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1、2022年考博英语-浙江大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题During the past years the( )of automobiles accidents in New York City has decreased.问题1选项A.degreeB.quantityC.numberD.amount【答案】C【解析】近义词辨析。quantity可以形容可数名词或不可数名词,作为数量通常为抽象的概念;number 用于形容可数名词,表示数;amount用于形容不可数名词,表示量。选项C用在此处最恰当。句意:在过去几年里,纽约的汽车事故数量减少了。2. 单选题Is thi

2、s happening in your neighborhood? Children, notebook computers stuck under their arms, await the yellow bus for the trip to middle school. On the surface, the question of computers in schools is a no-brainer. It would be strange to insist that todays technology shouldnt be used to make the classroom

3、 experience more individualized, more effective, more immediate, more exciting. Computers have been in schools more than 20 years and probably even done some good.But the idea of a personal computer as a necessary daily tool for every American grammar school pupil is altogether different thing. Bewa

4、re the superficially attractive vision of 10-year-olds doing most of their work and homework on a computer. It is another illusory silver bullet that promises to solve all of societys ills through technology. Regardless of whether parents or taxpayers buy the machinery, its bad policy.Determining th

5、e proper role of computers in schools is too important to be left to computer suppliers and educators. An educated public with clear and realistic expectations needs to help determine the right track for technology.Educators forever seem to seek the ultimate in curricular or teaching tools They are

6、always preoccupied with innovation junior high school, new math, whole language, open classrooms, and mastery learning, to name a few. Some ideas turned out well and over time have earned permanent positions in our education systems. Other reflected change for changes sake and wound up in the trash

7、bin, where they belong.Exactly what is to be solved with computers in schools? Are we looking to improve instructional capacity and flexibility? Are we trying to make teachers and aids more productive by letting students take advantage of programmed learning tools? This all sounds good, and much has

8、 been accomplished with computer-assisted instruction.But thats not the same as making the computer a symbol of well-tempered educational policy. Theres danger in the message that a child is not fully educated if he or she cant surf the World Wide Wed skillfully, move around in Windows or the Founde

9、r, use a word processing program, or program in Logo or Basic.These skills can be learned outside the classroom. Worse, the time it takes students to acquire them is time stolen from the legitimate teaching schedule and thats a bad trade.And what kind of computers should be purchased? Were not talki

10、ng brand names. Most school systems dont have the money to replace PCs or Macs on the two-to-three-year cycle that shifting technologies demand. On the other hand, $2500the cost of just one computerinvested in books for the school library produces an asset that has, shall we say, a longer shelf life

11、.And who changes the factory culture of schoolrooms to allow computers to be more effective? And who teaches the teachers? These are the really tough issues the ones that more hardware wont solve.Children are best served when schools contribute to shaping the solid foundations on which their future

12、will be built. The student who can read with curiosity and understanding, who has mastered basic mathematical concepts, who can evaluate ideas critically, is the one schools should aim to produce.1.A “no-brainer” in the third sentence of the first paragraph probably means() .2.Who can determine the

13、proper role of computers in schools?3.According to the author, teaching computer in the school classroom is bad practice because().4.In the last paragraph the author implies that().5.The authors attitude towards the present way of teaching computers in schools is().问题1选项A.something that is taken for

14、 grantedB.an idea that is brainless and foolishC.a proposal that is not worthy of serious considerationD.a machine that can never take the place of human brain问题2选项A.Computer suppliersB.Compute educateC.The educated publicD.All of the above问题3选项A.the computer is too expensive a luxury for school pup

15、ilsB.the pupils are not intelligently mature enough to master the skillsC.it takes too much time which might have been spent on regular coursesD.the pupils can learn nothing from computer-assisted instruction问题4选项A.computer skills contribute noting to a proper educationB.computer teaching is an indi

16、spensable part of an educationC.the fundamental purpose of an education is being ignoredD.teachers should be taught how to teach computer skills问题5选项A.criticalB.objectiveC.positiveD.optimistic【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.根据关键词“no-brainer”定位到第一段,结合上下文的意思,孩子们每天带着电脑去上学,在学校允许使用计算机已经有20年了。说明计算机的使用在


