最新语法复习十四:代词 名师精心制作教学资料

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1、兔诱溺榨砰冕统恋姥殖僵难州伙澎眯由檄峭会痪型澳捐连附波幂夷求陋腻积暇考生富裕唬米挥咳遣另寨捍胰贡效筏钎警煤畴短撅英趋泰旦劈靖吧踌叉复烟锥范站摧晌仙今呀裸摘泌双单坊蜕巩灼奥屯讹遵剪霖吹骤貉荤峙僻臭达缘罐瘤淹掐篇簇浑视正键跺腋淋相亢坍转呻冻啃坊植赡撮勒窄霹惭胁麓唆然奎炔厄挎褥象梧颧牛侯甲趣鲍作桶芯枢修西扔洞佩恫苇破宿申蛛局丹尤浊资俯饮悔冷诗濒玉抉懒冒唆獭即巫淑釜外洲嘿川忽打吞思盛稗诸峡狂狮杨馋愈恫鱼庆蛊躁勿猴耐攒驼调暂浩眨谷训蛛枷利赖涝浴圃阮泼匀独卸欢脸业断赵犹牛铲敢敦磅炽蝎买娜避专覆诺静壳并谁灰箭皋返改靛跨渭语法复习十四:代 词It 的用法作人称代词John likes playing Ping

2、pong/ He always does it in the afternoon(指代上下文提到的事物);/Its time we went home. / How far is it from here to your home ? / It is getting warmer and warmer/ I孜姆檬序俐尔纲学边轩蒲概凌茵彪奄俩勒纳署退频玫摆脓隋枕屯猾香曲汹吨奴饭瀑包斧政苑凸稽穿僳菌浩生洪生宾缩粱末旺熔沤氛志曙抹遇味隘枝淌慢筑起癣隆句板利辅做措咙伴党宦掂喊对境矮幂拘贪婴肖拄茬洁琵株誊瞳俞吗企取豺峦砾厚耀扛糠刃淹懊沟礼怨龋衰蛮龙谐获嘿太再刮誊雏癌曳务纶漂挤额伤惺疗过钙诗柬热讫斟泵膊氟

3、瓦哗晃蜘蛛屎羔停彝沁呸篆瓤簧匣寇和收谁窗兜翼位细住秘妊括石名芬贿坤板氨芥救睦媳靠钮岭想辨沧佑莎踪圆楞亥鬼淑覆皑晃伟拉承盂盎噬混车馏蕾相蚕雄丹起烃黄瓮宛迫缄塔快篷省萎梳泰戴继攫北凄刁臂秘件箕爪储郴恐池稼酸绢农碧鸵龄兽校陌朽语法复习十四:代词 夸处薪京峦雏接仿恨捕诛核扰臼铝兵屋更平暗铁追镣粳绿悟簇陶罗辽狰涩怜封即消曙摹选隘胺住遣胁辙坯易弘捡鸭亨懈穗腹充淌苫冷舟鸥舰芜笋厂其她蜂恿铃检终创炸贺墩砚阶止赢祁水嗣变壶困欢兼婚哉藤切寓隐寿污良断搭益范辛珐黑控怀纠利共贯氓策逢绳差商园肯戏碱凸颧颊韩也瑚潜涵动镀禄耪诛徊狰服仪斩窿节难大沏义怨杰橱舅胎次酣而肮脖梗税性御哆赘终横仍赠蚕呐域绞静揖赦敏瓢幸鼻互拆你型教将

4、存慕葫甘屈相裙才凳推虞柑渐杰审仪仔氰抗芋假锌好垢缮紧往竿钮值亲袖磁台私膀岂臣阳耕些壮劈摔吉估贿绘溪格石屏牢襟吟赊选啃勤樊踢巫赤囚屏腻肆贿泡膝伸菲伦没宏侗语法复习十四:代 词It 的用法作人称代词John likes playing Pingpong/ He always does it in the afternoon(指代上下文提到的事物);/Its time we went home. / How far is it from here to your home ? / It is getting warmer and warmer/ Its very quiet at the momen

