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1、2022年考博英语-暨南大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his( )can be distributed.问题1选项A.paradoxesB.legaciesC.platitudesD.analogies【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。paradoxes “悖论;矛盾的事物”;legacies “遗产”;platitudes “平凡;陈词滥调”;analogies“类比;类推”,根据when a people dies“在一个人死的时候”和distributed“分发

2、”,可知此处指的是遗产的分发。句意:一个人去世的时候,在分之前他的债务必须偿还清楚。正确答案为选项B。2. 不定项选择题“I just couldnt do it. I dont know what it is. Its not embarrassment. No thats not it. You see, youre putting your head in a noose; thats what it seems to me.” Derek, an armed robber with a long record of jobs, was talking about hoisting (s

3、hop-lifting). “No I just couldnt do it. I mean just going in there.” He paused to try to fund a more exact way of fixing; his antipathy. “I tell you what. Its too blatant for my liking.”It seemed a fanny way to put it. Pushing a couple of ties in your pocket at a shop was hardly the last word in ext

4、roversion, and even a bit on the discreet side when compared to all that firing of shotguns and vaulting over counters which made up the typical bank raid.But my ideas of shop-lifting were still bound up with teenage memories of nicking packets of chewing gum from the local newsagents. A lot of guil

5、t and not much loot. After a few conversations with professional holsters, I realized that “blatant” was just about right.Nobody took a couple of ties they took the whole rack. The fast member of the gang would walk in nice and purposefully. Their job was to set up the goods: perhaps put an elastic

6、bawd round the ends of a few dozen silk scarves; move the valuable pieces of jewellery nearer the edge of the counter; slide the ties on the rack into a compact bunch. Then, wine somebody else diverts the assistant or provides some fort of masking, the third member lifts the lot.If the walk to the d

7、oor is a little long, then there may be someone else to take over for the last stretch. No one is in possession for more than a few seconds, and there are always a couple of spare bodies to obstruct anyone who seems to be getting too near the carrier.Store detectives who move forward with well-found

8、ed suspicions may still find themselves clutching empty air. Store detectives watch for three main give-sways: any sort of loitering which looks different from the usual hanging around and dithering that characterizes the real customer; any covert contact between individuals shown no other sign of k

9、nowing each other; any over-friendliness towards sales staff which might be acting as a distraction. “Theres one other little angle” said one detective. “I often pop round the back stairs; thats where youll occasionally find one of them; trying to relax and get themselves in the right mood before st

10、arting the next job.”1. The bank robber wouldnt consider shop-lifting because( ).2. The writers experience led to think that most shop-lifters( ).3. The role of the first member of the gang is to( ).4. Professional shop-lifters avoid being caught in the act by( ).5. Potential shop-lifters may be ide

11、ntified when they( ).问题1选项A.it was beneath his dignityB.the penalties were too highC.it wasnt challenging enoughD.the risks were too great问题2选项A.were at their teensB.stole modest amountsC.used violent methodsD.stole for excitement问题3选项A.convince the staff hes a serious shopperB.remove die goods from

12、 the shelvesC.establish the easiest goods to stealD.smooth the path for his accomplice问题4选项A.passing goods from one to anotherB.hiding behind ordinary shoppersC.racing for the nearest exitD.concealing goods in ordinary bath问题5选项A.seem unable to decide what to buyB.openly signal to apparent strangers

13、C.are unusually chatty to assistantsD.set off towards emergency exits【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:推理判断题。银行劫匪不会考虑去做商店小偷,因为,选项A“这有失尊严”;选项B“惩罚太重了”;选项C“不够挑战性”;选项D“太冒险了”,根据文章第一段中银行劫匪拒绝商店偷窃时所说的话“I tell you what. Its too blatant for my liking. 我告诉你,这个太厚颜无耻了”,所以由此可以推断出银行劫匪不愿意去商店偷窃的原因是他觉得这种行为很无耻,有失身份

