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1、2022年考博英语-西北工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题You should treat those remarks with the( )that they deserve, dont give them a second thought.问题1选项A.negativeB.disgraceC.contemptD.sarcasm【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。negative “否定;负数”;disgrace “耻辱;丢脸的人或事”;contempt “轻视;耻辱”;sarcasm “讽刺;挖苦”。句意:你应该以那些评论应得的轻视来对待它们,别再想了。选项C符合题意。

2、2. 单选题Turning cultivated land back into forests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem soil ( )and desertification in the long run.问题1选项A.erosionB.depletionC.violationD.delusion【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。erosion “侵蚀,腐蚀”;depletion “消耗,损耗”;violation “违反”;delusion “欺骗,迷惑”。句意:将耕地退耕为森林或者草原是阻止土壤侵蚀和荒漠化的根本方法。选项A符合题

3、意。3. 单选题Mrs. Black finds that her piano has always had the magic power of taking her away from the grim realities of daily life and( )her to fairyland of her own once she started to play.问题1选项A.transformingB.transportingC.transplantingD.transcending【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。transform “改变,使变形”;transport “运输;

4、流放;使狂喜;transplant “移植;移栽;使移居”;transcend “胜过,超越”。句意:布莱克太太发现只要她一弹钢琴,自己就会被这架有魔法的钢琴从现实世界带入到自己的仙境。选项B符合题意。4. 单选题The concept of “environment” is certainly difficult and may even be misunderstood; but we have no handy substitute. It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surroundin

5、g environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental. But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and the environment are constantly interacting so that the environme

6、nt is modified by the organism and vice versa. In the case of man, the difficulties with the environmental concept are even more complicated because we have to deal with man as an animal and with man as a bearer of culture. If we look at man as an animal and try to analyze the environmental forces t

7、hat are acting on the organism, we find that we have to deal with things like climate, soil, plants, and such-like factors common to all biological situations; but we also find, always, very important environmental influences that we can only class as “cultural”, which modify the physical and biolog

8、ical factors. But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human culture, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of climate and geography. We thus easily get into great difficulties from the necessity of viewing culture, at one moment, as a part

9、 of the man and, at another moment, as a part of the environment.1.Which of the following words can best describe the popular understanding of “environment” as the author sees it?2.According to the author the concept of “environment” is difficult to explain because( ).3.In analyzing the environmenta

10、l forces acting on man the author suggests that( ).4.As for culture, the author points out that( ).5.In this passage, the author is primarily concerned with( ).问题1选项A.Elaborate.B.PrejudicedC.Faultless.D.Oversimplified.问题2选项A.it doesnt distinguish between the organism and the environmentB.it involves

11、 both internal and external forcesC.the organism and the environment influence each otherD.the relationship between the organism and environment is unclear问题3选项A.biological factors are less important to the organism than cultural factors to manB.man and other animals are modified equally by the envi

12、ronmental forcesC.man is modified by the cultural environment as well as by the natural environmentD.physical and biological factors exert more influence on other organism than on man问题4选项A.it develops side by side with environmental factorsB.it is also affected by environmentC.it is generally accep

13、ted to be part of the environmentD.it is a product of mans biological instincts问题5选项A.the interpretation of the term “environment”B.the discussion of the organism and biological environmentC.the comparison between internal and external factors influencing manD.the evaluation of mans influence on cul

14、ture【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题目问的是“下列哪个选项最能描述作者对环境这个词的描述?”文章第二句话提到“区分有机体和周围环境,以及将作用于有机体的力分为内部的、生物的、外部的和环境的看起来很容易”(It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and

15、 biological and those that are external and environmental),所以可以看出来作者认为把对环境的描述过于简单化,选项D符合题意。第2题:细节事实题。题目问的是“作者认为环境这个概念很难被解释是因为什么?”文章第三句提到“但是在实际中,这个体系在很多方面上都不成立,因为有机体和环境不断在相互作用,因此环境被有机体改变,反过来也如此”(But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and the environment are

16、constantly interacting so that the environment is modified by the organism and vice versa),选项C“有机体与环境相互影响”符合题意。第3题:判断推理题。题目问的是“关于环境因素作用在人类身上的分析,作者有什么建议?”文章倒数第二句话提到“但是人类一直是文化的拥有者;如果研究人类文化,我们会发现,反过来,它被气候和地理位置等环境因素改变着”(But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human cultur

17、e, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of climate and geography),因此,选项C “人类被文化环境和自然环境改变”符合题意。第4题:细节事实题。题目问的是“关于文化,作者指出了什么?”文章倒数第二句话提到“但是人类一直是文化的拥有者;如果研究人类文化,我们会发现,反过来,它被气候和地理位置等环境因素改变着”(But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human cultu