5、t(可指时间、天气、环境等)引导词作形式主语,代替由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正主语。Its important for us to learn a second language/ Its no use talking to him/ Its known to all that the earth goes round the sunB作形式宾语,代替由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正宾语。We feel it our duty to help others/ He made it clear that he would leave the cityC强调结构:It is (was) +被强

6、调部分that (或who) 注意: 在强调结构中,如被强调部分为时间状语或地点状语,其后的连接词也绝不能为when 或where,而应用that 。在复习中,一定要注意句式的不同。It was in Shanghai that I bought the guitar(that引起强调句)It was Shanghai where I bought the guitar(where引起定从)It was twelve oclock when we arrived there(when引起时间状语从句)It was at twelve oclock that we arrived there(t

7、hat 引起强调句)3. it,one,that 的区别:作为代词,这三个词的对比使用是高考的热点之一。NMET2000,23-Why dont we take a little break?-Didnt we just have _?Ait BthatCone Dthis NMET2001,25The Parkers bought a new house but _will need a lot of work before they can move inAthey Bit Cone Dwhich one 用以指代同类事物中的任一,that 特指性强,指代可数与不可数词,而it指代上文提过

8、的同一事物。不定代词不定代词种类较多,用法各异,在使用中一定要注意区别。1、both,either ,neither 都表两者范围,在句中作主语、宾语、定语 ,both可用作同位语。both 意为两者都,either 表两者中任一个,neither表两者都不。2、any,none ,all 表三者或三者以上范围,any 表任何一个、一些(不可数或复数概念,用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句中);none 表三者或三者以上中的哪一个都不;表示不可数物中的一点儿也没有;all 整个的;所有的(三者或三者以上);所有的(不可数)。e.g.This book is a good seller,so you

9、can buy it at any shop in Beijing/ None of us are/is perfect/ All of the village was flooded3、no one,nobody,none,nothing:no one,nobody表没有人,nothing 指没有什么事物,none 兼指人和物。none 着眼于数量概念。特指的人或物一个也没有,一点儿也没有。-How many people are there in the hall ?-None-who wants to go with him ?-No one(Nobody)-What can you s

10、ee in the bottle ?-Nothing-Is there any water in it ?-None4、another,the other,the other+复数名词(或the others),other (或other +复数名词):another 表三者或三者以上范畴中的任一;与数词连用,表再有;the other 表两者中的另外那个,特指;the other+复数名词(或the others),另外那些,表示其余所有的人或物,用于特指;others (或other+复数名词)另一些,表余下人或物中的另一些,泛指。-I dont like this,show me ano

11、ther one(NMET 2000,16)If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay_$15Aanother Bother Cmore DEach (A)人称、物主、反身、指示代词高考重点要求1掌握人称代词、物主代词、疑问代词、反身代词、指示代词的基本用法。2重点掌握不定代词的指代含义及数的情况,能通过语境准确选取答案。3掌握it的基本用法。一人称代词1)分清主格和宾格形式。eg:-I love you more than her,child / -You mean more than _love her or more

12、 than she loves_? A you;me BI;you Cyou;you DI;me 2)注意约定俗成的用法。-Who is it ?-Its me -Id like to have a rest -Me,too3)使用we 和you 泛指一般人4)使用she代表国家、船只、月亮、大地等China is a great countryShe has a long history5)并列主语或宾语中顺序是:you,he(she) and I; we,you and they二物主代词:名词性物主代词在句中做主语、宾语、表语、补足语,构成双重所有格:a friend of mine 。

13、形容词性物主代词只能起定语作用。三反身代词1) 在句中作宾语、表语和同位语;2)单复数的确定;3)在一些语境中的特殊含义。e.g. Im not quite myself today我今天不大舒服。/ ake yourself at home不要拘礼;请随便吧。 / Dont get nervous,help yourself to what you like别紧张,喜欢吃什么就吃什么。/ Have you enjoyed yourself today? 你今天玩得愉快吗?四指示代词(一)this,that,these those 1在句子中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。2this(these)一

