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1、2022年考博英语-山西大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题At short notice rescue troops were sent to help the vehicles( )the deep snow.问题1选项A.soaked withB.stuck inC.intended forD.connected to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项soaked with“用浸泡,使浸透”;B选项stuck in“陷入,插入”;C选项intended for“用来”;D选项connected to“连接”。句意:刚接到通知,救援部队就立马被派去帮助这些深深( )在雪里

2、的车辆。根据语境,车辆stuck in“陷入”雪中比较合理。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题The second definition, though accurate, is equally as( )and useless as the first one, from a practical point of view.问题1选项A.penitentB.constitutedC.repellentD.pedantic【答案】D【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项penitent“后悔的,愧疚的”;B选项constituted“组成;建立”;C选项repellent“令人厌恶的;防的”;D选项pedan

3、tic“迂腐的,学究气的”。句意:第二个定义虽然准确,但从实用性看,也和第一个定义一样( ),毫不实用。definition不至于repellent“令人厌恶的”,但是有可能pedantic“学究气的”,这里可以翻译成纸上谈兵的,符合生活实际。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题As a motivational speaker, Caroline Miller knows a few things about using mental exercises to achieve goals. But last year, one exercise she was asked to try took h

4、er by surprise. Every night, she was to think of three good things that happened that day and analyze why they occurred. That was supposed to increase her overall happiness. “I thought it was too simple to be effective”, said Miller. “I went to Harvard. Im used to things being complicated.” But, the

5、 quality of her dreams did change and she did feel happier.That exercise is one of several that have shown preliminary promise in recent research into how people can make themselves happiernot just for a day or two, but long-term. Its part of a larger body of work that challenges a long-standing ske

6、pticism about whether thats even possible.For decades, a widely accepted view has been that people are suck with a basic setting on their happiness thermostat. It says the effects of good or bad life events like marriage, a raise, divorce, or disability will simply fade with time. We adapt to them j

7、ust like we stop noticing bad odor from behind the living room couch after a while.But recent long-term studies have revealed that the happiness thermostat is more malleable than the popular theory maintained. “Set-point is not destiny,” says psychologist Ed Diener of the University of Illinois.The

8、think-of-three-good-things exercise that Miller found so simplistic at first is among those being tested by Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania. People keep doing it on their own because its immediately rewarding. It makes people focus more on good things, which might otherwise be forg

9、otten, because of daily disappointments.Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychologist at the University of California, meanwhile, is testing some other simple strategies. “This is not rocket science,” she said. For example, participants were asked to regularly practice random acts of kindness, things like holdi

10、ng a door open for a stranger, for 10 weeks. Participants who performed a variety of acts, rather than repeating the same ones, showed an increase in happiness even a month after the experiment was concluded. Those who kept on doing the acts on their own did better than those who didnt.But she also

11、said any long-term effect will probably depend on people continuing to work at it. “Happiness is the process not the place. So many of us think that when we get everything just right, we will be happy But once we get everything in place, we still need new goals and activities. The Princess could not

12、 just stop when she got the Prince.”1.For Miller, the think-of-three-good-things exercise( ).2.According to the widely accepted view about happiness,( ).3.Results from separate tests by Martin Seligman and Sonja Lyubomirsky both show that( ).4.“The Princess could not just stop when she got the Princ

13、e.” suggests that( ).5.The passage is mainly written to( ).问题1选项A.turned out to be a disasterB.was unexpectedly effectiveC.produced a mixed outcomeD.was too simple to be useful问题2选项A.good events make it easier for people to enjoy a happier lifeB.little may come out of peoples efforts to a happier li

14、feC.it is nothing wrong for people to wish to have a happier lifeD.peoples adaptation skills may be the key to a happier life问题3选项A.the effects of some effective strategies may not lastB.it is necessary for people to try all the usefu1 strategiesC.the same strategy has different effects on different

15、 peopleD.simple strategies can actually make people feel happier问题4选项A.changes in life goals may not affect the long-term happinessB.cherishing what you have is the way to a long-term happinessC.continued efforts are needed to ensure a long-term happinessD.it is impossible for people to achieve a lo

16、ng-term happiness问题5选项A.help people reconsider the value of happinessB.compare the different strategies to happinessC.confirm the popular theory of happinessD.introduce the latest studies on happiness【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.语义推测题。根据第一段第四到八句That was supposed to increase her overall happine

