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1、2022年考博英语-中南大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Read the following short paragraph carefully and then translate it into English.预言未来的经济是困难的事情。美国人逐渐意识到他们自己是在一种全球化经 济中竞争,而且他们将不断经历经济的好转和低迷。不过有一件事情可以确定的是,美国关于财富的传统观念已经对人民的生活水平和价值观产生了深远的影响。而因为美国 人对于财富持续增长的观念已经深深扎根于他们的信仰系统,所以财富的衰退的现状会 对他们产生严重的挫伤。不过即便是经济的衰退,很难说对他们所持的理

2、念带来太多的 作用,相反也许会产生积极的竞争和促进作用。【答案】It is difficult to predict the future economy. Americans have come to realized that they are competing in a global economy and that they will continue to experience economic upturns and downturns. One thing is certain, however, that Americas traditional view of wealth

3、 have had a profound effect on its peoples living standards and values. Americans belief that wealth will continue to rise have deeply rooted in their belief system, hence the current decline in wealth can be a serious setback for them. But even a recession would hardly do much on their ideas; inste

4、ad, it may produce positive competition and facilitation.2. 单选题The specious arguments used by the ( ) were certain to deceive many people.问题1选项A.candidateB.politicianC.theologianD.demagogue【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项candidate“候选人;应试者”;B选项politician“政客;政治家”;C选项theologian“神学者;空头理论家”;D选项demagogue“煽动者;煽动政治家”。句意

5、: 使用的似是而非的论据肯定会欺骗许多人。句中提到“似是而非的论据”,可知正确答案为C“空头理论家”。3. 单选题There seems to be no ( )the reading publics thirst for books about the 1960s;indeed, the normal level of interest has increased recently because of a spate of popular television documentaries.问题1选项A.slakingB.referenceC.decorationD.soporific【答案

6、】A【解析】考查名词辨析。slaking消散,消化; reference 参考,提及;decoration装饰;soporific催眠剂。句意:阅读群众对20世纪60年代的书籍的渴望并没有减少;事实上,由于受一连串的通俗电视纪录片的影响,普遍的兴趣还增加了。根据句意及前后关系可知A项正确。4. 单选题The recent debate on acid rain is again setting environmentalist head to head against industry. But this time, a curious philosophy has emerged in Wa

7、shington that says the more we know about a problem, the more uncertainty is introduced and the more it needs to be studied. As a result, we know more about acid rain and its effects, than ever before, but it seems a regulatory solution has never been further away.Researchers generally agree that ac

8、id rain arises primarily from the burning of coal and oil. The emissions contain oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, which can be carried hundreds of miles on the prevailing westerly winds. They eventually return to earth as dry gases and particulates and react with ground waters to form nitric or sulfur

9、ic acid. They may also be converted to the acids in the atmosphere by chemical processes that are still not fully understood.However, the acids are formed, they have already been charged with a substantial list of damages. Corrosion of metal structures in windward areas of the country has been well-

10、 documented, but it is a relatively minor entry on the list. Other forms of damage are far more insidious and longer-lasting. There is evidence, for example, that the acids leach heavy metals aluminum, lead, and mercury from the soil, which then poison plant roots and deprive them of vital nutrients

11、. In lakes and rivers, the acid alters the blood chemistry in fish. The metals, meanwhile, irreversibly damage the gill systems of certain species, such as bass and walleye. As the concentration of poison rises, egg hatching is reduced and the number of deformed embryos increases.The effects of acid

12、 rain are more severe in the eastern part of the country for two reasons. First, most coal burning occurs in Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, according to Eville Gorham, professor of ecology and botany at the University of Minnesota and a modern pioneer in the study of acid rain. These states produce ab

13、out a quarter of all U.S. oxide emissions, he told this years American Chemical Society meeting in Las Vegas and the airborne particulates tend to wind up in the Northeast.The second reason is the varying chemical makeup of North American soils, Western soils are relatively rich in neutralizing comp

14、ounds like magnesium and calcium carbonates, but the coarse, shallow eastern soils have much less of this buffering capacity. Together, these factors explain what Gorham calls a “pool of acid air pollution” over the Northeast that is strongly suspected of having killed or injured aquatic life in mor

