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1、2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 问答题There are around 200,000 young people between the ages of 11 and 15 smoke in the UK. It is Aestimated that around 20% of them buy their cigarettes from vending machines; it avoids the B Cproblems of face-to-face contact and the need for proof of age. There will

2、 be a review ofvending machines with the possibility of people having to buy tokens to use the machines. D【答案】试题答案:A; smoking【解析】考查非谓语动词。There be句型中已包含谓语动词are,故此处用动词的现在分词形式,与逻辑主语之间是主动关系。2. 单选题Dont (meddle)in my affairs, and in fact I can handle them properly by myself.问题1选项A.interfereB.interestC.inv

3、olveD.attend【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。meddle表示“干涉,管闲事”;A项interfere“干涉,妨碍”,B项interest“感兴趣”,C项involve“包含,牵涉”,D项attend“参加”。句意:不要干涉我的事情,事实上我自己能处理得很好。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确。3. 单选题The discovery of the sunken ship( ) ancient shipbuilding techniques and trading routes.问题1选项A.made sense ofB.took charge ofC.got around toD.she

4、d light on【答案】D【解析】考察动词词组辨析。made sense of弄清的意思;took charge of负责,接管;got around to开始考虑做;shed light on使清楚地显出。句意:沉船的发现为人们对古代造船技术和航运贸易路线的研究提供了线索。选项D符合句意。4. 单选题It is not a voice we recognize at once,Awhereas our own handwriting is something Bwhich we Calmost always know. We begin the natural learning of p

5、ronunciation long before we start learning to read or write, and in our early years we Dgo on unconsciously imitating and practicing the pronunciation of those around us for many hours everyday.问题1选项A.whereasB.whichC.almost alwaysD.go on【答案】B【解析】考查定语从句。在限制性定语从句中,先行词是something等不定代词时,要用that引导定语从句。应将B选

6、项which改为that。5. 单选题In some African countries,the cost of treating an AIDS patient may( ) his or her entire annual income.问题1选项A.exploitB.expelC.expireD.exceed【答案】D【解析】考察形近词辨析。exploit “剥削,利用”;expel “驱逐”;expire“期满;终止”;exceed“超出”。句意:治疗费用可能会超出他一年的费用。6. 单选题Many citizens appealed to the city government fo

7、r enacting ( ) laws to protect the consumers.问题1选项A.lavishB.equivocalC.stringentD.flabby【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。lavish “浪费的;丰富的”;equivocal “模棱两可的,可疑的”;stringent “严厉的;迫切的”;flabby “松弛的,软弱的,优柔寡断的”。句意:许多市民呼吁市政府颁布严厉的法律来保护消费者的权益。选项C符合题意。7. 单选题Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选

8、项A.The history of social work.B.Social work as a profession.C.Academic degrees required of social work applicants.D.The aim of the National Association of Social Workers.问题2选项A.They try to change peoples social behavior.B.They raise peoples awareness of environment.C.They create a lot of opportuniti

9、es for the unemployed.D.They help enhance the well-being of the underprivileged.21.问题3选项A.They have all made a difference through their work.B.They are all members of the National Association.C.They all have an academic degree in social work.D.They have all received strict clinical training.22.问题4选项

10、A.Social works, job options and responsibilities.B.Ways for social workers to meet peoples needs.C.The importance of training for social workers.D.The promotion of social workers social status.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A【解析】Recording TwoHi, Im Elizabeth Hoffler, Master of Social Work. Im a social worke

11、r, a lobbyist and a special assistant to the Executive Director at the National Association of Social Workers. 19 Today we are going to be talking about becoming a social worker. Social work is the helping profession. 20 Its primary mission is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic need

12、s of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. We often deal with complex human needs. Social work is different from other professions, because we focus on the person and environment. We deal with the external factors that impact a persons sit

13、uation and outlook. And we create opportunity for assessment and intervention to help clients and communities cope effectively with their reality and change that reality when necessary. In thousands of ways social workers help other peoplepeople from every age, every background, across the country.