17、ss. “I thought it was too simple to be effective”, said Miller But, the quality of her dreams did change and she did feel happier.(这应该会增加她的整体幸福感。米勒说:“我认为这太简单了,根本不起作用但是,她的梦的质量确实改变了,她感到更快乐了。),可知B选项“意想不到的好”正确,D选项“因为太简单,所以没效果”错误,A选项“是一场灾难”错误。D选项“喜忧参半的结果”:没有提到消极的影响。因此B选项正确。2.语义推测题。根据第三段第二、三句the effects o

18、f good or bad life events like marriage, a raise, divorce, or disability will simply fade with time. We adapt to them just like we stop noticing bad odor from behind the living room couch after a while.(生活中好事或坏事的影响,如结婚、加薪、离婚或残疾,都会随着时间而逐渐消失。我们适应了它们,就像一段时间后我们不再注意客厅沙发的难闻气味一样。),可知这里说好事和坏事的影响都不会长久,故A选项“好

19、的事件使人们更容易享受幸福的生活”错误;因为不长久,所以努力也可能没多大用,故B选项“人们为幸福生活所做的努力可能收效甚微”正确;不长久的原因是习惯了那种感觉,就像会习惯沙发的气味一样,原文的adopt倾向于习惯某件事,和D选项“人们的适应能力也许是幸福生活的关键”中的适应能力不同,故D选项错误。C选项“人们希望拥有更幸福的生活没有错”不是主要观点,没有讨论追求幸福是对是错的问题,故错误。因此B选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据第一段Miller做的简单的测试感觉到更快乐,参考36题答案解析,以及第五段第一句The think-of-three-good-things exercise that

20、Miller found so simplistictested by Martin Seligman(Martin Seligman进行了测试,米勒一开始认为思考三件好事的策略过于简单。),以及根据第六段Sonja Lyubomirskytesting some other simple strategies.(Sonja Lyubomirsky正在测试一些其他的简单策略)和showed an increase in happiness even a month after the experiment(即使在一个月之后,幸福感仍有所提高),可知两人都做的简单测试,并且让人感觉更幸福,并且持

21、久,故D选项“简单的策略实际上可以让人们感觉更快乐”正确,A选项“有的有效策略的效果也许不能持久”错误。B选项“人们有必要尝试所有有用的策略”:根据第六段Participants who performed a variety of acts(参与者做不同动作),这不代表要尝试所有有用的策略。C选项“同样的策略对不同的人有不同的影响”:没有提到不同的影响,测试结果都是正向的。因此D选项正确。4.语义推测题。根据第七段倒数第二句once we get everything in place, we still need new goals and activities(一旦我们把每件事都做好了,


23、不一样,作者讲的策略并不流行。D选项“介绍关于幸福的最新研究”:文章没有提到这些信息是否是最近的。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Some of the worlds most important museums are confirming what weve suspected all along but didnt dare say: selfie sticks (自拍杆) are stupid.The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) has banned the sticks from their exhibition halls to prevent damage

24、 to the artwork. If youve ever set foot in MoMA youll know what a difficult experience it can be. Not because it isnt an exceptional art institution thats given the mind-expanding exhibitions, but because of other people. The MoMA is one of the worlds busiest museumsadd selfie sticks among the crowd

25、s and youve got a recipe for disaster.The same situation can be found at many famous tourist landmarks. Like seat belts, the selfie stick problem doesnt hit home until someone gets hurt. An increasing number of sites have seen the potential hazard and put a stop to things before a “tragedy” occurs.

26、The Australian Open has banned selfie sticks. Sports and music stadiums around London have banned the stick, as well.Yet the real issue behind the selfie stick is the selfie itself. Its somehow become socially acceptable for us to take the narcissism (自恋) of adolescence and extend it through adultho

27、od, manifested in selfies. I admit that I do enjoy the occasional guilty pleasure of a selfie, so I cant and wont be a hypocrite about it.When it comes to traveling, though, when it comes to once-in-a-lifetime visits to sacred landmarks and world-class museums, Id hope that we could all turn the len

28、s away from ourselves.Or simply put the camera away. Travel writer Paul Theroux once told his readers: “I never bring a camerabecause taking pictures, Ive found, makes me less observant and interferes with my memory.” How much do we rely on photo graphs to remember our vacations? Does it really matt