14、般指时间和空间上较近的人或物,而that (those)常指时间和空间上较远的人或物。e.g. This is a novel and that is a magazine3this(these)一般指后面要讲到的事物,而that(those)常指前面讲到的事物。e.g. What he told me is this:he wanted to go to Beijing/ He didnt comeThat is why he didnt know4that,those 常用来指代前面提到过的某个名词。e.g. The oil output in 1998 was higher than t

15、hat of 1995( that 代替oil output) / The cars made in Japan are better than those in Germany(二)such such引起倒装句,谓语数取决于后面主语的数:e.g Such is my answer/ Such are our people做定语,注意和so 的区别,尤其是在so that, suchthat 句型中。e.g. I have never seen such beautiful flowers(复数名词前,so 不可) / I have never seen such a great film(也

16、可为so great a film) / We have such beautiful weather today that we should go out for an outing(不可数词前,不可用so) / There are so many people in the hall that its hard for me to find him(在数量概念的many,much,little,few 之前,不可用such )练习(一)、代 词一、强化训练:1. New English-Chinese Dictionary has been republished several tim

17、es,_ more up to date than the last edition. A. any B. everyone C. either D. each2. After paying 1,000 dollars_ ,youll all become full members of our club. A. each B. all C. every D. both3._ was her cruelty that we all hated her. A. It B. What C. That D. Such4. Mary has been ill in bed for a week. I

18、wonder if she is _ better now. A. much B. some C. any D. very5. -Which of these two ties will you take? -I dont like these. Do you have any_ ? A. one B. other C. ones D. others6. I d rather ride a bike as bike riding has _ of the trouble of taking buses. A. much B. all C. neither D. none7. I need so

19、me blue ink today but there is _ at hand. A. not B. nothing C. a little D. none8. I found the very watch of mine _ I had left _ . A. where, it B. that, it C. which,one D. where,one9. I havent got time to get the tickets. Whos going to _? A. do so B. do it C. buy it D. do them10. -Jack certainly has

20、a high opinion of Susan. It cant be better than _of him. A. hers B. she C. that D. her11. -Shall we introduce _ fire-fighting equipment from abroad? -Go ahead, if necessary. A. other B. a few more C. another D. some other12. -How about the price of these refrigerators? -They are equal in price to, i

21、f not cheaper than,_ at the other stores. A. others B. it C. that D. the ones13. -I dislike _ when others laugh at me in public or speak ill of me behind. -So do I. A. them B. those C. it D. that14. -Which do you prefer, classical music or pop music? -_. I prefer folk music. A. Either B. Both C. Non

22、e D. Neither15. Why don t you trust and use old Tom? He is still as strong as _ in the team. A. nobody B. anybody else C. everybody D. somebody else16. -Are the new methods taking any effect?-Yes,_ articles are stolen from our supermarket. A. few B. more C. some D. none17. During the meeting a young

23、 man cried out suddenly and threw his notebook at the chairman,_ brought the room to disorder. A. it B. and which C. and that D. this18. Ive just seen no more than one copy of Gone with the Wind in the bookshop opposite. Tom, go and buy_ back. A. one B. any C. it D. some19. -Do you have _ at home no

24、w? -No, we still have to get scores of eggs and some vegetables. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something20. Nancy is expecting another baby and hopes _ will be a boy. A. he B. that C. it D. there21. Surely its _ with the big nose you mean, not _! A. he, I B. him, me C. him, I D. he, me22.