14、与尊严,故正确答案为选项A。第2题:细节事实题。作者的经历让他认为大部分的商店偷窃者选项A“都是十几岁的青少年”;选项B“偷适量的东西”;选项C“用很暴力的方法”;选项D“为了刺激而偷窃”,根据文章第三段中对于作者经历的描写“But my ideas of shop-lifting were still bound up with teenage memories of nicking packets of chewing gum from the local newsagents. A lot of guilt and not much loot. 在我的印象里,商店偷窃还是十几岁时候的记忆

15、,从当地报刊亭顺手拿几包口香糖。偷的不多,但是罪恶感深重”,由此可知选项A错误,这里的“十几岁”指的是作者十几岁时候的记忆,而不是商店偷窃的是十几岁的孩子;选项C、D原文中没有提到;故正确答案为选项B。第3题:推理判断题。团伙中第一波成员是干什么的,选项A“使店员相信他是真正来买东西的”;选项B“把商品从货架上移下来”;选项C“确定最容易偷的东西”;选项D“为他的同伙铺路”。根据文章中对第一波进入商店的人的描写“Their job was to set up the goods: perhaps put an elastic bawd round the ends of a few dozen

16、 silk scarves; move the valuable pieces of jewellery nearer the edge of the counter; slide the ties on the rack into a compact bunch.”可知他们的工作是准备好要偷的商品,他们会利用一些小技巧使要偷的商品便于同伙来拿,为同伙提供方便,选项B、C所表达的内容只是他们可能做的工作之一,并不能代替全部工作,选项A不是他们的工作,由此可知正确答案为选项D。第4题:细节事实题。职业商店偷窃者通过什么行为来避免被抓住,选项A“将商品互相传递”;选项B“藏在普通顾客身后”;选项C

17、“跑向最近的出口”;选项D“把商品藏在浴缸里”,根据文章倒数第二段中“If the walk to the door is a little long, then there may be someone else to take over for the last stretch. No one is in possession for more than a few seconds 如果距离门口的路程太长,那么就会有其他人来接力,商品不会在每个人的手中停留超过几秒钟”,可见他们用来避免被抓住的办法就是传递偷到的商品,不让警察逮住现行,故正确答案为选项A。第5题:细节事实题。有偷窃嫌疑的人什

18、么时候能被确定,选项A“似乎不能确定要买什么”;选项B“公开对陌生人发出暗号”;选项C“通常跟店员有很多话讲”;选项D“准备朝着紧急出口跑”,根据最后一段中警察的话,有三种可能的迹象:第一种是在商店里闲晃,表现得跟普通顾客不一样的;第二种是假装互相不认识偷偷摸摸的交头接耳的;第三种是对店员表现得格外热情的,所以可以排除选项A、B和D,正确答案为选项C。3. 单选题There has been so much media( )of the coming election that people have got bored with it.问题1选项A.circulationB.concernC

19、.broadcastingD.coverage【答案】C【解析】本题考查了名词的辨析。circulation“循环(血液等);流通(货币,消息等);发行量 (专辑,书等)”;concern“关心;关系”;broadcasting“播放;广播节目”;coverage “聚集;汇集”,根据此处的media可知此处应该填写一个与新闻媒体相关的名词,四个选项中只有broadcasting最符合,正确答案为选项C。4. 单选题He was( )when he heard the unexpected news, but I finally convinced him.问题1选项A.incredibleB

20、.inevitableC.incredulousD.indifferent【答案】C【解析】考查同形词辨析。incredible“难以置信的”;inevitable“不可避免的”;incredulous “怀疑的,不轻信的”;indifferent“冷漠的”,根据I finally convinced him“我最终说服了他”可知此处表达的意思是他刚开始听到消息的时候是不相信的,所以此处应该使用形容词incredulous,incredible是形容事物难以使人相信,而不是形容人。句意:当他听到那个意外的消息时是,但是我最终还是说服了他。故正确答案为选项C。5. 单选题Miss Rosemar