14、Wherever needed, social workers come to help. The most well-known aspect of the profession is that of a social safety net. We help guide people to critical resources and counsel them on life-changing decisions. There are more than six hundred thousand professional social workers in the country, and

15、21 we all either have a bachelors degree, a masters degree, or a PhD in social work. There are more clinically-trained social workers than clinically-trained psychiatrists, psychologists and psychiatric nurses combined.Throughout this series, you will learn more about the profession, the necessary s

16、teps to get a social work degree, the rich history of social work and many ways that social workers help others. Later in this series, youll hear from Stacy Collins and Mel Wilson, fellow social workers at the National Association of Social Workers. Stacy is going to walk you through the step-by-ste

17、p process of becoming a social worker, and 22 Mel will tell you about the range of options you have once you get your social work degree, as well as the high standards of responsibility that social workers must adhere to. The National Association of Social Workers represents nearly 145,000 social wo

18、rkers across the country. Our mission is to promote, protect and advance the social work profession. We hope you enjoy this series about how you can make a difference by becoming a social worker. Next, we are going to talk about choosing social work.19. What does the speaker mainly talk about?【试题答案】

19、B【试题解析】题目问说话者主要谈论的是什么?录音开头就提及:今天我们将讨论如何成为一名社会工作者。社会工作是助人的职业。B选项“作为一种职业的社会工作”与原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“社会工作的历史”在录音中并没有信息提及;C选项“社会工作申请人所需的学历”和D选项“全国社会工作者协会的目标”,虽然在原文中均有所涉及,但并不是谈话人主要谈论的话题,因此均可排除。20. What do social workers mainly do?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问社工主要是做什么?说话者在介绍完主题之后,立马讲到:社工的主要任务是增进人类福祉,帮助满足所有人的基本需求,特别关注弱势群体以及

20、受压迫和生活贫困的人。D选项“他们帮助提高弱势群体的福祉”符合原文表述,因此正确。A选项“他们试图改变人们的社会行为”;B选项“他们提高人们的环境意识”和C选项“他们为失业者创造很多机会”都不是他们主要做的事情,因此排除。21. What do professional social workers have in common according to the speaker?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问根据说话者,专业社会工作者有什么共同点?录音提到全国有60多万的专业社会工作者,他们都有社会工作的学士学位、硕士学位或者博士学位。也就是说,专业社会工作者的共同点是都有社会工作的学位,

21、因此C选项“他们都有社会工作学位”正确。A选项“通过工作他们已大不相同”和D选项“他们都接受过严格的临床培训”是利用录音中的make a difference和clinically-trained设置的干扰项;B选项“他们都是国家协会的成员”在录音中并未提及,因此排除。22. What is Mel Wilson going to talk about in the series?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问Mel Wilson将在这个系列中谈论什么?录音的后半部分提到,稍后在本系列,Mel Wilson将会讲述在拿到社会工作的学位之后的择业范围,以及社会工作者必须坚守的高标准的责任。A选

22、项“社工的工作选择和责任”是对录音原文的概括,因此正确。B选项“社会工作者满足人们需要的方式”;C选项“对社会工作者而言培训的重要性”以及D选项“社会工作者社会地位的提升”均不是Mel Wilson在本系列要讨论的内容,因此排除。8. 单选题It had happened Atoo often that the farmers sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debts were coming due, Bonly to see prices rising and speculators getting rich. On variou

23、s occasions,producer groups Casked firmer control,but the government had no wish to become involved,Dat least not until wartime when wheat prices threatened to run wild.问题1选项A.too oftenB.only to seeC.asked firmer controlD.at least not until【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。C选项处应表示“要求更严格的控制”,而只有ask for才表示“要求,请求”。应将ask

24、ed 改为asked for。9. 单选题Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Along the low-lying Colorado River.B.At the Dinosaur National Monument.C.Along the border of the U.S. and Canada.D.At museums of natural history in large cities.20.问题2选项A.Volcanic explosions could bring who

25、le animal species to extinction.B.Some natural disaster killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in the area.C.The pit should be carefully preserved for the study of dinosaurs.D.The whole region must have been struck by a devastating flood.21.问题3选项A.They floated down an eastward flowing river.B.They lay bur

26、ied deep in the sand for millions of years.C.They were skeletons of dinosaurs inhabiting the locality.D.They were remains of dinosaurs killed in a volcanic explosion.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A【解析】Recording TwoThe partial skeletons of more than 20 dinosaurs and scattered bones of about 300 more have been di