29、er that we have a permanent documentation of every moment of our travels?What if we entirely let go of documenting and just simply experience? I tried it for a day. It is what I imagine skydiving would be like: terrifying at first, then exciting and finally, when I got my mind to stop subconsciously

30、 framing every street scene, I became more present than Ive ever been on a trip.1.What do we learn about MoMA?2.As mentioned in the passage, selfie sticks have been banned in the following events EXCEPT ( ).3.According to Paragraph 4, the author considers selfies as( ).4.Travel writer Paul Theroux i

31、s quoted to( ).5.In “I became more present than Ive ever been on a trip” (last paragraph), the author feeling can be summarized as( ).问题1选项A.MoMA is one of the most visited museums in the world.B.Not everyone appreciates the exhibitions in MoMA .C.MoMA has to be heavily guarded to protect the artwor

32、k.D.Taking pictures in MoMA can be a pleasant experience.问题2选项A.museum visitsB.music performanceC.sports competitionD.tourist sightseeing问题3选项A.a waste of timeB.a real life saverC.sometimes enjoyableD.mostly boring问题4选项A.instruct travelers on how to take quality picturesB.remind people of the beauty

33、 of natural landmarksC.persuade travelers against taking too many picturesD.encourage people to travel around the world问题5选项A.shockingB.appreciatingC.excitingD.confusing【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.语义推测题。根据第二段第四句the MoMA is one of the worlds busiest museums(现代艺术博物馆是世界上最繁忙的博物馆之一),可知A选项“现代艺术博物馆是

34、世界上参观人数最多的博物馆之一”正确。B选项“不是每个人都喜欢现代艺术博物馆的展览”没有提到。C选项“现代艺术博物馆必须戒备森严以保护艺术品”:根据第二段第一句The Museum of Modern Art has banned the sticks from their exhibition halls to prevent damage to the artwork.(现代艺术博物馆已经禁止在他们的展厅内使用棍子,以防止损坏艺术品。),可知现代艺术博物馆采取了措施保护艺术品,但不至于戒备森严。D选项“在MoMA拍照是一种愉快的经历”:根据第二段最后一句add selfie sticks

35、among the crowds and youve got a recipe for disaster(在人群中使用自拍杆,简直就是一场灾难),可知在现代艺术博物馆拍照并不愉快。因此A选项正确。2.语义推测题。根据第三段第一句The same situation can be found at many famous tourist landmarks(在许多著名的旅游景点也可以看到同样的情况。)和第三句An increasing number of sites have seen the potential hazard and put a stop to things before a

36、“tragedy” occurs.(越来越多的地点已经发现了潜在的危险,并在“悲剧”发生之前阻止了事情的发生。),在第三句后面讲述禁止使用自拍杆的地方,可知许多人在旅游景点拍照,并且没有禁止,故D选项“旅游景点”正确。根据第三段第四句和第五句The Australian Open has banned selfie sticks. Sports and music stadiums around London have banned the stick, as well.(澳大利亚网球公开赛禁止使用自拍杆。伦敦周围的体育和音乐厅也禁止使用自拍杆。),可知体育竞赛、音乐厅禁止使用自拍杆,因此B选

37、项“音乐厅”和C选项“体育竞赛”错误。根据前文,A选项“博物馆”错误。因此D选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据第四段最后一句I admit that I do enjoy the occasional guilty pleasure of a selfie(我承认我确实很享受自拍的那种偶尔带着罪恶感的快感),可知C选项“有时享受”正确。A选项“浪费时间”,B选项“拯救生活”和D选项“大多数时候无聊”没有提到。因此C选项正确。4.语义推测题。根据第六段第一句Or simply put the camera away.(或者干脆把相机收起来。),可知这一段在讲述不要拍太多照片,最好不拍,引用作家的话用

38、来举例证明,故C选项“说服旅行者不要拍太多的照片”正确,A选项“指导游客如何拍摄高质量的照片”错误。B选项“提醒人们自然景色的美”和D选项“鼓励人们环游世界”没有提到。因此C选项正确。5.语义推测题。根据第七段最后一句It is what I imagine skydiving would be like: terrifying at first, then exciting and finally, when I got my mind to stop subconsciously framing every street scene, I became more present than

39、Ive ever been on a trip.(这就是我想象中的跳伞的样子:一开始很恐怖,然后很兴奋,最后,当我的大脑不再下意识地勾勒出每一个街景时,我变得比我以往任何一次旅行中都更真实。),可知作者的感受富于变化,从恐怖到兴奋,最后欣赏这种方式,因此B选项“欣赏”正确。A选项“震惊”和D选项“困惑”的感受没有。C选项“兴奋”是其中一部分。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题Gratitude is defined as the art of showing( )for every kindness, great and small.问题1选项A.motivationB.appreciationC.

