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1、2022年考博英语-吉林大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transportation and is therefore, not( ) to work locally.问题1选项A.compelledB.obligedC.restrictedD.repelled【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。compel “强迫,迫使”;oblige “强制,强迫”;restrict “限制”; repel “击退,抵制”。句意:汽车车主不再被迫依靠公共交通工具,因此不限于在

2、本地工作。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题Over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors habits among consumers. These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars when customers eat snacks or wipe counters almost without thinking, often in response to a carefully desig

3、ned set of daily cues.“There are fundamental public health problems, like dirty hands instead of a soap habit, that remain killers only because we cant figure out how to change peoples habits,” said Dr. Curtis, the director of the Hygiene Center at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. “

4、We wanted to learn from private industry how to create new behaviors that happen automatically.”The companies that Dr. Curtis turned to-Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever had invested hundreds of millions of dollars finding the subtle cues in consumers lives that corporations could use

5、 to introduce new routines.If you look hard enough, youll find that many of the products we use every day chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitaminsare results of manufactured habits. A century ago,

6、 few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day. Today, because of shrewd advertising and public health campaigns, many Americans habitually give their pearly whites a cavity-preventing scrub twice a day, often with Colgate, Crest or one of the other brands.A few decades ago, many peo

7、ple didnt drink water outside of a meal. Then beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off spring, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long. Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teet

8、h cleanser for use after a meal. Skin moisturizers are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals slipped in between hair brushing and putting on makeup.“Our products succeed when they become part of daily or weekly patterns.” said Carol Beming, a consumer psychologist who recently retired from Pr

9、octer & Gamble the company that sold $ 76 billion of Tide, Crest and other products last year. “Creating positive habits is a huge part of improving our consumers lives, and its essential to making new products commercially viable.”Through experiments and observation, social scientists like Dr. Bemi

10、ng have learned that there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through cruel and endless advertising. As this new science of habit has emerged, controversies have erupted when the tactics have been used to sell questionable beauty creams or unhealthy foods.1.According to Dr. Curtis,

11、 habits like hand washing with soap( ) .2.The example of brushing teeth shows that some of consumers habits are developed due to3.Bottled water, chewing gun and skin moisturizers are mentioned in Paragraph 5 so as to4.How did Carol Beming see creating automatic behaviors among consumers?5.What is th

12、e authors attitude toward the influence of advertising on peoples habits?问题1选项A.should be further cultivatedB.are deeply rooted in historyC.should be changed graduallyD.are basically private concerns问题2选项A.perfected art of productsB.commercial promotionsC.automatic behavior creationD.scientific expe

13、riments问题3选项A.show the urgent need of daily necessitiesB.reveal their impact on peoples habitsC.indicate their effect on peoples buying powerD.manifest the significant role of good habits问题4选项A.It may not bring huge profits for companies.B.It has become a new field of scientific researchC.It means a

14、 heavy investment for companiesD.It is necessary for the success of new products.问题5选项A.IndifferentB.NegativeC.PositiveD.Biased【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.文章第二段第一句there are fundamental public health problems, like dirty hands instead of a soap habit, that remain killers only because we cant f

15、igure out how to change peoples habits提到这个博士的观点:因为我们不知道如何改变人们的习惯,所以有像手脏了而不用肥皂洗手的根本公共健康问题仍然是导致人类死亡的事物。而这种习惯需要培养。选项A符合题意。2.文章第四段a century ago, few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day. Today, because of shrewd advertising and public health campaigns, many Americans habitually give

16、 their pearly whites a cavity-preventing scrub twice a day, often with Colgate, Crest or one of the other brands提到在广告普及之前很少有人会有规律地刷牙,由此可知选项B “商业促销”符合题意。3.文章第五段提到人们以前从来不会在不用餐的情况下喝水。然后饮料公司开始生产灌装水,现在办公室的人会不假思索地喝水。曾经口香糖也大部分是青春期男孩购买,现在被商业广告塑造成清新口气和牙齿清新剂。这些都是因为人们的习惯被改变了。选项B符合题意。4.文章倒数第二段第一句Our products su

17、cceed when they become part of daily or weekly patterns提到当产品成为每天或每周的生活方式时,这些产品就成功了。选项D符合题意。5.文章最后一段最后一句As this new science of habit has emerged, controversies have erupted when the tactics have been used to sell questionable beauty creams or unhealthy foods提到这些策略被用来销售有问题的美容膏或不健康的食品时,随之而来的便是无休止的争论。可知