27、scovered in Utah and Colorado at what is now the Dinosaur National Monument. 19 Many of the best specimens may be seen today at museums of natural history in the larger cities of the United States and Canada. This dinosaur pit is the largest and best-preserved deposit of dinosaurs known today. 20 Ma

28、ny people get the idea from the massive bones in the pit wall that some disaster, such as a volcanic explosion or a sudden flood, killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in this area. This could have happened, but it probably did not.The main reasons for thinking otherwise are the scattered bones and the t

29、hickness of the deposit. In other deposits where the animals were thought to have died together, the skeletons were usually complete and often all the bones were in their proper places. Rounded pieces of fossil bone have been found here. These fragments got their smooth, round shape by rolling along

30、 the stream bottom. In a mass killing, the bones wouldve been left on the stream or lake bottom together at the same level. But in this deposit, the bones occur throughout a zone of sandstone about 12 feet thick.The mixture of swamp dwellers and dry land types also seems to indicate that the deposit

31、 is a mixture from different places. The pit area is a large dinosaur graveyardnot a place where they died. 21 Most of the remains probably floated down an eastward flowing river until they were left on a shallow sandbar. Some of them may have come from far away dry land areas to the west. Perhaps t

32、hey drowned trying to cross a small stream, or washed away during floods. Some of the swamp dwellers may have got stuck in the very sandbar that became their grave. Others may have floated for miles before being stranded.Even today, similar events take place: when floods come in the spring, sheep, c

33、attle, and deer are often trapped by rising waters and often drown. Their dead bodies float downstream until the flood re- cedes, and leaves them stranded on a bar or shore where they lie, half buried in the sand until they decay. Early travelers on the Missouri River reported that shores and bars w

34、ere often lined with the decaying bodies of buffalo that had died during spring floods.19. Where can many of the best dinosaur specimens be found in North America?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问在北美哪里可以找到许多最好的恐龙标本?录音中提到,如今可以在美国和加拿大一些大城市的自然历史博物馆里看到许多最好的标本,因此D选项“大城市的自然历史博物馆”与录音原文一致,因此正确。A选项“地势低洼的科罗拉多河沿岸”;B选项“国家恐龙纪念遗址

35、”;录音开头提到,美国犹他州和科罗拉多州是恐龙骨骼的发掘地,如今被称为Dinosaur National Monument,并不是标本保存的地方,因此A选项和B选项均可排除;C选项“美国和加拿大的边界沿线”,录音中提到了美国和加拿大,但并未提到边界,因此不正确。20. What occurs to many people when they see the massive bones in the pit wall?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问很多人看到坑壁里巨大的骨骼时会想到什么?录音中提到,许多人看到巨坑中的恐龙骨骼,认为是一些自然灾害使得一大群的恐龙葬身在这片区域,B选项“一些自然灾

36、害导致该地区一群恐龙死亡”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“火山爆发使得整个动物群灭绝”和D选项“整片地区一定是被洪流淹没的”表述过于绝对,录音中均没有明确的信息可以证明,因此可排除;C选项“这个巨坑应该小心保存下来用作恐龙研究”在录音中未提及,因此不选。21. What does the speaker suggest about the large number of dinosaur bones found in the pit?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问说话人对于在巨坑中发现的大量恐龙骨骼有什么看法?录音中提到,大部分遗骸可能是顺着河流向东漂流而下,最后留在了一个浅滩上。A选

37、项“它们顺着河流向东漂流而下”正确。B选项“它们被深埋在沙子里达数百万年之久”和C选项“它们是栖息在当地的恐龙的骨骼”在录音中并没有提及;D选项“它们是死于火山喷发的恐龙的遗骸”最具有干扰性,主要是利用录音中的volcanic explosion设置干扰,录音中虽然明确提及火山喷发可能造成大群恐龙死于巨坑之中是其他人的观点,并不是说话人的观点,因此可排除。10. 单选题Frank ( ) all his strength, pushed past the players blocking him, and ran for a touchdown.问题1选项A.called onB.called