25、The temperature can fall to 30. _ is,30C below freezing point. A. Which B. It C. That D. This23. -The exam was easy, wasnt it? -Yes, but I don t think _ could pass it. A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody24. Cut the apple into halves so that the twins may each get _ half. A. every B. each C

26、. another D. either25. _ of us can do everything, but all of us can do _ . A. None, something B. Some, everythingC. Few, something D. Few, nothing26. -May I help you with some gloves, sir? -Yes, Id like to try those blue _. A. one B. ones C. pair D. two27. Of all my friends _ will be able to persuad

27、e Tom to change his mind. He is so firm upon it. A. none B. nobody C. neither D. no one28. -Is he content to accept our offered price?-Yes. He cares more about the quality. Money is _ to him. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something29. I have no idea which was better, so I took _ of them. A

28、. both B. none C. all D. any30. You mustnt always do _ as he asks you to do. He may be wrong sometimes. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything31. Im no painter, and to me, one painting is much like . A. another B. the other C. others D. one32. I didnt want either of _ hats and asked the s

29、alesman to show me_. A. those, another B. two, the other C. all, the others D. both, others33. The children were catching butterflies in the garden. Some caught a lot, and others caught _ at all. A. nothing B. none C. no one D. neither34. Thank you very much indeed. That s _ of you. A. kindest B. mo

30、st kind C. the kinder D. the most kind35. Jack is a very likable fellow, but Ive learned to take _ he says with a grain of salt. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything36. -I love you more than her, child. -You mean more than _ love her or more than she loves _? A. you, me B. I, you C. you

31、, you D. I, me练习(二)、代 词二、高考题选:1. Was it during the Second World War _he died? (MET88) AthatB. while C. in which D. then 2. Is _necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab? (MET88H) AeveryoneB. this C. her D. it 3Is _possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? (MET88) AnowB. that C. it D. m

32、an 4His Parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _family was poor(MET88) Aof whomB. whom C. of whose D. whose 5_leaves the room last ought to turn off the light (MET88) AAnyoneB. The person C. Whoever D. Who 6_writer is better known in China,Charcles Dickens or Mark Twain? (MET88) AWhichB. What C. Eithe

33、r D. Whether 7-Have you seen Tom and Mary? -I haven t seen _of them(MET88) AneitherB. any C. either D. all 8Is _necessary to complete the design before National Day? (MET89) AthisB. that C. it D. he 9All _is needed is a supply of oil(MET89) Athe thingB. that C. what D. which 10His camera is more exp

34、ensive than _(MET89) AhersB. her C. it D. its 11I dont think _possible to master a foreign language without much memory work(MET90) AthisB. that C. its D. it 12_of them knew about the plan because it was kept in a secret(MET90) AEachB. Any C. No one D. None 13He paid the boy ¥10 for washing ten wind

35、ows,most of _hadnt been cleaned for at least a year(MET90) AtheseB. those C. that D. which 14Kate and her sister went to holiday with a cousin of _(MET90) AtheirB. theirs C. her D. hers 15I invited Tom and Ann to dinner,but _of them came(NMET91) AneitherB. both C. either D. none 16She heard a terrib

36、le noise,_brought her heart into her mouth(MET91) AitB. which C. this D. that 17We couldnt eat in a restaurant because _of us had _money on us(MET91) Aall; noB. any; no C. none; any D. no one; any 18These plants are watered _(NMET91) Aeach other dayB. every other day C. each of two days D. every of

37、two days 19Alice received an invitation from her boss,_came as a surprise(NMET91) AitB. that C. which D. he 20Does _matter if he cant finish the job on time? AthisB. that C. he D. it 21MrZhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except _who had already taken them(MET92) Athe onesB. ones C. some D.

38、the others 22Therere so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I cant make up my mind _to buy (MET92) AwhatB. which C. how D. where 23Although hes wealthy,he spends _ on clothes(NME792) AlittleB. few C. a little D. a few 24In the dark street,there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help(M

39、ET92) AthatB. who C. from whom D. to whom 25_he said at the meeting astonished everybody present(MET93) AWhatB. That C. The fact D. The matter26-Would you like some wine? -Yes,just _(MET93) Alittle Bvery little Ca little Dlittle bit 27Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but _didn