21、y Adang went through the composition carefully to( )all errors from it.问题1选项A.eliminateB.terminateC.illuminateD.alleviate【答案】A【解析】同形词辨析题。eliminate“排除;消除”;terminate“结束;终结”;illuminate “照亮”;alleviate“减轻;缓和”,“仔细地浏览作文”的目的是“排除错误”,符合逻辑,所以此处应该使用动词eliminate,故正确答案为选项A。句意为:罗斯玛丽亚当小姐仔细地浏览作文,以排除所有错误。6. 单选题Several

22、 months previously, the workers had petitioned the company for a 25 percent wage increase and( )of stricter safety regulations.问题1选项A.implementB.endowmentC.enforcementD.engagement【答案】C【解析】本题考查了同形词辨析。implement“实施;工具”;endowment“捐赠;天赋”;enforcement“实施;执行”;engagement“约定”,此处应该选择一个名词,根据regulation “规范;管理”,可

23、知此处应该填一个表示“实施”的名词,所以可以排除选项B、D;implement做动词是“实施”的意思,但是做名词是“工具”的意思,所以此处应该用enforcement,故正确答案为选项C。7. 单选题Some scientists have suggested that Earth is a kind of, zoo or wildlife( )for intelligent space beings, like the wilderness areas we have set up on earth to allow animals to develop naturally while we

24、 observe them.问题1选项A.conservationB.maintenanceC.storageD.reserve【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。conservation “保存;保护”;maintenance “维护;维修”;storage“存储;仓库”;reserve“存储;自然保护区”,根据句子结构可知此处的名词与wildlife 一起同zoo构成并列成分,根据后句中的allow animals to develop naturally“允许动物自然生长”,可知此处应该选择名词reserve, wildlife reserve是“野生动物保护区”的意思。句意:一些科学家

25、表示地球就像宇宙智能生物的动物园或者野生动物,正如我们在地球上设立荒野地带,允许在我们的观察下让动物自然生长。故正确答案为选项D。8. 单选题Working with the mentally handicapped requires considerable( )of patience; and understanding.问题1选项A.meansB.stocksC.provisionsD.resources【答案】D【解析】本题考查名词辨析题。means“方法;手段”;stocks“股份;库存”;provisions “规定;条款”;resources“资源;物力”,此处resources

26、 of patience表示“全部的耐心”的意思,故正确答案为选项D。句意为:与精神上有缺陷的人工作需要拿出所有的耐心和理解。9. 单选题I think we can( )with the usual formalities since we all know each other already.问题1选项A.disposeB.dispatchC.dispenseD.discharge【答案】D【解析】本题考查了同形词辨析。dispose“处理;处置”;dispatch“派遣”;dispense “分配”;discharge“免除”,这里要表达的意思是省去、免除客套的东西,所以应该使用动词d

27、ischarge,故正确答案为选项D。句意为:既然我们早就已经彼此认识了,所以我觉得我们可以免去那些客套话。10. 单选题The( )of all kinds of necessary goods was caused by natural calamity.问题1选项A.varietyB.scarcityC.solidarityD.commodity【答案】B【解析】同形词辨析题。variety“多样”;scarcity“不足;缺乏”;solidarity“团结”; commodity“商品”;根据natural calamity“自然灾害”可知此处应该说的是各种必需品的“缺乏”,故正确答案

28、为选项B。句意为:各种必需品的缺乏是自然灾难造成的。11. 单选题The eastern part of Australia is( )in climate to that of the western part.问题1选项A.productiveB.superiorC.prosperousD.splendid【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项productive“多产的”;B选项superior“优越的,上级的”;C选项prosperous“繁荣的,兴旺的”;D选项splendid“辉煌的,灿烂的”。句意:澳大利亚东部的气候比西部的气候好。本句有一个比较关系,be superior t

29、o“比好,优于”,所以B选项正确。因此B选项符合题意。12. 单选题To do this job well, you must be( )not only in English, but also in computer programming.问题1选项A.efficientB.effectiveC.proficientD.beneficial【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项efficient“有效率的”;B选项“有效的,起作用的”;C选项“熟练的,精通的”;D选项“有益的”。句意:为做好这项工作,你不但要在英语上而且在计算机编程方面都。综合句意和语义,此处填proficient“熟