38、 downC.called upD.called for【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。call on “拜访;号召”;call down “引起;责骂”;call up “给打电话;调用”;call for “去接(某人);去取(某物)”。句意:弗兰克用尽全力推开阻碍者,越线得分。选项C符合题意。11. 单选题He managed to stay in power for over five years, ( )all the criticism and the pressure on him to resign.问题1选项A.withstandingB.withholdingC.wit

39、hdrawingD.witnessing【答案】A【解析】考查形似动词辨析。withstand “抵挡,禁得起,反抗”;withhold “克制,忍住”;withdraw “取款;回收;撤退”;witness “目击”。句意:他成功掌权五年多,经受住了各种批判和要他下台的压力。选项A符合题意。12. 单选题The mother was( )with grief when she heard that her child was dead.问题1选项A.fantasticB.frankC.franticD.frenzy【答案】C【解析】考查形近词辨析。fantastic “奇异的;古怪的”;fr

40、ank “坦白的,直率的”;frantic “狂乱的,疯狂的”;frenzy “狂暴;狂怒”。句意:当那位母亲得知她的孩子死了,悲痛到疯了。Be frantic with “因而疯狂”。选项C符合题意。13. 单选题Here the burden of his thought is that the philosopher, aiming at truth, must not( )the seduction of trying to write beautifully.问题1选项A.subject toB.carry onC.yield toD.aim at【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。

41、subject to “使遭受,受制于”;carry on “继续,参与”;yield to “屈服,服从”;aim at “目的在于”。句意:他的思想负担是,追求真理的哲学家不应该屈服于尝试优雅写作的诱惑。选项C符合题意。14. 单选题She admired the director to such an extent that she took his words as( )oracles.问题1选项A.divineB.rebelliousC.faithfulD.unbearable【答案】A【解析】divine神圣的, 非凡的, 极好的;rebellious反抗的, 难控制的;faith

42、ful忠实的, 准确可靠的;unbearable难以忍受的, 承受不住的。句意:她非常钦佩导演, 把他的话当作神圣的预言。选项A符合语境。15. 单选题More than 100( )cats that used to roam the streets in a Chinese province have now been collected and organized into a tram to fight rodents that are destroying crops.问题1选项A.looseB.tamedC.wildD.stray【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。loose “宽松

43、的”;tamed “驯服的,平淡的”;wild “野生的”;stray “迷路的,流浪的”。句意:100多只曾经在中国某个省份街上流浪的猫被收留并被组织去对付破坏庄稼的啮齿动物。16. 单选题Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.It is fertile and productive.B.It is small and unconventional.C.It is well located and completely automated.D.It is profitable and env

44、ironmentally friendly.问题2选项A.Their wish to set a new farming standard.B.Their urge to make farming more enjoyable.C.Their desire to improve farming equipment.D.Their hope to revitalize traditional farming.问题3选项A.It causes hardly any pollution.B.It loosens soil while weeding.C.It saves a lot of elect

45、ricity.D.It needs little maintenance.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:B【解析】Passage OneTheres a lot about Leo Sanchez and his farm in Salinas, California that seems unusual. 9 The national average farm size is around 440 acres, but his is only one acre. The average age of farmers hovers around 58 years old, but he

46、is just 26. And Sanchez constantly attempts to improve everything from seeding techniques out in the field to the promotion and sale of his produce online. This is evidence of an experimental approach. 9 Its an approach not dictated by the confines of conventional, large-scale agriculture led by int

47、ernational corporations.While farming is often difficult for both the body and mind, 10 Sanchez says he and many of his fellow young farmers are motivated by a desire to set a new standard for agriculture. Many of them are employing a multitude of technologies, some new and some. not so new. Recentl

48、y, 11 Sanchez bought a hand-operated tool which pulls out weeds and loosens soil. It actually dates back to at least 1701. It stands in sharp contrast to Sanchezs other gadget: a gas-powered flame weed-killer invented in 1997. He simply doesnt discriminate when it comes to the newness of tools. If i

49、t works, it works.Farmers have a long history of invention, and its no different today. Young farmers are guided by their love of agriculture and aided by their knowledge of technology. To find inexpensive and appropriately- sized tools, they collaborate and innovate. Sometimes the old stuff just wo