15、e than 200 lakes in New Yorks Adirondack region.1.According to the passage, acid rain ( ).2.The author implies that( ).3.The damaging effects of acid rain are felt less in the West because( ).4.The LEAST serious problem caused by acid rain is the( ).问题1选项A.leads to birth defects in fishB.is hallucin

16、ogenicC.travels in a westerly directionD.adds minerals to the soil问题2选项A.legislators are philosophicalB.bureaucrats seemingly prefer discussion to actionC.awareness of a problem is futileD.acid rain is a debatable phenomenon问题3选项A.elements in western soil neutralize the acidB.the western states prod

17、uce one-fourth of all American emissions of sulfur oxidesC.the Adirondack region is in upstate New YorkD.eastern soil is rich in magnesium问题4选项A.leaching of heavy metals from the soilB.alteration of blood chemistry in fishC.poisoning of plant rootsD.corrosion of metal structures【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4

18、题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。定位到第三段中In lakes and rivers, the acid alters the blood chemistry in fish. The metals, meanwhile, irreversibly damage the gill systems of certain species, such as bass and walleye. As the concentration of poison rises, egg hatching is reduced and the number of deformed embryos increases

19、. 在湖泊和河流中,这种酸会改变鱼类的血液化学成分。与此同时,这些金属对某些物种的鳃系统造成了不可逆转的损害,如鲈鱼和海参。随着毒素浓度的增加,卵孵化减少,畸形胚胎的数量增加。”可知A项正确。2.判断推理题。定位到第一段中 “As a result, we know more about acid rain and its effects, than ever before, but it seems a regulatory solution has never been further away. 因此,我们比以往任何时候知道更多关于酸雨及其影响,这似乎是一个前所未有的监管解决方案。”可知

20、C项正确。3.判断推理题。定位最后一段中 “The second reason is the varying chemical makeup of North American soils, Western soils are relatively rich in neutralizing compounds like magnesium and calcium carbonates, but the coarse, shallow eastern soils have much less of this buffering capacity. 第二个原因是北美土壤的化学组成不同,西方土壤相对

21、丰富的镁和钙碳酸盐中和化合物,但东部粗糙、浅层土壤的这种缓冲能力要小得多。”可知A项西部土壤中的元素中和了这种酸正确。4.细节事实题。定位到第三段中 “Corrosion of metal structures in windward areas of the country has been well- documented, but it is a relatively minor entry on the list.(酸 雨)对金属结构的腐蚀在该国(美国)迎风的地区是显而易见的,不过该腐蚀所带来的损害在酸雨所带来的损害名单上却是相对较小的。”可知D项正确。5. 单选题The resear

22、ch committee urged the archaeologist to undercut her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great, since her initial report has been based only on ( ).问题1选项A.capriceB.suppositionC.evidenceD.conjecture【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。caprice怪想,随想曲;supposition:假定,推测;evidence证据,证明;conjecture推测

23、,猜想。句意:因为原始报告仅仅依据异想天开,研究委员会敦促这个考古学家去掉那个说她发现的这个坟墓是亚历山大的声明。由undercut her claim及only可知空格处所填单词是贬义词。6. 翻译题Read the following short paragraph carefully and then translate it into English .感激是对于每一件善举,无论其大小,表示优雅地接受并欣赏的艺术。我们中的大多数人受到款待,接收礼物和获得明显的好处的时候都不会忘记表达自己的愉悦之 情。但即使在此情景下我们都需注意并能够以完善的方式表达之,使其尽可能地显得个性化和体现自己

24、的诚意。感激的艺术首先应该体现在对待小事情上充分体现出来:公共 汽车售票员、医院的护士、饭店的女招待还有校园的保洁员所有这些人都在以不同的方式为我们服务。通过表示感谢我们可以使日常平淡的关系显得更有人情味,让一些单调的任务变得令人愉快。我们所给予的感激永远不会过多,因为我们身边的人都会以 我们的微笑构成他们的人生追求和工作的动力。【答案】Gratitude is the art of graciously accepting and appreciating every act of kindness, no matter how small. Most of us do not fail t

25、o show our pleasure when we receive hospitality, gifts and obvious benefits, but even in this case, we have to mind and be competent to perfect our manner of showing gratitude by making it as personal and sincere as possible. It is, above all, in the little things that the grace of gratitude should