40、affectionD.opposition【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项motivation的意思是“动机”;B选项appreciation的意思是“感激,欣赏”;C选项affection的意思是“喜爱,爱慕”;D选项opposition的意思是“反对,敌对”。题干的意思是“感恩就是一种对大大小小的善意表达( )的艺术。”根据首单词Gratitude(感谢;感激)我们可知空格处应填与该单词联系度最高的单词,因此B选项正确。6. 单选题Do you find yourself checking Facebook as soon as you wake up in the morning?

41、 Even as you read this article, is your right index finger twitching on the mouse, just itching to click on something new? If so, welcome to the 21st century. Without even realizing it, weve signed up for a life in which were all connected, all the time. Whether or not this is a good thing is the su

42、bject of Hamlets Blackberry, a new book by William Powers.Early in the book, Powers describes a scene that should strike many as familiar: He is standing at a crosswalk in the middle of Manhattan, alongside five or eight other peopleall of whom are staring intently at some digital device. “Here I wa

43、s in New York, the most fantastic city in the worldso much to look at, to see and hear, and everybody around me essentially wasnt present,” he says.Powers may question the way we use our gadgets, but he certainly doesnt condemn it. He does, however, recognize the downside of constantly being flooded

44、 with new information or what he calls the “conundrum of connectedness.”Among the things that suffer from our over connectedness, Powers says, are relationships. “If were constantly toggling between people on Facebook and texts and all these new ways of connecting all day long, and we never have a s

45、ustained connection,” Powers says. “Its sort of the opposite of connectedness.”But how are we of the 21st century supposed to cope with that problem? Powers has one suggestion thats both utterly simple and almost impossible to imagine following: just disconnect. His family, for example, takes an “In

46、ternet Sabbath” every weekend. “We turn off the household modem, and we dont have smart phones the whole weekend. We cant do Web surfing.” he explains.According to Powers, the positive effects of these technology breaks are felt long after the weekends are over. “Even when were connected, we can fee

47、l the benefits of having been disconnected a couple days ago,” he says. “Its just about that simple word, balance”.Not that he thinks up plugging your modem is necessarily easy. “Its really hard to pull away. You have to know why youre doing it, and really believe” he says. “What Im about here is tr

48、ying to convince people that its worth doing.”1.What William Powers describes in Paragraph 2( ).2.The word “downside” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to “( )”.3.“Internet Sabbath” means that on this day the authors family( ).4.The author thinks that the “Internet Sabbath”( ).5.The passage is most li

49、kely a( ).问题1选项A.makes little difference to our lifeB.is a common phenomenonC.rarely happens in other placesD.is what he has been looking for问题2选项A.confusionB.disadvantageC.challengeD.secret问题3选项A.uses the Internet to call and textB.uses the Internet only for pleasureC.completely stops using the Int

50、ernetD.cannot work without the Internet问题4选项A.is really worth takingB.is suitable for most familyC.is too hard for others to followD.is relatively easy to carry out问题5选项A.social surveyB.news reportC.technology updateD.book review【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。文章第二段主要描述了William Powers在纽约所见到

51、的一个场景。由语段第一句“Powers describes a scene that should strike many as familiar(鲍尔斯描述了一个很多人都很熟悉的场景)”可知该现象在日常生活中很常见,A选项在该语段中没有提到,C选项“在其他地方很少发生”与第一句“strike many as familiar(很多人都很熟悉的场景)”不相符,D选项“是他一直在寻找的”与该语段的意思不相符,因此B选项“是一种常见现象”正确。2.词意猜测题。Downside“负面,缺点”,如果不认识该单词,也可从第三段最后一句话中的“conundrum of connectedness.(连结性

52、难题)”推断出鲍尔斯意识到了不断被新信息淹没的负面影响。A选项confusion“混淆,困惑”;C选项challenge“挑战,考验”;D选项secret“秘密,机密”,因此B选项“缺点,不利条件”正确。3.事实细节题。根据第五段中的“We turn off the household modem, and we dont have smart phones the whole weekend. We cant do Web surfing.” he explains.(“我们关掉家用调制解调器,整个周末都没有智能手机。我们不能上网。”他解释道。)可知“Internet Sabbath”表示作