30、练的,精通的”。因此C选项符合题意。13. 不定项选择题In foreign transport today the most popular and common kind of packing material is foam(泡沫)plastic. Before its coming in the 1950s, however, people used wood, paper, sponge and cotton as wrappers. Wood and paper were not resistible enough to intense shocks that were inevi

31、table during long distance transport; cotton and sponge cost too much to be wrappers for ordinary goods like glass, porcelain etc. Often delicate goods were put in a wooden trunk; on each side and end there was a layer of sponge, every individual object then was wrapped by a thick layer of paper or

32、cotton. This was very safe indeed, but the packing and unpacking meant a great deal of labour and a waste of a lot of money.The arrival of foam plastic almost brought a revolution to the worlds packing industry. Today it accounts for three quarters of packing materials for delicate goods while cotto

33、n and sponge have nearly withdrawn from the modern stage of packaging. This is nothing accidental: for one thing it is as cheap as dirt itself; one ton of foam plastic, which occupies a space of as much as 1000 m, amounts to only US $260. It is softer than wood, and harder than cotton and sponger an

34、d paper, and therefore a more suitable wrapper for delicate goods. What is more, it can be easily shaped but its shape is unchangeable so that delicate goods like cameras with their intruding(外凸的)parts, musical instruments with their irregular shapes and extreme delicacy can be completely wrapped an

35、d well protected in it without additional fillings. Still another advantage is that the foam plastic wrapper can be used to safeguard your objects as long as it lasts: You buy a TV set in the super market. The foam plastic wrapper protects it on the way to your home. When you move home ten years lat

36、er, the same wrapper can be picked out from the box at the corner of your barn and used to safeguard your TV set to your new home.1. What kind of material is foam plastic?2. Where did intense shocks often occur?3. Why were cotton and sponge not good wrappers for ordinary goods?4. What was the usual

37、container of delicate goods before?5. Why is foam plastic so popular? The following are the reasons except?问题1选项A.The cheapestB.The most popularC.The safestD.The hardest问题2选项A.During long distance transportB.In a wooden trunkC.In freight transport todayD.In a messy shop问题3选项A.Too softB.Too expensive

38、C.Too cheapD.Too hard问题4选项A.A wooden trunkB.A layer of spongeC.A layer of paperD.A layer of plastic问题5选项A.it is cheapB.its shape is unchangeableC.it can be used for many times to protect the same objectD.it is dirt itself and can be got everywhere【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:事实细节题。由第一段第一句In

39、foreign transport today the most popular and common kind of packing material is foam plastic(在如今的国外运输中,泡沫塑料是最流行和最常见的包装材料)可知,B选项“最受欢迎的”符合题意。第2题:事实细节题。由第一段第三句Wood and paper were not resistible enough to intense shocks that were inevitable during long distance transport(木材和纸的抗冲击能力不足以应对长途运输中不可避免的强烈冲击)可知

40、长途运输中,强烈的冲击是无法避免的,因此A选项“在长途运输中”符合题意。第3题:事实细节题。由第一段第三句cotton and sponge cost too much to be wrappers for ordinary goods like glass, porcelain etc.(作为玻璃、瓷器等普通商品的包装,棉花和海绵太贵了)可知,B选项“太昂贵了”符合题意。第4题:事实细节题。题目为“以前通常用来装精致物品的容器是什么”,关键词是容器。由第一段第四句Often delicate goods were put in a wooden trunk(精致的物品通常被装在一个木箱里)可

41、知A选项“一个木制的箱子”符合题意。第5题:事实细节题。题目为“下列哪一项不是泡沫塑料受欢迎的原因”,由第二段第三句中的it is as cheap as dirt itself(它像泥土一样便宜)可排除A选项,同时也可推断出D选项“它本身就是泥土,随处可取”是文中没有提及的,因此D选项符合题意。由第二段第五句中的its shape is unchangeable(它的形状是不变的)可排除B选项;由文章最后一句可知,同样的电视包装,10年后还可以继续用来保护同一个电视,可以排除C选项“它可以被多次用来保护同一对象”。14. 单选题During his two-month stay in Chi