26、be most employed. The bus conductor, the nurse in the hospital, the waitress at a restaurant, the cleaner in the campusall oblige us in one way or another. By showing our gratitude we make routine relationships human and render monotonous tasks more agreeable. Gratitude is something of which none of

27、 us can give too much. For people around us build up their pursuit of life and motivation of work on the smiles we give.7. 单选题However, the villagers did not ( )them the best out of things to entertain us in the most sincere smile to greet the arrival of us.问题1选项A.jealousB.stingyC.reluctantD.begrudge

28、【答案】D【解析】考查动词形容词辨析。jealous妒忌的;stingy吝啬的;reluctant不情愿的,勉强的;begrudge羡慕,吝惜。句意:然而,村民却毫不吝惜地拿出他们最好的东西来招待我们,以最真诚的笑容迎接我们的到来。根据句意可知D项符合题意。8. 写作题Write an essay of about 250 to 300 words on the topic “Qualities of Labor and Society Development” according to the idea given below in Chinese.人力资源是社会发展的前提保证,劳动者的素质

29、要求是多元化的。在劳动技能和劳动方式上,社会对大家的要求可能不同,但是人的基本社会道德素养和文化修养对于社会而言是共同的一致需求。因此社会的发展要注意人的技能和知识水平提升的同时也要为人的道德和文化素养的培养提供氛围和支持。【答案】Qualities of Labor and Society DevelopmentHuman resource is the premise for social development, and the qualities of labor are diversified. It is vital for improving the overall qualit

30、y of the workforce to pay attention to improve the qualities of these two kinds: skills and methods of labor; social morality and cultural cultivation.In terms of skills and methods of labor, people are required differently. To a qualified physician, one should have a great deal of professional know

31、ledge on medical science and abundant in practical experiences. As we know, in order to be a certified doctor, a medical student always has to study in medical institute for several years and then work as an internship for a long period before he can practice independently. A bus driver must have ex

32、cellent driving skill and great knowledge of transportation. A fashion designer is supposed to be good at drawing and have good sense of beauty. Different kinds of work require different skills and knowledge.But people, regardless of their job, should comply with the basic requirement of social mora

33、lity and cultural cultivation.Socail morality is a code of conduct about what we should do or not in order to safeguard the social interests and stability of our society. As normal people, no matter what kinds of job we do, we all need to obey the basic social rules, such as fulfilling our filial du

34、ties, taking care of children, being kind to others, etc.In a word, the development of society not only need put emphasis on the improvement of peoples skills and knowledge but also ought to provide sound environment for laborers moral and cultural development. Only in this way, can our society be p

35、rogressive and harmonious.9. 单选题By creating value, a powerful message, you can get people to come to you, instead of trying to ( )them with your message and brand.问题1选项A.substantiateB.authenticateC.satiateD.smother【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。substantiate“证实”;authenticate“鉴定”;satiate “充分满足”;smother“使窒息,抑制”。句意:通过

36、创造价值和强有力的信息,你就能让大家来到身边,而不要尝试用自己的信息和品牌让来让他们感到窒息。instead of表转折,而不要尝试通过 可知空格处所填单词应为贬义词,故答案为D。10. 单选题The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions an

37、d ( )such illnesses.问题1选项A.disguiseB.impedeC.consummateD.precipitate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项disguise“掩饰;假装”;B选项impede“阻碍;妨碍;阻止”;C选项consummate“完成;作成”;D选项precipitate“使(坏事)突然发生”;猛地落下”。句意:新的生物精神病学并没有否认心理因素在精神疾病中的作用,而是假设这些因素可能作为现有生理条件的催化剂而起作用,并 这类疾病。在本句中,“因素”与“疾病之间”是引起与被引起的关系。因此D选项符合题意。11. 单选题While many peopl

38、e utilize homeopathic remedies to treat health problems, other people do not countenance such alternative treatments, ( )conventional medical treatments instead.问题1选项A.relying onB.envisioningC.eschewingD.turning from【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。rely on依靠,依赖;envision想象,预想;eschew避免,避开;turn from对 感到厌恶。 句意:尽管很多人利用顺势