53、者全家这天都不能上网,A选项“使用互联网打电话和发短信”不正确;B选项“上网娱乐”不符合原文;D选项“没有互联网而不能工作”原文也没有提到,因此C选项“完全停止使用互联网”正确。4.推理判断题。文章最后一段有提到“Not that he thinks up plugging your modem is necessarily easy(并不是说他认为关闭调制解调器一定很容易)”,可知 “Internet Sabbath”并不容易;最后一段作者还说到“What Im about here is trying to convince people that its worth doing.(我在这

54、里的目的是试图说服人们,这是值得做的)”。B选项“适合大多数家庭”原文没有提到;C选项“对其他人来说很难跟着做”不符合原文意思;D选项“相对容易执行”与原文意思相悖;因此A选项“真的值得一试”正确。5.主旨大意题。文章围绕威廉鲍尔斯(William Powers)的新书哈姆雷特的黑莓(Hamlets Blackberry)展开。作者从第二段“Early in the book” 开始就是描述的该书的内容。因此这篇文章是一篇书评。A选项“社会调查”;B选项“新闻报道”;C选项“技术更新”,都不符合文章大意,因此D选项正确。7. 单选题Without clear guidelines( ), ex

55、ecutives of hospitals are sometimes at a loss what to do.问题1选项A.in orderB.in placeC.in needD.in trouble【答案】B【解析】考查介词短语辨析。A选项in order“有序的,整齐的”;B选项in place“合适的,在合适的位置,执行的,设立的”;C选项in need“需要的,需要帮忙的”;D选项in trouble“有麻烦”。句意:在没有( )明确的指导方针的情况下,医院的管理人员有时不知所措。A、C和D选项明显不符合题意,因此B选项正确。8. 单选题When the fire is out

56、and the( )are glowing, its time to call it a night.问题1选项A.halosB.embersC.ashesD.fragments【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项halos“光晕,光环,色圈”;B选项embers“余烬,余火”;C选项ashes“骨灰,灰烬”;D选项fragments“碎片,片段;分裂”。句意:当火焰熄灭,( )闪光,是时候收工了。fire is out和embers“余烬,余火”相对应,符合语境。因此B选项正确。9. 单选题If the universality of immersion-style language pr

57、ograms, emergency test prep classes, tired college kids is any indication, cramming (临时抱佛脚) is a wildly popular study strategy. Professors frown upon it yet conspire by squeezing vast topics like “Evolution” or “World history 1914 to present” into the last week of a course. So is cramming effective

58、or not? A new study by UC-San Diego psychologists confirms what you may suspect deep down: The answer is no. Hurried memorization is a hopeless approach for retaining information. But its not all bad news. The team offers a precise formula for better study habits, and it doesnt necessarily need dogg

59、ed discipline and routine.To arrive at their prescription, the scientists tested the “spacing effect” on long-term memory. In other words, they wanted to know how the time gap between study sessions influences the ability to remember material on test day. They asked 1,354 volunteers to memorize 32 t

60、rivial facts, such as “Who invented snow golf.” (Rudyard Kipling) and “What European nation consumes the most spicy Mexican food” (Norway). Participants reviewed the answers anywhere from several minutes to several months after first learning them, and then were tested up to a year later.The finding

61、s Students perform better when they space their study sessions rather than when they try to cram everything into their heads during one sitting. But for those who must cram, timing is everything. According to the researchers, if you have only one date on which to study, choose a day thats closer to

62、when you first learned the material than when you take the testbut not too close. For instance, if you have a French lesson on Monday and a quiz the following Monday, you should study on Wednesday for maximum retention. Tuesday is too early and Sunday is too late. If you want to remember something f

63、or a year, wait about a month to review what you learned.Hal Pashler, one of the lead authors, suspects that most crammers dont realize the error of their ways. “Even in the scientific community, cram-type summer courses on new research methods are extremely popular,” he told me in an email. “And I have never heard people who take these courses even notice the fact that they are a perfect prescription for rapid forgetting.”1.Which of the following can best describe professors attitude toward cramming?2. According to Paragraph 1, the new study on cramming( ).3.In Para

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