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1、2022军队文职人员招聘-军队文职英语言文学考试题库(含答案解析)1. 问答题:晚年的乔羽喜爱垂钓,他说:“有水有鱼的地方大都是有好环境的,好环境便会给人好心情。我认为最好的钓鱼场所不是舒适的、给你准备好饿鱼的垂钓园,而是那极其有吸引力的大自然野外天成的场所。”钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。乔羽说:“钓鱼可分三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛在一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。”答案: 本题解析:Qiao Yu liked fishing in his late years. He said: “Mostly

2、 speaking, a place with water and fish is necessarily blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people in good mood. The best places for fishing, it seems to me, are not those commercial fishing centers which provide you with all the conveniences and where fish are kept hungry for ready cap

3、ture, but attractive natural water bodies in out-of-the-way places.” Fishing is an outdoor sport that can help cultivate your mind and it is good for our mental and physical health. Qiao Yu claimed: “There are three states for fishing. The first state is for fish only. The second one is both for fis

4、h and for the pleasure of fishing. The third one is just for the pleasure of fishing. When facing a pool of green water; you forget all your worries and annoyance and enjoy a good rest, both mentally and physically.”2. 问答题:指南针的发明源于中国。2000多年前的战国时期,人们利用磁铁在地球磁场中的南北指极性发明了指南针的雏形,称之为“司南”。它用天然磁石制成,样子像一把勺子,


6、以后人们发明了更为先进的罗盘。指南针首先是风水先生发明和使用的。北宋时期,指南针应用于航海事业中,使之有了经久不衰的生命力。北宋前,航海者是利用日月星辰的位置来判定方向。这种方法在天晴时尚可运用,一旦阴雨天,航海者的命运就难以把握了。自从有了指南针,它为航海者带来极大的方便,成为航海家的必备之物。郑和七次下西洋,哥伦布对美洲大陆的发现和麦哲伦的环球航行,都与指南针的应用分不开。答案: 本题解析:The compass was invented in China.Two thousand years ago, during the Warring States Period (475 B.C.2

7、21 B.C.) in China, the Chinese invented “Sinan”, an embryonic form of compass, which made use of the magnets property that it always orients itself north and South in the magnetic field of the earth. It was made of natural magnetic lodestone and it looked like a spoon with a hardness of 5.56.5. Its

8、bottom was round and so it could spin freely on the tray on which it was placed. When the revolving spoon slowed down and came to a stop, its handle pointed to the south.Nine hundred years ago, in the Northern Song Dynasty (960 A.D.1127 A.D.), the Chinese made a thin iron sheet shaped like a fish, w

9、hich was 7 cm in length and l.5 cm in breadth. It was heated red hot in a charcoal fire. The fish head was then gripped with a pair of tongs and the fish tail was turned to the direction of the magnetic field of the earth. The moving magnetic domain inside the hot fish was thus aligned in the same d

10、irection as the magnetic field of the earth. The magnetized fish was then put suddenly into cold water, thus fixing the magnetic field in the fish. Therefore, when the fish was floated on still water in a bowl, the head of the fish pointed to the south and the tail to the north. Over years, this fis

11、h-shaped device gradually evolved into the more simple and convenient form of an iron needle. To make it, a small needle was repeatedly rubbed on a piece of magnetite till it was magnetized. The more advanced compass was invented on the basis of it afterwards.The compass was first invented and used

12、by men who help people to determine whether the layout and the position of their homes and offices are in good relation to the environment. In the Northern Song Dynasty, it was used in navigation, therefore gaining a lasting life. Before that time, navigators determined directions by looking at the

13、positions of the sun, the moon and the stars. This method was useful when the sky was clear. It was, however, difficult to ensure a navigators destiny when the sky was overcast or rainy.Ever since the use of the compass, navigation became much easier and for the navigators, it became indispensable.

