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1、欢迎阅读GRE写作ISSUE作文审题破题展开方法介绍GRE写作ISSUE作文审题破题展开方法介绍,快来看看吧,下面WTT就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作ISSUE作文审题破题展开方法介绍GRE写作ISSUE官方要求介绍Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your p

2、osition, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.从这个instructions可以看出,我们绝不能单纯地从正负观点去展开文章。因为,它明确说了你需要在写作中讨论“命题”中的陈述在何种情况下成立“true”,在何种情况下不成立”not hold true”.假如你在写作时仍然持有单一观点,你最后的得分可想而知。但是,实际情况是,对于大多数中国考生来讲,他们往往受

3、困于单一观点“黑白清楚”的思维定式,不擅长从多角度分析p 一个问题。而这里各位考生需要明白,ETS对于GRE高分作文有一个很重要也是最根本的要求,那就是plexity,也就是“立场和角度的多样化”。为了去应对这样的写作要求,小站教育教师在这里介绍几种实用且又符合instructions要求的破题方式。GRE写作ISSUE审题破题展开思路:交融对立选项(平衡观点)很多题目总是会列出两个对象,承受一个抛弃另一个,这个时候可以找寻题设中两个认为对立的对象之间的联络,指出两者是共存的。例如:It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society some

4、thing of lasting value.1.艺术品本身实际上就有很深入的内涵和永久的价值,同时批评家可以让大家明白艺术品的价值在哪里。2. 那些流传远久有永久价值的艺术都是批评家们帮助挑选出来的。因此,这两个对象是不矛盾的。GRE写作ISSUE审题破题展开思路:【关键词】:p 别离写很多题目中会出现两个对象,从外表上看,它们似乎是一致的,但实际上他们之间存在差异。对于这样的题目,我们可以肯定一个对象,而否认另一个。例如:Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.首先,我

5、们可以看出,题目中的两个对象customs(风俗)和ethics(伦理)实际上是有很大差异的。因此,科技对他们的影响力也绝对不会是一样的。1.肯定customscustoms是可以被科技改变的,比方很多典礼和文化还有迷信都因为科学的进步而废除了,还是有很多传统被赋予了新的含义。2.否认 ethicsethics是很难被科技改变的,无论科技怎么变,道德是数千年以来人类共同成认的东西,是不会随着科技的开展而改变的,反过来是道德影响科技的开展。GRE写作ISSUE审题破题展开思路:定义模糊【关键词】:p 很多题目的key point就在于如何定义【关键词】:p ,题目给出的概念不够明晰的时候,可以有

6、不同的理解,而不同的理解就可以有不同的方向破题。例如:“facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, or our inclinations.”我们可以看出,此题中的 “facts”意义就非常模糊。因此,我们可以通过对于其不同定义来破解题目。1.假如fact作为一种自然客观规律,这样的fact是我们无法改变的,比方所有的生物终将死亡。时间是不能倒退的,这些是我们通过亲身感受可以感知到的,无论怎么努力,这些事实是不可能改变的。2.假如把fact理解为记录的史实,那么fact是有可能改变的。诚然发生过的事情不可以改

7、变,但是历史本来就不可能完全真实的记录已经发生的事实。这样的情况下“fact”很多时候都是被改变的。GRE作文的审题破题方法就为大家介绍到这里,希望能对各位同学有所帮助。新GRE写作Argument范文Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.The following appeared in a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment building to its manager.“One month ago, all the showerheads on the

8、 first five floors of Sunnyside Towers were modified to restrict the water flow to approximately 1/3 of its original force. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporat

9、ion, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few plaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the 20 floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further.”The follo

10、wing is a remendation from the director of personnel to the president of Professional Printing pany.“In a recent telephone survey of automobile factory workers, older employees were less likely to report that having a supervisor present increases their productivity. Among workers aged 18 to 29, 27 p

11、ercent said that they are more productive in the presence of their immediate supervisor, pared to 12 percent for those aged 30 or over, and only 8 percent for those aged 50 or over. Clearly, if our printing pany hires mainly older employees, we will increase productivity and save money because of th

12、e reduced need for supervisors.”The following appeared as part of an article in a health magazine.“A new discovery warrants a drastic change in the diets of people living in the United States. Two scientists have recently suggested that omega -3 fatty acids (found in some fish and fish oils) play a

13、key role in mental health. Our ancestors, who ate less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated fat, including omega -3 fatty acids, were much less likely to suffer from depression than we are today. Moreover, modern societies-such as those in Japan and Taiwan-that consume large quantities of fish rep

14、ort depression rates lower than that in the United States. Given this link between omega -3 fatty acids and depression, it is important for all people in the United States to increase their consumption of fish in order to prevent depression.”A new report suggests that men and women experience pain v

15、ery differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing pain medications. When researchers administered the same dosage of kappa options- a painkiller-to 28 men and 20 women who were having their wisdom teeth extracted, the women reported feeling much le

