the age of 18.But not everyone is a fan of these ideas. Some think these restrictions are unfair. If you arent worried about selling coffee or tea to kids, why single out energy drinks? So the American beverage association, the trade group representing many of these energy drin

53、ks, came up with another ideavoluntary guidelines for labeling energy drinks.26. When did energy drink first appear in the American market?【试题答案】B【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:功能饮料第一次出现在美国市场是什么时候?由文中“First, lets rewind back to 1997. When Red Bull became the first energy drink to reach the market in the US.(首先让我们回

54、到1997年。当红牛成为第一款功能饮料投入美国市场)”,可知B选项“1997”符合原文。A选项“1996”;C选项“2011”;D选项“2014”不符合原文。27. When it comes to caffeine, what seems to be the issue?【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干为:说到咖啡因,问题出在哪里?由文中“The reason why they were so worriedcaffeine. The caffeine is in a ton of things like coffee, tea, soda, and even chocolate.

55、(他们如此担心的原因是咖啡因。咖啡因出现在很多东西,比如咖啡、茶、苏打甚至是巧克力里面)”以及“the dangers of caffeine really boiled down to how much you have.(咖啡因的危险其实在于我们摄入多少)”,可知C选项“The amount of caffeine.(咖啡因的量)”符合原文。A选项“对健康有好处”;B选项“在软饮料中使用不当”;D选项“能量饮料的消耗”不符合原文。28. Which of the following findings is reported in the journal pediatrics?【试题答案】A

56、【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:以下哪项发现被刊登在儿科学杂志上?由文中“The research has found that age affects the bodys response to caffeine and energy drinks could be especially risky for kids with heart problems. ADHB or diabetes.(研究发现,年龄影响身体对于咖啡因的反应,功能饮料对于孩子特别危险,可能导致心脏病,ADHB和糖尿病)”,可知A选项“Age affects the bodys response to caffeine

57、(年龄影响身体对于咖啡因的反应)”符合原文。B选项“其他成分也使能量饮料不安全”;C选项“饮料中的咖啡因大大提高了表现”D选项“能量饮料对有心脏问题的人有风险”不符合原文。29. Why do some disagree with the restrictions on the energy drinks to kids?【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干为:为什么有些人不同意对儿童能量饮料进行限制?由文中“Some think these restrictions are unfair. If you arent worried about selling coffee or tea

58、 to kids, why single out energy drinks?(一些人认为这些限制是不合理的。如果你不担心向儿童出售咖啡和茶饮料,为什么独独对功能饮料不排斥呢?)”,可知B选项“Because they are not judged as fairly as coffee or tea.(因为他们不能将功能饮料与茶和咖啡相提并论)”符合原文。A选项“因为它们没有得到充分的调查”;C选项“因为它们对孩子是有益的而不是有害的”;D选项“因为它们不是孩子的主要咖啡因来源”不符合原文。30. Which of the following can best describe the la

59、beling guidelines from the American beverage association?【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干为:以下哪一项能最好地描述美国饮料协会的标签指南?由文中“So the American beverage association, the trade group representing many of these energy drinks, came up with another ideavoluntary guidelines for labeling energy drinks.(因此,美国饮料协会代表功能饮料大多数企业的贸易

60、组织产生了另一个想法对于功能饮料标签自发制定指导标准)”,可知美国饮料协会制定的标签标准是C选项“voluntary(自发的)”符合原文。A选项“严格的”;B选项“正式的”;D选项“强迫的”不符合原文。18. 单选题Before a drug is approved and launched into the market, a significant amount of time and money is spent in an effort to select the most effective one from several drug( ).问题1选项A.adversariesB.c

61、andidatesC.volunteersD.manufacturers【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. adversaries 对手;敌人 B. candidates 候选人;候选者C. volunteers 志愿者 D. manufacturers 制造商【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】在一种药物被批准并投入市场之前,要花费大量的时间和金钱从多种药物中选择最有效的那种。由本句句意可知选择最有效的,是要从众多候选、待选的药物中进行选择,所以B选项“候选人,候选者”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】在一种药物被批准并投入市场之前,要花大量的时间和金钱从几种候选药物中选择最有效的一种。19. 单选题7.问题1选项A.He is the head of the hospital.B.He is in charge of Pediatrics.C.He went out looking for Dan.D.He went to Michiganon business.【答案】D【解析】M: Hello, this is Don North from Pediatrics. Id like a word

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