50、rks better, or more efficiently.9. What do we learn about Leo Sanchezs farm?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问关于利奥桑切斯的农场的信息。录音提到,全国农场的平均面积约440英亩,但利奥桑切斯的农场只有一英亩,由此可知他的农场规模很小。桑切斯不断尝试改进一切,其实验的方法不为传统农业所束缚,由此可知他的农场是非传统的。因此B选项“规模小,非传统”为正确答案。A选项“肥沃多产”和D选项“盈利且环保”在录音中没有提及。C选项“位置优越,完全自动化”,录音中提到桑切斯买了一个可以拔除杂草和松土的手动工具,由此可知并不是完全自动

51、化的,因此C选项错误。10. What has motivated Leo Sanchez and his fellow young farmers to engage in farming?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问是什么激励利奥桑切斯和他的伙伴们从事农业?录音提到,他和许多年轻的农民伙伴都是受一种为农业设立新标准的愿望所激励,因此A选项“他们希望树立新的农业标准”正确。B选项“他们想让农业变得更有乐趣的强烈愿望”;C选项“他们改善农业设备的愿望”以及D选项“他们希望振兴传统农业”均不正确。11. Why did Leo Sanchez buy a hand-operated weed

52、ing tool?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问利奥桑切斯为什么要买一个手动除草工具?录音提到,桑切斯买了一个可以拔除杂草和松土的手动工具,因此B选项“除草时能松土”正确。A选项“几乎不会造成任何污染”;C选项“节省了大量电力”以及D选项“几乎不需要维护”在录音中均未提及。17. 单选题When one of my roommates broke his leg during a basketball game, the doctor at the clinic said that he couldnt cure it, so we had to take him to the hospit

53、al five kilometers from here.问题1选项A.broke his leg duringB.at the clinicC.couldnt cure itD.the hospital five kilometers from here.E.没有问题【答案】A【解析】介词误用。During改成in。during表示“在期间“,其强调动作的延续性,但broke his leg是发生在某一特定时点的并无时间上持续性的动作。18. 单选题Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项

54、A.The womans earnings over the years.B.The key to running a shop at a low cost.C.The business success of the womans shop.D.The womans relationship with other shops.问题2选项A.Keep down its expenses.B.Improve its customer service.C.Expand its business scale.D.Upgrade the goods it sells.问题3选项A.They are in

55、 great demand.B.They are delivered free of charge.C.They are very popular with the local residents.D.They are sold at lower prices than in other shops.问题4选项A.To maintain friendly relationships with other shops.B.To avoid being put out of business in competition.C.To attract more customers in the nei

56、ghborhood.D.To follow the custom of the local shopkeepers.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A【解析】Conversation TwoM: 5 You say your shop has been doing well. Could you give me some idea of what doing well means in facts and figures?W: Well, doing well means averaging 1,200 pounds or more a week for about 7 year

57、s, making almost a quarter of a million pounds. And doing well means your earnings are rising. Last year we did slightly over 50,000 and this year we hope to do more than 60,000. So thats good if we continue to rise.M: Now thats growth on earnings I assume. What about your expenses?W: Yes, thats gro

58、wth. The expenses of course go up steadily. And since weve moved to this new shop, the expenses have increased greatly because its a much bigger shop. So I couldnt say exactly what our expenses are. Theres something in the region of 6 or 7 thousand pounds a year, which is not highcommercially speaki

59、ng, its very low. 6 And we try to keep our expenses as low as we can.M: 7 And your prices are much lower than the same goods in shops round about. How do the local shopkeepers feel about having a shop doing so well in their midst?W: Perhaps a lot of them dont realize how well were doing because we d

60、ont make a point of publicizing. That was a lesson weve learned very early on. We were very friendly with all local shop- keepers and we have been to mention to a local shopkeeper how much we have made that week. He was very unhappy and never as friendly again. So we make a point of never publicizin

61、g the amount of the money we make. But were on very good terms with all the shops; none of them have ever complained that were putting them out of business or anything like that. I think its a nice funny relationship. 8 Maybe if they did know what we made, perhaps they wouldnt be so friendly.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问说话者主要谈论的是什么?在录音开头,男士就问女士能否用事

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