42、na, Tom never( )a chance to practice his Chinese.问题1选项A.passed onB.passed upC.passed byD.passed out【答案】B【解析】考查词组词义辨析。passed on“传递;去世”;passed up“拒绝;向上递”;passed by“经过”;passed out“晕倒;分发”,根据句意可知此处表达的是他抓住了任何一个可以练习中文的机会,此处只有选择passed up,取其“拒绝”的意思才能使整个句子表达通畅。句意:在他在中国待的两个月时间里,他从未任何一个练习中文的机会。故正确答案为选项B。15. 单选题

43、The essay lacks( )as the writer keeps jumping from one subject to another.问题1选项A.subsistenceB.pregnancyC.fertilityD.coherence【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项subsistence“生活,生存”;B选项pregnancy“怀孕”;C选项fertility“富饶,生育率”;D选项coherence“一致,连贯性”。句意:这篇文章缺少连贯性,因为作者总是从一个主题跳到另一个主题上去。由空格后的as the writer keeps jumping for one sub

44、ject to another(因为作者总是从一个主题跳到另一个主题)可知D选项与其意思对应。因此D选项符合题意。16. 单选题Judges are( )increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.问题1选项A.requiringB.demandingC.impartingD.imposing【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。demanding“需要;要求”;imparting“给予;传授”;imposing“强加;征税;处以”,根据driving offences“交通违法行为”,和fines“罚金”,可知此处应该使用动词imposin

45、g,故正确答案为选项D。句意为:交警对于轻微的交通违法行为处以越来越重的罚款。17. 不定项选择题A few years ago a young mother watched her husband diaper(给换尿布)their firstborn son, “You do not have to be unhappy about it,” she protested. “You can talk to him and smile a little.” The father, who happened to be a psychologist, answered firmly, “He

46、has nothing to say to me, and I have nothing to say to him.”Psychologist now know how wrong that father was. From the moment of birth, a baby has a great deal to say to his parents, and they to him. But a decade or so ago, these experts were describing the newborn as a primitive creature who reacted

47、 only by reflex, a helpless victim of its environment without capacity to influence it. And mothers accepted the truth. Most thought (and some still do) that a new infant could see only blurry(模糊的)shadows, that his other senses were undeveloped, and that all he required was nourishment, clean diaper

48、s, and a warm bassinet.Today university laboratories across the country are studying newborns in their first month of life. As a result, psychologists now describe the new baby as perceptive, with remarkable learning abilities and an even more remarkable capacity to shape his or her environment incl

49、uding the attitudes and actions of his parents. Some researchers believe that the neonatal period may even be the most significant four weeks in an entire lifetime.Far from being helpless, the newborn knows what he likes and rejects what he doesnt. He shut out unpleasant sensations by closing his ey

50、es or averting his face. He is a glutton for novelty. He prefers animate things over inanimate and likes people more than anything.When a more nine minutes out, an infant prefers a human face to a head-shaped outline. He makes the choice despite the fact that, with delivery room attendants masked an

51、d gowned, he has never seen a human face before. By the time hes twelve hours old, his entire body moves in precise synchronic(同时发生)to the sound of a human voice, as if he were dancing. A non-human sound, such as a tapping noise, brings no such response.1. The author points out that the father diape

52、ring his first-born son was wrong because( ).2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?3. What does the sentence “He is a glutton for novelty” probably mean?4. According to the passage, its groundless to think that newborns prefer( ).5. What is the passage mainly discussing about?问

53、题1选项A.he believed the baby was not able to hear himB.he thought the baby didnt have the power of speechC.he was a psychologist unworthy of his professionD.he thought the baby was not capable of any response问题2选项A.A new infant can see only blurry shadows.B.A new infants senses are undeveloped.C.All a