14、For example, Zheng He, the famous Chinese navigator in the Ming Dynasty, went seven times (1405 A.D.1433 A.D.) to more than 30 countries in Asia and Africa by sea. Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, and Ferdinand Magellan made a voyage around the world by sea. All of these voyages would n

15、ot have been successful without making use of the compass.3. 问答题:今日发布的一项调查显示,三分之二的英国民众担心英国将遭遇新一轮经济衰退。与此同时,调查还揭示,英国被评为欧洲第二大不适合居住的国家。85%的人认为,欧元区危机已经危及英国经济,而一项新报告指出,在本次经济动荡发生之前,英国经济就已经在减速了。GcomRes的调查显示,超过半数(59%)的英国人正在削减开支,以应对可能到来的新一轮经济衰退。近四分之三的英国人称,他们担心新一轮经济衰退会给自己和自己的家庭带来严重的冲击,只有13%的人说他们认为自己不会受到影响。不过,不


17、增速放缓已经持续了至少七个月。英国不是唯一一个经济前景惨淡的国家,七国集团的所有其他工业国也同样面临经济减速的困境。不过,英国经济在希腊陷入债务危机之前就已经开始停滞不前了,这一事实削弱了英国政府所持的欧元区造成英国经济颓势的论点。答案: 本题解析:Two thirds of the British public fear that the UK is heading for another recession, a survey showed today. The news came as it was revealed that Britain has been rated the sec

18、ond worst country in Europe to live in.And while 85 percent of people say that the eurozone crisis has endangered the UK economy, a new report suggests that Britains economic slowdown predated the recent turmoil.More than half59 percentof Britons are cutting back on spending in anticipation of anoth

19、er recession, according to a ComRes poll.Almost three quarters said they were worried that another recession would have a severe impact on them and their family, while just 13 percent said they would not expect to be affected.But fewer than one in five18 percentbelieve Britain should contribute more

20、 money to help solve the eurozones financial crisis, if it would help avoid another recession.The survey of more than 2,000 people showed that 77 percent believe the crisis proved the UK was right to stay out of the eurozone, and about the same number think the eurozone debt crisis has been badly ma

21、naged by Europes political leaders.Another study, a report by think-tank Demos entitled Good Growth, suggests that Britain is one of the worst places to live in Europe.Judging by factors such as health, housing and the job market, the report said that only Spain was a less desirable home than the UK

22、. The best places to live are Norway, Germany and the Netherlands, said the study.Fears of another British recession will be reinforced by findings from the OECD, a respected think-tank, which say that the UK economy has been slowing for at least seven months.Britain is not the only country facing a

23、 worse economic outlook, as all of the other G7 industrial nations are suffering from a similar slowdown.But the fact that the UKs economy has been sluggish since before Greece started heading for default undermines the Governments argument that Britains poor performance is the fault of the eurozone

24、.4. 问答题:如买方所订船只到达装港后,卖方不能按买方所通知的时间如期装船时,则空舱费及滞期费等一切费用和后果均由卖方负担。如船只因临时撤换、延期或退关等情况而未能及时通知卖方停止发货者,在装港发生的栈租及保险费损失的计算,应以代理通知之装船日期(如货物晚于船代理通知之装船日期抵达装港,应以货物抵港日期)为准,在港口免费堆存期满后第16天起应由买方负担,除人力不可抗拒的情况外。但卖方仍负有载货船只到达装港后立即将货物装船之义务并担负费用及风险。前述各有关费用均凭原始单据核实支付。答案: 本题解析:Should the Sellers fail to load the goods within

25、 the time as notified by the Buyers, on board the vessel booked by the Buyers after its arrival at the port of shipment, all expenses such as dead freight, demurrage, etc., and consequences thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. Should the vessel be withdrawn or replaced or delayed eventually or the

26、 cargo be shut out etc., and the Sellers are not informed in good time to stop delivery, the calculation of loss for storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the loading port shall be based on the loading date notified by the agent to the Sellers (or based on the date of the arrival

27、of the cargo at the loading port in case the cargo should arrive there later than the notified loading date). The above-mentioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at port shall be borne by the Buyers with the exception of Force Majeure. However, the Selle

28、rs shall undertake to load the cargo immediately upon the carrying vessels arrival at the loading port at their own risks and expenses. The payment of the aforesaid expenses shall be effected against presentation of the original vouchers after being checked.5. 问答题:近几年掀起的“公务员热”使国家公务员考试成为中国竞争最激烈的考试之一。


30、职位就吸引了3,880个人报考。报道说,总体上是50人“抢”一个职位。国家公务员之所以如此有诱惑力,不仅是因为收入稳定、医疗有保障,风险小、权力大、实惠多也是其中的重要原因。答案: 本题解析:In recent years, the huge thirst for jobs in the civil service has made the national civil servant exam one of Chinas most competitive tests.The first exam was held in 1995 and since then more and more pe

31、ople have signed up for it, with applications reaching a peak over the last two years. Now, there are 6 million public servants in China.The latest online survey, carried out by China Youth Daily and , found that more than 73 per cent of young people want to work as civil servants. Of the 17,330 res