39、疗法治疗健康问题,另外一些人并不满意于这样的替代治疗,相反他们依赖于传统的医疗方法。由前后句关系可知,A项符合题意。12. 单选题Take the time to ( )with your child, to read with her, to play with her, to have good conversations with her, to take walks with her.问题1选项A.cuddleB.cumberC.rrodeD.canvass【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。cuddle搂抱,拥抱;cumber拖累,妨害;corrode侵蚀,损害;canvass 细究。句

40、意:花时间拥抱你的孩子,读书给她听,和她玩耍,语重心长地和她交谈,和她一起散步。根据句意可知A项符合题意。13. 单选题Veteran doctors can often reflect on past experiences to draw lessons for the present; young resident doctors, however, rarely have the advantages of such( ).问题1选项A.retrospectionB.vaguenessC.hostilityD.misconceptions【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。retros

41、pection 回顾;反省;追忆;vagueness 模糊;含糊;茫然;hostility 敌意;misconception 误解 。句意:经验丰富的医生可以经常反思过去的经历来汲取教训,然而,年轻的住院部医师却很少有这样反省的优势。由Veteran doctors can often reflect on past experiences以及while可知,句子前后形成对比,经验丰富的医生有经历可反思和回顾,而年轻的医生却没有这样的优势。空格处所填单词应与reflect意思接近,答案为A。14. 单选题One of the first ( )of reduced burning in Ama

42、zon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive out the insect that, by pollinating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop.问题1选项A.reformersB.casualtiesC.criticsD.beneficiaries【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。reformer改革家,改良者;casualty 伤亡人员; critics评论家;beneficiaries受益人。句意:在亚马逊雨林中减少焚烧的直接受益者之一是栗子工业:通过

43、给栗树授粉,使栗子发育的昆虫往往会被烟雾赶走。根据冒号后的内容可判断空格处应填一个正面的积极词汇,故D项正确。15. 单选题Although the genetic explanation of why some people are right-handed whereas others are left-handed is plausible, it has been effectively challenged by experiments in which genetically ( )mice showed different paw preferences.问题1选项A.verif

44、iedB.indistinguishableC.identicalD.complex【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。verified “已证实的”;indistinguishable “不能区别的;”identical “同一的;完全相同的”;complex “复杂 的;合成的”。句意:虽然遗传学解释为什么有些人习惯用右手而另一些是左撇子似乎是合理的,它已经被基因实验有效地挑战,在基因上别无二致的鼠表现出使用爪子的不同偏好。由plausible“看似可信的”与showed different paw preferences “表现出不同偏好”可知 B项符合语境,故B项正确。16. 单选题

45、Even those who disagreed with Carmens views rarely faulted her for expressing them,for the positions she took were as( ) as they were controversial.问题1选项A.complicatedB.thoughtfulC.subjectiveD.commonplace【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。complicated “难懂的,复杂的”;thoughtful “深思的;体贴的”;subjective “主观的;自觉的”;commonplace “平

46、凡的; 普通的”。句意:即使是那些不同意卡门观点的人,也很少指责她的表达,因为卡门所采取的立场如同有争议那样让人深思。由controversial可知,既然该立场有争议,所以引人深思。故B项符合题意。17. 单选题Chlorine is a mainstay in most swimming pools in the United States, and is used to eradicate bacteria. A bacteria-free pool will usually ensure that swimmers wont contract a serious illness if

47、they spend time in, and possibly ingest, the water. When chlorine is added to pool water, a chemical reaction occurs whereby the chlorine breaks down into a legion chemicals that combine to kill bacteria that may be in the water. These chemicals, specifically hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion,

48、eliminate bacteria by annihilating and then oxidizing the abhorrent cells. When this chemical reaction occurs, the bacteria are rendered essentially harmless. This chemical reaction doesnt occur immediately- individual components within chlorine take varying amounts of time to interact with the bact

49、eria, creating an almost time-release-type of kill in the pool water.Chlorine must be regularly replenished. As they react, the hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion combine to create a particular acceptable pH level in the pool water. ApH is a measure of the alkalinity and acidity present; a pH va

50、lue of 7 represents a neutral value, and 7.4 is the pH value of the human tear. The pH ratio must be regularly monitored to ensure a consistent optimum rate - one usually kept within the spectrum of 7 to 8 as measured by a reliable pH measuring kit. As the chemicals in chlorine complete their reacti