18、re, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of climate and geography),由此可知,文化也是受环境因素影响的,因此选项B“它也受环境的影响”符合题意。第5题:主旨大意题。题目问的是“作者主要阐述了什么问题?”文章第一句话提到“虽然环境这个概念很难理解,甚至可能被误解,但是我们没有别的替代物”(The concept of “environment” is certainly difficult and may even be misunderstood; but we hav

19、e no handy substitute),之后都是围绕这个话题展开,由此可知文章主要阐述的就是对“环境”这个术语的解释。选项A“对“环境”的解释”符合题意。5. 单选题The police detective put together the pieces of evidence to form one ( )account.问题1选项A.sensitiveB.genuineC.expressiveD.coherent【答案】D【解析】考查形容词义辨析。sensitive “敏感的;感觉的”;genuine “真实的;真正的”;expressive “表现的;有表现力的”;coherent

20、 “连贯的;清晰的;一致的”。句意:这位警探将这些证据拼凑在一起形成一份连贯的报告。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题Many well-educated people dont believe that( )will endanger freedom of speech.问题1选项A.censershipB.censureshipC.sensorshipD.censorship【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。四个选项中只有选项D这个单词是存在的,censorship “审查制度”。句意:很多受过良好教育的人认为审查制度不会危及言论自由。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题The book is a v

21、ain attempt to( )the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history.问题1选项A.worshipB.glorifyC.adoreD.cherish【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。worship“崇拜;尊敬”;glorify“赞美;美化”;adore“崇拜;爱慕”;cherish “怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等)”。句意:这本书试图去美化现代历史中最坏的独裁者之一的名字,但是失败了。选项B符合题意。8. 单选题No one expected him to( )against his former employer

22、.问题1选项A.declareB.testifyC.certifyD.allege【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。declare “宣布;声明”;testify “作证;证明”;certify “证明;保证”;allege “宣称;断言”。句意:没人想到他会作对他前老板不利的证明。选项B符合题意。9. 单选题The State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatible with internationally accepted conventions.问题1选项A.conferencesB.

23、conversationsC.practicesD.formations【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:国务院将制定新的规则来使得管理与国际惯例一致。conference “会议”;conversation “(非正式) 交谈,谈话”;practice “实践,惯例”;formation “组成”。根据前面的 “lay down new rules” 可推测出划线单词的意思是“规则”,因此选项C符合题意。10. 单选题The students are all from( )countries, such as Singapore, India, Korean and Japan.问题

24、1选项A.developingB.orientalC.islandD.Christian【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。developing“发展中的”;oriental“东方的;东方人的”;island“岛的”;Christian“基督教的;信基督教的”。句意:这些学生都来自东方国家,比如新加坡、印度、韩国、还有日本。选项B符合题意。11. 单选题After the fierce quarrel, they began to have a( )loathing for each other.问题1选项A.boringB.reciprocalC.friendlyD.standing【答案

25、】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。boring “无聊的;令人厌烦的”;reciprocal “互惠的;相互的”;friendly “友好的;亲切的”;standing “长期存在的”。句意:在那次激烈的争吵后,他们开始相互厌恶。选项B符合题意。12. 单选题There are two columns marked A and B below. 10 set words are listed in column A with the definitions provided in column B. Study the phrases in column A carefully and matc

26、h each word with the correct definition in column B.Column A1. vitality2. prompting3. instantaneous4. dynamic5. prudent6. original7. feverish8. facilitate9. likewise10.sponsor Column B A. excited; restlessB. force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC. persistent energy; l

27、iveliness or vigorD. similarly; alsoE. happening or done immediatelyF. make something easy or less difficultG. urging or persuadingH. existing from the beginning; creative; freshI. person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ. showing good judgment; acting wi

28、th care and foresight问题1选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; crea

29、tive; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight问题2选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly;

30、alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight问题3选项A.excited; r

31、estlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself

32、responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight问题4选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.m

33、ake something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight问题5选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, a

34、ction or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who pu

35、ts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight问题6选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.

36、urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight问题7选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcef

37、ulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good ju

38、dgment; acting with care and foresight问题8选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from th

39、e beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight问题9选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or v

40、igorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight

41、问题10选项A.excited; restlessB.force that produces change, action or effects; energetic and forcefulC.persistent energy; liveliness or vigorD.similarly; alsoE.happening or done immediatelyF.make something easy or less difficultG.urging or persuadingH.existing from the beginning; creative; freshI.person

42、who makes himself responsible for another; person who puts forward a proposalJ.showing good judgment; acting with care and foresight【答案】第1题:C第2题:G第3题:E第4题:B第5题:J第6题:H第7题:A第8题:F第9题:D第10题:I【解析】第1题:vitality “生命力,活力,热情”。第2题:prompting “促进,鼓舞”。第3题:instantaneous “即刻的,立刻的”。第4题:dynamic “动力”,名词;“精力充沛的”,形容词。第5