32、pondents, about 83 per cent said they were mainly attracted by the jobs stability, guaranteed health care and pension. Meanwhile, 55 per cent said it could bring practical profits.Nearly 1 million people applied to take the exam last year, yet only just over 10,000 were finally employed. This year t

33、he stiff competition continued China Youth Daily reported that the national public servant application site was forced to close temporarily for maintenance due to unusually high traffic on the night of October.In a typical year several hundred applicants will apply for one job listed. For example, t

34、he five job vacancies provided by the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party have this year attracted more than 3,880 applicants. In general, the exam means 50 people competing for one post, the report said.Positions as civil servants ale attractive, not only because of the stable income

35、and good health care, but also because of the low risks compared with the power and resources the positions enjoy.6. 问答题:1949年以后,一个真正的妇女解放过程开始了。男女平等被定为国策,所有妇女都参加生产劳动。这件事太伟大了,因为就算是在西方,妇女对工作权、选举权的争取也要经过100多年,但是中国女性直接就获得了这些权利。而且女性参加社会生产劳动的比例一下就超过了很多西方国家,几乎是100%的适龄并适合劳动的妇女都出来工作,这应该说是一个非常关键的进步。然而,那个年代有时是

36、比较极端的。过于强调男女都一样,男性能做到的,女性也能做到,男女之间没什么区别,大家穿同样的衣服,女孩儿也都不化妆,好像没有性别的区分了。但造成这种现象的原因是过去女性的地位太低,转到这个阶段,女性被抑制的各种方面爆发了。此时,女性的地位得到极大提高,但性别差异也被忽略。答案: 本题解析:A factual women liberation started after 1949. Gender equality was advocated as a national policy and all women were engaged in social production work. Thi

37、s was unbelievably great because that even in the west world, women had struggled for over 100 years for the right to work and vote. Whats more, the percentage of working women surpassed quite a few western countries; nearly 100% right-aged women with a labor power went to work out of their homes. T

38、his was a very critical progress.However, that was a relatively extreme age. Gender equality was overemphasized that what a man did could also be done by a woman. There was no big difference between male and female. Everyone wore the same and girls wore no make-up. The reason for this phenomenon was

39、 that women were tied to a lower social position for a long past and their long-depressed desires exploded in this period. Their status was enhanced but at the same time their sexual distinction was practically ignored.7. 问答题:近来法律方面的研究表明,目击者在法庭上对嫌疑犯的指认并非想象中的那么可靠。记忆是十分复杂的,在有关我们的大脑如何工作以及我们的记忆能达到什么程度方面

40、,人们普遍持有的一些看法常常是错误的。无论是常识还是研究都表明记忆会随时间的流逝而变得模糊。刚刚接受信息后的回忆和识别能力是最准确的,它先是迅速下降,然后逐渐减弱。拖延的时间越长,事件之后得到的信息越有可能与原始的记忆相冲突,从而降低其准确性。而且,目击者事后会看到、读到一些信息,然后将它融合进来,产生某种与所经历的事情不同的东西,使他们对事件和罪犯记忆的可靠性大大降低。对法官和陪审团来说,断定记忆最终是可靠的事实还是不可靠的编造在很大程度上似乎仍然是个挑战。答案: 本题解析:Recent legal research indicates that identification of peop

41、le by witnesses in a courtroom is not as reliable as commonly believed. Memory is complex and the commonly held perceptions about how our minds work and how well we remember are often wrong. Both common sense and research say memory declines over time. The ability to recall and recognize are at thei

42、r best immediately after encoding the information, declining at first rapidly, then gradually. The longer the delay, the more likely it is that information obtained after the event will interfere with the original memory, which reduces accuracy. Witnesses may see or read information after the event,

43、 then integrate it to produce something other than what was experienced, significantly reducing the reliability of their memory, of an event or offender. It seems that deciding whether any memory is to be finally assessed as reliable or the treacherous ally of invention will largely remain a challen

44、ge for judges and juries.8. 问答题:剪纸是中国传统手工艺艺术之一,它与纸张有着几乎同样悠久的历史。据说汉朝纸张发明后不久,就有妇女用纸剪成各种花形图案贴在鬓角,作为一种装饰。后来,有人在节日把剪纸贴在大门和窗户上,大家争相仿效,很快流传开来。因为剪纸不用花多少钱就能带来节日的气氛,受到普通百姓的喜爱,逐渐发展成一门独特的艺术,主要在农村中流行,尤其受到不太出门的妇女们的喜爱,所以大多数剪纸艺术家都是女性。她们用一把普通的剪刀就能把一张普通的红纸变成精美的作品,无论是花鸟还是人物,都栩栩如生,充分表达了她们对生活的热爱和向往。答案: 本题解析:Paper cuttin