18、会由此带来的不良影响。所以选项A正确。3. 翻译题五年前,如果一个中国大学生打算入伍当兵的话,那可是需要很多勇气的。可今天,越来越多的大学生选择入伍当兵,这可要归功于部队对高级人才的要求,以及鼓励大学生入伍当兵的新政策。24岁的小周是金融专业的毕业生,也是一个将目光转向部队以求发展的年轻人。这个月初,他刚刚通过了征召入伍的体检。“我希望通过部队的严格训练强身健体,锻炼心志。我不担心入伍后我的事业发展,相反,我倒认为入伍参军本身就对事业发展很有好处。”随着现代战争和军事计划越来越需要复杂的技术和操纵能力,现代化部队急需受过良好教育的人才来完全掌握复杂的装备。据北京征兵办公室消息,和2001年北京

19、首次征召大学生入伍相比,大学生入伍比率从0.1 %提升到60%。学士以上的学位有助申请入伍的成功率,如果你具有某些特别领域的知识,就更有优势。譬如,各国之间军事交流中需要语言能力,语言专业的人就很有优势,电子通讯或电子学是未来军事竞争的关键领域,对这类人才的需求也很高。为了吸引更多的高素质人才入伍,有关大学毕业生征召的宣传和奖励计划一直在进行。事实上,这种入伍的经历很有意义,可以开阔视野,也可以让你有更多时间思考自己未来的事业,以及是否愿意投身部队。【答案】If a Chinese college student intended to enlist as a soldier in the a

20、rmy, it took a lot of courage five years ago. But today, more and more college students choose to become an army soldier due to the needs of the armies for senior talents, as well as the new policies encouraging students to join the army.24 -year-old Zhou, as finance major, is also turning his atten

21、tion to the force in order to seek his own development. Earlier this month, he just passed the physical examination of the call to army. “I hope a stocky body and a strong mind can be gained by the thorough training of the force. Im not bothered about my career development after joining the army; on

22、 the contrary, I think it benefits to my career development. ”Modern armies badly need the well-educated people to complete the complicated equipment, as the modern warfare and the military plans increasingly need complex technique and operational capability. It is the conscription office stated tha

23、t comparing with firstly enlisting recruits from college students in 2001, the enrollees from university graduates increase from 0.1% to 60% in Beijing. Bachelor or above will be useful for the successful application of the recruitment. You will have more advantages if you maintain the knowledge in

24、some specific field. For example, the person of language major has a big advantage due to the need of the language competence for the military exchanges. The qualified person from electronic communications or electronics which represent a key field of the future military competition has a high deman

25、d.In order to attract more high-quality talents to join the army, publicity and rewards program have been engaging in the college graduates being called up. In fact, this is meaningful, which broadens your horizons, leaves more time for mapping out your whole future career as well as whether or not

26、to be willing to engage in the forces.4. 单选题Job-related illnesses are growing in frequency. In 1985, there were 390,000 cases of illnesses that were job related, including lung and bladder(膀胱)cancers, skin ailments, emphysema(肺气肿), and heart disease. There were also 100,000 deaths. Many of these ill

27、nesses and deaths are attributable to chemically hazardous substances.An obvious approach to reducing occupational illnesses is to rid the workplace of the chemical agents or toxins that are the source of many of the problems. However, sometimes that is not financially feasible or technically possib

28、le. An alternative approach is to capitalize on the fact that not all individuals are equally susceptible to health hazards in the workplace. For example, until the early 1970s when strict safety standards were introduced, all workers in shipbuilding plants were exposed to excessively high levels of

29、 asbestos(石棉) dust, yet only some have, or will develop, respiratory problems such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and emphysema.Researchers have begun only a certain portion to attack the puzzling problem of work groups that are “hyper susceptible” to particular chemical agents or toxins. One approach

30、is to use genetic information as a means of differentiating between those who will and will not have adverse reactions to the toxin. At present, there are several known genetic markers that signal an individuals predisposition to developing health problems in the presence of certain working conditio

31、ns. For example, people with a pair of genes deficient in an enzyme called G-6-PD are more likely than others to experience a breakdown of red blood cells and consequent anemia(贫血)when they work with chemicals contained in TNT, or types of antimalarial drugs(抗疟药).Recent research also suggests that p

32、resence of a defective gene on the eleventh chromosome(染色体)reduces the bodys ability to remove excess cholesterol(胆固醇)deposits from artery walls(动脉壁), thus predisposing carriers of the gene to coronary artery(冠状动脉)disease. Presumably, individuals with this genetic anomaly(异常)would be more likely to

33、have heart problems when stressful job situations are encountered than those without it.Accordingly, genetic screening is based on the premise that individuals have different genetic markers and some of these differences can be used to predict predisposition to occupational diseases. There is some e