18、作者对商业广告影响人们的习惯是抱消极态度的。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题The Internet began in the 1960s as a small network of academic and government computers primarily involved in research for the U. S. Military. Originally limited to researchers at a handful of universities and government facilities, the Internet has quickly become

19、 a worldwide network providing users with information on a range of subjects and allowing them to purchase goods directly from companies via computer. By 1999, 84 million U.S. citizens had access to the Internet at home or work. More and more Americans are paying bills, shopping, ordering airline ti

20、ckets, and purchasing stocks via computer over the Internet.Internet banking is also becoming increasingly popular. With lower overhead costs in terms of staffing and office space, Internet banks are able to offer higher interest rates on deposits and charge lower rates on loans than traditional ban

21、ks. Brick and mortar banks are increasingly offering online banking services via transactional websites to complement their traditional services. At present, 14 percent of Internet households conduct their banking by means of the Internet, and the figure is expected to double or triple during the ne

22、xt two or three years.Increasing commercial use of the Internet has heightened security and privacy concerns. With a credit or debit card, an Internet user can order almost anything from an Internet site and have it delivered to their home or office. Companies doing business over the Internet need s

23、ophisticated security measures to protect credit card, bank account, and social security numbers from unauthorized access as they pass across the Internet. Any organization that connects its networks to the global Internet must carefully control the access point to ensure that outsiders cannot disru

24、pt the organizations internal networks or gain unauthorized access to the organizations computer systems and data.1.According to the text, Internet banking( ) .2.The term “brick and mortar banks”(Line3, Para. 2) refers to( ) .3.The last sentence of the third paragraph tells us that( ) .4.What is thi

25、s text mainly about?5.Which commercial usage of the Internet does the author NOT refer to?问题1选项A.requires minimal usage feesB.offers price advantages to usersC.is more efficient than traditional bankingD.is environmentally-conscious问题2选项A.banks with dependable reputationB.banks with competitive inte

26、rest ratesC.banks with traditional walk-in servicesD.banks with reliable on-line services问题3选项A.any organizations networks may be at risk of security breachesB.current technology cannot safeguard against unauthorized access to online networksC.information security should be a pressing concern for In

27、ternet commerceD.organizations must secure their networks and data against unauthorized use问题4选项A.Conveniences brought to consumers through use of the Internet.B.Implications of increasing commercial use of the Internet.C.Security risks posed by commercial use of the InternetD.Advantages of Internet

28、 banking versus traditional banking问题5选项A.Buying airline tickets.B.Trading stocks.C.Applying for a credit cardD.Opening a bank account.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.文章第二段Internet banks are able to offer higher interest rates on deposits and charge lower rates on loans than traditional banks提到网上

29、银行存款利率更高,贷款利率较低,选项B符合题意。2.文章第二段Brick and mortar banks are increasingly offering online banking services via transactional websites to complement their traditional services 提到这类银行就是通过交易性网站提供在线银行服务,来补足它们的传统服务。选项C “提供传统的进入店面服务的银行”符合题意。3.文章第三段最后一句Any organization that connects its networks to the global

30、 Internet must carefully control the access point to ensure that outsiders cannot disrupt the organizations internal networks or gain unauthorized access to the organizations computer systems and data 提到自身网络连接到全球网络的任何一个机构必须小心地控制接入点,来确保外人不能破坏该机构的内部网络或未经授权地访问该机构的计算机系统和数据。选项D符合题意。4.文章主要讲述了互联网的发展给人们的生活带

31、来了便利,人们可以进行网上购物、支付账单等,基于物联网的网上银行相比传统银行更有价格优势(存款利率变高,取款利率变低),但是物联网的使用也有亟待提高的地方:安全和隐私问题。选项B符合题意。5.文章第一段最后一句More and more Americans are paying bills, shopping, ordering airline tickets, and purchasing stocks via computer over the Internet 提及到了购买机票,交易股票,选项A与B可以排除;文章第二段第一句提到了“开立银行账户”,所以选项D可以排除。因此,选项C符合题意

32、。4. 单选题( ) in India, the banana was brought to the Americas by the Portuguese who found it in Africa.问题1选项A.Originally cultivatedB.Originally being cultivatedC.Having originally cultivatedD.Although it originally cultivated【答案】A【解析】考查过去分词的用法。句子的主语时 the banana,从四个选项可知 cultivate 是一个关键词,其与 the banana的关