51、ons, they break down and are no longer effective in keeping the pool water neutralized. Additional chlorine must be added to water at specific times. Outdoor pools that are in direct sunlight need to have water added more often because the chemical reaction time for chlorine is increased and its eff

52、ectiveness is reduced in these conditions. Since the hypochlorite ion is an especially potent chemical capable of fading fabrics and paint, most people are meticulous about rinsing chlorine from potentially affected areas. Although chlorine is inexpensive and widely available, some people find the b

53、leach smell to be repugnant and the distinct aroma present at many swimming pools to be overwhelming. These people may not be able to enjoy aquatic pursuits in those pools that employ chlorine as a cleansing agent. Other people may find that inhaling chlorine at the high levels present around some p

54、ools may be difficult to tolerate. Still others may experience skin irritation after swimming in a pool containing chlorine. Although there are other chemicals and compounds available to clean swimming pools, they may be prohibitively expensive or incapable of killing all types of bacteria present i

55、n the water.1.According to the passage, a stable pH value in pool water is dependent upon which of the following( ).2.The authors primary purpose is to( ).3.Based on the passage, which statement is probably NOT true of chlorine?4.The author includes the information about the p H of human tears mainl

56、y to ( ).5.All of the following statements are true about chlorine EXCEPT that ( ).问题1选项A.Ensuring that there is only a minimum amount of bacteria in the waterB.Monitoring and adding chlorine when warrantedC.Paying close attention to the reactions of chemicals in the pool waterD.Ensuring that water

57、is protected from direct sunlight问题2选项A.offer an unbiased opinion of chlorine,s efficacyB.provide an argument for using chlorineC.discuss the chemical reaction taking place within a poolD.show how chlorine can keep pool water safe问题3选项A.It can be harmful if swallowed.B.Occasional high levels in pool

58、 water are probably not harmful.C.It can kill most common types of pool water bacteria.D.A pools size will dictate the amount needed.问题4选项A.give the reader a base of referenceB.provide a visual image for the readerC.personalize the passage to enhance interestD.answer the readers anticipated question

59、问题5选项A.chlorines efficacy is affected by sunlightB.chlorine is made up of two chemicals: hypochlorous acid and hypochlorine ionC.chlorine is usually said to be malodorousD.chlorine levels must be routinely assessed in pool water【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。定位到第二段“Chlorine must be regular

60、ly replenished. 氯必须定期补充”及“The pH ratio must be regularly monitored to ensure a consistent optimum rate - one usually kept within the spectrum of 7 to 8 as measured by a reliable pH measuring kit. 必须定期监测pH值比,以确保一致的最佳速率-通常保持在一个可靠的pH值测量试剂盒测量的7至8的光谱范围内。”可知B项“必要时监测并加氯”符合题意。2.作者意图题。由第一段“These chemicals, s

61、pecifically hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion, eliminate bacteria by annihilating and then oxidizing the abhorrent cells. When this chemical reaction occurs, the bacteria are rendered essentially harmless. 这些化学物质,特别是次氯酸和次氯酸盐离子,通过消灭和氧化可恶的细胞来消灭细菌。当这种化学反应发生时,细菌基本上是无害的。”可知作者主要是想介绍氯气是如何确保泳池干净和安全的。3.

62、推理判断题。定位到最后一段“Other people may find that inhaling chlorine at the high levels present around some pools may be difficult to tolerate. Still others may experience skin irritation after swimming in a pool containing chlorine. Although there are other chemicals and compounds available to clean swimming

63、 pools, they may be prohibitively expensive or incapable of killing all types of bacteria present in the water.其他人可能会发现,吸入一些泳池周围高浓度的氯可能很难忍受。还有一些人在含有氯的游泳池游泳后可能会感到皮肤刺激。虽然有其他化学物质和化合物可以用来清洁游泳池,但它们可能昂贵得令人望而却步,或者无法杀死水中存在的所有类型的细菌。”可知有些人吸入一些泳池周围高浓度的氯可能很难忍受。故B项“偶尔泳池里的氯含量高可能是无害的。”表述错误。4.推理判断题。作者通过举例直观地解释PH值的知识,让读者有一些了解5.细节事实题。根据对本文第二段的理解,一旦氯气在太阳光下,那么它的有效性就会降低,而第一段指出氯气中发生反应的化学元素主要是次氯酸和次氯酸离子,但这无法推理出就仅

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