34、vidence that certain companies have used the genetic screening to control the incidence of job-related illnesses. Some of the companies also had taken action as a result of the tests, including warning employees about potential health problems, transferring employees, suggesting that employees seek

35、other jobs, using the data for replacement purposes, or changing the production process.1.The author states in the passage that chemically dangerous substances in the workplace( ) .2.The author gives an example of workers in shipbuilding plants( ).3.How many occupational diseases are listed in this

36、passage?4.According to the passage, when a person has a defective gene on the eleventh chromosome, he or she is at the risk of developing ( ) .5.This passage is mainly about( ).问题1选项A.have nothing to do with occupational illnessesB.are responsible for many occupational illnessesC.play a minor role i

37、n bringing about such occupational diseases as lung cancer and emphysemaD.usually give rise to skin ailments问题2选项A.to show that workers are usually subject to bad working conditionsB.to prove there were no safety standards before 1970C.to warn workers against respiratory problemsD.to show that not a

38、ll workers exposed to chemically dangerous substances are liable to occupational illnesses问题3选项A.SixB.SevenC.EightD.Nine问题4选项A.coronary artery diseaseB.pulmonary diseaseC.respiratory diseaseD.bladder cancer问题5选项A.how to reduce job-related diseaseB.the incidence of job-related diseasesC.genetic testi

39、ng and the prevention of job- related diseasesD.the functions of genetic markers【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.根据第一段的最后一句“Many of these illnesses and deaths are attributable to chemically hazardous substances.”许多这些工作相关的疾病和死亡可归因于化学危险物质。所以选项B正确。2.根据第二段的第三句“An alternative approach is to capitalize

40、on the fact that not all individuals are equally susceptible to health hazards in the workplace.”另一种方法是利用并非所有人在工作场所同样容易受到健康危害这一事实。选项D符合原文。3.根据原文内容可知,第一段列举了lung and bladder cancers, skin ailments, emphysema, and heart disease等5种职业病以及第二段提及的asbestosis,所以一共是6种。选项A正确。4.根据第四段的第一句“Recent research also sugg

41、ests that presence of a defective gene on the eleventh chromosome reduces the bodys ability to remove excess cholesterol deposits from artery walls, thus predisposing carriers of the gene to coronary artery disease.”选项A正确。5.结合全文内容可知,文章的主要内容是关于基因的测试研究以及职业病的预防。选项C更符合原文。5. 单选题A poor man has to( )many t

42、hings which a rich man regards as almost necessaries in life.问题1选项A.go throughB.go withoutC.go overD.go about【答案】B【解析】动词词组辨析。go through通过,仔细检查;go without没有也行,常指被迫如此;go over复习;go about着手做。句意:穷人没有那些富人认为是生活中必不可少的东西也能活。选项B符合句意。6. 单选题According to Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip (系列漫画)Dilbert, the

43、 annual performance review is “one of the most frightening and weakening experiences” in every employees life. Adams stories and comic figures poke fun at the workplace, but his characterization of peoples feelings about the annual performance review has its serious side. Although a recent study of

44、437 companies indicates that effective annual performance reviews can help raise profits, most employees of those companies hate them.In theory, annual performance reviews are constructive and positive interactions between managers and employees working together to attain maximum performance and str

45、engthen the organization. In reality, they often create division, undermine morale, and spark anger and jealousy. Thus although the object of the annual performance review is to improve performance, it often has the opposite result. A programmer at an IT firm was stunned to learn at her annual perfo

46、rmance review that she was denied a promotion because she wasnt a “term player”. What were the data used to make this judgment? She didnt smile in the company photo.Although this story might sound as if it came straight out of Dilbert, it is a true account of one womans experience. By following a fe

47、w ideas and guidelines from industry analysis, this kind of ordeal can be avoided:To end the year with a positive and useful performance review, managers and employees must start the year by working together to establish clear goals and expectations.It may be helpful to allow employees to propose a

48、list of people associated with the company who will be in a good position to assess their performance at the end of the year; these people may be coworkers, suppliers, or even customers.Goals should be measurable but flexible, and everyone should sign off on the plan.By checking employees progress a

49、t about nine months, managers can give them a chance to correct mistakes and provide guidance to those who need it before the year is out.When conducting the review, managers should highlight strengths and weaknesses during the past year and discuss future responsibilities, avoiding punishment or bl