33、系是被动关系,所以应该用被动语态,选项C与D可以排除。主句中用的时态是 was 过去时,因此可以排除选项B。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题Commercial banks made most of their income from interest ( )on loans andinvestments and bonds.问题1选项A.earningB.earnedC.to earnD.was earned【答案】B【解析】考查分词做定语。句意:商业银行主要从贷款、投资和债券中获得利息。这里 interest 是被赚,是一个被动含义,所以应该用过去分词来做后置定语。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题

34、I wanted to buy a colour TV set this year, but my brother rejected the idea ( )a trip to the beach.问题1选项A.instead ofB.in view ofC.in favour ofD.in case of【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。instead of “代替;而不是 ”;in view of “鉴于;考虑到”;in favour of “支持;赞成”;in case of “万一;如果发生;假设”。句意:虽然我今年想要购买一台彩电,但是我的弟弟想去海滩所以拒绝了我的这个想法。选项C符合

35、题意。7. 单选题As you all know, the United States is a country on wheels. Nearly eight million new cars are made each year, four households out of five own at least one car, and more than a quarter have two each. Yet youll be surprised to learn that some of the car-owners even suffer from malnutrition.In

36、1968, a nation-wide survey of malnutrition was made for the first time. It found that 10 million people are suffering in health through inadequate feeding; the causes of their plight were varied. Unemployment over a long period should be considered as the main factor. And unemployment, strange to sa

37、y, nine times out of ten results from automation, both in industrial and agricultural areas. For example, in the rural South when a cotton plantation suddenly cuts its force from 100 people to three, the problem to help the displaced arises. So is the case with industrial automation. In fact, probab

38、ly 2 million jobs are made unnecessary each year in the whole country as a result of the automation process, thus making unemployment a chief social concern. According to government statistics, the number of people unemployed was over 5 percent for the period from 1958 to 1963. In July 1981, it rose

39、 to 7.8 percent. As a matter of fact, it has long been known that even during the most prosperous periods there have been people without enough to eat. So I think thats why President Kennedy said in his inauguration speech in 1961, if the government did not help the poor, it could nor save the rich.

40、In 1966, the Social Security Administration calculated that a family of four needed an income of $3,355 a year to be above the line of poverty. And in 1977, the average poverty line of the country was slightly more than $6,200 annual income for a non-farm family of four. According to the Social Secu

41、rity Act, families of that size below poverty line are eligible to receive benefits from the special welfare program. The average weekly payment of benefits now is equivalent to 36 percent of the workers normal wage. And the number of people who receive government benefits is increasing. In 1973, so

42、cial insurance payments by governments, mainly to old age pensioners and people who had lost their jobs or were off work through illness, amounted to $86,000 million. Those not fully qualified for insurance payments received $29,000 million in public aid.But problems still exist. Many people are not

43、 reached by the anti-poverty program, because local authorities and agencies do not want to play their part or do not gave the resources to do so. Some poor people will not accept help for various reasons. Of course, there are some more important factors which lie in the stricture of the society, bu

44、t I dont consider it necessary to dig into them here. Yet we will perhaps agree that social welfare programs have solved to some extent the problems of feeding, clothing and housing those below the poverty line. On the whole, it perhaps might be said that American people are living a better life tha

45、n people in most other countries.1.The United States is called a country on wheels because ( ).2.According to a 1968 survey, ten million Americans found themselves in a difficult health situation chiefly due to( )3.The author uses “the displaced”(Line 5, Para. 2) to refer to those who are ( ).4.The

46、word “eligible” (Line 4, Para. 3) is synonymous with “( )5.Americans are living a better life than those in most of other countries because, to some degree ( ).问题1选项A.about one-fourth Americans own two carsB.a bit over one out of four households are the owners of two carsC.nearly 8 million new cars

47、drive in the country every yearD.80% Americans have at least one car问题2选项A.inadequate feedingB.malnutritionC.unemploymentD.automation问题3选项A.unemployedB.disabledC.sickD.poor问题4选项A.necessaryB.urgentC.neededD.worthy问题5选项A.many Americans receive benefits from the special welfare programB.some poor peopl

48、e can receive help for some reason or otherC.there is the anti-poverty program in the U. S.D.social welfare programs have some measure to settle the problems of those below the poverty line.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.文章第一段第二句Nearly eight million new cars are made each year, four households o

49、ut of five own at least one car, and more than a quarter have two each解释了为什么美国被称为 “车轮上的国家”,80%的家庭拥有至少一辆车,超过25%的家庭拥有两辆车。选项B符合题意。2.文章第二段第三句Unemployment over a long period should be considered as the main factor提到造成营养不调的主要原因是失业。选项C符合题意。3.文章第二段提出长期失业是造成一些人营养不良的原因,比如在南方农村当一个棉花种植园突然将自己的雇佣工人从100人降到3人,那么就意味