54、 new infant requires is nourishment, clean diapers, and a warm bassinet.D.A new infant is actually able to influence his or her environment.问题3选项A.The newborn is greedy for new food.B.The newborn tends to overeat.C.The newborn always loves things that are new to him.D.The newborns appetite is a cons

55、tant topic in novels.问题4选项A.a human face to a head-shaped outlineB.animate things to inanimate onesC.human voice to non-human soundsD.nourishment to a warm bassinet问题5选项A.What people know about newborns.B.How wrong parents are when they handle their babies.C.How much newborns have progressed in abou

56、t a decades time.D.Why the first month of life is the most significant four weeks in a lifetime.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。联系上下文可知这位父亲是个心理学家,而大约十年前,心理学家认为新生儿只是a primitive creature who reacted only by reflex, a helpless victim of its environment without capacity to influence it(一种仅凭反射

57、做出反应的原始生物,是无力影响其生存环境的无助受害者),而如今他们已经认识到了这种观点是错误的,结合这位父亲的话“他没什么对我说的”可知他当时也是坚持这种错误观点,因此D选项“他认为婴儿没有能力做出任何回应”符合题意。第2题:事实细节题。由第三段第二句中的psychologists now describe the new baby as perceptive, with remarkable learning abilities and an even more remarkable capacity to shape his or her environment including the

58、 attitudes and actions of his parents(心理学家现在把新生婴儿的形象描述为有洞察力,有非凡的学习能力,甚至有卓越的塑造其生活环境的能力,包括他父母的态度和行为)可知D选项“一个新生婴儿实际上能够影响其生活环境”符合题意。第3题:语义推测题。由下文He prefers animate things over inanimate and likes people more than anything(他喜欢有生命的东西胜过无生命的东西,喜欢人胜过一切)可推测He is a glutton for novelty表达的并非仅仅与“吃”有关,而是新生儿对新鲜事物的浓

59、厚兴趣,因此C选项“新生儿总是喜欢新鲜的事物”符合题意。第4题:事实细节题。需注意题干中的groundless(无理由的),因此要找出不符合文意的选项。由第四段最后一句He prefers animate things over inanimate and likes people more than anything(他喜欢有生命的东西胜过无生命的东西,喜欢人胜过一切)可排除B选项;由第五段第一句中的an infant prefers a human face to a head-shaped outline(婴儿更喜欢人的脸,而不是头型的轮廓)可排除A选项;由第五段第三句中的his ent

60、ire body moves in precise synchronic to the sound of a human voice, as if he were dancing(他的整个身体精确地随着人类的声音同步移动,就好像他在跳舞)和第四句A non-human sound, such as a tapping noise, brings no such response(而非人类的声音,比如敲打声,则不会产生这种反应)可推断出婴儿更喜欢人类的声音,因此C选项可以排除,所以D选项为正确答案。第5题:主旨大意题。本文介绍了过去心理学家对婴儿的错误认识,以及现在的正确认识,因此A选项“人们对

61、新生儿的了解”符合题意。18. 写作题Directions: Write an essay in no less than 250 words.1.盗版现象日益严重2.盗版造成的后果3.我对抵制盗版问题的看法【答案】【参考范文】The Problem of Piracy19. 单选题We had a marvelous holiday; only the last two days was slightly( )by weather.问题1选项A.damagedB.enhancedC.spoiledD.diminished【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。damaged“破坏”;enhanced

62、“提高;加强”;spoiled“溺爱;糟蹋;破坏”;diminished“减少;缩小”,根据句子前后的转折可知此处想表达的是最后两天受到了天气的不好影响,被破坏了,所以此处应该从damaged与spoiled 两个中间选择,damage主要是指事物的价值或功能部分受损,spoil除了有溺爱、宠坏、破坏的意思外,还指事物完整性、完美性或者整体感受的破坏,此处表达的是最后两天由于坏的天气的影响,使其完美性遭到破坏,所以应该用spoil。句意:我们度过了一个十分愉快的假期,只有最后两天稍微被天气了。故正确答案为选项C。20. 单选题In that country, a person who marries before legal age must have a parents( )to obtain a license

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