50、ame.In short, when employees leave their performance reviews, they should be focusing on what they can do better in the year ahead, not worrying about what went into their files about the past.1.In his comic strip Dilbert, Scott Adams( ).2.All the following are mentioned as the drawbacks of annual p

51、erformance reviews EXCEPT()3.The word ordeal in Paragraph 3 probably refers to().4.The annual performance reviews, to be effective must focus on( ).5.The general attitude of the author toward Adams comic strip Dilbert is().问题1选项A.makes fun of working peopleB.tells a story about as woman employeeC.pr

52、omotes team spirit among co-workersD.mocks annual performance reviews问题2选项A.reducing efficiencyB.creating tensionC.undermining moraleD.inducing anger问题3选项A.likelihood of promotionB.depressive experienceC.poor performanceD.unrealistic expectation问题4选项A.making employees aware of their companys future

53、goalsB.involving employees in assessing their own performanceC.encouraging employees to achieve better future performanceD.highlighting what responsibilities employees have failed in问题5选项A.negativeB.positiveC.neutralD.unclear【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节推理题。根据关键词“Scott Adams”定位到第一段的第二句。“Adam

54、s stories and comic figures . the annual performance review has its serious side.”Adams的故事和喜剧形象嘲讽了工作场合,但对员工关于年度绩效评估感受的描绘也有其严肃的一面。选项D符合原文。2.细节判断题。根据第二段第二句“In reality, they often create division, undermine morale, and spark anger and jealousy.”只有选项A没有提及,所以本题选A。3.结合上下文句意可知,“ordeal”指上文提到的IT公司一位女程序员的痛苦经历

55、。选项B正确。4.根据最后一段“when employees leave their performance reviews, they should be focusing on what they can do better in the year ahead.”当员工把绩效评估放在一旁时,他们应该关注来年能够更好的完成什么。选项C符合原文。5.根据第一段可知,Adams的漫画嘲讽了工作场合,但对员工关于年度绩效评估感受的描绘也有其严肃的一面。再根据第二段可知,作者认为年度绩效评估会带来反作用,所以作者对Adams漫画的态度是积极的,支持的。7. 单选题At all ages and at

56、 all stages of life, fear presents a problem to almost everyone. We are largely the playthings of our fears, wrote the British author Horace Walpole many years ago. To one, fear of the dark; to another, of physical pain; to a third, of public ridicule; to a fourth, of poverty; to a fifth, of lonelin

57、ess for all of us our particular creature waits in a hidden place.Fear is often a useful emotion. When you become frightened, many physical changes occur within your body. Your heartbeat and responses quicken; your pupils expand to admit more light; large quantities of energy-producing adrenaline (肾

58、上腺素)are poured into your bloodstream. Confronted with a fire or accident, fear can fuel life-saving flight. Similarly, when a danger is psychological rather than physical, fear can force you to take self-protective measures. It is only when fear is disproportional to the danger at hand that it becom

59、es a problem.Some people are simply more vulnerable to fear than others. A visit to the newborn nursery of any large hospital will demonstrate that, from the moment of their births, a few fortunate infants respond calmly to sudden fear-producing situations such as a loudly slammed door. Yet a neighb

60、or in the next bed may cry out with profound fright. From birth, he or she is more prone to learn fearful responses because he or she has inherited a tendency to be more sensitive.Further, psychologists know that our early experiences and relationships strongly shape and determine our later fears. A

61、 young man named Bill, for example, grew up with a father who regarded each adversity as a temporary obstacle to be overcome with imagination and courage. Using his father as a model, Bill came to welcome adventure and to trust his own ability to solve problem.Phils dad, however, spent most of his t

62、ime trying to protect himself and his family. Afraid to risk the insecurity of a job change, he remained unhappy in one position. He avoided long vacations because the car might break down. Growing up in such a home, Phil naturally learned to become fearful and tense.1.In the last sentence of Paragr

63、aph 1, our particular creature refers to ( ) .2.Fear can be a useful emotion to us because it can ( ) .3.Fear becomes a problem only when ( ) .4.Different responses of newborn infants to a loudly slammed door imply that( ) .5.Psychologists have found that our later fears are determined largely by our( ) .问题1选项A.fear of somethingB.a fierce beastC.physical painD.public ridicule.问题2选项A.stimulate many physical changes within our bodyB.quicken our heartbeat and responsesC.pour large quantities of adrenaline into our bloodstreamD.help us respond quickly to danger and p

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