16、ss pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women. This research suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, researchers should reevaluate the

17、effects of all medications on men versus women.GRE作文每日范文精选Creating Space In The BodyOur minds and bodies are interconnected, and the condition of one affects the condition of the other. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for healing the body, as powerful as physical therapies. When our m

18、inds are cluttered with thoughts, information, and plans, our bodies respond by trying to take action. When the body has a clear directive from the mind, it knows what to do, but a cluttered, unfocused mind creates a confused, tense body. Our muscles tighten up, our breath shortens, and we find ours

19、elves feeling constricted without necessarily knowing why.When we sit down to meditate, we let our bodies know that it is okay to be still and rest. This is a clear directive from the mind, and the body knows exactly how to respond. Thus, at the very beginning, we have created a sense of clarity for

20、 the body and the mind. As we move deeper into meditation, the state of our mind reveals itself, and we have the opportunity to consciously decide to settle it. A meditation teacher pointed out that if you put a cow in a small pen, she acts up and pushes against the boundaries, whereas if you provid

21、e her with a large, open space, she will peacefully graze in one spot. In the same way, our thoughts settle down peacefully if we provide them with enough space, and our bodies follow suit.When we settle down to examine and experience our consciousness, we discover that there are no hard, definable

22、edges. It is a vast, open space in which our thoughts can e and go without making waves, as long as we let them by neither attaching to them nor repressing them. As we see our thoughts e and go, we begin to breathe deeper and more easily, finding that our body is more open to the breath as it relaxe

23、s along with the mind. In this way, the space we recognize through meditation creates space in our bodies, allowing for a feeling of lightness and rightness with the world.GRE作文精选优秀范文例如GRE写作题目:Most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously,even when they claim to admire them.大多数社会都没把最伟

24、大的思想家当回事,虽然有时候这些社会自称是求才假设渴的。GRE写作范文:In this busy,packed and dull world,peoples most important concerning is how to make a living. They work assiduously to make money,to support their family,to purchase houses and cars. Hardly one mon individual knows who their greatest thinkers are,not mention to ta

25、ke them seriously. Admittedly,in some cases,people claim that they admire the greatest thinkers; however,they actually know little about what the greatest thinkers thoughts are. The fact is,in history of human civilizations,most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously,even when the g

26、reatest thinkers are seemed to be respected.Generally,whatever societies the greatest thinkers are in,they have similar characteristics,such as high intelligence,eccentric temperament,wide range of knowledge,and the most essential one: the deeply and often predicted thoughts,which is the product of

27、real wisdom. On one hand,it is the thoughts that distinguish the greatest thinkers from the mass. On the other hand,it is also the thoughts,however correct and predicted,which cause these elites out of the mass sights and put them into an embarrassment in which few can understand them and their thou

28、ghts. A proper exle is the passional German philosopher and poet Nietzche. Nietzche is a pioneer,whose profound exploration in philosophy influenced the descendants deeply. Yet his life is miserable and full of tragedies. Without money and job,Nietzche lived an impoverished life, which along with lo

29、neliness defeated him at last: he became insane when 45,and died 10 years later. Until that time,almost no one knew him or his thoughts. Even today,many people including some scholars call him mad philosopher.In some worse cases,the greatest thinkers are even persecuted by their societies since the

30、greatest thinkers always tend to have skeptical and critical thoughts,which the manipulators fear mostly and manipulated reluctant to accept. The reason is that once the advanced ideas,which are against the old ones,are accepted by mass,the domination or the present social system will in the danger

31、of collapse. And at the same times,most people are reluctant to admit that what they believe in or cherish,however,always prejudice and rigid ideas set in peoples minds beforehand,are not the truth but falsehood or illusions. A case in point is the great astronomer Copernicus,who developed the theor

32、y that the earth and other plas revolve around the sun. Although the theory was the most advanced astronomy theory in that time,it hadnt e out of press until the year before Copernicus death because of mass being strongly against it especially the powerful churches,which were afraid that such a theo

33、ry would shake authority of theology.In some specific period,for political reasons,thinker and intellectuals as a whole undergo ruthless treatment,such as the Culture Revolution from 1966 to 1976 in China. During those ten years,many great thinkers and intellectuals are forbidden to think and expres

34、s their thoughts freely. Some of them even encountered physical torture. A crueler exle is Qin Dynasty in China 2000 years ago. Yingzheng,the first emperor of China,sentenced the thinkers who held different political or social ideas from him to death. Moreover,he buried their writings.It is the grea

35、test thinkers tragedy not to be understood or even be persecuted. It is also the fact that human beings are always shortsighted, sometimes even foolish. Nevertheless,what is truth will never change itself or disappear along with the elapsing of time however strong the falsehood seems to be. Hence,though almost all the greatest thinkers are hermits,some of them may be even the prisoners in their societies; they would gain their perpetual lives through their glaringGRE写作ISSUE作文审题破题展开方法介绍【全文END】

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