43、题:prudent “谨慎的”。第6题:original “最初的,独创的”。第7题:feverish “发热的;极度兴奋的”。第8题:facilitate “促进”。第9题:likewise “同样地”。第10题:sponsor “主办者,保证人”。13. 写作题Write a short summary (about 60-80 words) of the following article. The summary restates the main idea without adding any comments that express personal feeling or res

44、ponses to the details presented. Keep in mind that the purpose of a summary of concise restatement of the authors ideas in your own words is to test your understanding of the article. Please write your summary on the Answer SheetWhat the U.S. and Chinese School Systems Have in Common02/22/2012 By Sa

45、rah CarrAmericans who visit Chinese schools quickly realize that many of our beliefs and assumptions about education hold little water in China: In the United States, our urban public schools perform relatively poorly, but in China the urban systems rate among the nations best. Here we often regard

46、private schools as a cut above public ones (though the truth is far murkier), but most Chinese consider public schools to be superior. Americans view public education as a crucial equalizer for a democratic society, in theory at least-but the Chinese see it partly as a means to sort their massive po

47、pulation in a distinctly undemocratic fashion.Despite these differences of conceit, the American and Chinese education systems share one common, defining characteristic: they are both plagued by gross inequalities and rampant segregation. In the United States, these injustices fall largely along rac

48、ial and class lines: poor, minority students are more likely to attend highly segregated schools; their schools are more likely to suffer from a lack of resources; and their teachers are more likely to be inexperienced.The Chinese education system, too, features ethnic and class inequities. But even

49、 more so than in the United States, geography and birthplace equal educational destiny. As Sarah Butrymowicz of The Hechinger Report documented in a recent article, millions of schoolchildren have migrated to cities in recent years with their job-hunting parents. Once there, they often find themselv

50、es ineligible to attend government-run schools, particularly the best ones. An unknown number wind up in sub-par, pseudo-private school catering to the migrant population.Henan Chang, an assistant professor in Loyola University Chicagos School of Education who has studied the outcomes of migrant sch

51、oolchildren in Kunming, said most of them “have no interaction whatsoever with the local residents. They live in their own bubbles. Their playmates, their schoolmates- theyre all migrants themselves.”Butrymowicz notes that these disparities tainted Chinas recent domineering performance on internatio

52、nal assessments in reading, math and science because many public schools do not admit migrant students. When Shanghai 15-year-olds outperformed the rest of the world in 2010, observers wondered if their success stemmed at least in part from exclusionary, segregationist practices. After I told a frie

53、nd of mine who grew up in China about the international rankings, he quipped that public-school students in Shanghai are comparable to private-school students on Manhattans Upper East Side in terms of their wealth and privilege. Shaking his head, he noted that no one would take Dalton or Brearley tw

54、o of the Big Apples most elite private schoolsas representative of the whole United States.In 2006, I spent several weeks in China repotting on the countrys schools, focusing in particular on the education of migrant children living in Beijing. In America, everyone asked me if Chinese schools had le

55、ft us in the dust, while in China everyone asked me if American schools had left them in the dust. Americans revered the Chinese mastery of basic subjects such as math and geography, while the Chinese extolled the American emphasis on creativity and nurturing individual talent.Americans talked about

56、 the striking discipline of Chinese students, while the Chinese wondered why they had not yet won more Noble prizes. Nobody in either country framed their fears about international competitiveness in terms of inequality, however.Both nations do well by their most privileged and fortunate students. I

57、n China, they attend well-resources, state-of-the-art government schools that employ some of the countrys best teachers. In America, their families possess the money and freedom to move to regions where public schools excel, or to enroll in any number of wealthy private schools.For either country, w

58、inning the global competition will depend less on changes made for the elites-the children of the 1 percent. Ultimately, success will depend on their leaders interest and fortitude in addressing the opportunity gaps that persist throughout their schools. When it comes to education, thats the single,

59、 indelible trait that both countries have long shared.【答案】【参考范文】Americans and Chinese hold different views on education system. In America, people think private schools is the best choice, while Chinese have a different opinion. Despite the differences, the American and Chinese education systems hav

60、e something in commonunfair of education. In America, these injustices is reflected in racial and class; in China, it shows more in regional difference. The high-quality education can only benefit the minority in both countries. In order to win the global competition, their leaders should pay more a

61、ttention to close the opportunity gaps. 14. 单选题Racing the clock every day is such as an exhausting effort that when I actually have a few free moments, I tend to collapse.问题1选项A.fall downB.fall illC.fall outD.fall behind【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天与时间赛跑是一种累人的工作,当我真正有点空闲时间时,我感觉要。fall down “倒塌”;fall ill “生病”;fall out “脱落”;fall behind “落后,逾期”。划线单词的意思是“倒塌,倒下”,选项A符合题意。15. 单选题So fast( )that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.问题1选项A.has light traveledB.light travelsC.does light travelD.travels light【答案】C【解析】考查倒装句。由 so / suchthat结构中的so或such与其修饰成分位于句首表示强调时

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