45、g is one of the art forms of traditional Chinese handcraft. It has a history almost as long as paper itself. It was said that not long after the invention of paper in the Han Dynasty, some women began to cut paper into different flowery patterns and pasted them on their temples as part of facial orn

46、ament. Later some people pasted such paper cuttings on their gates and windows during festivals. Soon others followed, and paper cutting spread far and wide. Paper cutting was very popular among the common people because it did not cost much but could create some festival atmosphere. As a result, it

47、 soon developed into a unique art, which was most popular in the countryside, especially liked by women, who seldom went out of their homes. That is why most paper cutting artists are women. With just a pair of scissors, they can cut an ordinary piece of red paper into fine paper cutting work. Every

48、thing they produceflowers, birds, or peopleis very lifelike and fully expresses their love and expectation of a good life.9. 问答题:中国经济上半年总体上保持了持续、快速、健康的发展态势。从宏观经济来说不能轻言“过热”。严格地讲,过热不是个经济词汇。过热相当于人体的发烧,是一种病态。这个不严谨的词汇用在经济生活中容易引起误解。比如说,过热和高速度是什么关系?高速度能不能等于过热?当然,在思想上时刻警惕过热是必要的,但是全社会都来炒作“过热”会有不好的效果。比如,如果中国经

49、济现在过热,下一步肯定会出现通货膨胀,可能会“踩刹车”,外资就会对自己的投资重新进行论证。国内企业家也会这样想。过热炒作太多的话会影响一些非专家型的人。就像医生对病人说疾病的时候要科学、严谨,否则会给病人带来很大的心理负担。心理因素在社会经济生活中越来越重要,舆论引导民众心理要有正确的方向。答案: 本题解析:As a whole/Generally speaking, Chinas economy has kept a continuous, rapid and healthy development in the first half of the year. Viewed from mac

50、ro-economics, it is wrong to allege there is an “overheat” in economy. “Overheat” is not an economic term, referring to a kind of sickness of the economy corresponding to “fever” in the human body. The use of such an imprecise term may cause misunderstanding in economic life. For example, how would

51、you explain the relation between overheat and high speed, or does the latter mean the former?Of course it is necessary to keep vigilance all the time. However, it wont bring any sound result if the whole society talks too much about / makes a sensation/hullabaloo of “overheat”. If Chinas economy wer

52、e really overheated now, inflation would surely follow, then the brake must be applied, and as a result foreign investors would re-examine their investment in China, and then domestic entrepreneurs would follow suit / reconsider their investment too. Too much talk about “overheat” would have an adve

53、rse effect on some non expert personnel. A scientific and careful attitude is needed in such talks just like the case when (medical) doctors tell their patients what illness they are suffering from, lest they should / otherwise it might become some psychological burden on the part of the patients. P

54、sychological factors are becoming more and more important in social economic life and a correct orientation is needed for the public opinion to lead the mass psychology.10. 问答题:现在我们正面临着一项严峻的挑战:全球变暖。地球气候持续恶化,正在演变成一场事关紧要的战争,而从任何一个方面来看,美国都正在输掉这场战争。美国每年排放的温室气体占全球总量的近25%,并声称它不打算采取任何减排措施。困难还在于,即使绝大多数人认为气候

55、变化是个全球性的紧急事件,如何解决这个问题很难达成共识。工业界提出自己的方案,可惜这些方案通常解决不了什么问题。环保主义者也献策,可惜他们的方案往往过于天真,以至于会严重阻碍美国社会和经济的发展。但是一个宏大而有效的方案到底是什么样的呢?如何才能让我们同时拥有安全的环境和良好的经济増长?答案: 本题解析:We are now faced with a momentous challenge: global warming. The steady deterioration of the very climate of our very planet is becoming a war of t

56、he first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing. The U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the worlds greenhouse gases each year and has made it clear that it doesnt intend to do anything about it. The rub is, even if the vast majority of people agree that climate change is a global emergency, th

57、eres far less consensus on how to fix it. Industry offers its plans, which too often would fix little. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to naive wish lists that could cripple Americas social and economic development. But what would an ambitious, effective plan look likeone that would leave us both environmentally safe and economically sound?

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