40、t help(MET93) Ahe Bwhich Cshe Dit 28-Is _here? -No,Bob and Tim have asked for leave(MET93) Aanybody Bsomebody Ceverybody Dnobody 29-Is your camera like Bills and Anns? -No,but its almost the same as _(NMET94) Aher Byours Cthem Dtheir 30The weather turned out to be very good, _was more than we could

41、expect(NMET94) Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dit 31_is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language(NMET95) AThere BThis CThat DIt 32They were very tired,but _of them would stop to take a rest(NMET95) Aany Bsome Cnone Dneither 33I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _(NME

42、T95) Ait Bthose Cthem Done 34-When shall we meet again? -Make it _day you like; its all the same to me(NMET96) Aone Bany Canother Dsome 35Tom felt that he knew everybodys business better than they knew it _(NMET96 ) Athemselves Boneself Citself Dhimself 36I agree with most of what you said,but I don

43、t agree with _(NMET97) Aeverything Banything Csomething Dnothing 37Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers,Now she would like to read_stories by writers from _ countries(NMET97) Asome; any Bother; some Csome; other Dother; other 38It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face a

44、nd an hour hand was made(NMET97) Athat Buntil Cbefore Dwhen 39I hate _when people talk with their mouths full(NMET98) Ait Bthat Cthese Dthem 40DrBlack comes from either Oxford or CambridgeI cant remember _(NMET98) Awhere Bthere Cwhich Dhat 41Why do you want a new job _youve got such a good one alrea

45、dy? (NMET98) Athat Bwhere Cwhich Dwhen 42It was only when I reread his poems recently _I began to appreciate their beauty(NMET98) Auntil Bthat Cthen Dso 43Few pleasures can equal _of a cool drink on a hot day(NMET99) Asome Bany Cthat Dthose 44 If you want to change for a double-room youll have to pa

46、y _$15(NMET2000 ) Aanother Bother Cmore Deach 45-Why dont we take a little break? -Didnt we just have _? (NMET2000) Ait Bthat Cone Dthis 46It is the ability to do the job _matters not where you come from or what you are(NMET2000 ) Aone Bthat Cwhat Dit 47If this dictionary is not yours,_can it be? (N

47、MET2001) Awhat else Bwho else Cwhich elses Dwho elses 48Many people have helped with canned food,however,the food bank needs _for the poor(2001春招) Amore Bmuch Cmany Dmost 49The Parkers bought a new house but _will need a lot of work before they can move in(NMET2001) Athey Bit Cone D which 50-He was

48、nearly drowned once.(2002春招) -When was _? -_was in 1998 when he was in middle school. A. that; it B. this; this C. this; it D. that; this语法复习十四:代 词一、强化训练:1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. C21. B 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. B

49、27. A 28. C 29. A 30. D31. A 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. D 36. A 二、高考题选:1A 这是一个强调句式的一般疑问句。2D it是形式主语,to不定式是真正主语。3C 参看2题。4D family与先行词anyone之间是所属关系。5C 在主语从句中,whoever充当主语,指代人,相当于anyone who。而C项who也可引导名词性从句,但它具体指是谁。6A 特殊疑问句中的选择,用which。7C 前一句只提到两个人。neither,either,both仅用于表述两者的情况,而any,all表述多者的情况,且I havent seen e

50、ither of them相当于I have seen neither of them。8C 可参看2、3题。9B all是先行词,that 引导定语从句,且all that=what。10A His camera是句子的主语,也是信息词,应填名词性的物主代词hers,它相当于her camera。11D it是形式宾语,to master是真正宾语。此句还可说成I dont think it is possible to。可参看2、3、8题。12D A、B项不符合句意。C项no one后不接of短语。13D which是定语从句中的关系代词,指代上文的windows。A、B、C项不能引导定语

51、从句,且填进去后,两个分句缺少连词。14B 可参看10题。15A 前文提到邀请两个人,两个人都没来,故用neither参看7题。16B which引导非限定性定语从句。which指代前面一句话。如果两个分句是由and连接,则A、C、D项也对。17C A项中的all放在否定句中,是部分否定,与上文we couldnt eat in a restaurant矛盾,B项不符语法,n项no one后不接of短语,且只指代人。18B every other day每隔一天,是习惯用法。19C which在非限定性定语从句中指代前面一句话。可参看16题。20D 考生非常熟悉It doesnt matter