50、着有97人失业(“For example, in the rural South when a cotton plantation suddenly cuts its force from 100 people to three, the problem to help the displaced arises”)由此可以推断 the displaced 在这里有“失业人员”的意思。选项A符合题意。4.文章第三段提及了美国的平均贫困线,然后提到只有年收入在贫困线以下才有资格领取政府的福利补助:according to the Social Security Act, families of t

51、hat size below poverty line are eligible to receive benefits from the special welfare program, 由此推测 eligible 的意思是“有资格的”。选项D符合题意。5.文章最后一段提到美国的福利政策在一定程度上解决了贫困线以下那些人的衣食住的问题,这相比多数其他国家的人要过得好。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题( ) for a long time, the fields are all dried up.问题1选项A.There has been no rainB.Having no rainC.Ther

52、e having been no rainD.There being no rain【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。逗号后面的是一个完整的句子,所以前面应该用非谓语结构,再根据 for a long time 可知要用到完成时,所以选项C符合题意。9. 单选题I could ( )the shadowy figure of a man in the distance.问题1选项A.distinguishB.perceiveC.notifyD.discern【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。perceive “察觉,感觉”;notify “通知,公布”;distinguish 与 disce

53、rn 二者均有“区别,辨别”的意思,前者指辨别者的能力或实际观察到的区别,强调辨别所需要的技巧。后者语义比较笼统,着重准确的观察力,不一定有能分辨出关系密切的各项事物的含义。这个句子的句意是“看清远处那个人的身影”强调的是观察力而不是技巧。所以选项D符合题意。10. 单选题It is a common theme of many science fiction stories that the world may one day be ( )by beings from the outer space.问题1选项A.run overB.filled inC.taken overD.broken

54、 in【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。run over “辗过;溢出”;fill in “填写;填充;替代”;take over “接管;接收”;broke in “打断;闯入”。句意:科幻小说共有的一个主题是总有一天世界可能被外星人接管。选项C符合题意。11. 单选题If you are always sitting up at night, Im afraid you may ( )from overwork soon.问题1选项A.fallB.descendC.sickenD.collapse【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。fall “落下;降落”;descend “下降;下来”

55、;sicken “生病”;collapse “倒塌;瓦解”。句意:如果你晚上总是熬夜,那么我担心你可能会因为过度劳累而倒下。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题His opinions are very( ) ; he does not want the situation to change very much.问题1选项A.conservativeB.flexibleC.sophisticatedD.radical【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。conservative “保守的”;flexible “灵活的,柔韧的,易 弯曲的”;sophisticated “精致的,久经世故的”;rad

56、ical “激进的,根本的”。句意:他的观点非常保守,他不想让形式快速改变。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered ( )despite widespread agreement that it was ( ).问题1选项A.respect.crucialB.dismissal.simplisticC.skepticism.unfathomableD.opposition.indisputable【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析和形容词词义辨析。respect “尊敬,尊重”;cru

57、cial “重要的, 决定性的”;dismissal “解雇, 免职”;simplistic “过分简单化的,过分单纯化的”;skepticism “怀疑论,怀疑的态度”;unfathomable “深不可测的,无底的”; opposition “反对,反对派”;indisputable “不容置疑的,不可争辩的”。句意:令科学家困惑的是,尽管他的理论被一致认为是不容置疑的,但是还是遭到了反对。选项D符合题意。14. 单选题The earnings of women are well below that of men ( )educational differences that are d

58、iminishing between the two sexes.问题1选项A.althoughB.thoughC.despite ofD.in spite of【答案】D【解析】考查连词辨析。四个选项都是表示转折,其中 although 与 though只能引导让步状语从句。没有despite of 这种表达,所以只有选项D符合题意。15. 单选题The Supreme Courts decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dy

59、ing patients of pain and suffering.Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the court in effect supported the medical principle of “ double effect”,a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effectsa good one that is intended and a

60、 harmful one that is foreseenis permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients pain, even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.Nancy Dubler, direct

61、or of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who “until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain if that might hasten death”.George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston Unive

62、rsity, maintains that, as long as good doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. “Its like surgery, he says. “We dont call those deaths homicides because the doctors didnt intend to kill their pat

63、ients, although they risked their death. If youre a physician, you can risk your patients suicide as long as you dont intend their suicide. ”On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modem medicine has prolonged the

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