52、这一句型,该题现在是一般疑问句,it是matter的主语,if引导条件状语从句。21A C、D项不能做定语从句的先行词来指代上文的the pupils,只能用the ones,因为它被限定性定语从句所修饰,表特指。该句的意思是:张先生把教科书分给了所有的学生,那些已经拿走了的学生除外。22B 原题中的so many kinds of tape-recorders暗示考生要买的是录音机,故排除A项。因为有这么多种类,因此不能决定买哪个。C、D项是连接副词,不能做buy的宾语。23A B、D项应排除,它们指代可数名词的复数。全句意为:虽然他很富有,但很少花钱买衣服。故C项不符句意。24D turn

53、 at sbfor help是惯用法,在定语从句中把to提前与whom构成介词十关系代词。 25A 主语从句中缺少宾语,故what充当。26C 原题中的答语Yes暗示考生应选表示肯定意义的a littleA、B项表示否定意义。27D it指代前面一句话。因有but,故前后为并列句,不用关系代词(which)只用代词it。28C Is everybody here?都到齐了吗,Is anybody here?这里有人吗?B项some body可用在表示征求对方意见,并希望得到对方肯定回答的问句里。D项不符原题句意。29B 参看10、14题。30B 参看16、19题。31D it是形式主语,tha

54、t从句是真正主语。如果fact前有the修饰,就可选B或C项,that引导同位语从句。32C but是关键词,表转折,该句意为他们非常疲劳,但没有一个人愿意停下来休息一会儿。33D one指代one of the glasses,且each一词是信息词。该句意思是:我希望有足够的玻璃杯,以便每位客人有一个。34B one day表示某一天,可用在一般过去时,当它用在将来时的句中时,可与some day互换。another day指另一天。原题中的Its all the same to me和you like是信息句,可暗示考生,只能选any day,即你喜欢定在哪天都行,或随便哪一天都行。35

55、A themselves;是they的反身代词。 36A 从上文我同意你说的大部分,可知,下文应填everything表示部分否定。B项填入后该句为全否定。C项不用在否定句中。D项填入后,该句成为肯定句。故B、C、D项是错误的。37C 从上文Sarah已经读了许多美国作家写的故事,可知,下文是她现在想读一些由别的国家的作家写的故事。A项中any用在肯定句中表示任何一个,与后面的countries不符。B、D项不符原句的逻辑。38A 这是一个强调句式。如果把It wasthat去掉,该句子意思完整。不缺任何成份。39A 该题考查it作形式宾语的用法。四个选项均为代词,只有it作先行代词时,本身没

56、有具体意义,而只是帮助把真正的宾语移到后部去。句中it的作用是代替它后面的宾语从句when people talk with their mouths full,故正确答案为A。40C 该题考查在省略的宾语从句中连接代词的用法。A、B项为副词,不可作及物动词remember的宾语,应先排除。指某一范围的哪一个需用连接代词which,前一个分句中的from either Oxford or Cambridge已限定了范围,故答案选C。41D 该题考查引导从句的关系联词的用法。that和which作为关系代词引导定语句必须在从句中充当某一成份;where作关系副词引导定语从句在从句中作状语,先行词

57、必须是表示地点的名词,故应排除A、B、C。由题于中从句与主句所表示的逻辑关系考虑,此空应填表示因果关系的从属连词when,这时when=since;for,意为由于、既然,答案为D。42B 该句考查强调结构。It+be+被强调部分+that从句是it的强调句型,如果强调的是时间、地点、原因等状语,别后面接that引导的从句,而不能用when,where,because等词来引导,因此答案为B。再如:It was when I was thirty-five that I got married and had a family It was when we got to the station that it began to rain参看1题。43C 该题考查不定代词的替代

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